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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRA8KA, OHIKJ St. Patrick's Day LasLSnturday, March 17, occurcd ho festival of St. I'utrlelt the pition snlnt of delimit It Is more linn i t -bablo Hint the people of that country fts well iti tlio Irish nbrond Hilf year more enthusiastic nnd more ex, h Inrnted over the festival thnii eviir before hh thev achieved by their stlf determination ami sulf mierluVe after cunturits of suffering, a measure of In lepondotice and freedom, eipuil If uut better than iinv Httto I'oimtry on our plane' There over was ami It to this liny doubts or dllVeioucu of opltilmi as t" the ex'aot birth place of HI. Piitiiok. Some ulniiu It wan Fruneol (Haul) Mime Ireland and huiiiu others Knlniitl each wish to claim the honor hut the most Mithcutic. writers claim that St. I'ut rick was born towuids the close of the lourth ceiituiy In a village- imllud lion aren Tiihurtiinu which soeuis to he the town of IColpatrlok on the mouth of the river filytlo In Seotluud between Dumbarton and (Jlusgovv. Me calls himself n Hrlton and n roiimn or a mixed extraction. Ills father belonged to a good family called Ciilpliuriiius and n dcnl.en of a neighbouring city o! the Itouiitus who ahaudoucd Hrlton In J09. Some writers call his mother t'ouohessa, who was a niece to St. Mar tin of Tours When ho was 10 years old he was carried into captivity by uertain hatharians who took him into Ireland whore he wan compelled to herd eat tie on tho mountains and forests siHTerlng much hunger ami nakedness iimldiL snow, in'n ami ire Hut owing to his poreovornuco In pray er and fasting, (tod c.uue to bin lellel ami was imbued by u .strong interior (Trace ami fiom that faith and the loe of (toil put new sliongtli Into his ten tier boul. What our noble silut accomplished Klturtviirds (though beset by dlllloti -ties and insults) was an endless chain ol uotidcts ami miracles, conveiilnu thousands ft (.tin Paganism. opIiiIiimI runny priests, consecrated ninny Ms. hyps, imluced vvomcii lu live in holx widowhood and continence, cousooint el virgins in Christ and iustliulei monks. Me not only converted th wltole oouiiliy by his preaching and wonderful miracles hut also cultlvuUd his vluyard with so faithful a benedic tion as to render Ireland a most Hour l&hlDg garden in the church of (tod nnd u country of Saints. In the llrst and second year of his missionary work he converted and baptized the kiugh of llublin and Munster and the seven sons of thoking of Connutight bud the niHJoiity of their subjects, and liefoie his death almost the whole Is. itmd. r lie founded three monasteries one a Ariutgh, another called Domuach I'ad raig or Patricks Chinch and a third named Htbluil Pudrnlg and lllle I the eountiy with churches, ami Mihools of p ety, the reputation for !10() year.s "rew many fotoiguers into Ir-dand, St Piitiiok sunt fiom Ireland many um onaries for the conversion of Hug land, among them were (tlau'onbury, Leiiilesfnrne, KIpou and .Malmeibury I w! informed fiom a lellable source that those intluentlal loclunji-i. tnide a good jab ot them too though it. was an uphill business, still sonic poop.o claim 1 mean Irish pirtietilurly Sin Feiiui-s that another nib would not hurt Out Illustrious saint was hurtled in Co Down-DowupHlrlck where one grave docs (ill Urcdget Patrick and