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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1922)
is b3 lK ;7.' iHlulHloilenl Sooittr fiii'n HHHAfltHK . s - t w .rs- - ' -" fffc aKi 1 I ttBPBHB IBj a-PfMf ii 7HLiT bjTTBFtBBBm A BiBBBBWaBBPwiHIBBP wt&mEKBmfMMiiMU9mwKm k Newspaper That QWes The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, AUGUST 31. 1922 NUMBER 35. Virg'l Huff is enjoying si vacation fiom his duties- in the Johnson & Graham Furnttu-e store. Mr. and M s. Sam Do.r returned to their home ut Alva, Oklahoma, Wed nesday after spending the past few days heie visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Finchcr ahd family. Mr. and Mrs. Fincher returned with them for a couple of weeks visit. Mi'-s. Marion Bloom and baby went to Fahbur.v Wednesday wheie .sh? will visit with her parents, Mr. r.nd Ms. lli-ho.i and w'th Mnd for i few day. Tlic daily papers .state that Henry Foul will clo.c his plants September ICth owing to the lack of fuel thus throwing a laige number of men out of woik. School Begins Sept. 11th How are the children fixed for their school clothes 9 III ' HHHSMIi W - '-rr.1u.i.lM..l -J! I- - -vt -i'li . j I j jTi I j 's2n&m t. L - I d , Here are a few bargains that will help you out on the girls clothes, this' offer is for 2 weeks only s Middies in all sizes at 1-5 off Girls dresses in sizes from 6 to 14 at Some of these dresses were as high as $-1.75 All children's underwear at 1-5 off BARBARA PHARES Agent; Warner Bros. Corsets Home Journal Patterns $2.50 FAK.MKHS' INSTITUTE IS THING OF THK FAST The dhectcra of the Webster County F.. mors' Institute, according to Soc io ary Henry Giiliam, met on Tues day and nt this time the Revision Committee made their report, which after considerable ds;ussion, was adopted, theieby changing the namo of the Farmers' Institute to Webster County Agricultural Society, in pur suance of the revised statutes of tho state of Nebraska for the year 1913. This permits any person of the age of 21 ycais becoming a member by the payment of $5.00 or more each year and binds no individual for any debt of tho association. The president and secretary are to meet with the Ladies' Auxiliary, of the old organization, on Friday, Sep tember the 1st and on Monday, Sep tember 11th, an open meeting is to be hold, at which t'me all interested In the success of the society arc invited to be present. The following committees for the now organization were named: Soliciting C. J. Tlntt, Rout. Damer- ell and Geo. Ooon. Decoration I. Johnson, H. C. Gel- Iat'y and F. A. Turnuie. Buildings and Grounds J. W. Auld, Frank Frisbio and Henry Gilham. ' Program Henry Fausch, E. J. Overing end A. B. Gelwick. Music Miss Josephine Mizer and J. E.Betz. ,,j, ' " Premium LlstCT Stertktt, Hen ry Fausch, and D. .C, Henderson. ' Pan(defran'Cj()cnf,Jro'. gutter and A,6.,delwicTk.; ' i '.',, ,, 'Advertising; ahd J,Prtyiting,VE. J. Overing, J. 'W-.Auld and Henpy Gil ham. , Constitution and By-Laws-r-E. J. Overing, Jas, S. Gilham and Frod Maurer. DELPIHANS TAKE NOTICE The first meeting of the Red Cloud Delphian Society will be held in the basement of tho Methodist church on Tuesday, September 5th. A full at tendance is desired. Those not having this year's program can secure same at this meeting. Grace Church Notes iiwwuimi Twelfth Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 a. in. Morning Sei vlco nt 11 u in. Ureuim; Seivlce ut S'OO p. in Bg5BarsriSCTjr:3aE?gwCTTg-TOcray,raT asvexsxjassssisrtxxKSJsaavnai: rskebskxbrUW iM L MM M M I m M m V SCHOO DAYS Singing tho Praises of Allen A Black Cat HOSIERY "Many a mother feels a little bit of her own girlhood return as she buys Allen A Black Cat Hosiery for the children these days. For these aro the same sturdy, long wearing stockings that her mother bought for her. It's tho same good brandto-day. And to it has been added the Master Brand Allan A -as a further as surance of value. Every pair of Allen A Black Cat Hosiery carries i t hosiery for the children and for all the family as well. In Silk, Lisle, Wool and Cotton. , mkWBtkfJ7'JJrjSt' ' AND LISTEN For a short time we will give a Lead Pencil FR.EE with every pair of Children's Hose. J W JLsJl01IJl1 V, Carnival Coming To Red Cloud The Andorson-tinuler Carnival Co,, will be here Oct. 