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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1921)
5 i r ,..., -r' A B i 7t) f RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF " ea5?ggi SsgaggyiiawHP IKSMk :S3i. gi?r-r i 1 M WWW I M"" " !n- H.- - -7-?-i-, I I .-r-. - -----t-r.-rs.T1- , MTr. T .T . i? W-TT- T. -rTi- "L.n.-" T J."---SV . - ' ' i I IZSsr"j5'-ys.TTT5-iWWli "-" ." .-""" rvSgSgsSSSi'3Jv V - - '""' "" Q.-g-yV-.-:gcs .. """Hiagg ' " ""'i ' i-yCjgs zZzExTJZfir A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For S2.00 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MARCH 31. 1921 NUMBER 13 IL , .'iyAJ' ulht: nvws SEC I!H r Columbia Grafonolas AT PRE-WAR il The price of this beautiful "K-2" Standard Model COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA in any of its five handsome finishes, is now only 5175. The prices oh OUR ENTIRE LINE of COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS have been readjusted to pre-war levels. A K 'Mm w You Save $75.00 On Model 2' Ml A U4 r This is the most radical read justment ever made in the pho nograph industry. And these new prices, below the pre-war level, are for much improved models equipped with the ex- , -i i a -i i? oj. i ii i : v elusive iNon-oct luiomaiic otop anu uuicr uxciusivo &, Columbia advantages which maltc the COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA the only modern phonograph. Come in today ancl see for yourself what big values these new A prices give you. Jm Columbia Grnlonolas THE JEWELER Columbia Records Ju -Ufa 4 1 I m ":i if A iMitnnnmraiiM ON THE FARM Spring work on the farm will be requiring the time of every farmer. The work has to be finished at a given time. Little at tention is give to other matters. Still, the matter of nourishment must be thought of Let us supply your wants in groceries canned goods, relishes, cookies, Etc. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee We'll pay market price for your produce P. A. Wiilllbraitdi Injured in Auto Accident ' Kearney, March Ho With Sheriff St Fink nt the 'wheel, a. party composed of County Cluil: G. E. I'aaz, Henry V J. Ainke, J. H. Moore, president of the American State linuk nnd J, McUunc started for Lexington tills afternoon to attend a Masonic meeting. Ono tulle enst of Odessa n blowout while traveling at a high rate of speed result ed in the driver losing controll of his machine. It plunged into a ditch, turning over twice. All but McCunc were thrown clear of tho car. AU but McCuno wore thrown clear of the wreck The latter was caught under. uoAth. II o suffered n bad scalp wound wrenched leg and possible internal injuries. State Jourual. J. McCuno is a son of Henry McCgne of this city. Easter Cantata at M E Church A large audience was present Sun day overling at the M. E. church to hear tho community chorus give their annual Easter cantata. This year it rendered "Tho Easter Alleluia," under the direction of Mrs. P. It. Ilughco, thu music teacher of our public schools. Tho musical selections covered tho story of Christ's life from the time of entering the irarden of Gcthscmune His trial before I'ilate on tho Cross, and including his resurrection and the women visiting his tomb on the early Easter morn letting tho glad tidings be known, Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ, tho Lord is Risen today. Tho rendition of thoso beautiful scriptural songs was splendid Many remarked of the great harmony and blending of so many voices Great credit is to bo given Mrs Ilughos for her untiring olToits-iu prnslislug this chorus sinco New Years. Also the playing of the accompanist, Mrs. Ira Wagoner, was greatly com mended. The principal voices in solos, duets or quarte's were: Mrs. Hush, Mrs. Itruce Eshelmau, Misses ltuby Koon and Mildred Boron, Mossrs. Cotting, Bush, Thomas ttmlL. Wagoner. Everybody loves good music. Tho audience attested to this fact as they wore very attentive listeners to this inspirational service of song. Music makes for u common under, standing between bob and nabob. t With massed singing comes smiles, enthusiasm, new life intorest, healthy exorcise, line mental drill and uplift ing soul experiences. It Is the pre. paratlon of tho individual for larger oppression of himsolf in his home, in his work and iu his community. Any thing that will promote that "larger expression" is a worthy forco and should receive all tho encouragement which it merits. Mrs. E. J. Overing, Jr. Answers Final Call Mrs. E. J Overlitg, jr., who had been In poor health for some time past gave up the battle of life and surrendered her Spirit to its Maker Saturday motii tng, March 'JGth. Johanna Van Pilsen mis born iu Pella, Iowa, November '12, 1875. She came to Nebraska and for several years was one of the most valued instructors iu the city schools. During this period she won tho friendship of a large circle of friends, among which was E. J, Overing, jr., whom she married in Janu ary, 100J. To tills union wero born three children, Kuth, Robert and tfuch aol. For nineteen years happiness reigned iu thu home and the circle of friends Increased with each succeeding year, both tho husband and wifo un sparingly devoting their time and ef forts to evorythlng pertaining to tho welfare of the community, as well us to the proper rearing of their children. Tho passing of this beloved and highly respocted lady Is deeply felt by tho entire community and thu father and children have tho sympathy of their many friend