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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1923)
4 m m m m ih. & HUto HI torlca! Hoi-Iety f Lluuolu A Newspaper That GWes The News Fifty-tut Weeks Each Year Far 11.50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JUNE 28. 1923 NUMBER 20. Special Prices FOK THE BIQ CEEBRATION DAY, JUNE 28 Sewall's Chemically Pure Mixed Paints Gal. $3.25 Sewall's Interior Flat Wall Finish. Gal $2.75 These prices for Colored Only. White 10c higher. I have sold Sewalls Paint for 25 years and they have proved superior to many other brands and equal to any. Now is your chance to get the best for the price of a poor quality. Iron Clad Barn Paint. Ga S1.50 The Druggist CHAS. L. COTTINC, m m m m m ( m w slh- KEEP COOL J .j ! SUMMER CLOTHING GABERDINE, MOHAIR, PALM BEACH SUITS $13. SO to $35. OO STRAW HATS 1. SO fi 93.50 SUMNER UNDERWEAR BAL BRIGAN, PORUS KNIT LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES ATHELETIC 75c TO 92.00 REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. if "Si Horvlco )b SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 12 Ox COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES (By Stella Ducker County Supt.) Any one that has not had satis- fact'on in their leports from the eighth grade exnm'naticn should send In their complaint before the last of July as the papers will not bo kept after thr.t date. The papeid will bo here to be seen if any one cares to see them but will not be sent out of the office. Any exhibit woik good enough for the State Fair or any of the other fairs should be sent in dur'ng the month of July. If it can be brought by some member of the scliool, It will save expense. I. have some very nice maps that I will give to any schools that will call for them when they happen to be in Red Cloud. These maps are about three and one half by five and one half feet and would cost pei haps tluee or four dollars. These will make it seem worth while to bring 'n the exhibit work. lt BBT M Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. The eighth grade diplomas have ben sent to Grand Island to have the names of the students written in by a skilled penman. As soon as they are returned 1 will send them to the gnuluaCes. In the granting of teachers' cer tificates the county superintendent has to abide by the law. She cannot grant certificates to espec'al friends that have not the credentials, nor can she lefuse a certificate to her worst enemy provided that enemy has the lcquisitcs. Law is law, and any one not obeying the law can be made to come within ' s requirements. In the matter of hiring the teach ei", the directors try to please the people but too often the people say nothing about their wishes before the teacher is hired but come in strong in their criticism after the thing is done. Th:s year there are a great many teachers. Some time ago I spoke of finding out about whom you hired. The teacher should have good grades, but that i3 onry half of the essentials the teacher must also be able to give this knowledge to the children and to keep them in such an attitude that they can receive it. Without good government the school is only fifty per cent effi cient. Take care before you hire a teacher, after she is hired there is nothing to do but make the best out of what you have. The community often makes or mars a teacher. It seems queer too that a community will pay good money to a teacher that they use all their influences to cheapen to their children that they will leave no means undone to lessen her in fluence and then standby her and help her in every way possible for the whole nine months, so that you will get your money's worth as near ly as she is able to give it. If you have anything against her don't tell your children, tell her kind ly and watch her mend her ways. She wants to succeed she wants to please you. The county superintendent does not dictate whom you shall hire nor how much you shall pay. Often when the teacher is not all you wish it Is a matter of expense. It la not a good plnn to bo too saving at the expense 'of your children's time but still now nnd then, one must save and it is well to remember that you don't often get more than you pay for. I Ivaa Barker Drown- ed Monday Evening While in swimming about eight o'clock Monday erenlng in the Re publican river at the narrows live tulles went of this city, Ivan Itarkcr, of Inn. vale was drowned nnd his body re covered Tuesday morning about u half mile from whore ho wont down Ivan was in swimming with Gerald Leonard, Howard Petty and a Johnson boy from Ulnden. They venturing In-' to the swift current and it becoming too much for them made an attempt to' get out, the I'etty b"ny escaped by grnsplng a limb of a tree, as