Coliimh kirn. In the fore part of this esuiy I for got to mention that March IT is a geneuil holiday in Ireland. Its advent u, looked upon with us much joy al most ns X mas. The people in general intend church services in the morning Tiicir inoito prayer llrst, plcasuieiind amusements afterwards. Tito clergy ' the various denominations instruct ititir llocU to observe the day light, ' r them to toe tho Hue and not go the Mnit, nevertheless the majority of the people (the irish I menu) believe in a 'nidltlou which they ihint Ifite to give op, handed fiom one general inn i.i another, that it is and was a custom t j wet or spi inkle tlie shamrock with a little strong wine, that must bt done tthey believe) in order to make it more executions in celebrating the day nght, but it is very light what the shamrock gi-ts and 1 hivvo much doubt fiat in most cases It is over saturated. All I have ever seen was for internal usi Con Mci'oale. Inavale, Nebr. Grace Church Notes at t:1.1 p. m. Frlduv. March Kith Jjlluti) and AiMicss. PAI.M SUNDAY Htilidiiv St.'t I at 10 a. tu Morning K'i V'ce at II a. in. V.-p-is at 1. 1 1 i in At the I'hIhi suinduy services palm cn'-ses will I" d si i United to all who attend. WcdnHsdaj. M irch 128th at K p. m. LiliiliJ mid A I -less (Inod Im'I'Iim, Vhiroli.TUh. Moinlng I'm i cr and Litany at 10 a, in Evening Pi.ijeriind Address 8 p. tin Card of Thanks We wish to expiess our fullest ap preciation to those whi ho kindly ministered to our need lu this 'jur great bereavement thin the loss of our little Hula. We heiehy wish to extend our thanks to, those who furnished the music at the funeral service, to tho girls who served as pall bearers, to the junltnr and ushers, and to nil wdio In any way assisted In ministering or extending their sympathies to us. Mr. ami Mrs .1. K. .larboe. Averages of Shooters in the Uncle Dud Series (Denver, (Colo) Times, Monday, Mar. i Kync of North Platte load'ng with a , 'tj, ; ,rlj, puttc Broughtcn, Kcd Cloml K-.ikcy Fort Collins ailey, Denver Gustave A. Schultz (liistave A. Siihultz, aged 11 years and !2 months, passed away Saturday at the hospital at Inglesitle where he had been for treatment since last August. Suvpi'rtl years ago he together with his family moved to this city nnd was employed as the tu-pectnr for tho Hill lluglou here up until tho stiilfo last siiuiuit r. ihieo veurs ago his licit l III began to fail, his ailment being pronounce I by special! ls as diabetes, and last summer his in ml became tin palled by tins ailment and lie tu Ken to the hospital at inglesitle. Me was a inoui-'or of the A t) I'. W. mil Yeomen 1 il:o.s of this city. Tho funeral services were cnnductecl f I mil the home Wednesday afternoon, Kev. O. K t ft i tilt v. in charge, after which Intei iiiont was made in the city cemotcr.t. A wife, three children ami seveial lelatiws it ie left tu mourn his demise. l'J. 1920 iN'lnety-.sevcn trap.bootcrs p'-rtiel-p.dcd in tho third annual Uncle Dud telegraph trophy series under the auspices of The Denver Times and The Rocky Mountain New that end ed Sunday;, March l. Shoot ff of u lie between l''ort Collins mid Denver icsultod in a victory for tin: Colitis ito. and three clubs weic found to be on the tm rung, each having ,on six and lost two gntnss, Pueblo com pleting the list. Agreement r.s to a tluec-conieied idiootoif on neutral traps is approach