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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1922)
, ;K A Newspaper That Glres The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 '!$ VOLUME 50 ' RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, MARCH 16. 1922 NUMBER 11. wk '.'Mf' BgTmmm . ....nm.. ,.,. riEr P E 0 's Elect Officers siiooi.iioahdhi.kcts iK lA ll "incers , tkacubrs on jioxii vy I i Jjr hpecial hoap bale 1 w ji v. V AN ADVANIAGEOl S l'l'R' IU.sE OP A f AUGT' AMGTNV OF SOAP ENABI I . I S 10 Oil i .: W 01 read Wh Doap DU'lJ I Tho P. I:. () society held their annual usiuess meeting Monday evening at t e home of Mrs. A. E Boles wherein my elected the following uilleeis for' the ensuing vear: President -Mr E. h. Morhart. Vice Pieiidetit MtH. A. E. Holes. . lteoording Secretary Mrs Munduy. Cor Secretary Mis. II B. McHiido. Treasurer Mrt. II. C. hetson. Chaplain Mrs. Edgar Condi n. Uuttrd -Miss I'achel Cowdeu. BAR P! i WAR PRICES 333m w, i- . . Box 80 Bars - - $4.20 LWith 8 Frco Packages oJCtOL1EN ROD Box 10 Bars $ .53 .With 1 Freo Package of GOLDEN ROD WHILE QUR PRESENT SUPPLY LASTS, WE OFFER THIS LXCELLENT LAUNWIY SOAflrvT THESE ALMOST WHOLESALE" PRICES. THIS WONDERFUL WHITE IAUNMlY SOAP CONTAINS "WATER SOFTENING ' KLBAOHING" AND "DIRT STAUTING" QUALITIES. A'V SEND TIIIK SALE. Olt TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER. WE HAVE KQl'ALLY GOOD "RARGAINS" ON OTHER PRO DUCTS. Our Car Of Early Ohio Seed Potatoes Mas Arrived. Place Your Order Now Farmers Union Store Red Cloud, Nebraska tW For That New Spring Coat "" ' mimmmmmmmmmmmmm4mammm n i mmmmmi ni -- in WXJ I i . rfl ' vl JO i:. COME IN AND LOOK OVER MY LINE OF COATS All New Numbers And Priced To Please All. Citizens Caucus The voteis of the Citizens ticket ofJ this city aie hereby notified that thciu will bo a (.'uncus at the Couit House, Tuesday evening, March Ulsr, at 7:15, for the pin pose of placing ill noniinut iou candidate! for the following city ullices to he voted lor at tliu annual election on April 1th: One Mayor. Ouo Cleric. One Trousuicr. One Councilman for the 1st waul Ouo Councilman tor the 2nd ward. Two uieinbeis of the School Hoard for the School District of Red Cloud City. A D. Kuuncy, Chaiiinan. Business Men's Banquet An Enjoyable Affair Tlio Husiness Men's Dinnor hold last Tuesday evening at the I'owoU & Pope Cafe was attended by llfty-three repre sentatives of tlie various business in teres Is of our city, although reserva tions had been made for sixty-eight. The .splendid banquet was served by Mr. Oliver Powell and his able assist ants In the elilciciit manner to char noteristie of this eafe. An orchestra composed of J. E. Hetz, M. A. Mercer and Miss Jossiu Crabill furnished music during the dinner. The selections rendered were all hifth class, prnticulaily appropriate for the occasion and won gtoat applause. Mr C. 13. Steward made an after dinner t til 1c that was highly intercfit iug, his subject being the agricultural interests of this country, its relation to other business euterpiises, and tlie application of sound business princi ples by the fai uier. The pleasing man ner in which thin tulle was delivered and the valuable thoughts expressed atttaoted favorable attention. Mr. Grant Christy appeared in tlie inteiests of a newly organised biise b.ill club to ascertain the support tho business men would give during tlie coming season A motion carried un animously that the sentiment of the meeting support the now base ball or gauizution aud the chair was instruct ed to appoint n com mitten to co opur ate with tlie boys in arrangements for seeming funds with which to purchusu suits aud other pnraphoiualia. II. C. Gollatly and Harry Yost weio named as a committee to arrange for the next dinner aud the meeting adjourned At a special mect.nK of the Ilonnl of Education, held in the Coium real Club rooms, on Monday evening, at 8 o'clock wi.h all members present, the Tench rs' Commiltco suhmi'lod their report which was found to ho both a. maioritv and minority and rattier conflicting in regard to sal aries ur-d tlie Hoard proceeded to tho election ol teachers. City Superintendent of Schools A. B.- Gehvick was tho unanimous choice of tlie Hoard for reelection Mid Was retained at a salary of $11500.00. On mot n and recommendation oi !jhis gntlcnian tho teachers Syore elected for tho ensuing yeir, with salaries as stated: High School Miss Gehvick, princi ple, ? H500.00; Helen Reiher mathema tics, .