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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1921)
-MutwAww tyvsgi,H4 $ii MMffjft 'J i B B Lk- !i- i&lS2&i JteS.TASr7.S: sggaaisiai. 3 '---f : -M,,, . -1 wia-imrm r .WIMiir ttawgtfttwgtfgjgg fmms7W9FMiwmwrwmrmni,E''i fcvA:'5 m--imBmmmfmaak tBU..-ir-:.r. -i MB - t V-i fc-W - - . - -- -jac. ty,VfA ' r" if-qr . . OT2 i SPSS - --T IKT.M ? ' a-- it... V!J 1H-L' . rw r-i i"V"js r I - fTIMJHB iRBB:ll''BHiiro ePa 'sKBffii- "1 ww II w ..,.Btrf :Z&F-EH?i:---. ---am - s:wa-- ;j -. 'Jiiff 'tu .n . bvVKrsar -r v xw iwi rv? -m ui w&ik -.-: i nn ; --sv - - - y ums:t.-.-.-i -.-.. em rv"ar oil. ::.... w , ej . ewv v v Marv rv s. - n' leu i tr.i mu b3uiri-i .-wixt-r v.- v"u ". - -x.3lz-t . .- irn - i rxi --i - nr-." .. a it is:Y iui jrt -- ta" f wiimn . v s..i.v.j ..c c-t t,i igj vru fcvw ; . k: t Lifer ..- .--;- .-.-z.. etmzfr. vMm.wm-m &KmrmMs i viyi or:-.'Hr--"-j, ... pe its- . f - v- - i PMiVWit5ni?iktsy9ik - . ?" w ..- . -' wi pr.s f.v v e WMffwar MV-. ? sr' wwoiTti :x:?rmMmsi--.m tm&wm&wK. .?&j s - y$v- h. kT m i ..- - - i t t j- i .t - .. thi . u .rj -2. vi -v .i.- . "- i . .- -f v: : jr - Lk -- ,. x rev -i. . jmiv tj." .1 :i r j j--. h& iicL i'..'jiii ji '" 1;,. 11 j. ji 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $2.00 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MAY 5. 1921 NUMBER 18 UNIVERSALIZE J-OUR-KITCHEN f-nnir.r ":SLT.iir fSMlk2 figsa Bfcj rere iiBrai" ? hp "xr- rfAwv yJ fl ir- c mvm rrhlfy t mvv 5tRV t vvsMy v -tj VliJwvvVvvKt i . v- " y jf& IWr V y rQaicK&yQeaned anaDwt Bea'dq fe n9Wier JL?aij CLEAN when put away today, clean when used again to morrow. The beauty of "Uni versal" Seamless Aluminum Ware isn't all in its looks. It also is in its service. It will work for you day after day and always in a saving way. It will save you time in cooking better meals. It will save you time in cleaning. "Universal" utensils are seam less. Rims are tightly rolled to give them stiffness. Sides and corners are rounded for quick, easy cleaning. Cool handles doubly braced. Tight-fitting lids on pots and kettles. All the newest features fot lasting sat isfaction in "Universal" Alum inum Ware. ' IVc have everything jor you. You need everything we have. Charles Johnson to be ' Given Military Funeral The reinulns of Charles Johnson, son of S. H. Johnson of C.ithorton Town- -hip, who was killed in notion in the i tiitf ilrivi' tit. Chtitotiu Thierry, hio to 1M hmucht haul: and interred tit: Imtvult. ; After his departure he joined Coin- i pany O, 3!i5th Infantry at Camp Kuuston where ho received his military triiiiiinp. In the sprinp of 1918 he, to aether with severul of his comrades were sent Knst whore they joined the 1th Regiment of Infantry of the llcgu ltir Army and went across The Red .Cloud Atr.erlcan Legion Post will have charge of the funeral services. White line . WHITE LINE on Knobs and Handles ihe Mark of Genuine Universal Aluminum mi Sheriff Huffer Takes Party to Beatrice Last Thursday Sheriff IlulTer recelv. ed word from Beatrice to Hrrest Mike O'Lenry and L. E. Carter who togeth. or with three women and two other men wore out semiring subscribers for a National Defense publication. The gentlemen visited this city but got out of town before the locai arms of the law could arrest them but were caught at Frankliu and Alma Friday and were brought back to this city. Saturday momlne; Sheriff Huffer took the party to Beatrice where the .flrt two named, men wero wanted on a charge of beating (i board bill and oth er offetiso9. SEAMLES5 ilUMMlME TRINE'S Hardware rauaMniniMMnmM ON THE FARP A Spring work on the farm will be requiring the time of every farmer. The work has to be finished at a given time. Little at tention is give to other matters. Still, the matter of nourishment must be thought of Let us supply your wants in groceries canned goods, relishes, cookies, Etc. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee We'll pay market price for your produce P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware &WffifflliflHHHCIH1MlM Will Have Oil Station Tne building formerly occupied by Ed Metoalf's second hand store is be ing torn down and a modern gasoline filling station is to be erected in its stead. The property has been pur chased by The Consolidated Oil Co,, a Kansas City corporation, who made tlm deal through tho dim of Sclmlu & ltetz Mr. I). C. Wade, who has boon ex tensively engaced in tho oil business for the last two years at Ilardy and Nelson, has sold his interests to Tho Lesh Oil Company, of Kansas .City, and wo understand ho will have the management of tho new station here. No oity in the entire state offers a .bettor location for an up to-dato flliiuu station than does Red Cloud and the new enterprise is a welcome addition to our industries. Sells His Interest in Garage A deal litis boon completed and pos session given, whereby Bruco Frame disposed of his interest in the Frame and Smith garage to Mr. R J. White of Hastings. Mr. White has been traveling for scvoral years for tho Powell Supply Company and has had considerable experience in the auto mobile business. lie together with his partnors, Charles and Clyde Smith, will continue to give tho patrons of this garage prompt and courtoous treatment. Mr. Frame has not made any definite plans for the future. Bring In Your Harness With the beginning of spring work on the farm comes additional demands on your equipment. Inspect your harness, and for the best of repair work give me a trial. Fogel Bldg. J. 0. BUTLER Red Cloud Nebraska Degree of Honor Notes The Degree of Honor held its regu lar meeting Tuesday afternoon. A large number were present and a very delicious lunch was served by the third division, Mrs. Jernburg and daughter Klsie being in charge of the committee. Tho next session will be held Tucf dav, May 17th. All members are urged to be present as thero will be initiation of new members. Lunch will be serv ed by tho fourth division. Mrs. Lingtrom was elected a delegate to attend the district convention which was held at Edgar Wednesday. Council Proceedings Mayor Mnry Peterson called the City Council together in regular ses sion last night and after A. B. Crn bill, who was in Chicago tit the time the new ofllcials took oflleo, had been duly sworn in tho oath of Geo.' 11. Overing as City Engineer was presented as was also tho annual and monthly reports of S. R. Flonmce, city treasurer. Contract presented by L. R. Rust of the Fire Department covering a price of $1.32 per foot for COO feet of Ideal Fire Hose, with Anderson & Company of Omahn, was accepted. Tho Fire Boys were also, on request, granted the concessions from the Scott Carnival Company, which con template visiting our city in the near future. Phillip Traut's request for rcin bursoment for water main laid at an expense of $122.88 was again pre sented, but'when put to a vote of the Council they stood two for and two against and the motion was lost. Request of Mr. Ash, a l-cprcsonta-tive of the Korsmcycr Company of Lincoln, for reinbursoment for curling irons and heating devises ordered by former Superintendent Stephenson, for private parties, was denied, the city having no record of having been paid 'for same. A rip-rap for the protection of the pavement, was ordered constructed on west sidc-4of pavement, on South Se ward strecVundcr 'supervision of the City Engineer. Tho Mayor announced the follow ing appointments: C. M. Sherwood, 'President of the Council. Henry Cook, Health Physician. 