ing. Puobb wishes it hehl some other pluce than Denver. Fort Col lins had signified Denver and the d..tu Sutulay, April 8, when a rcjr's tcrcd event is to he the program m this city Denver ah'o was willing Ih t this should ho the program. Puehb believes Coloiado Springs to lie a fit place for tho three teams to meet. Comparatively it will he a strange territory for all of them. Ot's K. Mclntyrc of the Colorado Springs C!un Club is seeking to have a date named the Amateur Trapshojting association of America for a regis tcictl meet. April lfi is sought. If successful, Colorado Springs will offer the date anil the traps to the teams from the tluee cities named, as well as all other visiting' shooters on that date, and Pueblo also advises that thev w'll shoot off with the Den ver club a four-man team event for a .-$100 purse nt that time. Holmes, Pueblo shooter, established '. highest number of btcaks luring' the of the annual shoot. He p iticipated in f-ach of the eight con- ; targets, Vmoltslieil l5,'J7n. th" gi.n I test?, broke Ml lay birds out of a i. .(" wad'ng; !'01, which, it i- suh i risible 100, practically .078 out of a .i ttcd, h a magnificent mark of at n s ihle 1.000. Ten men hud marks tuininent lor a list i.f men who r dil p i" ch of eight slioots. the goncral l ,in al th tiaps i: for the pure avenige being .8!)t! ien.,ti.mtni if it, th- live of beii-v in Sevm men of six clubs got their Ul', W out-of-doots t mes en the li'ts in seven shoots, i MiJ'viiln. I and group totals l''low. !M;j percent! go, tne general uo-atrc m !.. Mnrtb Plnttn 1 - l0O .1... LI..I L ' .-....., ..-.-.. . oc uk '-o ioi-' iuk'k-i. i u".v y,iuui aree, Kcd .'.loud in the event. .-i.leton, North llatto Hunt) if J' oil toliin. was the h?s. rby, Denver ol eight who scored in m. events ins percentage Inung .Oo.'l, with '280 bleaks out oi .suu arid the general aer..KC of this ectct w. s DM. Kohier of Ooloiado Springs was easily t'-c best jf eight wlio ongageti in f jo contests his reconi te.ullng 21o breaks out of 250 targets for the atnnr.itiu; average of .9110. c'ght riK.sh2d 1.8M of '2,000 for gei oral pocentage reading .007. Von (tocU: of N n-th Matte, .ho.t ng in four contests, missed but truce biids n 200 aimed at, crashing t cm Id 107 for a brilliant marking o." .085 Fourteen wo.o listed ju thi gr up, their general average leach lag to Stl.'l. Navlor of Fort Collins broke 1 10 out of 150 for a percentage - f .07;i, being the highest mark man of thrtccn who put the'r name.? on the lists as competitors 'n three shoot i, ami a general average of .871. Den of North Platte wa. bet of eleven who participated twice. He cracked !)7 out of 100 targets for a percentage of .070. The gene-at av erage fM- this squad was .''00. Brolighton of Uctl Cloud only ap pealed once on the li.t of shooters Then he broke f'fty straight for a 1,0110 average. Twenty-five others we c in this gathering and their grcss poicentage tcad 871. On th'.- whole, tho groat Iht o'f It oters blazed away at 18.000 cluy ..vdtews, Lotii.svilh .. i r or, Pueblo . ft y. Pueblo . . . .. . I.i'ddle, Louisville, Pueblo - ..... '.Avrov, I, u'svillc . caver. Denver -. . ......... 5 ley, Tritih'nd ... i Ferrari, Louisville '"il, Denver . Ragle, Colorado Springs . . Floyd Denver ..... L-ppiu, Denver V 'in, i iv S n lair, Coloradj S.'iring.-J "nvcll, Ol rv'o Springs Holqui. t, Wray .. 