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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1920)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, O'TIEF . I Another Royal Suggestion Griddle Cakes and Waffles From the New Royal Cook Book THERE is an art in making flapjack pan cakes, griddle cakes or 'wheats, call them what you will. But it is an art very easily and quickly acquired if you follow the right recipes. The secret, of course, is Royal Baking Pow der. Griddle Cakes IK cups flour teaspoon salt 8 teaspoons Itoyal llaklng Powder Iftcups milk 1 tablespoon shortening Mix and sift dry Ingredi ents; add beaten eges, milk and melted shorten ing: mix well. IJako Im mediately on hot griddle. Waffles t cups flour 4 Uaspoons Itoya.1 Baking Powder teaspoon salt 1 cups milk eggs 1 tablespoon melted shortening 131ft flour, baking pow der und salt together; add milk to yolks of eggs; mix thoroughly and add to dry Ingredients; add melted shortening and mix tn beaten whites of 'eggs. Sake In well-greased hot waffle Iron until brown. Serve hot with maple sy rup. It should take about 1H minutes to bake each woffle. WRONG IDEA OF THE BLIND ttatesman, Afflicted With Lost Sight, Tells Good Story Bear ing on the Subject. of Representative Sclinll, member of the house of representatives from Iflnncsota, Is blind, and has been for ton years. During this time he says that he has discovered Unit tho see ing world has strange Ideas as to the limitations of the blind; that It seems to thnk because a man can't see he can neither hear nor feel, und Is a strange, detached piece o. human mechanism that Is not to be reckoned with directly, but through the guiding hand. Not long ago Mr. Schall was return ing from his homo In Minneapolis to Washington, accompanied only by his small son Douglas. The first morning they appeared In the diner the waiter assigned to their table Inquired of young Douglns: "Sou, what docs your father want?" "Why, orik him," quickly replied the child, "he knows what he wants. As for me, bring me pnncakes and snusage aa! chocolate 1" Remove Plaster With Gasoline. Two letters to tho Journal of the American Medical Association tell the easiest way to remove nn adhesive piaster. They are from Drs. Alanson J. Abbe of Fall Itlvcr, and R. E. Dlck on of Holyoku, Mass. They tell us to se gnsollue instead of alcohol, wiping the plaster over with It, peeling a cor eer of the plaster back with the nail tnd dabbing tinder the turned bnck 'With u piece of gauze soaked In gaso line. Little by little tho gasoline will dis solve the sticky substance and tho whole plaster will come off without ptdn to the patient. Too Many After It "Is it lucky to hnvo n rabbit's foot?" I ddn't believe It is for the rabbit." A Healthful Drink With . No After Regrets You are sure of satis faction when you make your table beverage InstantPostum Coffee drinkers delight in the change because of greater comfort,and the price is attractive because so moderate. All the family will like the flavor of Postum At Grocers Everywhere Hade by Postum Cereal Co., Inc. Battle Creek.Mlch, ROYAL BAKING POWDER Abmolutety Purm Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from trap). FREE Hew Royal Cook Book cea Ulnlng these and scons t thtr dtllehtful recipes. Write for it to day. BOTALBaKIMO rowbERCo. 1U Fulton Street, lUw Tnk Oltr. RIOIUM'S USE IN SURGERY Its Rays So Powerful That They Can Destroy the Useless or Dis eased Tissue. The use of radium In hospitals U becoming more and more demanded by the medical profession. Tho Sci entific American, In telling of Its med ical and surgical uses, explains that It Is a tool end not a medicine. The radium gives off three rays, known as the alpha, beta and gamma rays. Tho first, about 85 per cent of the total ray force, can be stopped by tissue paper; the second will penetrate 35 millimeters of lead, while the third has a vibra tion himllnr to the X-ray. This my Is the one used In surgery. The rays are sent Into the body, and so powerful nro they that they can penetrate to a great depth, and there destroy the useless or dlsensed tissue. As the good tissue has a greater resistance than the bad, the highly skilled operative can boor the gamma rays on the olulcted part until they hegln to destroy the good tis sue, when the treatment must stop. Knew What Was in Danger. A couple of darkles were digging o hole in hurd ground under u side walk. One down In the half-finished hole, held a small Iron pipe upright upon the end of which the other pound ed with n largo sledge In order to loosen