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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1921)
tolIl.lori;il, So( 'insult, lli-2S3SaraMkr, I I 1 S W$sjggmxcaeggf-'y,'g''Bg Half te'r;; iM''C-' " p'-00Mi 'h.'rf'&Ft -SSIS'-'S'ftpS! VOLUME 49 look vWHITE LINE on Knobs and Handles toe Mark of Genuine Universal Aluminum TRINE'S rater-:. ; a iiiinTrr-rav - -'- ma'aimraK a g iHBBaiBBHMBlBBnBBaanaaHiiaanaBaiBBBaBBBi igS; U NIVERSALI ZgOUgP KITCHEN' wmmmLX v & IfwfAM Tm ' ' -11 WWW ml Hj Jllll I UUJ3 .- mr A 4ho 1 A NEED GHOGERIES TODAY? "Always prepared and waiting to fill any Grocery order" is the motto under which our store is run. It means that no matter how small your order may be or what particular items you may want, we are ready to supply them. We never allow any of our lines of pack age, bottled or canned goods to decrease v to a "sold out level.1' Neither do we offer anything in the Vegetable or Fruit line, unless it is strictly fresh. And what's more, we are sure our prices will please you. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware TCPllllIM JUST RECEIVED; A line of new FLY NETS, FLY COVERS, AUTO COVERS, and DUSTERS. Priced at a lav margin of profit Fogel Bldg. CI KflfBFQ Quickly Oeaned anapurwaii Beady for omer naif CLEAN when put away today, clean when used again to morrow. The beauty of "Uni versal" Seamless Aluminum Ware isn't all in its looks. It also is in its service. It will work for you day after day and always in a saving way. It will save you time in cooking better meals. It will save you time in cleaning. "Universal" utensils are seam less. Rims are tightly rolled to give them stiffness. Sides and corners are rounded for quick, easy cleaning. Cool handles doubly braced. Tight-fitting lids on pots and kettles. All the newest 'features for lasting sat isfaction in "Universal" Alunv inum Ware. We have everything jor you. You need everything we have. SEAMLE55 AUMNUMW Hardware ;:;E:.:r::1.u"'vz':i amwmrcmrmTaiiaiira i Red Cloud Nebraska A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For SI.50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JUNE 2, 1921 Red Cloud Chautauqua Dates Tho Midland Clinutiuiqim Circuit through their local malinger Mr. S, Ilurdman nnnouneo that the dates for the coming Chautauqua in Hod Cloud will be July 2.1th to .'list inclusive. Keep the tlatea in mind mid prepnrc to enjoy tho whole week. P. E. 0. Entertains Tuesday evening the members of tho P. E. O., were entertained nt the borne of Mrs. J. C Mitchell in honor of Mm. Ilobt. S. Mitchell, who leaves the latter p.irt of the week for the new home of Dr. aud Mrs Mitchell ut Applotou, Wisconsin. The Chapter has just finished n strles of lessons ou bird s'udy and a f jrty five minute talk ou the subject by Rev J. M. Hates was enjoyed very much. Mr. Datc9 explained the differ1 eat classes of birds, and how the U. 8. Agricultural Department determines tho useful class, touched on tho sub jects of beauty, migration, long flights and other interesting points. Later in the evening Mrs. Anne Let son gave a reading in her very clever and realistic stylo, describing the ex. perlencc of a tenderfoot ou a trip to the klondykc. This treat was not on the program. Dainty refreshments were served by the social committee and ended a dc llghtful evening r, Red Cloud Boy on Lost ' Naval Tog Coneitoga Washington, May 23. A seorch that swept more than 300,000 square miles of the l'aclflo by sea and air 1ms ended without a trace of the missing naval tug Conestogrt being found. Several arulseih, thirty-six destroyers and several squadrons of air emit and aux iliary vessels were used and all tho is. lauds whore it was posslblo tho crew of the tug might bo, were examined tho navy depiutiueut'o message Satur day declared. 4J'he department still hopes that tno crew will bo found alive and search will be continued. The Denver Post. Hans, tne son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen, who enlisted In tho navy last fall, was a member of tho crew ou the missing tug which sailed from San Francisco March 25 bound for Samoa. The last word his patents received from him was a. letter written u few days beforo tho Concstoga loft port in which he told them thut ho .would give them his address on reaching Pearl Harbor, It Is sincerely hoped that fa voi able information may, yet lie received, but tho government has oHU dally notified tho Jensen family that all efforts to locate tho tug have thus far proved futile. Hans is nearly twenty-two years of ago and the youngest of tho three boys. 9 Burke-Egan A very pretty wedding oocurod last Saturday morning at 7:30 o'clock when Miss Katlierino Uurko and John Egau were united in marriage at tho Catho. llo church by Father Fitzgerald. Tho ceremony was very Impressive aud wltnoshod by a great number of friends and acquaintances. Mrs. Harvey Rick crsou as matron of honor and Francis Burke, tho brldo's brother, accompan ied tho couple. The weddlug party was lod by twolve llttlo flower girls, while Mr. Wlndolph furnished appro prlato music. During tho services Miss Helen McNany sang "In Tho Golden Evening," u beautiful selection well rendered. After tho sorvlces tho couple took an uuto to Hastings to catch the Omaha train. The machino had nre vlously been tagged with placards bearing some very amusing inscrip tions. Ah tho ticwlvwedu departed rice was thrown promiscuously, Tho bridohas been identified with educational