1 . ....l 1 . t ... 1 ....... 1 1 1 . ...1 t 1 1 .l I ,...:.. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 50 40 18 18 48 48 48 47 40 4ti 4G 45 45 44 44 411 4.". 42 42 41 40 8 :J7 G 50 f;0 50 DO to 50 50 5(1 50 CO 50 50 50 00 GO 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 10 50 50 1000 !)80 .960 .900 .900 J0 .000 .040 .921? .920 .920 .901) .9C0 .880 SbO .8fi() .SCO .340 .810 .820 .800 .760 .710 .721) f.jn Totals (Irani! voraeo over all. 90J. 1102 1100 .871 VVVWVArtWV,ASSVJ.-AVASVVV.V.VVVVVAVJ Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Beli 1 74. Residence, Bell 241 Mrs. Ed Amack UNDERTAKING I BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD. NEB JWVYVWVWVAV.VyV-.VV. THE RIGHT THING f the RIGHT TIME By MARY MARSHALL DUFFEE A sweet attractive Itlnite of urac. A full aRHurance Klven by tookea. Multtew HoRtlfln. FACIAL EXPKKSSIOX . A. Nih il hfie.s, Pti"blo S .rcnider, Fort Collins !.ce, Puehln . . . . Selrw'i.s , Foit Collins . . 1'. Stanton, Trin'datl Hilton, Colorado Spring. PctersJii. North Platte .. Zarni, Louisville .. runnier, Wray .... . Love, Wr. y Totals NAMK Kyne, North Platte Mclntyrc, Colorado Springs La Saile, Louisville Innis, Pueblo ....... Hendricks, Trinitlad .. Hall, Iletl Cloud . D; moil Knd Ciottd .... Shoots. . .8 IlI7r.!.Z8 larfth IttHi ... . O ... . - . O Itrks. :'.91 :s85 :i82 ;i8o ;i70 :i7.'i ;7:i :i55 277 277 Tatg. 100 too 100 400 100 100 100 400 400 100 .11,685 1,000 No. Shoots. .zr"." 7 7 7 7 QUITK us words P iiiuch us his ciNirlcous i ... i s trio way no look's wneii The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amouiii of Insurance you curry. Don't lull yourself into u funded security Because tire has nover touched you It doesn't follow tlmt you'rciinniune Tomorrow - no today, if you have time and you better Ilml time oomu to the olllce nnd we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or morehundiM' -rLATDIt MAY UK TOO LATFi- C. TEEL Reliable Insuratnce he says them Unit uiuke.s a man's po liteness truly elVectUe. The only, tlino when ynur "please" doesn't have t he hncked up by to Madly, look la yourj face Is when ou lire talking over tho telephone, hut then It Is osseiitlnlj that jour lone of olee should earrj", assurance of kindliness. And It Is al most impossible to -pi-ak In a pleas-' ant tone without luuKiiig plcasiiat. Try soiuelhue for jour own nient to iissiune a grouciij "' expres sion and at die situie time repent some such eiiiirleiius expression as: "Tliitnki you erj much," or "You are very kind,' I'm sun" or even "Please," In u Ihor-i mighty amiable tone of nloe. Per Imps j on can do It but most person can't and it K Just as hard to speak In a luii"d) or humility or enntiinkeroiis manner wneii jour racial expression n entirelj pleiisaut. Hut in jour desire to wear a well disponed epressnn don'l go to tlie extrenie of liiixlng smile that won't come olT. 