$11100.00; Florence Peters, Eng lish, $11100.00; Jessie Kellogg, history, $1200.00; Florence ISolingor, language, $1200.00; Florence Monogan, commer cial, $1200.00. Junior High Fannie May llutchins, prjiicipal, $1200.00; Edyth Hcezlcy, geography and history, $1125.00; Nina Simmons, music, 900.00. Grades Josephino Davis principal, $1200.00; Vcrna Hutchins, 1st gra-ic, $900.00; Mildred lloren, 2nd grade, $900.00; Kathcrine Trout, 3rd $900. 00; Irma Oatman, 4th grade, $900.00; Mrs. Stewart, Cth grade, $900.00. IC'ndorgartcn Mrs. Aimec Arnold ,Shrrwood, $1125.00. Beforo adjourning the Board decid ed not to have any spring vacation. ELECT OFFICERS A Journey Through Palestine Tho Illustrated sermon lecture at tlie Baptist ehuich next Sunday night will bo on the "Holy Land". It is hoped, that through tlie tiso of these pictures, those interested will becomo better ac quainted with the Geography of tho country that is forever to bo associated, with Chribt, and Christianity. Tlioso pictures will appeal to all who love the Bible story of tho life of Christ as many of tlie scones picture places visited by tho Master himself. These services are exceptionally well attended, and all are made welcome. At a meeting of the Dclphians, held on Tuesday afternoon, the an nual election of officers was held with the following results: President Mrs E. M. Egc. Vice-President Mrs. W. II. Mc-Br!de. Secretary Mrs. E. A. Creighton. Treasurer Mrs. C. A. Schultz. Mrs. F. J. Munday was elected a delegate to attend the District Con vention of the Woman's Club to be held at Mindcn April 27th and 28th and Mrs. W. A. Sherwood was named as alternate. After tho election of officers tho interesting lesson on "Art Galleries of Florence" was led by Mrs. J". W. Aulil. One of Each $2.75 While ihe present stock lasts I am offering two bargains. A guaranteed watch with unbreakable crystal - - - - $ 1 ,40 A guaranteed alarm clock - - $ 1 ,40 These are both special values at the prices. Also a very few guaranteed eight day alarm clocks at the right price. We Make 'Quality' Right Then the PricelRight I EKtLNewhouse Red ctouj Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbrk GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wc do building from the excavating to the painting complete. Wc will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. Wo do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. Wc build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N tSSMMMWIBIMBSSSSBIi t- ' Brill!Mllll'tVlipp",l.TOrIB'iy,Blllll31T!l1i1l'ltn!ll!lllll BARBARA PHARES A Wednesday evening the members of tho M, W. A. and Royal Noighbor lodges and their friends enjoyed a plonsant time in the Masonic hull. Tho program consisted of Instrumental music by Mrs. Epiieic, a short nddress by D.n Garbor, recitations by Miss Dueker, vocal solos by Mi&i Ruby Koou and readiugs by Miss Q leo King. Tlie cuteitaiumont was enjoyed very much by those prcsont. At the oloso of tho meeting im oyster supper was served, Gun Club Holds First Shoot Sunday morning, twontyone shooters shot tlie program of twnntyilvo targets at the club's first shoot in a hard south wind which made the clays very hard to hit. Tho club's president only dropped two breaking 2.'! out of 25 which is shooting some for a new bo giuuor under tlie conditions which the tnrgots were flying Tho next shoot will be held March i!(ith at 2:30 sharp aud wo hope it will be a day of gontle breezes. You can look forsouiQ perfect scores. Wo ask everyouu to shoot, don't misb tho next one March 2Cth at 2:30" sharp. Grace Church Services 3rd Sunday In Lent .Sunday School at 10., Morning Service- with Service by Rev, J. M. Bates nt 11. No Evening Sei vice. Wednesday Evening Service at S all through Lent. You- are welcome to all Services Baptist Church Notes Sunday School 10 a. in. Morning Worship 11 n, in. The Past or speaks on "The message of Hosoa." Evening Worship 7."0 p. m. An il lustrated sermon lecture on: "A Jour ney through Palestine." A now plate glass was installed in the front of the Powell Oafo and also one in V. A, Wullbramlt's store tho last of tho week. BE PRACTICAL The young man in love often goes into raptures about "the blue of the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of autumn in her hair," .but remember this, young man -SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to provide the three square meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flics out at the window. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florancc, Casliier Capital and Surplus ft3j,aao.oo Vepotlti Qaarantttitbythe Dtpotltor Gwranty Funtt of th State ofXtbratka SXSRA!! HijiQiiiimMftwffniffliwittiMi Ave You Buying Dependable AL? That is The Kind We Sell Mai tie - Gellatly Co. 5 S VVV,AVA"AV.V.V-V.V.V.V.V.VAV-VAVVAfVUVVWWVI I t l