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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF J if ft &&Z2. Sa &&.. PlConflntsl5luidXiaqJmg us rtr l. m r "Vi ?;s ii I BliilH rill I Ullirt liiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiu I WHWRMWRi rt 'I'ff y.ra si r.,i i ii Si tnn V- 'V'.;;.d2ii 'irt u X,"L Wit UlVV 35$ I5 ' LCOIIOt-ai'liKUBNT' nr;.'.MnMr.rVn:irauOniifAS 1 '. .. . .. -i -j i,T?rtrfii1fl- simimunginciuuu j .'- For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Casforia Always Indian Lodge Tales By Ford C. Frick 5t : -; CrS ?. . WSJ Si T' ,W(jHV jss?r. linthcSlonuisigncgM BQErTS tllQ gSitMfiTc Signature n...riiinMcnnnHraiivw'"l mM8 Of Minerni. irIl I jtofidmc&w"-1 tPuzipJMiau! Xtntnft, ftim IBtipww"'. .T"r"X7tirwtvfor csn aJSZSSSS racSirailcSljnotcrcp1 ateWfssSS? ft llV nillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr THE GARDEN OF THE GODS If You Heed a Mefliclno You Should Have the Best TN T1IK npstllnir vales and on A ir In Use For Over Thirty Years w 7-1 ill 4&T " 1 lll&v II fflCASTORIA Exnct Copy of Wrapper. thc ntur commny. NrwroRKcrrv. That Fetched Her. The lioston girl was very pretty, hut ! evidently not much In favor of liolnu petted by comparative strangers. The young tiinn was imiUliifr fair prom-ess, however. It was evident that she liked htm. I'lnally he asked for a kiss. She considered this Judicially. "And why should I give you a kiss?" she iltmiuuilcd. "I presume ,1 can furnish no ade quate reasons," ho replied. "Your mo tives must he altruistic.1' That landed her. "COLD IN THE HEAD" to nn ncuto attack of Nasnl Catarrh. Tlioso Fiibjcct to frequent "colds" aro Konoriitly In a "ran down" condition. HALL'S CATAItHII MEDICINE Is n Treatment eonslfUlmr of nn Ointment, to ho used locally, and a Tonic, which nets Qulcklv through tli niood on the Mu cous Surfaces, building up tho System, unci maklnR you less llnblo to "colds." Sold liv dniKglsts for over 40 Years, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Doubly Dazzled. The glare from the car almost blinded (he tralllc cop at the crossing. He held up his hand, the car .stopped, and he went over to It with stern pur pose In every line of his vis ace. There was a lady at the wheel. The conversation was prolonged. Fi nally, however, the olllcer returned to his post and the fair drler proceeded her way. "Why didn't you make an arrest?" chaffed a passim: lmtrnlman. "Tho car had dazzling lamps." "Ho had the girl." Fair Enough. "Why will ok', men marry such young girls?" "I!ccau-e the oung girls are willing." Now York Sun. It Is within the power of the least of us to he polite, straight from the heart 1 raitor. Pthrwyx So brother ZhnrbdolT vvni kicked out of the soviet and sentenced i to he bunged. I thought he was a loy- i al member. What did he do? I Quentwrk He had a tooth crowned. ' Tho prices of cotton and linen hnvo been doubled by tin war. Lengthen their service by using Ited Cross Hall lilue In the laundry. All grocers Ad vertlsement. Patriotism tax. pnys an honest Incomo What comctb to the heart. from the heart goes Help You Run the Ball brin homo the bacon, collar the blue v&te, carry the message to Garcia, etc. 1ITTLE Raisins, full of energy and -iron, will put the pep into you that makes winning plays. Use vim like it in your business, too. One hundred and forty-five cal ories of energizing, nutriment in every little -five-tent red box that you see. Comes from fruit sugar in prac tically predigested form levulose, the scientists call it so it goes to work almost immediately. Rich in food iron also. Try these little raising when you're hungry, lazy, tired or faint. See how they pick you up and set you on your toes. Little Sun-Maids "Between - Meal" Raisins 5c Everywhere Had Your Iron Today? Ill nnd on the Brassy plains which lie at the foot of the (Jreat White mountain that points the way to heaven lived the Chosen People. Mere they dwelt In happiness together. And above them, on the summit of the mighty pi'itk, where stands the western nates to heaven, dwelt the Manltou. In order thai the Chosen People might know of bis love, the Manltou Mnmped upon the peak the Image of I his face, that all might see ami wor j Hhlp him. And there each day the ' Chosen People came to pray and wor i Klilp, where the llrst bright rays of I the rising sun embossed the Image I" , their golden glow. There in happi ness they dwelt, their realm evtend 1 lug Just as far as they might see the face of Manltou over l.lll and