work hero for several years and has been principal cf the Lincoln school hero tho past torm Tho groom Is u passenger flagman in tho employ of tho (J, U, ,fe Q Hallway Co. They will rosido in St. Joo whom Mr. Egan has prepared a home ready for o;oupancyj Memorial Sunday And I Decoration Day Observed Memorial day services were held at the Mi 12 Church Sunday morning. The membets of the (5. A H , W U C. and Ameiiean Legion occupied oats in tho middle fection. The M B. church choir, led by N. U. Uush, ren deled several selections that were op. proprlate lor theoceasslon. Invocation was offeied by Ilcv. Copo after which Rev. Mary Mltcholl read the ecripturo lesson aud had tho audience repeat the 23rd Psalm. Row K. T. Haddock preached tho sermon, and although he spoke in a forceful manner, and tho discourse would meet the requirements of certain conditions, parts of tho sermou wero hardly npproptlatc for the occ'aslsu. The audience then sang America and Rev. Kshehnan pronounc ed the benediction. Decoration day was very appropriate ly observed by the community and un der the direction of the U. A. R. and American Legion the day's program was splendidly carried out. At 2 p. m. the Lotion members neat ly clad in their uniforms formod in regular order, behind two autos in which mombers of the G. A. R. rode, and marched to the cemetery. The Boy Bcouts under the leadership of E. M. Kge joined In the parade after which a great number of the citizens followed. Tbe Legion members march, ed thru both cemeteries acd decorated tbe graves ot all deceased soldiers of put .wars, after which all formed in line', Klton Pope sounded taps and the firing squad tired three volleys in mem ory of those who had offered their lives in their country's cause. At 3 o'clock all gathered atthe Audi torium where a splendid program was reudered The Legion bovs marched in to tho strains of a national march and took their places at the front Mr. Ninthrop also played u medley of pa tiiotio numbers to the great delight of those present, after which the Com munity Chorus under tho direction of Mis F. It. Hughe, sang. Invocation was ottered by Rev E'shelman uud a quintette from tho choius eiitortnlned with a song. A list of the names of all the deceased soldiers was read by S It Klzor and Lincoln's Gettysburg speech was given by Rvv. Cope. The Chorus sang a selection after which Rev. Hardman delivered a splen did address. He called attention to the fact that many f the returned soldiers are not recolvlng tho consider ation that should be given, calling to mind tho many who have buffered in juries which will incapacitate them for tho remainder of their lives. His re marks wcto brief, but to the point and very entertaining. The ontlro congre gation then stood aud sang the Star Spangled Banner which closed the day's program Fined For Having Still The overhead exponso of making moonshine whlskoy is rather heavy, at load it proved so In the caso of A. D. Lampo, or Campbell, upon whom a line of S500 was imposed together with a jail sentence of thirty days, for hav ing n modern copper still and about fourteen quarto of illicit liquor in his possession. Ho was taken into custody by State Agent O. D. Hedge, Sheriff Huffer and Couuty Attorney Howard S Foo, and taken to Franklin where ho was bound over to District court. Ho was brought, boforo Judge Black ledge In chambers hero Saturiuy, aud upon conviction fined and sentenced, Ilowovor, by putting up the necessary bond his parol was arranged, j W. G. Hamilton and R. P. Weesner ' wcra in Lincoln Tuesday attending tho hearing hold hy tho state board of control concerning tho location of tho now stato reformatory. Thcro . aro fifteen towns in the stato nsking that this institution bo located in their ri'Kppctivo community amongst which is Itcd Cloud und tho above J named jire.itlomen from this city wcto Uioreo explain tho facilities ofthlo cltytv - . : See Our Charming Presents ror Brides And Sweet Girl Graduates We Hake 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E.H.Newhouse a aoud Jeweler and t rV 1 -" ' raitinnn The High Coft of Living Did Come Down COMPARE THESE PRICES One Year Ago Today 100 Pound Sack of Sugar S32.00 One Sack ol Dcst Flour 4.26 Ono Bushel Potatoes 0.00 Ono Pound Gypsy Boy Coffee GO Ono Can Pink Salmon 00 Ono Can Dest Pork aud Deans 20 Four Pounds Navy Beans .00 Four Pounds Head Rico 70 Six Cans Good Poaches 3.00 Six Cans Good Apricots 3.00 SixBars Soap B0 Ono Tall Can Milk 18 Ono Can Standard Corn 20 One Can Standard Peas 20 ONE YEAR AGO TODAY THE ABOVE GOODS WOULD COST YOU $51.03 1 The Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. A Z?T Red Cloud, Neb. UWWJWWATAVWV.VVJ'AV.V.V-V.V'.-.VJ'JV'-VUWWWJVWl Mrs. Ed. Amack Amack UNDERTAKING :: BOTH PHONES I. T. AMACK - i yv,ArAvJv.v-v.vVJ.v-v.vv.vv.AVvvA,vvy' COME TO RED NUMBER 22 i aim vp ! Ar NO TIME IN HER LIFE CAN YOU BETTER SHOW YOUR DE VOTION TO YOUR FRIEND, BY. SENDING HER A REMEMBRANCE THAN WHEN SHE GRADUATES UNLESS IT IS WHEN SHE WEDS. FOR BOTH OF THESE OCCAS IONS WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL, AP PROPRIATE GIFTS. COMETOSEE OUR WARES AND IT WONT TAKE YOU LONG TO DECIDE WHAT TO GIVE. WHEN ASKED, WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION. 51 Optometrist Ntbnk . V1 TODAY $9.00 2.00 1.10 .35 .15 .15 .25 .25 1.45 1.45 .35 .13 .13 .13 Today $16.89 I. T. Amack & Amack RED CLOUD, NEB $ Pl IONE IND. 76M ?2 CLOUD JULY 4th Ji. . i j ;