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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1921)
v il :!. W' ) .' Farmers Institute October 25th to 28th--Bigger and Better than Ever BfKssWWCIi?fciiiTMBia taH Bf1' Wfcaynrr ' sfflWW!BsMaLstnLsKTB ' RBSHKISlS5ityB 4 Newspaper That dives The News Fltty-twe Weeks Each Year ftr SI.GO VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 20. 1921 NUMBER 42. Photographs Do You Need Any This Fall? h M Now is a good time to get them as we are making a Special Price of $6.00 and $7.00 A DOZENFOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. '"Sec The Styles-in The Street Case THE GLEASON STUDIO Red Cloud ,( 'I I iCVjpj)i AAA " jpfo 2'?i fill 51 ISM? i I y j-- 'ic' -r Mil ur J. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN THE Standard Oil Co. ANNOUNCES THAT THEIR New Service Station AT CEDAR STREET AND FOURTH AVENUE WAS OPENED SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 5th Polarine Oils And Greases MOBILOILS ' Red Crowa Gasoline Standard Oil Co.'s Filling Webster County Slacker List Station Opened Saturday Following ih tin- iut or "slackers" for Webster county, as tnken from tho Saturday the Standard Oil Company government list, which has been re- opened their new Service Station tit celA-d at tho post of lloo In talking tlio corner or fourth Ave, and Ci'dnr with tnctnliors of the rpgls'.ratlcn boud wo find Unit t hoy did nil in their power by writing or ttttlciiiK to relatives of these nioti tiut to no avail, Thus tlioy are now classed us draft evaders, thuro Is a $")0 reward offered for cacli und every one of tlieiu. Wo have no apologies to offer in case any of these man joined the Bcrvlco else where in the United States, but would suggest that thoy immediately Ret In touch with the government mid Ret their record clear. .street. Mr Lew Hreaky who lias been in olinrge of the oil wagons liore for several mouths has been promoted to city salesman and Is also In charge of the station. Enos Reynolds is his assistant. Fred Leggott will continue to raalce the deliveries iu tho country. In an Interview with Mr. Slack, man ager for this district, be states that this city is the smallest in this statu where this company has luslaUed a station. Thb station fills a long need ed win' in this city ami also makes a good Improvement to tho town. Barney Altwan A It man A WORD ABQUT PERSONAL SERVICE ? viJUK"turchue;ot a watch or a diamond, of silveMaplcware.or personal jewelry. -: wut- P xnwco more .aaaraciory u your choice is guided by expert advice. - ,;; We are always gtfd to help our patrons with suggestions, to give them the bcaent r,". et our yaan et expneoca. - JThia.aervice costs ... nothing, but adds immeasurably to your satisfaction. Ask to see "1835 R. Wallace," Heavie$t Silver Plate. Red Cloud Holsteins Men tioned in Test Record One of the pure bred registered Hol steln-Frieslati Cows, owned dy Starke Brothers of Red Cloud, Nebr .recently made 31.'.! lbs of butter in seven days, Hccordlug to the latest, bulletin of "Re- ported Tests of Htilstciu-Fric'dan Coh", published bi-we-kly by Mnl oolm 11. (iurtuerof Delavnii, Wis., Sup. Oiintetnlent of Advanced Registry of the Holsteiu.Frleslan Association of America. This cow, Jessie Ormsby Tritomla Di Kol, Ht the aire of nine years and onn month, producer! 6'U.I lbs. of milk au'd 24.050 lbs. of butler fat, in 'acres diys, t-quiTafent to t he above uuYounl; o butter Her 31 day record is '2081.7 lbs of milk and l2.839 Iba &of",bUttc,r fav equivalent tolJtiQ lbs of butfor. - Auothor cow. St ike Warms Axguie Hjmcstead, also owned by Starke brother, is reported us hvln made at the aga of two v- ars and four mouth", ii record of 448 5 lbs. of milk and 10.180 lbs of bn ter fat, in seven days, equivalent to '23.0 los of butter Prank O. I.owden, former Governor of Illinois is I'lesid.-nt of the Holstein Fricsiiiu Association of Amciica. This Association has a membership of over teutv thousand tneeders in the Unit, cd States, and Is the largest pure bred cuttle Association iu the world, repres enting nearly one half million pure bred animals. Red Cloud, Neb. R. It. 1, Harrie Irvinir Barlow ) Uarrihl. J Red Cloud, Neb. Lester A. Chreskcnesser Andrew Cbrlsiqsen (jester Auderbot'er A Chribenseti lUadeit, eur. Miguel Liip-z I Migulre ) Albeit Robe Roberts Albart ) Ilia it N Blue Hill, Nebr. rtt. ) Red Cloud, Nebr, art. Al arm Clock: A new slock of Westclox Alarms BIG BENS SLEEPMETERS BABY BENS AMERICAS Ro-emont, Nebr. Boosters Visit Kansas Towns As h result of the splendid efforts of the Committee