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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
u- 2''':i&?3Sts3&&Zli" A I HE'D CLOUD, NEBRASKA, GEIliS givitfj;ejirf;j.T:iiu.riitii))x.y,jujj)tujaTW.anijj.;!.,.wiiiMij.3uiia PROGRESSIVE fffftiM - n hhi K TijIWHB I IBS" WHtt. lJifeB . 7.J. . i1 .r V ITl ..miiJiall.JAIHlMtoWa!H!ll. Red Cloud, Nebraska, October 3 to 6, 1922 r YOUR FAIR : 0- TI1IS FAIK SHOULD HE ATTENDED BY EVERY PERSON LIVING IN THIS COMMUNITY OR THE SURROUNDING TERRITORY ACCESSIBLE TO IT. IT IS, IN FACT, YOUR PAIR, AND THE OFFICERS ARE RUN NING IT FOR YOU. THEY WANT YOUR ASSISTANCE IN MAKING IT A FAIR THAT THE WHOLE COMMUNITY WILL BE PROUD OF. THEY NOT ONLY WANT YOUR ATTENDANCE, BUT THEY WANT YOU .TO EXHIBIT SOMETHING. A FAIR CANNOT BE MADE A SUCCESS WITH OUT LIBERAL AND SUBSTANTIAL ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE PUBLIC AND EXHIBITORS. WHILE THE MANAGEMENT ASSURES THE PEOPLE THAT IT WILL SPARE NEITHER TIME, LABOR NOR EX PENSE TO MAKE THE EXHIBITION LARGE AND A GLORIOUS SUC CESS, IT WANTS TO BE SECONDED BY THE LIBERAL HAND OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE IN THIS PART OF THE STATE, AND IS RELYING UP ON YOU, AND YOUR NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS, TO BOOST THE FAIR IN" EVERY WAY YOU CAN DEVISE. f OUR AIM :5 o- WE AIM TO GET UP AN EXHIBITION THAT WILL NOT BE A PLAIN REPETITION OF THE EFFORTS OF FORMER YEARS; BUT PLAN TO HAVE A LIVE, PROGRESSIVE FAIR, ABOUNDING IN FRESH AND NOVEL SIGHTS, AND FEATURES THAT WILL BE INTERESTING WE HOPE TO BE ABLE TO MAKE THIS THE MOST MARKED AND MEMOR ABLE OF ANY SHOW EVER HELD BY THE SOCIETY, OR HELD IN THIS SECTION OF THE COUNTRY. IT WILL BE OUR ENDEAVOR TO HAVE THE GROUNDS, HALLS AND EXHIBITS EXCEED IN EXTENT, NOVELTY, CLEANESS, FRESHNESS AND SPLENDOR, THOSE OF ANY FORMER YEARS, AND THE OCCASION MORE CONSPICUOUS AND GRATIFYING. WE ARE AMBITIOUS TO HOLD A FAIR THAT WILL HAVE NO SUPERIOR IN ITS CLASS, AND" BE THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. DO YOU APPROVE OF THIS? iv voir nn n.n.nvm- ,. -WW .WW, WW U UU Afnn ittTmiT -. ........... - villi wiin u."s .x fiH'rriMr: twr npoiii to t km rM - ' . . 'S TIT rf;Xmmmm!7? ' J w -,Mi--i.rri.irririrr c n -.. .1 LJJssi2iS6Mg2S ASK THE SECRETARY FOR PREMIUM LIST T5he WKIB OHMIY AOHLIUUL SOCIEIV I ? lMmm ''- K ifiKrf V MLX'tFXV? i. , .. i 'm&;mm fcr.iKTfcaL,"'1'-' sztfr- &m&$r pr-V- E. J. OVERING, Jr. Pres. HENRY GILHAM, Sec'y. F. I. HOOKER AUCTIONEER Guide Rock, -:- Nebr. Ten Years' Experience and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 135 3-m Yes, Garber's Is The Place! Wmmmmmmmmmumm'mmmmmmmmmmmm m mm mm ..& r. jMBooK MotEP i M -. UllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllU mm To Buy Wall Paper. Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The 'best place for Picture Framing. The Margin of Safety lt iv'proFcU'O'l by tin unmum ,,f 1 insui uiit'o you carry Don't .nil jo'iisolf into (i fuuclel Hcuiit Ueetitise lire has uover touched you it doesn't follow that you're Immune j Tomorrow -no today, if you liuve time uud you better find timo Icotnu to tho oflloe mid we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL Reliable Insurance TJ1E HUGHES WAY I Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors WE CLEAN HATS Gallant Elevator Operator. In a downtown building several peo 3 wcra waiting for tho elevutor. (The cwr was crowded when n lady stepping in attempted to pull friend