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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1920)
r ft " h ' ,WA M ' ( 11 1 fh' f J i l v&ywg3S VOLUME 48 COMMUNITY PLATE AS A GIFr For Weddings, Anniversaries or Birthdays, COMMUNITY PLATE is the appropriate and sure to-be-appreciated token. In Chests or in the Blue Gift Cases there is a great variety of Sets and Pieces obtainable and at a wide range of prices. We can supply your Gift need in Community Plate. Come in and tee it. J. C. MITCHELL, The Jeweler Q . ' clt your dcrvtcc A ff .... -,. TOiiniBiiiDiffl , The Big P Olloli4"fr In order to measure up to veUdlity the demands of the buying public of today any piece of merchandise must give satisfaction in every way. If it does not Jt is stricken from the list of dcsireable merchandise The goods we handle possess this' QUALITY PFUirA e setv'ce we lender our . OW VivC patrons, even to the 'kiddies' is known to all. Our aim at all times, is to give you wants very prompt and careful attention. PMp The price is figured as low as it A I 11C it is possible to make it whep you consider that our merchandise is the best the market affords. You are protected not only by our years of .successful grocery experience, but also by our guarantee of your satisfaction. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware impmi RESULTS COUNT and we have the knowledge the equipment and the desire to produce RESULTS. Let Us Prove It Over Smith's V. llfti gtn r .- .- ' Jor tijty Years , .Jjj ESBHM Three The Gleason Studio BjSgggrgyTggpfcgM; 4 Newspaper That Gives The News RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUNE 10. 1920 Auditorium Assn. Elect Officers and Directors A meeting of the stockholders of the U sse Auditorium Association was held Tuesiluy afternoon at two o'clock. The 'principal business transacted was the election of ofllcers and board of directors for the eusulngyoar, which are as follows: OmcEits Dr. Rout. Dutucrell, President U. It. Fauscb, Secretary Henry Gilliam, Treasurer DlllKCTOItl Dr. Robt. Damercll, Charles Besse, P. G. Turoure, Bernard MoNeuy, U. R. Fausch, Henry Gllhatn, C. G. Starke Another meeting of the directors will be held in the assembly room of Auditorium, Thursday, June 17. Lively Ten Inning Gam aSunday afternoon a large crowd of enthusiastic base ball fans' assembled at the Starke ball park to witness the game between Red Cloud and Grand Island American Legion team. Herzog was on tbe mound for the home boys and pitched a good game. TeuJInnlngs were played. Iu the ninth iuulng Grand Island tied the 60orp, two and two, and in the tenth inning they run in four scores, duo to a fow errors on the port of the locals result 0 to 2 in favor of the visitors. ( The coming Sunday afternoon they will mecSt tho-Mt. Clare .team, and as tliat team holds a record for fast plhy. ItTg, and a couple of new men being added to the local line-up a very inter' esting game is promised. i Death Follows Brief Illness The mauy friends of Kobt. L, Avery, formerly of this city, were deeply grieved when they learned of his sud den death which occured at his home In Lincoln last Friday afternoon. He had complained of belug ill on Wed nesday, but the following day again resumed his duties at his ofllce and ou Friday wout to Denton to look after his business interests In that town. He became 111 again that nfternoon and was removed to his homo in Lin coin, where later ho passed away. He was associated with C. W. Malone la the lumber business in this city from 1014 to lOlO, and during the time he resided here ho won for himself many friends in both business aud social circles He was about 40 years of age at the tlm3 of his death. His wife and one son arc left to mourn the loss of a dc voted husband and klud father. Fun eral services were conducted on Tues day at Edgar, where interment wis made. Killed in Auto Accident A fatal automobile accident occured near Bartlcy Monday evening which re suited in the death of one member of the party and the serious injury to seven! others. Mr. aud Mrs. Ross Brooks and child ren, who reside in