up tho dirt. Tho sledge wield or swung the heavy tool rather reck lessly and It looked as though he might miss at any moment nnd strike his comrade's head, Just below. A pass ing white man muttered: "Better be more careful, Tom, or you'll bring that sledge down on Andy's head." "All right, boss," replied tho sledge swinger. "Ah'U be more careful; dlr am de only sledge we got." New York Post Ambition Is always boxing content meat on the ears. rO- II American (Copy fur Thin tUTurtliiMit Supplied by the American Legion New HervlCfi.) IS NAMED LEGION HISTORIAN Eben Putnam Performed Similar Serv- Ice Before the Office Was Made Permanent. A life of singular variety and nd renturo hn been that of Kben Putnam, new-chosen nation al historian of the American Legion. Mr. Putnam was I. r ei I t Cntftll Mims., Oct. 10, 18GS. " He received his education in pri vate schools and the Cambridge high school. While he was a boy he was the companion and assistant of his father, the distinguished anthropolo gist, Trof. Frederic Ward I'utnum, In archaeological explorations In vurlous parts'of the world. Mr. Putnam has been deeply Inter ested In genealogy, eugenics and New England histories, nnd has compiled and published n number of works on these subjects. He has conducted cx tenslvo Investigations over a period of more than twenty-live years Into the juestlon of Immigration. Ho Is a member of the Society of Colonlnl Wurs, the Sons of the American Revo aitlon, the Military Order of Foreign Wars, and American Historical Socie ty. Early In the fall of 1013 Mr. Put jttin became convinced that this coun try must enter the war oveutunlly, and Joined tho training school organ ized In his state. He attended tho Plattsburg camp the following sum ner nnd the next winter was a mem ocr of a provisional battalion of Infan try. He was barred from n commls lion In the line because of hls.ngc, but an April 4, 1017, was commissioned a rnptaln In the qunrtermnstcr corps. HIb son also was In the service. Mr. Putnnm served as assistant to the depot qunrtermnster In Boston nnd Inter served overseas In tho fuel nrnnch. Ho was discharged August 22, 1010. Mr. Putnam 1b n charter member of Wcllesley Post No. 72 of the American Legion, nnd was Insur ance ofllcer and post hlstorlnn until he resigned to accept the post of de partment historian for Massachusetts, where he served also In the capacity of a member of the state executive committee. He lint performed the duties of a nntionnl historian of the i Legion before that olllco was innile ) permanent. TO BE GREAT WAR MEMORIAL I State of Indiana to Erect Magnificent Building to House Legion Na tlonal Headquarters. Tho erection of a magnificent build ing to houso nntlonal headquarters of The American Legion In Indianapolis Is nssurod following the nctlon of Uie Indlann state legislature, which voted that the state war memorial should tako the form of a structure for tills purpose. A tract of state-owned land In the center of Indianapolis; 000 feet long by 450 feet wide", will bo dedicated to tills project and tho city has been author ized to lncludo two additional city blocks adjoining the state properties. The result will bo a splendid plaza with American Legion headquarters In the center. The luntl Is valued at ap proximately $12,000,000. The Legion building will be con structed under tho control of a board of trustees appointed by tho governor of Indiana. All members will be men of tho Legion. Already tho Indiana legislature has voted a tax levy which will yield moro than $3,000,000 as an earnest of ltd desire to adequately house and equip natlonul headquar ters of the Legion. SINCERE FRIEND OF LEGION Mrs. Janette Logan Jacobs Has Been Hard Worker In Interest of Dis abled Ex-Service Mln. A fearless nnd devoted worker In die Interest of tho disabled ex-scrvlco man, Mrs. .lun ette; Logan Ja cobs of New York city, has proved herself n sincere friend of tho American Legion. It was Mrs. Ja cobs who sup plied the Legion with many of tho facts which It laid before congress when It demand ed tho reform of tho lederul board for vocutlonnl educa tion, a reform which had been carried out largely under tho direction of the veterans' organization. Post Meets In Two Towns. When Leo-Bishop post of the Ameri can Legion was orgnnlzed In the two towns of Hudson and TwtiiBburg, O., a novel scheme was hit upon to avoid ealousy between the communities. Tho post holds Its sessions In the two ol&ces oo alternate meeting nlghta. wmwz K-7 A- fe x yAfaaaasR--' r Ti MHHME LEGION AND LABOR QUESTION Position of National