It went by and huug on until he was rescued further down the stream, and did not fully recover from the shock until a day or two later, while Leonard mail- j aged to keep his head above water and , work his wav to the bank a few hund red yords down stream, Johnson not being in tho main stream and seeing the plight of tho otlieis hastened to tho car and went to Inavalo for help. A largo crowd from both Inavalcand Red Cloud assisted In the search which lasted throughout the night and until ten o'iClock Tuesday morning, when the body was found by Rev. Bailey, of Inavolc Ivan Harker wa3 the 17 year old son of Mr. and Mis. Guy Darker, of Ina vale and was well known and well liked by all. The funeral services were held at the home of the parents in Inavalc to dhyfllev. Hill in charge, after which interment was made in tho city cemetery. Edison Records 35c Each Beginning at once, we will sell you your choice o! our large complete stock o! Edison Blue Amberol records at 35c each. These are all 4 minute, indestructiable Blue Amberol records, regularly priced at 60c each. Now is the time to bring that record stock up-to-date by adding some new records. Come in and play them, no exchanges, no records loaned while this low price holds. V KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. Iflfflimupmiimn; finiqra W! FARM BUREAU NOTES (By County Extension Agent, Henry II. Fausch.) QUESTIONABLE SWINE PROMOTION From'd'ffeient sources our atten tion is called to activity of concerns that presume to broadcast purebred sows on a contract that looks im practical and cannot be of lasting benefit to the livestock business. An agricultural agent, in writing to us about the plan says: "I don't think mucli of the hog gillliuiiilli Ollltllic mi.v i. .j ! v.-w.'w i down here last winter. The contract to do something only, if they want to. They put in very common class stuff here. I b lieve they are about done here. Hope you can knock It out up there." This agent, who lives in Kansas, refers to a plan of selling bred sows. J The promoter sells bred sows at $145 per head and agrees to buy back two ( gilts from each sow for $150. In turn he proposes to resell these gilts at $145 each, and the scheme goes on adinfinitum. , We are not in a position to pro nounce the plan crooKcu necause sometimes nromoters are inspired by an idea that they honestly think will fill ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank E WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this 'sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK BflfiLIIHi'llHlimflpmUBf thhtmii incmnns WWW iWHfW'Nii. .iWffW A lurge number lrom here went to Smith Center Sunday some to play golf while others to w'tnc3.? the bail game at which time the Smith Center players opened up a bombardment in several innings with one, two and tlneo inch guns and trounced our team to defeat by a scoie of la to 4. Teachers examinations June 29-30 Smith Cfenter comes here July 20th 'jn Red cloud only. The last exam and the local team expects to win tho J inatiorFof the year is August 3-1 in rub game. Red Cloud only. make large sums of money for both parties to their contract. However, this proposition affects an industry in which we have been schooled for many years, and we can say em phatically that it is impract'cal. Pme bred livestock should be sold on its merits the Mine as anything else Any selling plan that may react later to the discredit of the seller and the disappointment of the buyer should ho cast out. These are reasons without number, and good reasons to, why farmer and .stock men should buy purebred livestock and usually these loasons afford all tho guarantee that is needed to stim ulate the pr'co that purcbreds arc worth. The purebred business as suffered too much from high pres sure mothods. Let's keep our on tho ground. Ti i FIDDLERS CONTEST AND A BIG TIME BALL GAME RED CLOUD THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 4 p. m. SUPERIOR RED CLOUD Each team has won a game and lost one. Come out and see this one as it will be the rub game and a thriller. 4th OF JULY GAME AT RED CLOUD The Guide Rock team which has secured several fast players from Kansas where they grow players, will cross bats with the local team here that day. Adm. 50c. Children 12 to 16, 25c. "Way Down Eabt" tho excellent picture put on by Mr. Linn, manager of tho audltoiluiu the lust three days of last week was attended by large crowds each night, and tho music l furnished by the orchestra Messrs. M. A. Mercer, and Miss Vurna Trlno was ihlghly appreciated, aud muny com ments were heard on each member, cct and Miss Trlnes playing who presided I at (he piano, i Geo. W, Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Red Cloud, :-: r. -tr Jtr yrcerT5f& simtcsm: