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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1923)
BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA IN CONDENSED FORM Recent Hnppcnings in Nebraska Given in Brief Items For Busy Readers. Ilfiitrlcp will vote on the city gov ernment plan .lime ID. Tlic Nebraska ltiirul Letter Curriers' association win meet in ncaincc, tww UN) lit 1111(1 II. A civil service examination for per winx eligible as l. S. railway mull clerk- will he held lit Oinnliii .May '.!.". l-'rly membero of the advanced class In business cost at nut lug of the University of Nebruskn made a lour of omnha'.s big hiihlnc-.s houses last week. :ieiin Wenzl, member of Hie StelH aurer high school baseball team, suf feieil a hrokcii leg w Iillts practicing at the school. The Alnswnrth electric IIkIU plant was destroyed hy lire of unknown origin, a short circuit being the only explanation. The Seventh Day AdvcntMs have leased ii large residence property In (Sraml Island and will cstnhlMi state headipiarleiN In that place. Chapman will play .Sunday hnschall, and other Merrick county teams likely will play there. A special election to decide the ipiestlou resulted tiO to -t. The V. S. Veterans Ittiroiiu, district headipiartei'H, uialiilalned at Kearney, for Ihe past four years, Is to he closed and Its activities transferred to Oinnhu. .Miss l''ann,v Hollow was re-elected president of the third district Kedera llon of Nehraska Woman's cluh at the closing session of the twentieth an mini convention at Athlon. The American l.eglon bus taken i barge of the matter of arranging for a big celchratlou at Nelson on the oc casion of the anniversary of the home coming Juldlee of the hoys July lit. I'rank C. Xehrimg wn re-elected mayor of Lincoln In Ihe municipal election last week and with him tieorgo Ha.vtnn, William Hchroeder and John Wright, present c.uiiiinixsluiiers. Morris Watson, editor of the weekly paper launched hy the dlsnhled veter ans at Hellevtie Vocational school, has Cone to St. Louis where he will wolk In the olllce or M. H. Head, chief of the veterans' liurenu. l-'ormer Lieutenant (Jovcrnnr Mar rows has become associated with Frank I. Conley, in the management and puhllcatloii of the Madison Star Mall and Chronicle Consolidated, and has taken up his active, duties In con nection. The spelling champion of Klchnrd non county will he crowned on May IS, when the annual comity school cham pionship will he staged at the Kails City high school. Northwestern Nebraska conference summer school for ministers will be held In Whitney June 'M to lilt. The faculty will consist of nine ministers named hy BMiop Homer Stunt. Tlie Itrokeii How city council has Issued an edict against street carni vals or shows of alike nature exhibit ing within the city limits and pro id lug a Hue for any one renting pro pel ty to such a show, within the city limits. Verslty Derby Sultana, a purebred llolstein cow owned by the agricul tural college of the I'lilverMlj of Nebraska, has a production record of I, ltd pounds of butler In one year, ac cording to authorities at the college. This is slightly more than three pounds a day. Mrs. Raymond Wolner of Wymore, lias Just sent several settings of her famous Ithode Island Ueds to chicken fancier at Vienna, Austria, where they will be expected to hatch fols of a liner strain than the eggs procur- j able In tint country. The eggs sold here for .Mi cents per setting, and Hits postal charges to Aiililn were .S'-'.rii). Itev. Anton M. Lundeen, Nebraska missionary, who was captured by brigands last October, and! was released only after diplomatic protests and threats had been voiced by his own and four other govern ments, delivered an interesting address before an audience of fiOO persons mostly representatives of the Luth eran churches of Omaha, telling of his experiences as a captive for fifty eight days with tlio robber hordes of China. Kxtormlnntion of liahy coyotes Is proving about the most prolltable occupation for Itichard.sou county farmers these days. Forty-two coy otes have been turned Into the county clerk's olllce for bounty In the few weeks. A statement prepared hy Deputy Secretary U. L. Slnunway for the in formation of (iovernor Hrynii, taken from records of tlio department of igiiciilture, contains the names of llfly-two owners of cattle who received Indemnity for tuberculosis cattle from July 1, 1MM, to December ill, HUM. The Indemnity paid was JSlilS.tWS.ia. Seottsbulffs business houses closed for an hour while the city p'lld tribute to Albert Peterson, policeman who was Mint down hy a bootlegger at Mitchell. Knillug a light that has lasted throughout the session tlio house voted (II to .'15 to add it'JS.VHH) to the appro priations of this session for bovine tiiherculosli. Klmer and Ilmlly Mall, living east of Lincoln, who were held captive for two days during the "Shorty" lirny penitentiary outbreak in J 0 1 It, have been given ?l:i 1.70 us a reward for their aid In capturing the escaped convicts. PATRIOTIC HISTORIC AMERICA Daylight Pageant to be Presented by Ak-Sar-Den this Fall. The Autumn Celebration to be given at Omaha the coming fall by tho Knights of Ak Snr-Hen will he carried out on ii grander and more elaborate order than has ever before been attempted, su cording to plans already under way. The subjects choen for presentation are of a nature calculated to arouse and renew an Interest in the study of the early history of the countrv, ii in I will be borne out as lur as posi hie In a manner nhsnlutcl.v authentic and historical, and will consist of dls plays reptesentlng Putrid. Henry delivering his famous speech at Itleh moml ; Paul ItUere's Hide; Washing ton Taking Command of the Arm. ; Ktlmn Allen at Tlconderoga ; Surren der of Hurgo.Mie; Washington Cross ing the Delaware; Surrender of Corn wallls; Incidents at the Signing of the Declaration of Independence; Opening of Constitutional Cuiicullou, and Scenes dining the Speeches of Wash ington, Alexander Hamilton, Ilenjamin I'Vunkllii and other historic characters who participated; Inauguration of Washington ami presentation of his Farewell Address; Thomas Jefferson Approving Louisiana Purchase; John C. Fremont The Pathtlnder; Storm ing of Fort Suinpter; Surrender of Lee to Oraut; Lincoln Signing Ktniin cipatlou Proclamation; Scenes from the Spanish War; Theodore Roose velt, (icncrnl Pershing, and other Participants; Marching Croups of Soldiers in Historic Uniforms of the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the Spanish War, and the (ireut World War Periods; the whole theme teeming with patriotism and thoroughly edu cational In all Its features. Committees mi the various sections have been designated and many of them uie already at work on plans for milking the production and presen tation of the Pageant a grand success lu every particular. A movement Is on foot nt Omaha toward getting linger prints of all the "newsies" In the city for purposes of identification. Cattle rustling Is going on In Custer county again. Lloyd I line., leports Hint .seventee'i-head have been t-ken from Ids place in iwo d..ys. other ranchers report .similar lossc-.. Using explosives, bandits wrecked the sure of the Coryell Oil tilling sta tion ut Lincoln and obtained between SSI 10 and s 1,000 In cash, two days' re ceipts of several Idling stations. John Roberts, u Lincoln pioneer, who for a quarter of a century lived In two rooms adjoining a little machine shop, has sailed for his old home at New port, Kngland, to share the hciiolltsof mi estate of nearly $100,000 left to him hy his brother, Henry, stockholder in the Klmherly diamond mines lu South Africa. The tornado which struck Cage county last week, did considerably more damage than was at llrst repott ed, according to a complete check made. F.lcveu farms were damaged, each ranging from xioo to, with a totnl of over Xl.'.OOO damage, three lives lost, and ten head of live stock a lot of timber, crops, gardens, and .several county bridges destroyed. farmers arotinu intuiiar Have or-, gani'ed to conduct u wolf hunt to cap- j tore or kill a big gra.v wolf that has been causing much loss among lilt li ens and sheep in the vfclult.v of the William Hichter farm, anil which has become so bold that It does not seem to fear a man. It has killed siveral dogs that have fought with It, and comes up Into the hack yards of the farm houses. Nebraska farm bo.vs have a chance to win some worth-while trips, some J good cash prizes, and establish a seed j corn business by getting into a corn club for Hie coining season. The huh j est ranking member in Coin Club work In each county Is entitled to a free ! trip to Hoys and Girls Club Week at I the Agricultural College at Lincoln. I'suallv niTiinucments can he made for I more than the highest winner to uet j a free trip. Gold and sor medals will be given to the cluh members milking first and second lu corn iluh I work In each county. The I'nion Pa- clllc Hallway offer to the hoy ranking highest In each county through vvhUh this road runs a S"."i Scholarship in either the Agricultural College or the School of Agriculture. Numerous prizes are offered at county, state and winter fairs and corn slums-. The Norfolk Rille and Revolver association with twenty-five charter members has been organized. The t'nlverslty of Nebraska is under ellhieut management and is making good to the state, according to a re port filed in the state senate hy a subcommittee of that hod.v. Inmates of the Gage county Jail, objecting to the failure of another In mate, to take a hath, held a kangaroo court and sentenced him to spcml twenty minutes lu the bathtub. Ills sentence was carried tint with applica tion of the necessary force on the part of the other prisoners. Directors of the Omaha Manufac turers association are planning an ex- ' position for ' any of the lll'-'.i which will eclipse previous Made in Omaha shows. A petition has been tiled In district court leqitestlug that a special elec tion be called to allow the residents of a proposed Scrlbner rural election dish Id to vote on a .00,0(M bond Issue for the establishment of tho district and the construction of light ami power lines. This is the llrst petition for a charter to he tiled under the passage of the new amendments by the legislature. Tribute to Nurses Who Died for Their Country m BgsasafsraaigESR V ti&amxsiiMi!&i -.1 iF.iii.n-j..fii- ISf V IK 14 ''.' . 'f -A W'MZ'."'Wr'',-'r''i TV. S'.TK.1 , ' r r 'KfmTiTimilYBM.imt1WWlTOTiW,WIWffl A murium nutfces and members of the American Rod Cross jiiylng tribute to eleven army nurses who gave their lives In tho set vice, In the American cemetery ut Suresnes. Col. Francis 10. Drake made an address. WEDDING CAKE FOR YORK m This Is the cake baked In Reading, Puglund, for the wedding feast of the duke of York and his bride. It was 10 feet high and 7 Hi teat in circumfer ence. In the sugar coating were rep resented Windsor castle, St. George's chapel, Glands castle, the arms of the iluko of York nnd of the Strathmore family, and various other things. ELECTED BY D. A. R. Mrs. Anthony Wnynu Cook of Pitts burgh, Pa., was elected presldent-gen-erel of the Daughters of the Amerlcnn KtKolutlon, receiving 010 votes to 770 for Mrs. O. W. W. Hanger. ALLEGED BLACKMAILER Illh 1'iiKi', nliifU'i'ii, iiinl pretty, of Vancouver, Wiihh., In default of !?l,20(i bull bonds, is occupying u cell lu the Ttu'onm, W'tiHh., Jull churned by the federal granil Jury with endenvorlim to obtnln money from uriuy ollhors mill liuslness men by threatening their lives A deslro for pretty clothes was the motive, it is asserted. u J2VH: w .W" K? Of) AXm. H..H. J I &?. Tree Movement Helped by Senators mW. 'p 4u Sax wWv& SKlrii irwvtSAivFJ8il' "Plant a tree and perpetuate the forest" is the slogan of the senate refor estation committee, of which St-nntor C. L. McNary of Oregon is chairman. Mr. McNary Is hero scon planting u tree on the capltol grounds; Senator Dun can U. Fletcher of Florida, a member of the committee, stundlng at left. Tho tree Is a red oak and stands near the historic Washington elm. The committed I was organized In accordance with a resolution of Senator Pat narrlson of Mis sissippi and has been making a survey of the United States forests during thu past few months. These two benators nro the first senate members of tha j American Tree association, tho requirement being that each member plant a tree. I Burn Ship in Memory of Great Fire B mum urn in "'ii'rnrrpg.r t t n-T1TrrTTT-nrT , i - I i ' 'Xm$y: , "Mtj y MvUi j 3 II I i i - rimmmmMM kk,8k-'& b ii . v' ..'u.lBtl&S IMMJMBm&r San Francisco celebrated recently tho eighteenth anniversary of the big tiro which laid over 1100 sipiare blocks In ruins. Tho burning of the good ship Mludoro in the waters of San Francisco hay was commemorative of the con llagratlon. Tho photograph shows the Mlndoro ublaze and lire boats runnln; alongside lighting the Humes. Ghoulish Outrage in Ireland mw 0mmim&L p 'TOtow r ' n S , - KH-m-h ;uA v,-; cfvJii.1iiii53iK The city cemetery nt Ilelfust, Ireland, vviib the sceno of an extraordinary series of dehpleahle outrages recently, when some CO tombstones nnd crosses vvero thrown from tho foundations by fountlcs, thirty-two helnt; broken by the fall. twgmmesm&iezszzzvnri Jl!