iu this, the hour of their sorrow. For many years they were mombers of the Cougregattoual church of this city, both of them taking active inter est in the Sunday Sohool work. They wero charter mombers of the Christian Sciences church, having assisted iu the organizing of the same hero somo eight years ago. Funeral services were conductod from tho homo Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 by the Christian Scientists, iu charge of Mr. Hjorass of Lincoln. Groceries and Queensxvare BMnuiDQ WVUWVW'! www To The Public Having leased the llcaton building, formerly occupied by tho Brown Hear Cifo, will bo open for businoss on Sat urday, April 2nd. Will carry a stock of Hour, feed, Held and garden seeds, cut flowers and potted plants. Bring in your cream, eggs and poultry. Courteous troatmeutaud a Square Deal Is my motto. C S. ROMINE Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack : Amack & Amack jj UNDERTAKING I FAltM LOANS Ftirm loans mado at lowest inter est rat03 on cither improved or un improved lands. Absolutely no delay. No expense for examination. J. II. BAILEY. ybster County Places Gravel on Federal Aid Road BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB S; For Sale fine 0 room residence, nnd barn 21 x 30, on a line block of land. Location one of tho best In Rod Cloud, Nebr. Price Ib right, and terms good. ' SCI1ULTZ & HEI'Z, Rod (Jloud, Nebr Tho County Highway Commissioner Overing has arranged for placing twen ty loads of gravel on tho State and Federal Aid road ou the hills north of Cowles, where thero has been some troublo with soft roada while the snow was melting. This difficulty will be overcome by making the solid founda tion. Tho village of Cowles is also gravel ing tho road ou the main street. The county crew are assisting with the big truck on the graveling of tho Cowles job, and tho men of Cowles aro assist ing in procuring the gravel for tho Federal road, as it is Impossible for tho truck to go down into tho pit. A new steel drag planer has been pur chased to complete tho equipment of the crew working west of Rod Cloud. It has been also planned to paint uumbors ou nil tho bridges and cul verts aloug tho Federal aid roud in this county. Tho numbers" will indi cate the distance from the beginning of tho road at Red Cloud Thus if a brldgo is marked 15 1 It will indicate that tho brldgo is located fifteen uiul one-tonth miles trom Red Cloud. It might bo interesting to note that tho Federal load from Red Cloud to tho county lino north of llluo 1 1111 cost a total of SlOl.OdO. Of this tho county paid l(5,0t'O being tho cost of tho seven brldgos, and the rest of tho cost was p.iid by the state and tho federal gov ernment' There nro 83 culverts and bridges along tho road. Department ol Public Works of Nebraska March j Report. Lutheran Church Services Sorvices Wednesday evening, April Gtli at 8 p. in. Confessional' services 7:30 p m. No servicon Sunday, April 3d. L T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 76M i Is Your Subscription Paid to Date? Tho Roy Scouts, P. K. O. and Rolph inns will hold a meeting Monday evt fl ing for the pi rposo of formulating plans for a clean up day. Date will bo announced Inter, A epoolal meeting of tho Robekahs was held Wednesday ovenlng, in order to welcome Mrs. Harriet M. Cain, State President of tho Robokah Assembly See Our Useful Jewelry SURROUND YOURSELF AND THOSE YOU LOVE WITH LUXURIOUS TOILET NECESSITIES. THEY . MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING. WE HAVE A SUPERB LINE OF TOILET REQUIREMENTS AND USEFUL ARHCLES OF JEWELRY. WHEN DESIRING PRESENTS FOR OTHERS, OR ARTIC LES FOR YOUR OWN USE, COME, AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU. WHEN IT COMES FROM US IT IS RIGHT. We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E. H. Newhouse rcj ciouj Jeweler and. Optometrist " Ncbrska nwan 9 I J OIJO G QC 3 Tractor Oil 5 gal. 75c Bbl. lots 70c Motor Oil 1 gal. 80c 5 gal. lots 75c Harvester 1 gal. 80c 5 gal. lots 75c Hog Oil 1 gal. 50c 5 gal. lots 45c Separator - - per gal. 50c Axle Grease and Cup Grease in any quantity and at right price's They are the best grades on the market 3C 3G TJH 11 ra ai a W foi n : K rftK i- .". l a AKS9. jTTv iri .. ire Wm iil'Sl S U J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb. j;iEramm'wra V nill,MIIMI1l!IITOIIW('l.l1'MlllllM To the Voters of Red Cloud I am a candidate for City Treasurer, i If elected will arrange a convenient phico for payment of Electric Light and Water bills and will give tho ofllcu close attention. JOE HEWITT. She departed for Lincoln this morning ' Drug atoro. Notice Tho man who took tho wrong over coat last Sunday evening at tho Motho- dist church cuu got hid own at Cotling's Advice is one of the cheapest things in the world. It's as free as the air. No matter what your troubles may be, just let it be known and advice will come piling in. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and even a bald-headed drug gist can sell hair tonic and get away wi but the advice you seek, not the kind that is volunteered, 1 you want. We are not a volunteer in the advice busin jut if you are a patron of outbank and ask advice on financial natters we will be glad to help you in any way we can. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, Preiident Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Florance, Caihier SepotUt Quarantttdli! th JDtposllort Quaranttt Fund of thi Stati of Xebra$ka J fi r l"K tor i-U-