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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1921)
, ,.. I I I V ' 4- v .wum.WtwK,M VOLUME 49 GIVE HIM The success of this boy's future will be determined by his early training and education He must not be handicapped by tol You certainly should know whether glasses will help your youngster. Bring him to us let us find out .whether defective vision exists. Parents who have reached the bi focal age will be interested in m DYDT A 1 wliicl1 atfrd ncar and far vision M i 1 V IM jn one paj, 0f glasses without GLASSES" , ., , ., i.f i THE invisible bifocal showing that they are bitocal. J. C. MITCHELL Columbia Gralonolao THE JEWELER Columbia Records t"i x?. k 'tPTr-. jJ-..: &!., miannnanoataBBU'iuB mn jii.nnfl.uniaajOM.'Eno .naBiiairrauTMHfflamwBSPaiuaTm.vDfflirapuim imiukiiwTsxmiKiiCiainaKa jeiois Without A You would be indignant if you were obliged to pay a high price for an inferior grade of merchandise. You have no cause for that if you patronize us. Every article that leaves our store is sold under guarantee ' 'Satisfaction or your money back This method of doing business is vouched for by a large list of regular patrons. Don't take our word for it--ask your neighbor. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware Let Us Show You Change washday to wash hour and : wonting your macmne Dy nana. Wo have one for you single or double tub that you can operate with gas engine or electric power. The v, ringer swings four woya is reversible and operates with the washer. A One Minute gives you a tub full of clean clothes every five to fifteen minutes. It is the washer witli "a million satisfied users." Come in and let us show you this washer, built by washing machine manufacturers of 20 years' experience. I fine's Hardware Store ' erf. ,-v 'i J. A CHANCE jraSWMMk. ft a ass?-, m&.yi B Doubt- This Good Washer set away from rubbing and wringing EF I tJ&Ufp. j j?V V y-WL-l , A '&M B PS I r i r-o- m. i:2Tif r". h v a A Newspaper That Gives The News Flfty-ino Weeks Each tear For 52.00 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 24. 1921 Married at Cheyenne, Wyo. Word was roseived last week from Choyeune, Wyoming, that the young est son of Sheriff tin i Mrs. Frank Hutr or. pinion J., was united in marrlngoto MKs Julia Oregory of that city on February Utli Simon has been employed in the Union Pacific shops of Cheyenne for n ntunhnr of oars, excepting otno four ten months' time spent, as a sailor, in the capacity of Signalman on the UattleMiip Texas Mr. in id Mrs S. J. IIutYer will lobldo at Chcvcuue. Graham Furniture Store Will Move About May 1 Mr. I. Johnson, tnanugor of tho Gra ham Furniture Company's store in this city informs us that he has sIkikhI n lease for extended term on the I'o'ter building, corner of Fourth Avi miunnd WubsterStioet Ho contemplates mov ing the stock of goods on or nbouMay 1st. Mr. .loliiiMjn is o tjcucmpliiiKH.L cd on his selection of new quartets as it will not only jiv him one of the I host locations in the city but aUu will enable him to i arry a larger h ock of goods and display the iame to n inuch bettci advantage to ids trudo. Wo understand that Clauson A: Van Dyke, proprietors of tho Topee Smoke llouso, fie present tetiHCts of tho building, will move into tho Sam Hoaton build inif, formerly occupied by tho Hrown llearCare. Commercial Club Meeting " A meeting of the Commorcial Club was hold Tuesday night, the principal object of which was to elect oiUeors for tho ensuing year Thoy selected V. G. Hamilton. President, Chas. R. Ho'-so, Vice President, W A. Sherwood Treasurer The matter gf employing a paid secretary was discussed and car ried over to the next regular mooting. Messrs. 0. J. Piatt, II. P. Wcesner, K. H. Nowhouso, M, E. llorzog, E.S. Gar ber, and Geo. Warren were named as a committee to give the matter attention Two applications havo been received, either of whom can bo secured at a normal salary The matter of prohibiting tho use of the olub pool tablo on Sunday, and wns voted on, and tho snme will be covered on Sunday. Dr. Mitchell to Leave City Dr. Mitchell informs us that shortly after, tho first of tho coming month be will dispose of his holdings hero and depart for Appleton, Wisconsin, where he, with his family, will make their futuro home, and tho doctor continue his medical practice. lie will bo asso ciated with Drs. MacLaren and Reeve, prominent physicians of that city, Tho doctor stutcs that ho has had this matter uudcr consideration for some time, and whllo he regrets leav ing his native state, to a certain extent, however the Wisconsin city and sur rounding territory appeals strongly to him from both Eocial and business standpoints. During tho number of years the doc tor and his family have resided hero they have won for themselves a large circle of friends who will regret to see them depart from our midst, but wish them success and happiness in their new home. This loss will also be felt in the busi ness and professional circles of tho city, as Dr. Mitchell not only was a first class physician and surgeon but also an ' aotlvo worker in all things pertaining I to the welfare and advancement of the I city and coinmuuity. Wo predict sue- D cess for him in his now location. South Side Mission Services "A New Heaven and a Now Earth" subjeot Sunday night nt South Sido Mission, Services also Sunday after noon, Sunday School at 2:30 Preaching at 3:30. Evangelist Eastburn of Cedar Rapids, Iowa is hero on vaoatlon and will preach for tho Mission folks, hear this talented lady. Everybody welcome. Jf you have any question on religious topics you can rscelve help. i "" - . - EUROPEAN At the urgent request of tho Eu- ropoan Relief council, nn organisation is being perfected in Webster county, to provide the county's quota for the relief of tho starving children of i Eastern and Central Europe. ' The European Relief council, of which Herbert Hoover is national chairman, includes eight separato or ganizations, among them being tho American Red Cross, the American Relief Administration, the Y. M. C. A.', the Y. W. C. A., the K. of C, and others. 