Body, Adopted at Cleveland Meeting, Made Clear In Bulletin. A clenr and well-defined exposition of the olllclul attitude of the American Legion toward organised labor Is con tained In a bulletin Hout out by nn tionnl headquarters of the Legion In Indianapolis, setting forth tho state ment on the question Issued by Past National Commander D'Oller, which was adopted by tho national conven tion as the Legion's platform In Indus trial dllllcultles. The Mutemeut fol low s : "The nttltudu of the Legion toward organized labor Is the same us Its at titude toward all groups1 of American cltlrens who uru Interested In a square deal for all In the maintenance of law anil order, and the protection of tho Institutions banded down to us by out forefathers. In any controcrsy be tween capital and labor, the Interest of the American U-glon Is confined to that of the maintenance of law and order and, without taking part on either side. In enso a situation should arise where life and property nro en dangered, It Is tho duty of members of the legion to perform their full duty as citizens, nccordlng to their own conscience nnd understanding. "In such a contingency It 1b tho Legion man's duty to assist In tho malntenauco of law nnd order by act ing as nn Individual and offering bis services to tho duly-constituted author ities for the maintenance of Inw nnd order. There Is nothing to prevent the Individual member of the Legion as an Individual from taking either side In such a controversy but the Legion, as un organization will not do so." KEEPS EYE ON LEGION MONEY Robert H. Tyndall Is Reappointed National Treasurer by the Na- tlonal Executive Committee. Tho handling of tho finances of the American legion will continue to be directed ny od crt IL Tyndc.ll, nn tlonal treasurer, who was roup- jmil ..iff,. l ywn.T U V V wV??!c BltIon hy the "n" XljYa t,onal cxecutlvo Jy. ' v-jinfefc committee. Mr. Wk m Tvndn.ll Is n na tive of Indianapo lis, and during tho war served as colonel of the One Hundred and Fif tieth Field Artillery, Forty-second ("Rainbow") division. Ho wus In command of the regiment throughout the war nnd wns with the nrmy of oc cupation in Germany until April, 1017. Previous to his1 service In tho World war Mr. Tyndall had long been Inter ested In mllltnry nffalrs. He enlisted In Ilattery A of the Indlnna Natlonul Guard In October, 1807. Tho battery was mustered Into the Twenty-seventh Indlann Volunteer Battery on Mny 10. 1808, becoming n part of tho expe ditionary forces In Porto Rico during August and September or that year. In 1000 ho enlisted In tho reorganized Indlnna Nntionnl Guard and served us corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, nnd captain of Ilattery A until 1013, when ho wns promoted to major of tho First Itnttallon, Indlann Field Artillery. He served on the Mexican border from July, 1010 to January, 1017, and re ceived the runk of colonel In April, 1017. ASKS FOR MILITARY ESCORTS Philadelphia County Committee Ap peals to President Wilson to Provide Firing Squads. Following advices from the adju tant gcncrul of the array to the effect thut it Is Impracticable for the War department, without a special appro priation for transportation expenses, to provldo military escorts for Uio burial at Philadelphia of Boldler dead whose bodies are being returned from overseas, tho Philadelphia county com mittee of the Legion has appealed to President Wilson to provldo at least two tiring squnds for this purpose from Camp d or through tho Frank ford, nrsenul, at Philadelphia. "Tho American Legion represent, tlves," tile letter reads, "wero not sat isfied with tho excuse offered by the adjutant general of tho army for re fusing to assist In meeting this emer gency. Tho bodies of soldier dead ot the A. E. F. ure being returned to Philadelphia dully, and as many as five requests a tluy aro being received by tho American Legion. The Legion, through Its representatives in tho county organization, took the portion that It cannot nvold Its responsibility to, honor thetw men who gave their lives for their country. "The United States army Is now re crulted to u strength of 800,000. It was tho unanimous opinion among tho Legion representatives of the 70 posts In this county, that as commander In chief of the United States army, you might consider it a privilege to assign to Philadelphia 10 men who might servo as military escorts, thus assist ing the American Legion In perforin, lng n paramount pntrlotic duty." Tho letter was signed by Romoln O. Ilassrlck, secretary of tho committee. Legionnaires as