plain. ' And the land was fair and the chosen tribe was em led by all the dwellers 1 of the -plains who knew not Manltou. Hut one day, us the storm clouds played about the Peak, the Image of tho Manltou was hid. 1-ow hanging clouds swept down from out the sky nnd crept to earth In mist und fog nnd rain, and the happy, smiling face of Manltou was bid. and none could see i it And down from the north swept n barbaric host of giants, taller than I the spruce which grew upon the moun tain side and so great that they snoou lliu earth with their strides. Willi tiin Inviiilliic hosts came ter- , rlhle beasts, unknown and awful In their mightiness, monstrous beasts 1 that would devour the earth and tread j It down. And as they came on the Chosen People were frightened, and ' In their fear they lied to the Holy i Mount, for In the sight of their titanic foes they were as grasshoppers. I As the Invading tribes came on, the I Chosen People fell on their faces and I prayed to Manltou for aid. Then came ' to pass a wondrous miracle. The ! clouds broke away and sunshine smote tho peak. And from the very sum mit, looking down upon the valley and the plains appeared the Munnou Him self. Sternly he looked upon the in vaders, and as be looked the giants und the beasts turned Into stone. As then they stood, the giants stand today. Their scattered bands, now rock of red nnd brown, aro found to cast and north, time-worn and scarred. with legs deep burled In the drifting snnds. Some holder than the rest are near the mount, and some lire far nwny In sheltered canons as If they sought to hide. Some hold their shields uplifted as If to meet tbe stony gaze of Manltou, while others, crouched In horror, were struck dumb nnd turned to stone there where they stood. The beasts the giants drove nre stranger still big, clumsy ele plinnts with clumsy trunks; camels und massive bears and timid deer; binnntli, glossy beaver with Hat, scaly tails; huge frogs and timid turtles. All were changed and stand today us they stood then when, living, they defied the Manltou. They covered all the valley these living men and beasts sow turned to stone. And It you doubt this story, go nnd see them standing there today us they stood then. Time worn and prny they are from countless storms. Iinlf-burled In tbe sweeping sands, nnd . yet If you look closely you can see ihelr forms, the giants and the beasts that hoped to steal the land where ilwelt the tribesmen who were our fa- Users. When the white men came they called the spot the Garden of the finds, because, they say, the rocks nre great and odd ; but we who know the story of the race still call It "Valley of tho Miracle," for hero It was tlmt Mnnltdu gave aid to save his chisun people and left there these rocka and forms of men all turned to stone, ns warning to nil of us who may some time attempt dellnnce to him and Ids commands. Not. The Utes for jottr lived on the eastern slope of the Rockies, with their big town "Ituated near what Is now tho city of Colorado Springs. This legend refers to the Garden of tho Gods, Just outside the city of Manltou a spot that has become world fa mous for the unique beauty of its rock formations. Have you ever slopped to reason why it U that en many product'1 that are ex tenivoly nilvcrtiFCil, nil at oihh drop out of fight and are soon forgotten? The rcaon n plain the nrticle did tint fullitl the protines of the niinufiietuier. This apptleo more t?-' t iottlnrly to n medicine. A nirilieitinl ptiparntnut thit has rcnl ciuatiie value almost fell itelf. an like an cndles clinin Fvstem the remedy in rcoiitiitnetuleil by those who have been benefited to thofo who are in need of it. A piominrnt druggist ai, "Tako for exninple Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Knot, a ptrpntiitiiiti I have mid for ninny cars and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost eery case it shows excellent re sults, ns many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large n jnle." According to sworn stntements and verified testimony of thousands who hae used the preparation, the succes of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Kootj is due to the fact, fo manv people claim, that it fulfills al most evcrv wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects uri nary troubles nnd neutralires the uric acid which causes theimuitism You may icceivo n sample bottle of Swamp-Hoot by parcel post. Address I)r Kilmer .t Co., llinghamton, N. V., and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. I.irge and medium sic bottles for sale nt all drug stores. Advertisement. They Spring Up Fast. August Helmoiit said at a dinner party ia Tuxedo: "New Yolk Is a hustling city, and It Is ast iiiishlng how fast we can pro duce aristocrats here. "I dined tin other evening In tbe new granite palace In Fifth avenue of a war profiteer. It was a magnificent feast, and I said to my hostess after It was oxer: "'Milt 1 haven't been Introduced to your husband yet. lie's lime, of course?' " 'Well or no, lie Isn't,' said my hostess "Then she shrugged her white shoul ders and added: "'You've got to draw the line some-' where, you know.'" Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Got Some Telling Points. traveling man got a letter from bl'i linn lining a good deal of crisp lan guage about expense necounts. It was passed around In the smoker and condemned roundly. After some bit ter comment he slipped it Into his In side pocket. "ltut why do you keep that tulT?" asked a friend. "I'd tear It Into a thousand bits and scatter It along the right of way." "Well, they made some good points," he explained. "And I've gotta write to my wife tonight." "Huh?" "She's spending too much coin." Sure Relief FOB 3NE)!CSTSON stSW3 6 Bell-ans LAV'- ' Hot water m$LLzLZ Sure Relief LFWl IrniC The Retort Dubious. Host "Well, how did ou like our old sherry?" Guest- "Pine; I could taste the wood In It " .3.1. 25$ AND 75$ PACKAGES EVCRYWHtRE Your Mm ntft not txi itila or Hlreakml will, litKj vn AM HAIR DO LOU Kir.nt wiw.ii wiit qtilcklr rrmn It mill brlnir ick h11 Us orlclnM culur nml luiiirlnner. A I nil Knoiliriiffilt,?K. or Ulrcrt (rain HEMIC - ElUS, CU.Mi. MEMPHIS, TtHN. HEALTH FOB W0!K WOMEN LetLydiaE.PinkhamWegetaWe Com pound Help You to Become Well. Manhood's Afterthought. When a man looks back and thinks of what a fool he was, he Is glad there were no monkey glands to prolong bis youth. If at first you don't succeed, young man, remember there may bo other girls who aro not so particular. Laziness phllnsuphv. is tbe fruit of misdirected Thousands of p-irls have to work in homes, ollices. stores, mills or facto ries who aro physically unfit for work, with often an nged or invalid father or mother dependent upon them for support. Standinir nil day week in und veok out, or sitting in cramped positions a girl often contracts some deranged condition of her organic Bystem which cnlln a hnlt to her pro press nnd demnnds restoration to licnlth boforo sho can bo of uso to herself or anyone else. For these distressine; weaknesses nnd derangements Uieso girls hnvo found health to do their work in Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegotnblo Com pound. Brooklyn. N.Y. "Like mnny girls, I had troubles every month," says Cnrolyno Mangels. ' 'and they inter fered with my work ns 1 could never bo sure of my time. My mother often suggested that I tako Lydia E. Pink hntn's Vegetable Compound, but I never did until lntcly. I havo had very fjood results, nnu am now a pri vate secretary and do my work with out missing n day. I recommend your medicine to every girl who speaks of having troubles like I have hail." Carolyne Mangi:us,107 14tb St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Office Worker Helped Milwaukee, Wis."! havo taken Lydia E. Pinkhnm'tj VegoUiblo Com pound nnd Lydia E. Plnklmm's Blooi Medieinu for three nnd n half years, nnd they hnvo improved my health wonderfully. My mother also hnsi taken tho Vegetable- Compound and wo recommend it to our iriends. I am working in an ollico now nnd can always do my work as I do not hnvo tho troubles I had at first. 1 read of your Vegetable Compound in tho newspaper and you may uso my let ter in that way if you wish to do so." Ei.kanou SiicuLAlt, 037 actli St, Mllwnukoe, Wis. Pains and Headache Webster, Mass. "Iwos nil run down, hnd ti bad complexion, anil suffered with pains nnd backache, und was dizzy at times nnd felt weak. I worked In n mill nnd my girl chum told mo about your wonderful medi cine, Lydia E. l'inkhnm'a Vegetablo Compound. I am feeling much better since taking it" Maky Plaza, 13 West Street, Webster, Mass. Lydia 15. Plnkhnin's Private- Text-Uook upon "Ailments Peculiar to "Women" will bo .sent you frco upon request. Wrlto to tlio Ijydia K. IMnlclinm Medicine Co., Lyun, JHussaehusettfl. This book eoutulnu valuable int'oriuution. 