from the Chamber of Commerce and the Committee repres enting the Farmers Institute a One booster trip was undertaken on Wed nesday by eighteen autos loaded with citizens of Red Cloud and vicinity in the interests df the Farmers Institute. In spite of tho wiud and choking dust, tho best of good fellowship pre vailed and every ono agreed that tho trip had been well worth while. Iko Johnson as marshal of the parade covered himself with dust and glory. Tho band was on hand iu full forco aud made us prouder than ever of Red Clond us a musical center. Rev. Fred Newluud was the speaker and in nearly every place alluded to the fact that ho was expecting to enter the "fat stock exhibit" made witty and pithy anuoiiucoinuuU which wcro well worth listening to. All in all it will the best booster trip out of Ked Cloud for some ycais. Albert Arthur Sauk A. . Taken to Mankato for Trial Friday, night State Deputy Sheriffs O..D. Hedge and John Jonea, m rom pjfn With Shiff 4Huffer of'thuudtj'. Sheriff Cole, of Mankato, Kauaas, and Mr..J.A;. MHlrr,.pf,Uurr Oak, went out to the CbBrVBfMninickfann south of Kivertou, where Mr. Mliinlck was talc en Into custody by tho ofUc- rs on a John Doe wan ant charged with having Btoleti goods iu hi poxsexRton. Prior to' the urrebt the officers bad discover ed a large umouut of tobucco in Mln uicu'u pool lullat Utvcrtoii, which had eeii luken from J A. Miller's 8t6re at Run- Oak iu ihe recent robbery. Quito an amount, of tobaojo was ulbo found stored iu Minuick'b barn on the farm. When the officers drove out to the place to make the artest Mr. MinnicU had a number df coats In his car, as boon as ho realized tnat they were after him he started driving to his uncle's place and threw out sevtiral coats while on tho way. Thoy bore Mr. Miller's name and price tags. They brought him to this city where Charlie Sm ton was also arrested on tho same charge. The prisoners were taken to Mankato about ono o'clock that night and on Monday the prelim nary hearing came up and the trial was continued unill October 3lst. The bouds wore set at ono thousand dollars each. The of flccisfi have been working dill Kcntly on this case since the rbbbory at Burr Oak and are accomplishing i considerable In the way of getting now evidence. Recently a large amount of this stolen tobaoco was found hero in the city, und on Monday Mr. Hedge loaded It up and took It back to Burr Oak and also attended tho preliminary hoaringat Mankato W Mike 'Quality' Right Then the Price Rif ht EtLNewhouse H; Red Ctomi Jf 'ft- Jeweler mad Optometrist ' Artf A jtMOn. U f ! 1 11 l'JV- I,, -i j C K Don't Fail to See the Farmers' Institute Parades Oct 27-28 Al Saladcn wont to Lincoln Mon day morning. I Ruymond K. Huffman of Guide Rock and Miss Elizabeth Wolfo of this city wcro granted a marriage licenses Monday. . Conductor Moll Syndcr of St. Joe. who lias been running from that city to Lincoln, is now back on his old run St. Joe to Red Cloud and his many friends nro pleased to seo him ngain. Bert Conner, who has been engineer on tho switch engino in the locnl yards for some time, went to Hol drego Wednesday where ho will work in tho future. Engineer Welsh nr rivec hero Wednesday to take his place,' Notice Having secured tho service of Win. M. Burgos, t ha scavenger who so suc cessfully cleared up the filthy vaults of tlio city n few years ago, he will pro ceed at onco to remove all nuisances and breeding places of disease, be pre pared when ho ctimi's, All cess pools considered daiiKorouH and unsanitary will be filled up. Trice Iba per barrel, y, cubic fuel, or Y1 galldiis. City sew. er connections will be made at reason able price llti.ii) y Cook. City Health Physician. Grace Church Services r is EASY to wash PYREX Nothing can adhere to its hard, odor-proof, grease proof surface. It is easy to keep clean for it will not chip, craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new. PYREX is the original the first transparent oven ware and is guaranteed not to break in actual oven-use. PYREX is made in shapes and sizes for every practical baking purpose. It is a saver ot time, luel and dishwashing drudgery. TRINE'S HARDWARE 22nd Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 a, in. Morniug Service at 11 a, in, Kveniug Service nt7:H0 p. m. Please note change of time for even ing service. On Sunday afternoon at 4 the Con flrmution Instruction will be glvsu to I all who are iuterebted. GENERAL CONTRACTOR I Wc do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. "We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. GRANT CHRISTY J V