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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1922)
I' I I W y y j& i. 1 I Hlulo Uhtoi'lunl Horlolj I.I tifnl n ..a --rm l'teJff!S"fiP3 jM...1 '"inifi. ai.- . - S-fr .T a -. "ggw gsgrr? "" s.rijSj!fi"?Ty .yr" r V, vpgggj &. tfiS8K!:r5'err'lz!r!r'J ..wMimM f-K-i'-a?-- . '. -. ini mi i - r--- -- - .--.--. , . . . .. uhhhii' - - .- --,- -- .. .-- --- A NewsMKr That aim Hie Flews Flfty-t Weeks Each Year Fer lf.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, JULY 27. 1922 NUMBER 30. Weesner's Harvest Specials Gallon Peaches, full pack, standard quality 65c " Brook-Dale, very fine 75c " Punch Brand, the best packed 1.00 Apricots, Oak Glen, standard quality 75c If D..,.l. DnJ mCm. Inunn' hnlltns very solid, not mushy, fine for pie or sauce 1.00 " Pears, Nancy Hanks, whole spiced 95c Cherries, Royal Annes, very fine 1.35 Blackberries, Puyallup brand, solid pack, very little water, the best you can buy 1.00 Pineapple, F. F. 0. G. Sliced, extra fine 1.25 " Bakers grated, nice for pies 1.00 Apples, Puyallup brand, Western pack 80c Buy Gallon Goods at these Prices its Economy a tt tt tt tt tt a tt tt The P. Weesoet Company RED CLOUD, NEBR. Mi Sale of Needed Merchandise HARVEST TIME is always a busy time for the housewife and one does not get time to wash when needed have gone through the stock and noted a few of the articles most needed. TOWELING Linen colored crash, good grades ICc ' White cotton crash, good grade 10c All linen crash 30g Ready-made bath towejs. 18x38 26c Large size, 21x42 hemmed ends, good weight 30c Come in and let us show ' you these and you will sure buy. All summer weight dress goods in Voile, Dimity, Batiste, Tissues, Silk Tissues, Organdies, al 20 Per Cent Off Regular Price to clean them up. BARBARA PH ARES . AGENTS "Ladies Home Journal Patterns" Warner Brothers Corsets, Farmers Union Picnic The Wohsjrr County Farmers Union will huld their annual picnic atCowles Friday, August 4th Mr. Hurrett, National VreMdent of tlu Farmers Union, unci C .1. Osborn, State President, will bo the principal speakers for the veut while there will be plenty of music, tendinis and sports to complete the program. Ellen Marie McCallum Dies Ellen Marie, aged 3 yours. 4 months and .'Wlays, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCallum, lesidliu south of Blue XI ill, passed away Wednesday af ternoon at the home of her grandpar ents Mr. and Mrs. McCallum, in this city. lhe little one had been suffering from tousilltli for a few weeks and un derwent an operation, after which complications et in which resulted In her demise. Funeral services were held this afternoon, Rev Cope in charge, after which interment was made In the Plainview cemetery. Red Cloud Defeats Inavale. Sunday afternoon the Inavale team, who has joined the Polly League, and the local -team crossed bats on the Starke diamond., The visiting team did not put up theusuaf hard fight they have heretofore staged when play ing here and were outclassed turnout the game, Red Cloud won by a score of 8' to 0. Lconardand Bean was the bat tery for Inavale, Loonard striking out 5; Slaby was on the mound for us and struck out 7 while Plchler did the catching. Another player Rex Relihan, who plays in centerflold, made his debute with tho local team aud he no doubt will strengthen the team both at the bat and in tho field. Blue Hill comes horo next Sunday. Prizes Awarded " In Flower Contest. Offaul Primary Vote. The following is the ofilcial total vote of the candidates who wero nomi nated by their party at the primary held last Tuesday: REPRESENTATIVE Daniel Garber, R. 831 I. V. Edson, D 102 COUNTY ULI2IIK Elmer Simons, R :. 003 B$F. Perry, D. '. 121 ' '' COUNTY TREASURER Hazel Powell, R 000 Bert Dueker, I) 5202 COUNTY SHERIFF Jack Waller, R 401 Frank Iluffer, D 230 COUNTY ATTORNEY H. S. Foe, R 1230 E. G. Caldwell, D. 403 COUNTY ASSESSOR G. H. Ovorlng, R. 1020 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, (Non-Pollticall Minnie Christian 1003 Estello Dueker 1041 The County Convention for tho Re publican and Democratic parties will be held at the court house oh Aug ust 8th. BAND CONCERTS CEASE FOR LACK OF SUPPORT jj,The band boys met Inst evening UtruVUecided to refund, to . thoJ2it)l Council their donation of $50.00, since they were unable to raise, among the business men, a sufficient additional amount necessary for the financial support of the continuation of these apparently otherwise high ly enjoyable entertainments. This is, indeed, a most regrettable state of affairs. From the viewpoint of old