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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1921)
med clow, mmuiiA osnr 1 ' '-iHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm jf5 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. 1 Pictures AUDITORIUM Theater il UL1SUED EVERY THURSDAY Bntored In tho l'uMofllre nt lied ( loud, Neb no Second Clad Matter1 Vaudeville D Red Cloud A. U. Mc'AllTHUR,5i:(litor and Ownor ) i eel i 3D 22lMr I ImI m Tuning Your Piano! The proverbial brass band of the street which squawks its inharmonous music under the windows of the tenement districts of the large cities always causes distress to the lisloners. To the player the music seems most harmonious; to others is discordant and out of tune. If your piano has not been tuned recently you arc in a similar position. Although your instrument seems good enough to you it is really out of tune and is not delivering to you and your friends the maximum amount of pleasure. You'll be surprised how a single tuning will rcjuvinate your instrument or will make your piano seem as fresh and clear in tone as the day you purchased it. . Telephone or write us regarding our excellent tuning service. One of our skilled artisans is at your disposal THE LAST PART OF NEXT WEEK to regulate, repair and tuno. I , BATTERIES fsSM ft rAW 1 ill i 'iw "Mv An Invitation When your battery need3 attention, to vhat kind of service station do you go? Do you get unprejudiced advice and skilled work? Please realize that, no matter what make of battery you have, it will be given expert attention at our Service Station . and made to last as long as possible. Batteries are thrown away every day which our experts could economically put into shape to give efficient service. No matter what make of battery is in your car, you will find it worth your while to get acquainted with our service. When your battery is truly worn out and not before then we will be glad to sell you an Exide, the long-life battery. CARL S. McARTHUR Red Cloud Battery Service Station .pMJii Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column inch I5c Local, ' " ' 10 & 12J6 r ii rr'nrniniirii '' . T rnnrrr.-1 If your printed matter comes from the 'Chief you know it is 'right' Springs Here .iimii.imw ny Mymsmrw p"T TMTJIJ 4l'J BlAllfciA'wmsfeSy fcM, yt liZJtf i ii.i .u iix S iai.0'i-ti I . A-T" 1U.U NOW como tho Pigs Calves ColtB Lambs.1' Timo for work horses and mulea to shed. Timo to tono them up and drivo out tho worms. J Dr. Hess Stock Tonic A Spring Conditlonmr and Worm xpWr Feed it to your cown for IU yltem-tonlnff. bowel-clfansInH.nppetWnBer-fecU-and to condition them for calvln. It means raoro milk. Feod it to brood aows and hoaU to drivo out tho worm: -It Telle yea brood eovra of conitipaUon. Excellent fo ewea at lambing time. It conUlnaTonlca for tho dlgesUon. Laxa tive, for tho towel j. Diuretic, for tho kidneys. Vermifuge for tho woama. Why pay the Peddler Twice My Price? We have the Dt Hess Agency, Call on us, Cha;. L. Cotting : The Druggist '" Tilt us hew mucli Mttxk iron hart. Wi haft a package to suit : ir Printing of Quality?' Sure! Come to the Chief! THE CODE TAX HILL The more that Scnntc File No. G5, Governor JIcKclvic's code commis sion tax bill, is studied by the people of tho state, the higher rises the tide of indignant protest and opposi tion. It appears, essentially, To be a bill to raise more revenues to meet the needs of an expensive code com mission system of government, and to do it by penalizing industry, enter prise, agriculture and home owning and homo building. That is why the farmers of tho state are protesting, why wholesale and retail business men are protest ing, why homo owners and those who realize tho necessity of a building campaign in Nebraska arc" protesting. Some other interests, it is true, ap pear to be very well satisfied with the bill as tho state senate 5s whip ping it into shape. The railroads, stockyards, packing houses, banks, owners of stocks and securities in general, appear to bo content. Under the provisions of tho bill fnrm property and real estate of all kinds is to bo assessed and taxed on its full value. Local control over tnxation is abolished and extraordin ary powers are vested in the tax commissioner at Lincoln, with a force of tax ferrets under his hand, to in sure that all tangible and visible property is listed and taxed at a full 100 per cent. But the intangible prop erty, money, shnrcs of stocks and securities, while listed nt its actual value, is to pay a merely nominnl tax of 4 mills on tho dollar. The farm er, the home owner, will pay a tax of from five to ten times as much, and in some instances even more than that. One certain effect of such a system of taxation will be to