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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1923)
MwriWf - BED CLOUD; NEBRASKA, CHIEF h IP' K.. I- .A. I THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY Entered In tho I'ostonicc nt licit cloud, Nob ab Second Class Mutter A.B. McAUTnUR, Editor ntid Owner Advertising Rates Forclfln, per column Inch 15c Local. 12j&l5 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sulndon and, liaby were pas enters to Republican Saturday evening where they will s-pend a couple of weck.t with her parents. They have been visiting here for the past week nt the home of his brother, Wnllncc. FA KM BUREAU NOTES (by U. R. Fuusch, County Extension Agent.) FRUIT AND VEGETABLE BUDGET Meetings on Fruit and Vegetable budget work were held with Miss Florence Atwood, Food and Nutrition Special ist in charge as follow: Bladen Women's Club met at the home of Mr. Ed Denton and Mrs. Ethel Fulton elected project leader. Five Star Community Club met a: tho homo of Mrs. Reed, and Mrs. Geo. Best elected project leader. Weather conditions interfcrrcd with meeting of Happy Hour Club, at Cloverton and not enough women came out to start the work. STOCK JUDGING Fouttecn Livestock Club boys veil tuicd out from nil parts of the coun ty to try out for judging team M. B. 'osson, Animal Husbandry specialist of Lincoln was in charge. Cattle and hog judging was held at Faslr'on Stock Farm, Gu'dc Rock, sheep at H. II. Crowcll farm Red Cloud and horses at W. E. Thorne farm, Bladen. Following is the ranking h'gh five: 1st Cecil Means. 2nd Alfred Sommor fclt, 3rd Earl Portinicr, Uli Howard Means and iith Robert Ovcring. WWWVWWW.'WV WAV UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hearse in Connection Licensed Embalmer Best Sorvico to Others Neons Real Happincso to Ourselves. BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB lVtfAAftVftrtA,JV.V.ftrtATWVVASrWVAVlAW PTfoW- 1 mmmm, ' FIDDLERS CONTEST AND A BIG TIME BALL GAME RED CLOUD THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 4 p. m. SUPERIOR vs ft i i II h k.4lh , . A trot h4 SAiLi Each team has won a game and lost one. Come out and see this one as it will be the rub game and a thriller. 4th OF JULY GA6WB. f AT RED CLOUD Theiuide Rock learn which has secured several fast players from Kansas where they grow players, will cross' bats with the local team here that day. n Adm. 50c. Children 12 to 16, 25c. - i -an "r i A .fcJ rfF iriE 3F1E 3G QEfo REMEMBER THE BIG CELEBRATION -AT- RED CLOUD, JUNE 28th Bring the whole family and make our store your head-quarters. We will check your coats and bag gage and have plenty of good cold drinking water. Besides this we will have plenty of good Reliable Merchandise for your consideration, all priced lower. Be sides being lower than other stores we aim to Better Merchandise and you can depend on us always. Twenty-five years in business and still going strong. The Cowdee-Kaley Clo. Co. Alwa.vs Relia.ble I i .. - j. R)iir irii 1111 HOARD OF EQUALIZATION MA K E FEW ADJUSTMENTS Red Cloud, Nebraska June 12 102.'!. The Webster County board of Equalization for 1923 met at 11 o'clock a. m, according to law. Mem bers lire cut: Commissioners, Chaplin, Waldo, Stumpcnhorst and Cox. Coun ty Assessors Rudd and b. F. Perry County Clerk. Commissioner Crow cll nbscnt. Mcct'ng called to order by County Clerk. Motion made by Waldo, seconded by Rudd that T. J. Chaplin uct as chairman of board of Equalization for 1923. .Motion carried. In' the readjustment of '1922 as scsiment of Real Estate In the vil lage of Guide Rock u number of properties raised in order to make n inoio ccjuul assessment bf Guide Rock. Motion made ntiil carried that -County Assessor be instructed to notify all parties whose properties wcic rai cd in value, and also ad vise them tint tho board would hear any complaints they might have on same at 10 o'clock, June 18th, 192.'). Samuel Cigcr appeared before the boaid and asked that the following lands be reduced in value: WMi of SWU of sec. 30-2-9 S"2 of SWU of sec. 30-2-9 WV2 pf iXWU of sec 31-2-9 W'i: of SEW of sec 30-2-9 After the board had made a com parison with the assessments of ad joining lands a motion was made and carried that the present assessment of above lands be 1 educed 10 per cent. F. E Maurcr filed a complaint that lots 3 and -1 blk 15 Red Cloud was as sosscd too high' in comparison with adjoining properties. After, invc ti gation of same by board a motion was made and carried that present assessments shall stand. E A. Terrill appealed belorc the board and asked that his assessment be reduced on NWU of sec 5-2-10 