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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1921)
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. PUI'UMIhD HVKin THURSDAY VCiitcrrd In I lie t'oglnllicc nt Ittcl I loud. Nub aa Hccond Clnsn Mutter1 A w ia - - n -Nfl us-. 'SJ v '' 1 a Just give us a A. B.MoAUTHUR, Editor ami Ovvnor s eO 2 rO Advertsing Rates Foroljfn, per column Inch 15c Local. 10 & I2J$ ? l y.-.rj '. t u $ -i Farm Bureau Notes Mondny Vaccinated hoga for Con rntl Starke, attended the Rod Cloud Chamber of Commerce Booster's din ner, judged the 11. H. Hunter mule show at Inavnlu. Around 25 mules '.from Mr. Hunter's jack were riiown. Jake Reitf won 1st, Art Mcyera 2nd, Herbert Barber 3rd and Frank Sibcrt 4 Ui. This was a fine show. Mr. Hunter can well feel proud of the bunch of good mule colts from lilts jack. Monday night, took Mr. Boom er, Specialist in Marketing, out to School District G Garfield Town ship where he talked to a laixc and appreciative audience. Tuesday Vaccinated hogs for Frank Kinjp and- Grant Khidicr. In Fpccled sick hogi for Clias. Alien and J. Smith. Mr. Boomer talked to the Guide Bock High School, Hereford Breeders met ir. Farm Bureau Office, ttc-clcctcd Frank Bean, president, L. It. Mattock, vice-president and L. R. Larrick, treasurer. The association .will offer 15.00, the Farmers' In stitute n like amount for special prizes to members of the -association as follows: $10.00 Champion Bull, ?5.00 Reserve Champion Bull, $10.00 Chnm ion Cow and 5.00 Reserve. Champion Cow. Also planned a Hereford Tour for Tuesday, October 11th. Mr. Boomer spoke at District .'10 Pleasant Hill Township. Wednesday Vaccinated calves for Andrew Hansen, Mr. Boomer spoke nt Blue Hill High School. Attended J. P. Schecrzingcr &. Son Poland China sale. Mr. Iloomer spoke at District 77 Oak Creek Township. Thursday Vaccinated calves for Robert Portiner. Attended Webster county Shorthorn Breeder's dinner. 17 of the 25 Shorthorn Breeder's at tended the dinner at the Royal Hotel. After dinner President Steward In troduced E. J. Overing. His subject was show at the Farmers' Institute and was pleasing and inlorenting. This was followed with short talks by Henry Fomme balder, Henry Fauch and C. 11. Steward. It was decided to hold a consignment sale in April. Officers were re-elected C. B. Ste ward, president, C. V, Johnston, vico- pre fdent and Fred Householder, societal y-treaHircr. Farm Bureau Meeting Bohemian Hall, Batin Town ship. Friday Judged the Boys and Girls Club Show of Adams county held at Hastings. Having judged seven county fairs, iHost of which had club shows in connection, the Adams county was the best from the stand point of individuals. Adams county is fortunate in having a real livestock County Agent in E. R. Davis. This is Adams county's first year in Farm Bureau work.and they have the State Champion Judging Team. This team also won first ut the Inter-State Fair Sioux City, Iowa and they leave next - week fftr the International held at Atlanta, Georgia. Tho Adams county Supervisors and tho Adams county Farm Bureau have jointly appropriat- ed $750.00 to pay tho expenses of the team. Here's hoping they win. Saturday Vaccinated hogs for L. W. Sabin. Attended the Spotted Po land China Hog Sale of Wilmot & Sons, W. B. Sheldon and W. A. Hunt. HENRY R. PAUSCH County Agricultural Agent. A CHANGE IN THE AUDITORIUM MANAGEMENT J. A. McKnight, who has been as--aociated with W. J. Linn, in the owner ship of tho Bcsso Auditorium has disposed of his interest and expects to seek new fields of endeavor. The thentre business is to bo incor porated and enlarged in scope to em brace theatres in two or three sur rounding towns. A real swimming -pool for Red Cloud, is one of the things contemplated, in the organiza tion. It is intended to incorporate for about 25,000 and W. J. Linn says he is ready and willing to go ahead and invest up to fifty per cent of this amount. Stock will be offered in small blocks to residents of Red Cloud and vicinity. Tho proposition is not to bo pushed and peoplo asked to invest through any civic pride, but it is contemplated putting it forward as a good sound business proposition that will show cash returns. It is thc-desiro of those pushing tho propostion, to interest everybody, for a small inypsttyent and not to securo large investors, 'as tho Success of tho Tunturo .depends ufym tho interest 'and Koeu wiii.,oL-uiQcoiRnmniiv Ana tne fMftplo nr6tintefct31ted"financlally, it is certain that their desire for the sue- V "(, . JL y, i'li '& V.35KS -wiT Sfl vri K XV w -c m o ?. 