10 Cents Insures Fresh Charm to OSd Shawls PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish Betrayed by Pores. Pores are more Important thnn lin ger prints to the crime Investigator; Tho science of "poroscopy" Is now called in when Itertlllon methods fall. Tho new science, dlscovcied by Dr. Kdmond I.ocard in HH'J, has taken eleven years to develop to perfection. Tho shape of the pores, not easily recognizable In the case of finger prints obtained by printers' Ink, on ac count of the roughness of these rec ords, Is found to be very varied when colorless prints or those levealed by a method employed by Dr. Locard aro examined. Making Deductions. Her Mother Now that you're mar ried, you should help Ferdinand to snve something. Mrs. Junobrhlc I do. I've already helped him to save somothln Income tax. on hi? Advises Dustncss for Wives. Mrs. Edward I.azansky, whose hus band Is a New York Supreme court Justice, believes that If more wives bud Interest In the business world there would he fewer protests when business keeps husbands out, of the home. Mrs. Lazansky knows where of sho speaks, since sli Is the pro prietor of a successful Interior deco rating establishment In Now York city. .1 HOW TURTLES FIND THE SEA Explanation, According to Harvard Scientist, Is Their Tendency to Travel Down Hill. Why loggerhead turtles readily find their way to the sea soon after hatch ing, has been discovered by George II. Parker of the zoological department of Harvard university. These rep tiles nre hatched Inland, and soon after birth crawl out of their nests, he ex plains. Then with a few exceptions they immediately start their Journey In tho exact direction of tin sen. The most Important reason for this behavior of the turtles Is their ten dency to go down hill, Mr. Parker be lieves. They also show an Inclination to move toward regions In which tho horizon Is clear and unobstructed by large masses. And blue ureas seem o attract them more than other colors. Their actions should be regarded moro complex than a simple response to light, for the retinas of their eyes re spond to the details, such us blue color, rather than to tJiu Image as u whole. A Dad Oargaln. A darky who bad recently married was asked by the farmer for whom ho worked how he and his Mnndy wcro getting along. "Not very well, boss. The fact Is, Mnndy and me we've done pa'hted." "Parted!" exclaimed the farmer. "Why, you were Just married. You know, Sam, you can't leuvo Mnndy. She's your wife and you took her for better or worse." "That's Just It, boss," said Sam. "I shore did tell that palnjon that I took that gal for better or was. But, Lnvvd, dat gal Is vvus'n I took her to Ik.." Tho Argonaut. - Moro than rouge nnd powder nro needed to alter tho complexion of a woman's thoughts. Kisses nre worth their face value In tiny market. Put antJ Take. Eleanor, at three, was very fond of her chewing gum, yet promptly obeyed when one (lay her mothei told her to put it In the coal scuttle because din ner was ready. However, sho win soon chewing again, so mother er claimed: "Why, Eleanor, I thought your gum was in the coal scuttle!" And baby sweetly lisped, "It wnth. but now llli over here vviiero mo Is!" Put your energy Into nchlevement today rather than Into regrets tomor row. Chinese Telephone Exchange. Tho "China" tt'lepbouo cxciuingo of fnn Krnniisco is unique. The build ing Is of Chinese architecture, tho op erators are Chinese girls, and tho Chi nese subscribers call by name Instead of numbers.' The operators handle be tween seven nnd eight thousand cnlln dally, Youth's Companion. Good Work Never Loot. No good work Is ever lost ; many luborers must bo content to sow; others will como to reap tho harvest tax Mullor. Let the Sunshine in J Are you fagged and foggy when you wake up in the morning? "There's a Reason." Coffee and tea are known to affect many people that way. Often, these beverages cause nervousness, sleeplessness and 6evere headache. "There's a Reason." Postum, made from wheat roasted just like coffee, is a delightful mealtime bev erage free from any element of harm. Try it instead of coffee or tea, and let the sunshine in. Postum JP N M "I fPW JIM pwlliil m r vw" "hw- ""zrivsis; isr lMMUWl)Ca fci"-J FOk HEALTH BEVERAGE k"-r:.7:ur-r- . -r-rr. Wr MreODUCTSL (( There's a Reason 3) Made by Postum Cerenl Company, Inc. Dattln Crook, Mich. Your grocer sells Postum in two farms: Instant Postum (in tins) prepared in Bluntly in the cup by tho addition of boil ing water. Postum Coreul (in packages) for those who prefer to mftko tho drink while tho menl is being prepared; made by boiling fully 20 minutes.