players available, as well as the in structor, the community was never more favorably blessed or tho band much stumper than it is at this time. It is to bo hoped that some means may he shortly devised whereby the small amount necessary for the re suming of those open air concert may bo fort'i coming. Commercial Advertiser. For Those New Floors IAVUVVVIV-VVV1V.V-V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V-V.VV.V.V-VVW 5. , . . . I : i Bruce Brand - OAK ilt i: THE MALONE GELLATLY CO. i ASK US WVSVUVWVVArUV.V.V.V.V.V.VVVV.V.VJV"VVVVUWAArt The "Plant Zennias" campaign which was Instituted in this city by tho local P. E. O., society, resulted in jnany beautiful gardens of these flowers by those who believe in making their homes more beautiful. A contest was conducted for the children. E J. Over ing, Mrs. Damerell and Rev, Bates were appointed judges and they judged tho gardens and made tho following awards: Marguerite- lladell, 1st, S3.00. Frances Jones, 2nd, S2.00 Helen Schnltz, 3rd, Sl.00. Wo hopo this organization conducts anotner campaign next summor. Red Cloud Chautauqua Opened Wednesday, Red Cloud's Chautauqua opened Wednesday afteruoon under very flat- torlng conditions .with tho noward Quintet musical program. These mu sicians are past masters in their art, and those who are lovers of good musio and missed the opening number, were deprived of au excellent treat. In the evening after an excellent pre lude by tho Howard Quintet lasting about thirty minutes, they wero fol lowed with an excellent address by Dr. Hulbort, for years Envpy Extraordinary of the Emperor of Korea. Dr. Hulbert camo with a message to Red Cloud's Chautauqua Wednesday evening of ex ceeding interest and valuo in those days when the "East" Is 60 largely iu the public mind. Few men speak with such authority and from 60 deep and intimate a knowledge of facts, none moro eloquently. NEBRASKA'S GIFT MAY BE RETURNED SFECIALS A GENUINE COW HIDE LEATHER BELT WITH SILVER NICKEL INITIAL BUCKEL AT $1.00 OTHER BELTS AND BUCKLES UP TO S7.G0. WASHABLE WHITE LEATHER BELTS S1.00. A FULL LINE OF "KUM-A-PART" CUFF BUTTONS, (A SNAP TO BUTTON 50c S1.00 AND $1.50. .. RITE-RITE THE NEW MECHANICAL PENCIL, EACH 10c. EXTRA LEADS loc PER DOZEN. LEADS PIT PAL, EVERSHARP. AUTO POINT, ETC. u&m HOL-TITE SOFT COLLAR FASTENERS 50c. KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. WANTED Young men, handy with carpenter tools, for permanent employment on car work rate, 47o to 03c per hour, depending on ability. TImo and one half after eight hours. Call on or write to Master Mechanic, C, B, & Q, R. R., McCoolc, Nebr. Steps to g. t back the $3,G00 silver service which wns presented by the people of Nebraska somo fifteen years ago to the battleship bearing the state's name will bo taken by Governor McKelvie. The vessel has been out of service for tho last year or two as unsuitable for modern naval use. A. F. Smith, head of an Omaha jewelry house, wrote to Mr. McKelvie that he had obtained information re garding the silver set through Sen ator Hitchcock, and learned that it is now in charge of tho naval yard commandant at Mare Island, near San Francisco, Smith suggested that it would make a fine showpiece to adorn the governor's office. Tho silver Forvico consists of a punchbowl and other pieces such as might once have been in use on board naval vessels of tho United States, but not since it became unlawful to servo liquor on them. It was bought with money collected by popular sub scription about tho time that tho battleship Nebraska was completed and" launched. Governor McKelvie will write to the commandant of tho navy yard at Mare Island, who has agreed to send the sot if money is advanced to pay for its packing and cxprcssage. He may not put it on display In his of fice, but will sco that it is kept on hand so that it can bo included with other state relics and trophies in tho new capitol. Lincoln Star. . Kyi ' )KhH Kni B3 MR fC En wBH iB BRASKA' 5 FIFTY-FOURTH ' L. IJ.J.LJJJII.BJiii.l.'! 1 II. I nr:u-irf:H:Mi.y,' ii'iii LINCOLN. SEPT. 3 4-5-6 7-8 THE BEST INALLLINE5 ARE SEMBLED Grace Church Notes 7th Sunday after Trinity v Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon at 11 n. m. No evening service. , trSriTnJHERE yVUVUfcsa flATA. & vlll kWkmikkm m m kw Ari x. Kssf wtm r:ioAS i " v- i n f c. vw r -m x w mijm ?sM i MibbbbMIbbbmbbbI i" g a I(i'IilJ - , i lil il B yi ll iJjnjiitji?ra;Htii:iiijnffgrnqaf Fly Nets Now is tho time to buy fly n ets and covers of all kinds at pro-war prices. Como in and see my line before buying. LEE WALKER Successor to J. O. Butler