-. tcatewjs8-'.:5j 18 i'VtWTWXiliVs'!T'fTXtZ?Z'!'! . , r; m&aMxm&SAff a ' Cws.7fAtt-VVA' H ' ""'-"" - TRAINMAN TELL n 1 Harris Declares Tanlac Ended 1 Long Standing Stomach I Trouble Gains 15 Lbs. "I've got to hand It to Tanlac, for It has made ino stronger anil healthier than I have been In tunny a day," said t Jasper Harris, Till W. Hlth street, j Kansas City, Mo., well known tlreinati I in the yards of the St. Louis, San I Francisco railway company. "P.efore taking Tuuhic. I had hit pitch a tough grade I hatdly had steam enough to pull It. My appetite was , gone. I suffered with stomach pains, - heartburn iiud palpitation, and was , losing weight. I was terribly bilious mid headaches and dizziness made mu t wretched. My sleep was restlos, my buck felt sore, and I ached all over so bad it nearly killed me to tire my engine. "I can't emphasize too strongly how good Tanlac Is. for the treatment has put me In the pink of condition. I have gained fifteen pounds now, and feel like u two-year old. Tanlac is the best medicine ever put in a bottle." Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug fists. Accept no substitute. Over 117 million bottles sold. Advertisement. Collapsing Mountain. The surface of Hlack Diamond iiioun tain, near Carinel, Pa., Is slowly sink ing on account of it tiro In the coal beneath. The lire ha been raging for 111 years and eventually, It is feared, the side of the mountain will drop. WAN SICK Y Causes! l7 Troatjles Women .Often Have Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham'a Vegetable Compound Medina, New York. "I had a great deal of trouble such as women often have, and this al- fectcu my nerves. For over two years I suffered thu way, then I read in tho 'BuffaloTimos'about Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound and have taken it with very good results. I am very much better and feel justified in nraiaintr the Veeeta- lo Compound to my friends and neigh jors who suffer from anything of the kind." Mrs. Wm. H. Adkins, 311 Erin Road, Medina, N. Y. Feels Like Girl Sixteen Rochester, N. Y. "After my twin j girls were born I was all run-down. My I neighbors thought I was going to die. I saw your advertisement in tho paper and bought Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege- ! table Compound. The first bottle helped 1 me and I kept on taking it. I only , weighed ninety pounds when I began taking it, and I have pained in weight and feel like a girl of sixteen. I never can sayenough for Lydia E. Pinlcham'3 Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Nellie DouEY,lCSku3u Park, Rochester, N.Y. 16799 DJEO in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against trouble by taking LATHROP'S ESS) L i-' "" HAARLEM OIL The world's standard remedy forkidney, liver, bladder and uric ncid troubles. Holland's national remedy since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Looli for the namo Gold Modal on every box nnd accept no imitation fa A safe, dependable and effective remedv for Couyhs, Colds, Distemper, Influen:a, Heaves cnil Worms among horses and .nulcs. Absolutely harmlcss.and assafe tor colu as ic is for stallions, mares or rjcldlngs. Give "Spohn's" occasionally i a preventive, bold at all druu stores. His Translation. "Well, lui'." eluifklPil SKlnny Simp B'ui lu the inh'st of his reading. "What now?' Inriuhvd his sire. "Why, l'inv. It su.vs here, The erlml mil vviut foith vvltli the mark of Cain on his brow.' That'- n funny pbic to ;et n vvhalluK, alr't It?" Ktinsai City Star. Many a inr.n does not realize hov hard his work Is until u vacation shows It to him. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use Tor Over 30 Years 000 FORTH NE TWO EARS III HHIIIIIIIIMIII Always bears the Signature of G&& u5&t 1 7 ..v -JA5i. V-fi