'J to 11th under the uuspicios of the Red Cloud Fire De partment. These gcntlemon are from Lebanon, Kas., and ate well known by many of our citizens. They have a bnnd, merry-go-round, aero swing and eight shows and several concessions. The cftrnival will not be in tho city limits, but will be wlthlu two blocks of the business district. Tho Depart ment feels that this is the only way that they enn secure funds for the ben efit of tire protection. Old Settlers Attention The annual picnic of the Old Settlers ot the county will be held at Cowles on Thursda, the 14th day of Septem ber, utiless h severe storm should mnkc the roads impassable, in which event, the picnic will be postponed to tho following day. John Waller, Henry ICeencv nud Mrs. Aduiiisou nrc appointed a coin mittee to niako all the local arrange ments. For thut purpose they nre giv en full power over the people of Cowlo9, who uro hereby ordered to render them cheerful obedience. 'Uy Order of the President, It, I). Thompson. Per J. S. Gilham. County Papers Please Copy. v Guide Rock .Wins; 8 to 4 weSSay Afternoon SbeGnide' Rock Jbill team came ovej.)op do battle with toe ilea uiouu team ac me stance tieia. Both team's bad "spiked" up, .for the occasion, 'each team declaring they would be the winner; bnt at the close of the ninth inning, it was found that Gufde Rock was the winner by a score of 8 to . At times the Bamc was close and exciting and looked like tho home testa would nose out ahoad, but Guide Rock out hit the local team and scored enough runs to win the game. Ttiib made tho sixth defeat, all in a row, for Red Cloud, and unless something is done to secure harmony nud good feel. ing among the pluyois and manage ment, Red rioud may bo without a ball team for tho balatico of the season. Mervil Fentress Breaks Jail Two of Smith countj's fiee hoaidcrt effected n successful jail break about 1:'J0 Sundiiy morning, by drilling through tin ii cell wall, removing the stones and then picking the outer lock Tho two piiMMicrs were Mervil Fent ress, of Red" loud who whs serving tune until dlstiiei couit on clmigo of steal ing Mill Ainii' Foid -edan and a mau giving his mime lis Roy Wilson, who hud been in u couple of weeks dunged with robbing the Kriindes Drug More ut KciihinKtoii lloth men hnd plead guilty to tho preliminary charges and wero being held for trial. Fentress and Wilson also stolo SU- fioin Jake Rwlng who was in jail fcr the Day lord bank robbery of a couplo of months ago. Though Ewlng did net attempt to escape with them he was afraid to tell tho plans he knew. TL mou had been working on the plans for several days, and it is supposed w.-re aided by tools smuggled in from the outside through pics and edibles sent to the prisoners. After laav'ng the jail the men stolo a Ford car from Bert Ireland, Ave miles south of Smith Center, driving it to within two miles of Osborne where it was abandoned out of gas. Then they mado t'teir way to Uelolt by train, arriving there about 10 at night. It Was near that place thut Fentress was captured again and brought back to Smith Center. The other prisoner, Roy Wilson has not beeu located. Smith County Journal. ' i Miss Mildred Mercer, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. M, A. Mercer, underwent a sorlous operation at the homo of her parents la this city Sunday. Hrs. Stock man, weigmon ana uoxsoy, per formed the oporatlou. The young lady stood tho operation well nud her many . fr'ends rej .Ice that she will soon bo well Hgniu. WISE PARENTS WILL HAVE THEIR CHILDREN'S EYES EXAMINED AND TESTED BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS. BY SO DOING THEY KNOW THE CHILDREN BEGIN THE SCHOOL YEAR PROPERLY PREPARED TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF THEIR SCHOOL HOURS. BRING THE CHILDREN IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION AND FIT NO GLASSES UNLESS NEEDED. iftl- "RITE-RITE" MECHANICAL PENCILS 10c LEADS FOR AUTOPOINT, EVERSHARP AND OTHER PENCILS 10c PER DOZEN Pocket Ben Watches $1.50 Glo Ben Watches $2.50 Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $4.75 KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. A Few of Our Every Day Prices .1 PnutBMtter EPails 1-5 and 25c jyarge canyCorK ana Deans, 21bsT, 4 oz. ' - 25c Oil Sardines - " 05c Mustard Sardines, 2 cans 25c Sardines in Tomato Sauce 1 5 c 3 lbs. Steel Cut Coffee 1 .00 Large can Sweet Potatoes 1 5c Velvet 2 cans for - 25c Prince Albert 2 cans for 25c Camel Cigarettes - - 1 5c Swans Down Cake Flour 35c 2-25c cans Baking Powder 30c Toilet Soap - - 05c Come in and look at our Pails and Oil Cans THE FARMERS UNION BR AS K A ' S HiiJafflhlildMdiklHIim LINCOLN SEPT. 3 4-5-6 7-8 ggtrei HERE THE BEST 4HALLUJE5 SSENBLED I !- WI!TTiW iiii-t-iiT-i -wmsn llffMH iii'i'in'a fcLUIIHiillH McH;df.VXUMajlWiWhnnW.H5iIDII P. M. Whlwheml of Cu'bertson is i VI gil Huff va3 In Hastings Mon viiitin friends In the city. day afternoon. . ' mi i