Guard of Honor. Impressive ceremonies marked tho funeral of Elbert F. Wuld, late com munder of the Department of Panama, whose body wub laid to rest In the National cemotery at Arlington. v. fkm Cutlcura for Sore Hands. Bonk hands on retiring In the hot suds I of Cutlcura Soup, dry nnd rub In Cu tlcura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cutlcura will do If Soap, Ointment and Talcum ure UBed for all toilet purposes. Adv. Who Made the Sign? One day I went to a new grocery and the clerks wero nil busy, so tho proprietor bustled up to me. He wns extremely affable, so I had no hesita tion In asking him who printed tho sign In the window It was poorly printed und some of the words wero misspelled. "Why?" he asked. "Whoever made It didn't know how to spell," 1 replied, grinning. "1 made the sign," wns all he Fnld, but It was enough. 1 turned hastily away. lixchnuge. Catarrh Catarrh Is a local disease greittlr Influ enced by coiiBtltutlomil conditions. HALL'S CATAltllll MI2UICINH Is ft Tonic and Wood Purlllcr. 13y clennslnR the blood nnd bultdlm: up tho Bysttmt, HALL'S CATAIUIH MKDICIMO restores normal conditions und allows Nature, to do Its work. All UruKKlstn. Circulars free. V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Where Lies Arcadia? A correspondent suggests thnt one way of celebrating the Pilgrim cen tenary would be for a lot of new pil grims to get together und, llkt? their forefathers, take ship nnd sail uwuy from profiteering, labor troubles, rent raising, taxes and gramr.phoues. All very well but whither? Boston Trail script. WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Womcns' complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other or gans to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am bition, nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pre scription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large site bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this (Treat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Awful. "Grandpa, when I'm grown up cun't I get married?" "My child, I regret to see you antici pating trouble so early In life." No Wonder. "Buttle told me be had had a raw deal.", "Yes, he wus soro because he was roasted." ppt Contents lBFluidDraot iVAsBBHsiVsBWaVsWBt? iygfri nn .Abuunvw - .iff m32EEES iinaiheStonwtoaiiaBggligj JPjtwTtaaYfclailPXnaaji fee- .r.ft.iDmtrv(br haSSSn YoSSOFSU? I MiihrcfronwnWMi;. IMS" 9 -..."' limueStfnrttfJ hbw unH Exact Copy of Wrapper. Kill That CASCARA FOR Cslds, Coughs Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no ckancea. Keep this standard romedy handy for the arst i Breaks up a cold In 24 hours Rsllsvse Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine la this form does not affect the head Caacara is bast Toale Laxative No Opiate In Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT osv Kjne5HS at in Skin Because of her rosy cheeks and satin skin a woman attracts the. admiration of all men. When the. young woman ' peers in he glass, she may sec p i m p I e t and blotches and she: im mediately goei to the drug store for paint, povr ders and beauty creams, when sh should go there for a blood med cine and stomach alterative knows as "Golden Medical Discovery." This vegetable tonic and blood alterative clears the skin, beauti fies it, increases the blood supply and the circulation, while pimple, boils and eruptions vanish quickly Ask your nearest druggist for Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discov cry in tablet or liquid form or send 10c. for trial package of tablets toj Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel b Buffalo, N. Y. Clogged-Up I Liver Causes Headache Ifs foolish to suffer from conatlpitJoa sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, indigestion, and kin dred aliments when Carter's) lgmrwm& Littles Liver VrHniCltO Pills will end JHIITTLC au misery inyn bb ixxfr PureW veae arwl ra table. Act gently on liver and bowels. Small PUl-Small Dose Small Met) BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present time for young women ovor nineteen years of art Who have bad at least two years In high school to take Nurset Training In general noipltaV Oar graduates are In great demand. Address Supt, of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebraska CASTORIA For Infants and Children.. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAUN COMPANV, WIW VOAK CIH. Cold With M QUININE If. "&$ BHrLjLjV.aLjmJl' SiWi HasMl i ii WFK, v M V lH ' SksVlllsr iVT A BBllllH H W MM ?& AND La Gripp rOMV &