5 ffi M. mi ' tot SJsea tf&! WM An Unusual Offer! WE will deliver this superb instrument to your home. A selection of Re-Cheations, too! You pay only what you feel able to spare, be it as little as $10.00. Budget the balance according to your convenience. All the security we ask is a Gentleman's Agreement. t v. THIS offer is made in co-operntion with Mr. Edison's groat campaign to place the incalculable benefits of pure and good music in every home. ; Mr. Edison has developed a reproducing instrument which gives perfect music of all kinds. The research work alone cost him three million dollars. Hundreds of thousands of people gladly pay 2Q5 for dupli cates of this three million dollar instrument. These instru ments are known as Official Laboratory Models. For those who are not ready to purchase Ollicial Laboratory Models, Mr. Edison produces a skillful adaptation of this three million dollar instrument, encased in a charming Ileppehvhite cabinet. It is priced at only $107. f0. To Mr. Edison's great and generous work, we now add our Gentleman's Agreement Plan. It removes the last cost obstacle. So don't delay. Don't deny yourself the pleasure and bene fits resulting from Mr. Edison's marvelous invention. Take advantage of this special, short-time opportunity, and buy a Heppelwhite now. You will find it vastly superior to any and all talking-machines at any and all prices. We are prepared to prove this to you by a scientific comparison you and your friends to be the judges. We are able to make our Gentleman's Agreement offer because there will be no reduction in the prices of Edison in struments. Edison has raised his prices less than 15 per cent since 1014. Don't wait. Come before this special allotment of Heppelwhites is gone. Come at once. "Ty. At any time within one year from date of JLJ J LC purchase, you can trade your Heppelwhite in on an Official Laboratory Model. We will allow you the full amount you've paid. m yfts 9 m fisa iW fn! Pi W mm B mi c. a i' A Real Edison Miss Elsie de Wolfe, the noted furniture authority, described this cabinet as . 'a characteristically diminutive and graceful Heppelwhite." E. H. NEWHOUSE Licensed Edison Dealer '(Mr ;.; : ti HWH? cess of tho project, will secure their cooperation and good will. Aside from the direct profit to those interested, this means a lot to Red Cloud, in way of healthful re creation for young and old. It means more visitors from surrounding towns, more money spent with our merchants and improved business conditions generally. The details of tho proposition will bo put before tho public within a few days. Hero's success to tho new venture. Grace Church Services 21st Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 a. m, 'Morning feojvloq and Rev, J. M, Bates at 11 a. in No Evening Service. Ciiuii'muwirHaraaiuiUByBtTiiWTnHr Notice to Creditors In the County Court of Webster Coun tj, NebrnsUit In tho Mutter of tho Estato of Has. mus Jetibi'ti Deceased. Ci editors of Suid Estate will tnko Notice, Unit tlie time limited for pre. Bjntiitlon and filing of claims against said cHtiite is February 1, 11)'2'J, and for the payment of dtbt Is April Btli,l!22, that I will Bit nt the county court room in said county mi tliu 5th day of Nov. ember lfl'.'l, to examine, hear and nllnw nil claims duly (lied which are a first or second lieu upon said estate, and on the 0th day of February 1022 to exit mino, hear, allow nud adjust all claims and objections of "gcuernl creditors duly filed. . , Dated this 8th day of Oetober 1021. (3el) A'. D.' RANNEY Dr.W.H.McBrlde DENTIST 0V13U STATE UANK Red Cloud Nobraska. Lutheran Church Notes O. II, IIeinitz. Pastor Ilcyulnr services are hold overy first and third Sunday in tho month in tho Adventlst church, Corner of 3rd Ave. and Walnut St Sunday School jit 10 n. m, Preaching at 11 n. m. ,MectIn'ijfRfter.,tho8orvlce. ,,!, $- ., We da Job Printing E. S. Gerber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yoursolf into a fancied security. Because flro h,as never touched you It doesn't follow that you'rejmmuno Tomorrow -no today, if yon have timeand you better find time eomo to the oflleu and we'll write n policy on your house, furniture, store- or merchandise. -LATER MAY HE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.eilti.bleInsur&.ice '.Irs." BfEt Stunlgirdanddaughter, Helen, winte JlSftoppCv 5un'day even- 4- I If. ir v ..A T -