'I here ate .some people who go :tl miii t with liiU sort of ebron lc smile, who look as ii the oiilj way thej t 'iilil endure the illscmufort they Hero eiiiliirmu was i a neroie euori to smlb. and of cuin-e tlmt sort of! expression makes other people uiit'om-. foi table. Then theie Is Hie smllo thai makes us feel that the one who1 wears It s nlwujs inuused In an aloof' sort of wnj at whatever wo said or did. The woman who bears that sort of Indellbb' smllior iirln, perhaps It sliiiuld be i tilled when she calls! on lis looks o If she were Inuuenselyi amused at the furniture, at the plc-: tures on the wall, and at the way we were dressed. No, w don't want to have any of these anniijluu sterentjpe smiles but the smile that Is JiMt an expression of kindness of heart which Is tho basis of all Kond hreedlm;. "I am iiniiiijed bj helim very self- ronselniis wheneer I inlnjilo wtn people wliniii I do not know very well," writes a joiiim render. "And when 1 feel I his waj I know I look erv selfeuiisi loiis. How can I Ret rid of this M'lr-conseloiis expression1 that .seems to repel people from mo'" We all haw seen this seK-conscloiis oxprossloii. 1 inn sure, and tboimh perhaps It dues not icpel It certainly does not ntirnet us. Well, the only way to net lid of it Is to yet rid of the self-eiinsrhnisness. I'stially younu people outgrow u. It Is liiu that liny Olie eontliuies lit leei sen-eoif scions when he oi sm heeotues lie eustoineil to mlnlhi. with other per sons. The i.nly thin.: to do Is to try to become ubsiirbeil lu sumo other subject of thomiht than joursclf. Listen Intently t what other ppnplo irt m!,'. sindv jour mir'te"! I a"" and perlutps you wilt feel yourseir KriiduatltiK from your self-eiiey,'loits-ness. ' '1' t (, lilt, t)' Mrflur Vwnpnpr Syndtct ) TotaJs NAMF . Ilunn, Fort Oollins . E. Stanton, Trinidatl K'u soli, Trinidad .. Kitsimmons, Pucbhi I'owi'send, Dinner Cheek, lied Cloud Lite . L iiiihville - 1'iui nu nd, Wrav Ti l: Is 11 rks. Ml :no ;i2o :i28 :i28 ;i2o :i20 TurB :s5o ;i5o 'J50 :55o :i50 050 050 2,208 2,l!i0 No. Shoots. .0 .. . (5 . 0 .. ti ....0 (i .... 0 . (i Hrk.s. 280 280 281 280 279 270 272 201 Turg.-i :!00 :I00 :ioo :ioo 001) ooo 000 ooo Pet. .078 .!)o .055 .050 .0 10 ,y:w .000 .in X,'Xi .000 .800 Pet. .063 .010 .040 .037 .007 901 .0 U .008 Pci. .95o .05., .Ot'i .04b .000 .Silt; .907 .770 "WhatsmaName?" Br MILDRED MARSHALL XKZttZtt v V V" I 1, Faclt about yoar nam; III hlttoryt mtantng; uhence It teat dttietit significance; your luclut dy and luckir Jtd :oxoxffl:oKxo: 3IAKhaki:t MARJORIE. MAISIC, MADGE, MEG, MAGGIE, PEGGY, MAY. jTMS a the n Congregational Church Notes Sunday School (i h in Mo'iimg service lis in Kfuiilui service- hvi ry ti i hiu! third 'souibij In the month in tho Atlvi-n ist chin cli ut tl u m () R. H-init., Pnhtor &t ill-" n i "What's in a Name?" By MILDRED MARSHALL Facts about your nam; It hlttoryt mtantng; tehtnc It was dtrlutd; vgnyicaiKc; your tuoiy nay and lucky Jtteti fortunate woman who bears inline ol .Marstuvt or any or Us iiinnj der! nt Ives, for It bus its origin in the most delicate fantasy. The name N derived from the Persian and Is iis(,lnned the pearl its Its own particular jewel, tho Idea originating from the beauteous notion that the oyster, tlshor to the surface of the water at nlht and opening Its shell In adoration, received In Its mouth a tlrop of d"W connenled by tin: moon- I ,llvs ,..., the popular mime of Kill. 9 ' 'i FltOM the ipiainl old-fashioned KniiliiMiiiii. s.i I'Mi-ele luvii-il lit tluww .....2,191 i2,4()0 .911 .n'AMK lloh ", CtbraOo Springs Cham lor. Fort Collins .. .. 'ev ile NjiUi Platte Hosier, Ninth lalto . . it. M. Smith, Dcmer ...... K lev, I Jed Cloud .- - lHu, Tiinid d Aye !