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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1922)
JttD OLOUpr i NEBRASKA, CHCEF , . if I v pp i k i r , a1 4 MKKKMKKKKKK8K8K ' ! AS TOLD TO US lluy ItreHd at Powell and Pope's. Eskimo Pic 10c nt Powell's Cafe. G H. McCrary of Inavale was in the cjy Monday. W, 13. Smith and Louie ScHultz spent Tuesday in Chester. Joe Crow of Republican City was in the city Saturday. Bert Leonard was down from Ina vale Tuesday evening. t Attorney Geo. Marshal of Kiverton ws in tho city Monday. Miss Elsie Post was a passenger to Denver Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. G. Warren spent Sunday with fr'enda at Superior. Edgar Wiggins was a passenger to Hastings Tuesday morning. A. C. Potter was a pnssenger to Hastings Monday morning Rev. D. Fitzgerald was a passenger io Superior Friday morning. Harry Letson was u passenger to Superior Wednesday morning. Alfred Phillips was a passenger to Iaywoed Wednesday morning. John Edwards of Kiverton was in the city Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. It. P. White entertained the afternoon Whist Club, Tuesday. J. S. L. Thomas is installing a "vlrclcss telephone in his home. ' Mrs. Clyde Smith went to Blue Hill Friday morning to visit friends. Fred Mandcville of Grand Island ' Ivas in tho city Monday evening. Miss Emma Bargman was a passen ger to Hastings Tuosday morning. tMr. and Mrs. Will Boron were pas Mongers to Hastings Monday morning. 'Eskimo Pic 10c at Powell's Cafe. i. '' Try a bar of Eskimo pic at Powefl's Cafe. -r Frank Strobl was a passenger to Bloomfield, Colorado Saturday even i 3"g. C. C. McConkey returned to tho Old Soldiers Home at Grand Island Fri day. Virgil Eastwood wont to Liberty Wednesday morning to spend a few days. ' M-s. Ollio Ell'son went to Alma Saturday morning to visit with rela tives. Judg- Blackledge wot to Holdrege Monday morning where he will hold 'court. ' W. A. Itomjue rcturred homo Sat urday morning from R"swd1I, New Mexico. Mr. David Hart of Hastings1, has lcen .nt the Rev. Cope home for the past week. Mrs. Barbara Pharc? went to .Om aha Sunday nwrninfc to purchns goods for her store.' 1 ' Mrs, G. W. Davis fi"d daughter, MissGMce, were paisergecs to Hast ings Monday morn'n. The ladies of the Congregational church w'U hold a food market at "Weesnor's store, March lUli. Miss Nina S'mmons wont to York Saturday morning to spnd a few days with her par"nts and friends. Mrs. G. W. Tr'ne went to Linpoln Tuesday morning to sped a few days with her daughter, Miss Voma. . Mrs. Ned Sutfon went to Oxford Saturday morning to sjHfid a fow , days with relatives and friends. : ,,. , . Farm Loans - ? "All wn'ntlntr farm lnn nnll and see ' ino I'havesompthlnp neW to offer you. J.'H. NJttLBY. Chfi FfllK9 AT H6ME EXPECT YOU 1110 rULI0 TOTELL'EM ALL ABOUT ExhilaratingBURLESKaVAUDEVILL . Staj!flAIvnyrillcJwlllirrryO!r'i, I'unnyClonnj Onriirnim Hiiulpaiie, llnllitnt Scmlo Hnvironmcnt. MATINEIi DAiLY,2:lE; ZVNGS 8:30 EVCRYnODY C liTCl A-1' NYDODY Always tho oicjrosta.'JBostSiii; .VestafChlcago Eskimo Pic 10c at Powell's Cafe. M,r. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson ot Superior spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Traut went to Longmont, Colorado Saturday evening to spend a few days vis.ting his sislvr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kalcy gave an .nformal dance Wednesday evening, in honor of Mrs Nolle McClure of Den ver. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rnthjcn have moved into the Longton residence which he purchased several months ago. Mrs. L. R. Pryor, and daughter, Peggy Jane, of Maxwell, are visiting hor-sister, Mrs. E. L. Morliart ami family. Mrs. George Clauson went to St. Joe the last of the week where slit will v'is.t her daughter, Mrs. Claude Gcarrow, Mr. and Mrs. Glial Gcllatly gave a dinner party to twelve guests, Frid'iy night. Bridge was ph.ycd during the evening. Last Thursday evening Mesdames Maude Rcnfro, Ben Copley and Sam Thompson were initinted into the Re bokah lodge. Chas. Nelson returned to his home at .McCook Tuesday evening after spending a few days with his brother, Ray Nelson. State Deputy Fire Marshal Butcher of