cripple the building trades, because it will be more profitable to invest moncv in securities than in homes and build ings. It will tend toward u short age in home, and a shortage in home N tho cause of the present liurdonome rent and housing condi tions that the legislature thought re quired aspccial committee to invosti-enlo. The legislature might much better have made tax provisions to encour age home building. A provision ex empting from taxation, say for a period of five years, buildings erected for homes, similar to that which has enormously stimulated building in New York, would much hotter have met the needs of Nebraska at this time. But tho legislature goes to the other extreme, penalizes building and industry, and awnrds the prize of a .nmi ln tnv in tho mtin who keeps his monov idle. A fnrmcr member of the senate has declared that he w.ould have been a groat deal of money ahead if he had sold his farm and stork in 1017 and invested tho money in low interest securities. He might have remained idle, ho said, instead of working hard and long hours, and would now be better off financially. A few more boosts towards a policv such as the administration pronoscs in Senate File No. fr.. and the farm ers may do it. Omaha World Herald. Kansas Pickups Mrs. Lucy Snow is quite sick at this writing. Ermst Brown shipped a enr of cnttle and ono of hogs to Kansas City Sutur day. Mrs, F. M. Brown hns been on the sick list for some timo but is much better at. this writing Mrs. J. Petorson of Smith Center is spending tho week at the homo of hor daughter. Mrs. E. Brown. Miss Nella Lnnnignn of Smith Cent or spent tho weekend nt tho home of her brother, Robert LauniRan. E. V, Spurrier nnd family mid Robt. Lannlgan and family were entertained at the Enrl Abbott, homo Friday even, in j. Ed Lull and family, Robt Lunnigan and family and Mrs. L. Snow and son Dewoy visited wt tho B. F. I'nynohomo Tuesday evening. At eight, thirty Saturday evening, April 2nd, at tho home of tho biide's pHrents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Lannigan of Logan- tovnsliip,occurcd the beau tlful marrtngo ceremony of their oldest daughtor, Miss Thelma to Mr. Rex RoUlian. As tho straluo of tho wedding march was played in duot foim by Lois, sister of tho bride, and Sybil Lull, a cousin of the bride, tho bridal party appeared. The bride leaning on tho arm of her father was met at tho altar by tho bridegroom and Mr. Oival Rutledge, a minister of the gospel, who performed tho ceremony. Tho brido was dressed in whlto or gandie and carried a bouquet of pink and yellow rosea. Miss Lois Lannigan was dressed in pale yellow organdie while Miss Sybil Lull wore pink organdie. Houbo de corations were pink and yellow. After congratulations wore received they marched to the dinning room where a beautiful lunch was served. Tho newly-weds departed on tho midnight train for Topeka whore they will spend their honeymoon. They will bo at homo to thoir many frionds on A farm In-CWtownshlp' after May 1st. We extend congratulation's. ' 0 D iy 1 Direction - JACK TILLER 0 - q a -r . Manager - CHET MILLER lilAD. KAY In ' Alarm Clock Andy' Tonig h t and n 2rceI comedy 'JUST IN TIME' CARMEL MYERS in Friday The Gilded Dream' and a 2-reel comedy 'A LION TAMER' TOM MIX in Saturday 'Prairie Trails' and a 2-reel comedy 'DUCK IN' MARY PICKFORD in Mond 'POLLYANNA' THE GLAD GIRL m m mi; GSZia SS33KKS& But a good "wlieeze 111 leave ik 4a you 20 for 20 cents in air-right paokagea. Also obtamabla in round tins or SO, vacuum' sealed. I LOVE tho ladles. BUT LIKE most men. I OFTEN guess wrong. ON WHAT will win. A SMILE from them. I ALWAYS say. IT'S BETTER to laugh. THAN EVER to worry. 4 SO ONCE, when. THE DAM broke, and. A FLOOD hit town. I THOUGHT I'd Just. CHEER UP my wifo. AND SO I said. "IF THE worst comes. YOU CAN float down. , THE RIVER on. THE FAMILY music-box. AND I'LL accompany you. ON THE piano." WHICH WAS all wrong. POOR HUMOR, sho said. WAS OUT of placo. IN TIME of danger. SO KIPLING was right "A WOMAN is only. 4 A WOMAN but a good cigar. IS A smoke;" only. HE SHOULD havo mado it. MY CIGARETTES because. m YOU'RE BOUND to get. A SMILE from them. THEY ALWAYS "satisfy." TAKE tho silky, tender leaves of choicestTurkish: blend them with the best Domestic tobacco that money can buy blend them in tho exclusive, can't-be-copied Chesterfield way and you get a "smoke." Yes, and something more you get a cigarette that honestly "satisfies." wKestcrfield CIGARETTES Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Ofnco Over Albright's Store Red Cloud . v Nebraska wuwftvw,JVVAwAv.v.vwAv.vwv,tfvwwvl t Own Your Own Home . :J& Dr.WH.McBfite DKNTIBT OVERSTATE BANK . " : d fd Cloud1 ' Nebraska 3 . S IJH- . t . M alone- www, GeSla$ly.Qo. j; ij i i ! i - '