after investigation by board,, motion made and carried that this land be reduced to $6200.00. board adjourned to meet June 13th at 9:30 a. m. .June 13.9:30 a. m. board of Equalization re-convened with all members present except H. H. Cirowell. The complaint of L C. BIdom on SWU of sec. 17-2-11 and E.'Metcnlf on NWU Of sec. 21-2-11 wereWiletl. Above parties thought their land was too high in comparison with adjoining lands. After investigation by board, motion was made and carr'cd that lup change be made in present assess ment. M. Massing appeared before the board regarding his assessment on lots 6-7-S in NWU of sec. 10-1-9. .Motion made and carried that his a cessment on the land be reduced to 3100 per aero. In the matter of tho 1922 Personal Tax paid bv the State bank of Bla den, no relief was granted as tax lun alie-idy been paid. Their 1923 Per gonal a-cs-ment corrected to how H'c prober amount ?S000.0( that hould be deducted for Real Estate F. S. Frisbio appeared before 'ho board and j sited that ?S00 for im I rovements bo struck off on lots G and 7 'n Amboy an there is no im provements nt all on these lots. Mo tion made and carried that same be .itruek off and County Treasurer in structed to reduce his 1922 assess ment by 800.00. Win. Silker appeared before the board and asked that the $210 a.; .M?sscd for improvements be struck off on the W E'a of SWU of SWU of 22-3-10 as had been icmoved from sam? land Motion mde and carried that his request be granted board adjourned to 9 a. m. June llth. June llth. board rc-convened at 9 :. m. All members present except II. II. Crowcll E A. Croighton appeared before the board regarding the present asse -sment for improvements on lot 10 blk 20 in Red Cloud. Motion made and carried that pic-cut asses ment should stand. A. W. Rust appeared bof-iic the boaid and complained that his laud the SWU of sec. 33-1-11 was assess ed too high. After comparisons by board, motion was made and carried that land be reduced from 10,820 to $10 000 W. H. Thomas appeared before the board and requested that $250 for improvements on Els of SWU sec 3-1-11 be struck off assessment rolls as these improvements had been sold and removed from land. Motion made and carried that above request be granted. Ed Gerlach appeared before the board regarding his assessment on NWU of sec. 2-1 3-10 claiming same was a litle too h'gh. After investi gat'on of same, motion was made and carried that the assessment on this land be l educed in the sum of $300. Complaint was filed by Henry Arends on lot 7 in SWU of sec 9-1-10 After investigation of same motion was made and carried thnt the land be reduced in the sum of $300. Complaint was filed by Henry Arends on lots 7 in SWU of sec. 9-1-10. After inve-t'gation of same motion was made and carried that the land be reduced in the sum of 706. . Complaint was filed bv John Crarv on lot 7 in SWU of sec i) t-10. After investigation of same motion was made and carried that assessment of land be reduced from $ 13.50 to $37.50 per acre. board adjourned to 9:30 a. m. June 15th. June 15lh. board re-convcncd at 9:30 a. m. with all members present. Tho complaints of J. P. Wilson on lotst 1-2 insEU of sec 11-1-9 and Emory Guy on lots 3 and . in pec. 1-1-1-9 wore filed. Mr. Wilson claim ed river was taking his land and was damaged hypver flows from riv er and creek. After discussion of this matter by board it was decided that no lelicf could be given these partes for this year and that aboe facts should be taken into consideration by nssc ,sor next year when land is lc- asscssetl. C. F. Cather appealed before the board and asked that tho picsent as sessment of Yciscrs Addition to Red Cloud be reduced. After compari sons with adjoining land motion was made and carretl that the pre. cut assessment of above addition be re duced 40 per cent. In equalization of the Personal property as between t'"e different precincts of the county a motion was made and carried that the lollewir.g changes be made: CATTLE All Yearlings to $15.00 per hen'!. All 2 yr olds to $25.00 per heat,. MULES All Yearlings to $22 50 per head. All 2-y,- olds to $10.00 per head. All 3-yr oMs to $65.00 per head. AUTOMOBILES 100 per cent raise on all autos in batin townsh'p except the a-to of II. C. Han. en, wh'ch is to be left as as sessed. 50 per cent raise on all avtcs in Inavale precincts except the cars of R E. Hunter, Ciias. Pulger and C. A. Waldo. 20 per cent raise on all autos in Harmony and Potsdams. 25 iier cent raise on all auto.i in Oak Creek. 15 per cent raise on all autos in beaver Cveek und Guide Rock. 50 per cent raise on nil autos in blue Hill Village. 