Lincoln was in tho city bc-twosn trains Tuesday evening while enroute to Danbury. W. II. Dungan, traveling engineer for the Burlington from Denver, spent several hours in this city Sat urday morning. Mrs. Nellie McClure was a passen ger to Pawnee Thursday morning, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kalcy. Mr. and Mrs. Will Britton who have been residing at Dcshlcr have return ed to this city and he is now working at Oglovie Bros, garage. ! , Dr. .and Mrs. pamcrcll have return ed' homo from' Bozoman, Montana where they have been visiting, his brother the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Britton return ed home Monday evening from Doug Ins, Wyoming where they had 'been visiting his brother, Joe Britton. March is no accident month on Mio Burlington. All employees are cau tioned to be very carcflul in their work. So far the record is clear. Mrs. J. H. Bailey returned homo Sunday evening from Suporior whcr'J she spent a few days with her daugh ter, Mrs. Harry Waller and famliv. Gus Fuller, who has bn employed in Oglevie Bros., garage for several years, resigned h's position Tuesday and returned to his home at Cowlcs. J. E. Yost shipped one car of cattle to St. Joe Tuesday morning, Delanoy Bros., one car of hogs and J. M. Wer ner one car of cattle to Kansas City. Mrs. Clifford Douglas departed Monday morning for Forest City, Missouri, she being called there on account of the sickness of a relative. Two good places to cat, at home and Powell's Cafe. There will be a double heador bask pf. ball game at tho High School gym Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Aubushon re turned home Saturday evening from Fort Worth, Texas where they had p-cn visiting relatives for several weeks. Mrs. Sanderson returned to her homo at Lincoln Wednesday morning pf-or spend'ng the past two weeks villi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Potter. Supt. W. F. Giles of Wymore spent several hours in this city Tuesday morning attending to Burlington mat tors returning home on No. 16 that morning. Operator E. C. Humphries arrived hir Tuesday morning from Minden to vork third tr'ck hero in the place of f A. Pasco who has been sick the ,risl few days. Mr. and Mrs. Albie Pope went to "Hnrs Monday morning after spend " a few days hero with their par- -. Mr, and Mrs. Pope and Mr. : ml "-. EdPulsiphcr.n , 25 REDUCTION EXCURSION FARE OMAHA AND RETURN Via m " . MARCH 13, 14, 15 Final Return Limit March 20th Account AUTOMOBILE TRADE ASSOCIATION Sec tho line of Ladles Gouts und Suits at Mrs Pliares storo Monday Rev. Cope was called to Trumbull last Friday to prcucli the funeral of 11. II. Talbert, who hud been Superin tendent of the M. K. chinch there for 115 yeui'h Nov Cope wan his pastor for six years. Mrs. KiimicIi ot tins city, being a rolutlve of tlio deceased, uo coiiipmilutl them to Trumbull. Jay Eddy has accepted a position with tho Shaffer Oil Co., and is now driving the Deep Rock oil truck. His many friends a;e pleased to learn of his getting this position. Chas. Swavtz went to Bladen the last of the week where he has accept ed a position with the Farmers' Union store and he will be in charge of the implement department. Henry Kcency and family of Co'v lcs, autocd down Sunday evening to see the pictures shown at the Baptist church. They also, brought a crowd of youngsters along with them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mocdc of Lara mie, Wyoming arrived here Sunday morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carpenter. Mr. Mocdc went to Blue Hill Wednesday morn ing to visit his mother. Last Friday night the Red Cloud and Guide .Rock Legion basket ball teams clashed at the High School gymnasium. Guide Rock won by a score of 27 to 19. The local team put up a good game and outplayed the visitors in the last half. A. B. Crabill shipped four cars of hogs to the Kansas City market Sun day morning. A total of one hundred and sixty-seven cars of stock were handled thru here in three trains Sun day morning enroute to the St. Joe and Kansas City markets. Members of the Bapt'st church went in last Friday cvning and sur prised Mrs. Nancy Green on her 75' h birthday. Splendid entertainment