0. C. Teel, Bookkeeper at a salary of $40 per month, but on motion of Council confirmed at $30 per. Hoffman and Crabill, Street and Alley Committee. Sherwood, Crabill and Hummel, Finance Committee. Hoffman, Crabill and Hummel, Building Committee. Jas. S. Gilahni, City Attorney at $100 per year. Application of C. R. Lewis to servo as street cleaner at $100 per month, was, after discussion, an nounced by the Mayor as cut to $85 per, if to receive her appointment and at such was confirmed by the Coun cil, he to furnish his own horse and wagon. Tho City Treasurer and City Clerk wero empowered to pay items of ex pense such as freight, express, etc., when bills, bearing tne proper v. wore presented. The following claims were allowed: B .R. Frazier $200.00 W. A. Patten 160.00 A. Clark 135.00 Bert Perry 130v.00 S. R. Floranco 748.87 O. C. Teel 72.30 Sam Mountford 150.00 Henry Lewis 33.00 Frank Clauson 18.90 Popo Bros. ,. . 4.11 J. O. Butler 3.80 Smith & McKlmmey 5.25 Korsmcycr Co C2.57 Knnitnrv Wininor Cloth Co. 35.25 I j''l''intfKKSni mm iBfflffHni QjBHESihJiMBMBiuaSLcBlfaBHB' See Our Charming Presents B For Brides And Sweet Girl Graduates 0H OTIEKJEMBKrBIJaaKira Ar NO TIME IN HER LIFE CAN YOU BETTER SHOW YOUR DE VOTION TO YOUR FRIEND, BY SENDING HER A REMEMBRANCE THAN WHEN SHE GRADUATES UNLESS IT IS WHEN SHE WEDS. FOR BOTH OF THESE OCCAS IONS WE HAVE BEAUHFUL, AP PROPRIATE GIFTS. COMETOSEE OUR WARES AND IT WON'T TAKE YOU LONG TO DECIDE WHAT TO GIVE. WHEN ASKED, WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION. fv filto We Muke 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right B. H. Newhouse r aoud Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbnka xniiniam The High Col of Living Did Come Down COMPARE THESE PRICES Mid West Elcc. Co. 50.11 Tho first of tho wcoTc Bernard L, Ewlng residing south of Uuldo Rock was arrested on a charge of writing checks without funds In the bank. Ho was brought before District Judgo L. II. Uhiclclcdgc, in Chambers here, whereupon ho was convlotcd end fined 8100.00 and costs. Being unublo to pay the lino ho is now a guest of Sheriff Iluffor. Parents Object to Daughter's Marriage Bazll MoKce and Goldlo Colwell eloped and were married at Red Cloud, Nebraska on Thursday, April 21st. However, they wero courting grief for Mf. and Mrs. Colwoll nro bitterly op posed to Qoldle's schooling being abruptly put to an eud. They consul ored she should bo in school ut 'least three years for she is only llftoen years old and under age three years. They accordingly started proceedings ' to annul tho marriage and put her back in school which proceedings If they think best to complete will compel her to go back to school again and do away with matrimonial bliss for thrco years yet anyway. Smith County Journal One Year Ago Today TODAY 100 Pound Sack ol Sugar 532.00 One Sack of Best Flour 4.2G One Bushel Potatoes 0.00 Ono Pound Gypsy Boy Coffee. BO Ono Can Pink Salmon 30 Ono Can Bost Pork and Beans 20 Four Pounds Navy Beans . .00 Four Pounds Head Rice 70 Six Cans Good Peaches 3.00 Six Cans Good Apricots 3.00 Six Bars Soap GO Ono Tall Can Milk 18 One Can Standard Corn 20 One Can Standard Peas 20 ONE YEAR AGO TODAY THE ABOVE GOODS WOULD COST YOU $61.03 $9.00 2.3S 1.10 .3S IS .15 .23 .25 1.45 1.45 .35 .13 . .13 .13 Today $17.24 The Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. A S? Red Cloud, Neb. ggnBHMEanExnrajEMOHaiHM tfftMIWWWWVftVWrtrtW Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING J BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB 5 I. T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 76M UWWWWWUWANVAVAVSJ "The Explorers"At The Auditorium May 1 6. fa-