-. Wr4y ..... Totals . NAMH Yen CcoU: Nowh Platte MoJ. Ifice. Pueblo M L. Sniitli, Donor ... . Mc i.icUcn, Ne-lh Platte ... l!;,n ine, North Piattu .. i-am icbon, Nor h Piatt . .1 .noon, Denvei i .i. Denver . - lUi.t" ii' Fort Collin T Colorado Sirings .Mail:. 'o fel, . Springs .... Ho h u , Colo. Springs . . ... CmoIIi, Louisville ..... tilkeley, Wray --. No. iShoots. ..a .5 . . 5 F 5 llrks. 245 212 2ll 208 201 228 210 170 Targ.s. 250 251) 250 250 250 250 o() 250 Pet. 980 .90 .00 .952 .out. .911. .801 .08.. 1,814 2,000 No. Shoots. .-4 . na.wHHin M W" .... 1 4 ... . 4 I ,t .4 . -I .. 4 ...4 , ...! .4 .. ! ... 4 P.rk.s. 107 190 190 192 191 180 188 187 ISO 181 177 175 170 140 Targe 200 200 201) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 907 Pel. .985 .90.1 .905 .900 .955 .945 .910 .900 .915 .S)0.'j .885 .875 .850 850 Totals NAMK Naylor, Foit Collins -lUichanan, Denver Younkmati, DPnver Miller, Kod Cloud (Jaiirck, Fort Collins Cory, Denver ...... A. Ferrari. Louisville ! low-aid, Cnlo. Springs Di-hne, louisville . .. Hall, Tiinidad Fouolia, Lniisville . -Webster, Wray Hawks, Wray - Totals .. ... .... NAMK Den, North Platc . . Kline, Tiiudnd Cowan, Fort Collins Stimmel. PuoMo Fink, Ninth Plrtto ... Trine, Kcd Cloud - -Patterson, Colo. Springs Gooden. Trindid . Fiddei. Pueblo . ......... Mcllcth, Denver ..., Kroell, Louisville 2,550 ,800 .910 'liWtMi ifi '' MMt imvm" No. Shoots. a .... .'I . .0 l . ... o ... ... 0 .0 No. Shoots. o lliks. 140 144 141 141 140 109 109 105 104 101 121 100 82 Targ.s. 150 150 150 150 lot) 150 150 150 lot) 150 150 150 150 Pet. .970 .900 .900 .9 10 .900 .927 .927 .900 .890 .870 .827 .007 .5 17 Ileum Into a pure pale gem. JJccmise a pearl of price Is associated with the pearly gates of the Celestial CHj', Mil run ret has been the name given to Innumerable saints lu the various countries of tile world. Cre mona adopted It tp represent Its al legoi'Ical clinractor of maidenly Inno cence and purity. Hungary accepted It also and Margaret Kthellng. wire of .Malcolm riMinuidr, took It to Scotland and. made it t lie national Scottish feminine name. It went to Norway with the daughter of Alexander III and sllpK'il into lierninny us Mnr garethe. The eldest of the heiresses of Provence married St. Louis and left Marguerite to I'rench prim cses. Her niece, the daughter of Henry HI, was the lir.-t F.ugllsh Mm ma ret. In Italy, (he name became .Mar-ihorltn. and through the penitence of Miirglierltu of (Jortoun, which led to her i-auonlvia-thin, and hecaiiM1 of her humility, the lalsj-, the humblest llower of the Hold, hociimo her csp.'.-ial sjmbol nnd wits called by the l'r.'iieli term "mar guerite." MarJorle. MnMe. Madge. Mci. Mag gie. I'o'.'y. and M v are sumo of the Kngllsh cnntraetliiits of Margaiel. The I'l-eiu-h Mni-got and the Spanish Mar garita and the Italian Chita nNo arc derivathts. Tcanjs.iu bus luininrtalled the name In his exquisite poem: O sweet l'nl" MaruiP't. O i an- I'.tk V. trunri. Wlint lit yiui vt-s with tfnrful powfr, I,lln in.iniilllit in, it falling snov.ur? Vlio Iftit vmi, lovi-. iiir iimrrul .lower Of iM'tiilVf thixmlit mill nsp.ift pale. Your iimlnui Imlv hvm-i I unit li.tll As pi'rfnim i'f tlm tti lom-il iw.-r? A falr slil.'lil our (ii-nlus iu.ul. And k:i.i ou nu nnr uiittit il.iv. Vour sot row, only ."orrov. ' Miait.-, Kcpps snrrow far nwa. Ity wearing her iiiitul stone, the pearl, the bearer of the name Margaret will lnl fill the promise of the gods which gives her purity, eharui, nnd affability. Monduj should be her lucky lay and 7 her luelsj ,. umber. To dream of pent!