was provided, a fine lunch served speeches made, and then Rev. I. W. Edson 'n behnlf of the membership, presented her-n f:ne leather shopping bag, which pleased her vry much. They wished her tho pleasure of many more happy birthdays in their midt. Tho Missionary Tea at Mrs. C. H. Miner's last Frday afternoon was the first mcetinfiT' of the kind, since itsrc, when the State president, Mrs. Yelton of Lincoln was present. An instwfvo program .was conducted by tho new prcs'dont Mrs. I. W. Edon, and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. A fine tea was served, nnd the proceeds proved large. At the Anril sess'on they meet with Mary Christian. Use It On Free Trial KILL oft the worm and get your bon f edlng rich! and tEty rein fine slutpo to withstand any disease. Thy'llfnttenUatndMAKS you more MONlV. fksforpcez nantsowi. We want yoa to Iroat an your horo with UOCKTOKB PKEB tfodSy8.Kc5ia Jfjrjy?, will Blvo you sufficient HOQ ONlt(tlioiffuWormlUUcronaHoe Conditioner) to treat your aitirt tierd lor CU days. It Its results tall to eatUty you, It will oot you notluutf. C. Li. Tho Druggist RED CLOUD NEBR, The Rossler Hue of liidlos coats and suits will bo nt Mrs. l'lmres store Mon. day. Mrs. C. H. Dietrich of Hastings will hold a meeting with the Cowlcs W. C. T. U. Indies next Wednesday, and at this time also organize them into n League of Women Voters. The county pies dent of tho W. C. T. U. also a member of the Bed Cloud League has been invited to attend. Leagues are being organized over tno county to inform Uk ladies as to worthy candidates before the primar ies. Mrs. D.'ctrich is an Ex-prcsidnnl of tho State League. The ladles of the Home Missionary Society of the M. E. church wishes to Fluid1 this way of expressing their up. preciatiou to each and everyone Hint so willingly and so ably took the part assigned to thorn aiul dressed nucord. Ing to tile character they represented as requested, and wo also wish to ex press our gtalltude to tho Ningors and the pianist for 'heir promptness In coining in with their part "Just on Time" which added so much to the suc cess of the entertainment also for the tendering of "Old Illuek Joe" so beau tifully Last, but not lcust wo wish to tliiiuk the. American Legion for tho use of their beautiful Hug, for it surely was a joy and inspitation to evory one Interested in the program and we want the boys of the American Legion of Ited Cloud to remember that the Ladies of the Homo Missionary Society of tho M. K. church stands ready and willing to help them whenever requested. Again wo thank one and all for their kind attention and liberal offering. Committee. 'llii-, was the bplendid dramatization given at the M. 10. church lust Sunday evening by members of tho lIomoMibs- ioniiry Society. They impersonated the different races in our country. Every phase of the Missionary work wits ex hibited. Mrs. Copo impersonated, Miss Amottcir, Pearl Mines was the Herald of the people; .Mrs. Geo. Kuiley repre. sonted the Home Missionary Society and welcomed tho ladies The Chinese girl was Thelmti Mercer and Miss Edith Beezlcy took the part of tho Mormon girl. All the long list of char ucters were cplcudidly impersonated ihe Missionary motto, "For the Love of Christ und in His name" and also the name of the play, hud been made by Mrs. Hines in large letters und strung across the pulpit. The mite-box becretary was a valu able churauter in thin play. As each character appeared the choir suug np- iippropriute songs of each nation. Shooters Attention ' The llrst regular tdioot of the Ited Cloud Gun Club will be held March 12th at 0 a. m. We will have the shells on the ground. Tho shoot will be open to till utnateitib anil professionals. Tho program will be twenty llvo blids. In the District Court of Web ster County, Nebraska. In Tito Natter of the Application of AI- phie E. Hansen, Administrator, for License to Sell Real Estate. Now on this 7li. d-) of Februar) 1022, Aiphlf E. Hntisn, uiiniiiilslriiior of the estate of H-nry U lluiisen, de ceased, hiivlnu presented his petition under oath praying for license to Bell the following described reul estate ol the said Henry i. Hansen, deceased, to-wii: An undivided one-third inter