husband along. The alert operator called, "Just one more, that Is nil," nnd pushed (he ffcntloman hack. "So yon want ro separate us," said tho lady. "Yes," WUS thO UllSWOr! "I UTililil niMwip con. irate you this way than tho other ' A'uy." fean I'Tonclaco Argonuut, .Mothers foel more keenly thou ull otlicra that tlioy have given hostaBes to tho fututu. They know that they ara wrapped up In tho welfare of posterity. If Unit Inllueneo falls, tliore Is no Influ ence for ucod that can succeed. Coolldge. GOOD THINGS FROM CARROT.8 TMIEm-: tire ninny housewives who make u practice of canning n few Jars of tender young carrots to use in the winter. These tire especially good for little children, as they luck the tough liber of the vegetables that are used for winter. Carrot Soup. Take one cupful of conked carrots pressed through a sieve, add two tublespoonfuls of butter, one tublc spoonful each of onion Juice nnd minced pnrMoy. Cook one tablespoon fill of butter with one of lima- nnd add to u pint of hot mill:, Mir In tho tuner ingredients nnd serve hot. Duttered Carrot3. Mired carrot:, with n potato cutter Into shoe Milngs, cook until tender in wrj Utile Ui.tor. iiddlm: butter, lemon Juice uud n grating of nutmeg with salt and cuyenno to season. Servo very hot. Carrot Catchup. Tuko one pint of diced carrots cooked, three green peppers chopped, removing all white liber and seeds, two medium-sized onions, one tea spoonful of mustard seeds, one cupful of sugar, three-fourths of a cupful of vinegar, ono teaspoonful of salt and one-half teaspoonful of paprika. Cook all together until thick. Carrot and Apple Butter. Tuke one pint each of grated raw carrot and tart apple, two cupfuls of sugar, tho grated rind and Juice of lemon. Copk all together until thick. Seal In hot Jars. Carrot Salad. Put through tho meat grinder enough tender carrot to mnko a cup ful, add one-half cupful of finely diced apple, two tublespoonfuls of minced walnut meats, n tablespoonful of grated onion, salt and cayenne to taste. Mix with n highly seasoned dressing and serve on lettuce. ill-IDDIESSIX 1 i The Menr Path j! f r-&t WlllM.MaupIn 1 (, 19SJ, iVMtern Newpapr Union.) -w- Rcqulrfts Cash. Often 11 iiiiiii mils to unbrace an op porttDltv I 1 ' ' ' ton TrnnfcwJin oiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiTr 1 MY DESIRE TASK not wealth. A To pile In golden store. I ask but health That I mny toll tho more Kor those I love thnt 1 mny glvo Them dully comfort while thoy( live. I usk nut fame To blazon 'round tho enrth. I hope my mime Will Mund for honest worth t So Hint my children proudly wear The humble mime their parents bear. I usk not place To wield olllclnl power. I nsk for grit co Upon mo every hour So I mnj ample time employ To Matter Mullen and hope and Joy. 1 nsk imt length of Idle diiyn to live. 1 usk for .strength To help me ujndly glvo A helping huud to those downcast Ileshle my way us I walk past. I ask not ease While others suffer loss I usk to seize. And help them bear the cross So they. too. stand erect n whlln And look about with fnce Illumined with smile. I ask not days To spend In selfish gain. I ask but ways To banish grief and pain, So that at closo of qv'ry day "Ho helped mo on," some soul jvill eny. I nsk no prlzo That earth may hold In store. I nsk mlno eyes Mny sco yon fairer shore; That I may hear at Hfo's descending sun The final verdict passed: "Well done." (Copyright by tvm m. Maupln.) By WALTER I. ROBINSON