-, slgidtlos faithful friends, for the wearer of that par ticular gem. (CObj tin) WlifnlerSymlliMip. Inc.) .1,099 4,950 .871 ... -r Hiks. 97 90 95 90 90 92 91 .90 88 88 74 Targs. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 too Pet. .970 .900 .950 .900 .900 .920 .910 .000 .880 .880 .710 Sure cf riricPna Fire. When Alphoitse Dimlun. Freii"h tnur lerer, was on his waj to the guillotine with an unlit cigarette in Ids lip . .nic of the attfiulatits asked him If In would like ,i mutch. "No, than', jou'" was the bland answer. "I'll light P when I get there!" l Is not u iliuilnuiivo. us Is generally, supposed, but ii fiill-llodgeil nanii''wltj an interesting htorj. fiiiginally 1-hipheuiin meant both fair speech and abstinence from the reverse, so th-it fi'iun an ironical m .signllii-d silence, anil was applied to'lhe .stilj ni'ss (hat pieviiiled during religion rltv. 5 The rtrfti Fuphemla who gave vocuo to the inline wa a virgin marijr uf Illtl iiin, wliiis legend or coic-tam-v in. mIc tier in bulb the Cist and the West. Uiisslu called her; she wa- .leiua jii Sorvla, and Itema and P.iiumle in other InitoN. Seotland how-ox or, adopted the niinju mil siralghiwaj called her Ihlle. Pheiuie was nisi. Sinttisli Init did not attain the popularity ol' tne former. However, noli her Hille nor l'hoiule, which have boon prevalent since those earl j limes, enii ever be forgotten hi cause of the tinesi winks of sir Waller Scott. Heroines ..f He Ion, writ ton by tho maslei-s of literature, (ind their names as luiuioi lulloil its hetoinos of historj iiud I'Olie s no exeeptloit to ihis general rule. ll wiis mice thought that tho Si-oi-lisli name Ihipbamo wus one of tho Clock names brought fr.uu Hungary by Queen Margaret. Others believed that It came trom tho Keltic AoiiTo which has fostered s. many of our presonlday feminine names, In deed, those so Inclined may take their choice of possible sources, though gen oial crodem o Is more often given to the llrst derivation, since It concerns n rollgioiise and In olden days, It would .seem Hint being martyred wus all that was needed to perpetuate one's nninn through the centuries. In tho Scottish Highlands,, Kllle Is called Olghrigh, a name which seems to have no derivation whatever. The Church of Simla Ktifciiiiu ut ltome gives title to a cardinal and through It the mime has spread In popularity In Itnly and Frame. ICIIle's stone Is the topaz, which lias the power of the sim t,, put to Night all evil nnd dark forebodings, but It must be set lu gob I to accomplish Its purpose, it promises that no htirni shall befall its wearer. Tuesday Is her lucky daj ; 2 her lucky number, and the chrysanthemum Is her tloxver. ( li the Wlifuler Hyinltcute, Inc.) T:ta1s . r v NAMK 1 No. Shoots. ...997 1,100 .900 llrks. Targs. Pet. Moiatt Memorized Music. Only oyee, so far as Is known, have tho secrets of the music used In St. Peter's at Itoiuo. boon violated. Mo nirt Is reputed to have memorled one of the Masses while hearing It sung Copies of the music arc, us a inattci of fact, so carefully guarded that mem ber.", of the Vatican t-holi seldom han dle theiu If at all at oilier times llinn during practice. Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints. And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. V f-f -O-