est tu the South West Quarter of the North East Quarter Hnd the South hlf of the North West Quarter of 8ection 10, Town 1, Range 10, in Webster Coun ty, Nebraska, subject to the homestead right tn naid laud of Louise HanBen, for the payment of debt allowed against said estate, and allowance Hnd costs of administration, for tbo reusoii that there Is no personal property in the pobsesslou of said Alphie E. Hun sen, administrator, belonging to said real estate to pay said debts, allow ances and costs. It is therefore ordered, that all per sons interested in said estate appear before moat chambers- in the city of Red Cloud, in hind county on 20th day of March lt)'2'J, at thu hour of ten o'clock, A. M. to show eaue, If iui thero be, why a liccusu should not bi granted to said adiniulstiutor to bell so much of the above described real astute ot said decedent as. shall be accessary to pay said debts and ox peases. It is further ordorod that a copy of this order be. served upon all persons interested in said estate by causing tho,snmo ta b,e published for four 6uo cesslvc weeks lu tho Red Cloud Chief, a newspaper printed and published lu said county of Webster. .LEWIS II. I1LACKLEDUE, Judge of District Court i i. ii "' Dr.W.H.McBride OENTI&T OVKU SI 'Vll HANK Red Cloud " Nebraska lit U.M) Geo. Trine RED CLOUD We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a 1 CREAM SEPARATOR Lota of your neighbors arc De Lavals. Have you ever asked any of them how they like their machines? .. Their judgment and experience ought to interest youC Why not make a few inquiries? -: You'll find that in every case the De Laval is giving more cream and better cream; that it is easiest to operate; very seldom gets out of order and never seems ue Talk & orcr wuh joor Bogbbor NUCKOLLS COUNTY BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Combination Pure-Bred Stock Sale Will bs Held at The Fair Grounds, Nelson, Nebr. Saturday, March 18th, 1922 Consisting of W Ured Sows It Poland Cliinu Bred .Sows I Uonrund '2 Gilts, Poland China Fall 1 I) Duruu Jersey Ured Sows .1 Spotted Polund-Chitia Uroil 1 Oray Perehoron Stallion This stock Is all first class stuff, carefully inspected by the,, Manager and Committee. It is our first sale aud as we are anxious to tualto'ii Rood showing, we have a good consignment to offer. It consists of some of tho leading and most popular strains of each respective breed. The sows are. of good quality and type, some will have pigs hy sale day. v Tho cattle nre.good growthy stuff aud in good condition lo grow cm mid the huer the uiosi good. All cattle will be given tho tuber cular test before Mile day. t The Stallion Is a good horsc.'has done several neasous good use for the 'consignor and sells for no fault., the reason being that there arc several of his offspring on the faun. A Special Invitation is Extended to Each Person to Attend This Sale Bring The Boys Along! Sale will be held Inside if the weather is bad. " BIG FREE LUNCH AT LUNCH Auctioneers: Col. A. W. Thompson, York Col. W. C. Henderson, Superior Col. C. i. G. Donny, Superior F. E. Bottenftold, Muto ' ankl Nelson, Clerk ol Sale Write t the Manager Jor it Catalogue NUCKOLLS COU TY BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Laurance Smith, Superior. Nebr., Sale Manager Take Advantage of Our BARGAINS Men's Suits and Overcoats $16.50 to $25 SPECIALS Heavy fleeced lind QUA Union Suits fuu Heavy Ribbed Union Suits 95c Flannel Shirts, priced from $ 1 .75 to $4.50 with 1 0 extra discount Wc Are Giving Special Prices on all Seasonable Goods i Come In And W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co. "TAe Hottse of Quality" If your printed matter comes from the 'Chief you know it is 'riglit' LAVAL Tfc io wear out. Your neighbors will back up what wc have been telling you about the De Laval So will any of the 2,125,000 l-aval users. V. We wffl n Von NEW D Lard on r term. Coma In, aiamin the wattloo and talk it orcr. 14 Head Cattle i Short Horn Heifers, 0 years and under. . Short Horn Dulls 2 Polled Short Horn Bulls 1 Polled Short Horn Cow nnd Heifer Calf SWEATERS At Great Reduced Prices First Quality All Rubber four buckle Overshoes ... $1.75 Be Convinced. .., A,' "