fe '! iJ-Vi-?. .5Sn .y;lKii &SMiQm I " " ' ii 1 1 'I I Glddap. A traveled friend has observed how differently tho horsemen of different Kinds ui.e ti tin lr Meeds. Tho Iliilisb click the'r I i"rt Norwegians IIHlko U ; ,. a , i i-. the Arnl ; roll a 1 ' i . , t coailuu , a .,. , OTIIICK FELLOW'S JOB TON'T covet the other fellow's Job. -' Ono of tho weaknesses of hu manity frequently seems to bo dis satisfaction with the work men and women uro called upon to perform. TInio and again we hear complaints concerning the duties devolving upon Individuals. From the wnll that goes up one would Imagine that tho world' would be n happy, contented place If nearly everyone could swap his Job with someone else. Everv Job seems attractive to somo person: who Is engaged In some other Job. No matter how poor or rich men mid women may be, they fre quency are dissatisfied and covet tho privilege f treading the pathways which others walk. This Is pure folly and not only causes continuous unluipplness nnd discontent, but keeps men and women from winning nmteiial success In tho Important work to which they devote their time. Unfortunately men often Imagine women have easy tasks and women covet the Jobs of men. This is ono of tho chief onuses of domestic dis cord and often, leads to the divorce courts. In this connection wo recently heard an Interesting yarn. A woman orator, who wns decrying tho hard life of tho fair sex, demanded what her audience knew of women's work. She asked if there was a man present who had "day after day gone quietly downstairs, made tho fire, cooked his own breakfast, sewed mUsIng buttons on children's clothes, clenned tho pots uud kettles nnd swept the kitchen." In the renr of the hall n timid, spec tacled man arose bashfully nnd yet with a twlnklo In his eye. He wns tho husband of tho orator and had never before hnd n chance to assert himself. This parable for such wo suppose It Is drives home two valuublo les sons. First, It tenches that very often tboso who complain the loudest often are little hurt; second, that no ono can jutU'o the dcs.'i ability of others' Jobs. One's tasks are pleasant or distaste ful to tho extent ho would make them such, (Oopyrlslit by tho Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) No Necessity for Grii.'llii. f ' 'I '' e i.x d. . J st. j llc, rj f I' ' ' ' ' Y I t ', I ft u v ; i z LXu au COAL f-a We Sell Niggerhead Maitland And Routt County Lump We sell for cash that's -' why we sell cheaper. bid F ARMERS ELEVATOR I Blankets and Robes Call and see our line of new Robes and Blankets LEE WALKER Successor to J. 0. Butler A Financial Rainbow RAVIMn ArrmiMm: i i . . A u r "Y:-' " ? "i welcome rainoow to the financial storms of your life. After the clouds have rolled by and you find your Savings still tnnrf fhn fnbi :ii ii, Z. r. brighter and cheerful. And you will be glad that you started an account. Why not get busy to-day? Take a few dollars and start an ACCOUUt With this bank. And will. - litil. -ijj .. . - - . ...... n wnv HUUIU UCII WCCK v u, ,uc micrcsi we contribute, you will soon have a sum to allay all fears of any financial storm In the future. If not already a doposltor ooon an annnun -, THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, Prciident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florartfe, Caihicr '. Cvpital a, 1 ,S-vj (j,y.)ri ' ' I il t nf ) . . r .. . y IS 1 - "i r t AJ '"'"""' - " " - - ""'" "il'!lhlii"ult!iii,M -w-mwqrmlM