10 per cent raise on all autos in Dlntlcn Village 30 per cent raise on all autos in Guide Rock Village. Geo. PI Cather filed complaints with board that the following lantU were assessed to high: H. J. Walstead NWU of sec 80-3 f 1 . . i - 1 . ? T ft 1 i-; ucrirutie nansen it.'2 or sec m- i u-i::; u car .Matron -Nliu of sec 20-3-12; Henry Battels N2 and SWU of sec 1G-3-12: Marv E. Coop er NWU and SWU SEU of sec. 33-3-12. As Mr. Cather assessed this land last year and is st'll the assessor for this piecinct his recommendations as to what amounts they should be re duced was accepted in all these cases except the land of Gertrude Hansen which shall stand .nt present assess ment. Motion made and carried that the following reductions be made: H. J. Walstead NWU of GO-3 12 land reduced to $3500; Oscar Matti son NEU of sec. 20-3-12 land re duced to $1000; Henry bartels MS . of NWU 16 3-12 land lcduced to $2000; Mary E. Cooper NWU am' SWU SEU 33-3-12 land reduced to $6,000. board adjourned to June IPth at 9:30 a. m. June 18th. board of Equalization rc-convened I at 0:30 a. m. with all members pre j- , ent. W. A. She-wood appeared b'.uc li.e Hoard and asked that the chit; mortgager, assessed normal h ri i . 1023 bo struck off aa same wr-io i owned by him on Apr'l 1, 1C2!. Mo lion made an.I turned that U .truck off his assessment, Cou'.i. Ao r.t.r Rudd voting nc. Dr. II R. Reed appeared before the board regarding assessment on lo. 1 to 6 bilw 2 Talbots Add. to Guide Rock claiming improvements asrrrs ed too high. Motion matlj and eaired rliat ramc bo reduced to $2500. No further business appearing a lr.otion wa-i made and cairied thai after the County Assessor has .made the change.-! oi tiered by this boar1.' of Equalization Niat hi a 1923 assess j trout books be accepted and he pro- i ccod to mt'lt: h.s 1923 abstract to this stati. board adjourned to tho call of the County Clerk who w'll call tho board together after State Levy i received for the purjiose of mak'ng HI county levies necessary to be made accord ing to law. b. F. PERKY, County Clerk fcft i s JOB WORK LET US FIGURE WITH YOU WHEN YOU WANT SOME PRINTING Whatever price we quote, you may be sure that the quality of work you receive will be the best it is pos sible to produce. We will be glad to come to your place of business, and talk it over. BOTH PHONES The Red Cloqd Chief o vCx' Dr.w.H.McBridelorjt. V. Nicholson DENTIST OVEI; STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska DENTIST Red Ooud, Ncbrask DRILLING TO START HERE EARLY NEXT .MONTH The U. S. Drilling Company, the new organization growing out oi the purchase of the U. S. Drilling Aso cation, through their representative Mr. H. E. Ilursch, of Kansas City, announces today their intentions of putting down wells at this point, Campbell and Hildreth. Mr. Hursch, who will be remem bered as being in charge of the pull ing of the casing at the big Chief Oil & Gas Company's test well, on the Alice Hosmer place, north of town, in company with Miss Watson of billings, Montana, is in the city today pieparatory to opening up a branch office here. Miss Watson comes from the oil fields of Montana is a young lady of extremely charm ing personality, has had some six years experience in geological work and is familiarly known in the north west as the "Little Geologist." Mr. Hur.-ch informs the Commer cial Advertiser that two strings of tools will be used for the three wells, large trucks to be used in convey ing them back and forth, between the tluee fowns, and that work on the erection of the rig w'll shortly be well under way. The site selected for the putting down of the now well is close to the main traveled road, some 2U or 2',L miles directly northwest of the big Chief well. both Mr. Hursch and M"ss Watson, while apparently duly conservative, appear to be no little enthu.'cd over the pro ncct of striking oil. Wed nesday's Commercial Adveifsoi. 7 jf Urn p Witt iisSSMl Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. $; Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. TRINE'S HARDWARE STORE A large assortment of FLY NETS and COVERS on hand. Priced Right. See me before buying. LEE R. WALKER Harness and Saddlery 2 Doors South ot Farmers Union. Dale Dickson wont to Guide Rock Wednesday morning to spend tho day visiting with fr'cnds. Frm there he will go to Superior for sev eral weeks work for the Evorwear Aluminum Company,, he having se cured the agency for this firm's ware in Nuckols county. '' ' UH Dd L PHONE YOUR COAL ORDER TO M FARMERS' ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 Ind. Phone 12 1 - "j jff II ( T". ,A.lrffMW.