'An appalling emergency exists in these European countries, where nt least three and one-half million child ren are face to face with disease and starvation.1 It is proposed to save as many as possible from starvation by giving those whoso need is most im parntivc ono meal a day. Then there is need of medical aid, clothing and food. $311,000,000 is required to do Hug woik, relieving only tho critical ciffccs. 10 will save the life of a cliiltl until next haivost. Veb ''H count j 'h share of this fund J-. only 3200. It" is believed that there should be no difliculty in raising this amount or even more. fAn executive committee i3 being formed to plan this work. So far tho following have consented to bo on this .committee: ,Dr. Robert Damcrcll, Red Cloud Judge A. D. Ranncy, Red Cloud Harry Vaughan, Guide Rock E. J, Ovcring, Red Cloud v3ttptrA.D. Holtscn, Red Cloud James McBride, Cowlcs B. F. Perry, Red Cloud F. J. Munday, Red Cloud W. D. Edson, Red Cloud. E. W. Loesko, Inavalc Some good men in other towns have been chosen for the committee, but as they have not yet been interviewed regard to serving on the committee it is not possible to publish their names at this time. Ncbraskan Has Well Equipped Stock Ranch On a recent tt in to Nobinska one of our Kansas City representatives had a very pleasant visit with Alf E. Nolan of Rod Cloud. Mr. Nolan operates the old Miner ranch, which comprises over 1,000 acres of good Republican River land, part of which Is in cultivation and tho balauce in grazing land. With this combination Mr. Nolan has an abundance of feed at h11 seasons of tho year, and in thut partioular section of the country thoy usually raise good crops. This is an idoal stock ranch, woll equipped. Ono of its features is a good winter feed lot with lots of room, well drained, well protected from the winter weather, situated as it is in a draw. At prcscut Mr. Nolan is feeding 200 good quality light cattle which make a very plcturesquo sight especially ut feed time when they aro all lined up along tho feed troughs Mr. Nolan also has a very nice herd of pure bred Hereford cattlo. A view ex tending for miles up and down the river which can bo seon from tho ranch house affords a wonderful treat for anyone with an eyo for beautiful soon cry. Clay, Robinson & Company Live Stock Report. Paving Districts One, Two and Three Properly Owners in these districts are heroby notitled that tho Paving tax for 1020 was certified to tho County Treasurer Nov. 1, 1VM and Is now drawing Interest at the rate of One percent per month. This notice is in sorted in this paper by Order of tho Olty Council. (SEAL.) O. C. TEEL, City Cleric, G. R, McCrary was down from Ina- valo this morning. Clove Loy has purchased a Reo truck and is now hauling freight dally from the wholesale Btorea at Hastings to this city ftf, BE ON TIME TO BE ON TIME PAYS. THE BUSINESS MAN RESPECTS THE MAN WHO KEEPS HIS ENGAGEMENT "TO THE MIN UTE." TO BE "RIGHT ON TIME" YOU MUST HAVE A GOOD WATCH WHICH KEEPS THE RIGHT TIME. TO GET A GOOD, ACCURATE "TIMEKEEPER" COME TO THE STORE THAT KEEPS THEM-AND GUARANTEES THAT THEY WILL KEEP CORRECT TIME-COME TO OUR STORE. WE TEST YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WITH THE EXACT GLASSES:YOU NEED-COME IN. M We Make 'Quality' Right Tlien the Price Right B. H. Newhouse Ret cioud Jeweler and Optometrist Nchrska Ui.v .. ji. Well it is this way, there Is a chance for every man that has any energy what ever, to get a home, come and see us. We have about fifteen (15) farms to offer as follows, Improved and unimproved ones, will take Crop payments after the first payment is made. These farms a,re located in the best part of the West and we think this is a much better plan for you Mr. Renter. Buy one of these farms where you can pay out for it, the same as paying rent and you will own your own home. We know of men that have paid out for their land that way in three years, why not you try and get one the same way. We give free transportation, for to . go and see these farms, when the roads are so we can travel over them safely. Now is the time for you to get the best proposition we ever found in land, if you are interested come in and see us and talk it over. We will sure get you a good buy if you will come and ride out with us, We have other good buys of all kinds. Please remember the address. A. H. Carpenter Son & Co. Home Office Red Cloud, Neb. C. R. Carpenter, Selden, Kan CHEAP ADVICE! Advice is one of the cheapest things in the world. It's as free the air. No matter what your troubles may be, just let it known and advice will come piling in. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and even a bald-headed drug gist can sell hair tonic and get away with it but the advice you seek, not the kind that is volunteered, is the kind you want, we are not a volunteer in the advice business, but ii you are a patron of ourbank and ask advice on iinanclal matters we will be glad to help you in any way we can. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, President ' Red Cloud, Neb, S. R. Floiance, Cathie DipoiUi duaranttidby tht Depotitort Quarantit Fund of tht Statt of Mbraika p., HCTKyrw wjtrf'-rftt!t WtJyfcjV NUMBER 0 - ui.. as be , I sa.VjP'W-ju, v.f 'if- i. ? -.