Cdtherton precinct, had driven in a car to the vicinity of McCook, Sunday, whoro they met the former's sister, Mrs, Rolland Mllligau (neo Mabel Brooks) and on Monday drove to the Milllgan home, near Or leans. About midnight of that day they ran off u bridge near Bartleyf Mrs Milllgan was killed and tho other members of tho party, including tho children, severely injured.. Thoy wore taken to a hospital ot Cambridge. Tho remains of Mrs. Milllgan were taken to Inavale where funeral services wcro conducted. - BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given that tho Webster County Board of Equaliza tion will bo in session at tho Court House in Red Cloud on Juno 15th-lGth and 17th, 1920. Persons having any complaints regnrding their nsscss ments nro advised that this . is the proper titno to present tho same be fore this Board. B. F. PERRY, County Clerk J ! gggSSSgr Fifty - two Weeks Each Tear For $2 03 COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES (By County Superintendent) The following is n list of tlte sum mer schools in Nebraska, name of in-. Htitution, their location, date of be ginning and number of weeks term: Union College at College View, June 1, 8 weeks; Chardron State Nor mal at Chadron, June 7, 8 weeks; Midland College ut Fremont, June 7, 8 weeks; Hastings College at Hast ings, June 7, 8 weeks; University of Nebraska at Lincoln, May. 31, G or 12 weeks; Kearney State Normal at Kearney, Juno 7, 8 weeks; Crcighton University at Omaha, June 21, 6 weeks; University of Omaha, at Omahn, June 1G, 16 weeks; Peru State Normal at Peru, June 7, 8 weeks; Nebraska Wes'lyan University at University Place, Juno 1, 8 weeks; Wayne State Normal at Wayne, Jun. 7, 8 weeks; York College at York, June 7, 8 weeks. There were 141 eighth grade grad uates this year and three more who were conditioned and will get their diplomas as soon as the condition Is removed. Prizes awarded for rural school ex hibit work of the county: Crayon Drawing Vera Baker, Dis trict 58; Free Hand Drawing Norma Ailcs, District 3G; Pencil Drawing Juln Enycart, District 47, Leigh Ppfy District 24, Gladys Borgfield, .Dj'svict 15, Paul OgclvJo; District 00, Im:&cnc Starke, .District 150;"' Por tative Drawing Marjorlo Whitscl,, District GO; Pen and Ink Drawing Agnes Arncson, District 3; Free Hand Map Paul Hoover, District 50; Water Color Hnrley Potts, District 40, Gertrude Wright, District 60; Re lief Map Irma Tecpfcr, District 45, Lennc Lampman, Disrtict 60; Spat ter Work Helen Kaufman, District 40; Cut Work Virginia Vance, Dis trict 90; Class Booklets Eldinc Mnt tison Gr. 2, District G; Esther Points, Gr. 3, District G; John Vance, Gr. 4, District 6; Original Illustration for Story Agnes Mattison, Gr. 4, Dis trict 6; Sewing Dora Knlggo, Dis trict 90; Essay on Rome Floy En ycart, District 47; Penmanship Grades 1-2-3 Ira Somerhaldcr, Dis trict 16; Bernard Clutter, District 38; Clifford Aubushon, District 8. Writ ing not so good but handled his ink well; Grades 4-5-6 Opal Belle Mc Callum, District 42; Herbert Lamp man, District 37; Grades 7 and 8 Anna Schutte, District 90; Leon Clut ter, District 38. The following pupils and districts have Honorable Mention: Water Color, District 40 and Dist. 80; Pastel, Julia Enycart, District 47; Cut Work Primary grades of Ina vale school; Free Hand Crayon Draw ingsDistrict 58; Pen Drawn Calen dersDistrict 80; Physiology Draw ings District 41. Tho Penmanship was graded by a representative of A. N. Palmer who came from tho Colorado schools. The Annual Exhibit for the rural schools took place tho 30tlf of April ( in tho examination room of tho Court House. The exhibit was very good , but tho work was so varied that It was hard 'to group. Next year we ( will try to follow tho outline put out , for tho State Fair so that wo can use our material for tho Farmers' Insti tute, the Bladen County Fair, tho State Fair and tho Annual County Exhibit. This is part of tho new law and tho law books were not out soon enough to allow an appropria tion to be made for premiums. This is one of tho things tho school boards should attend to so that next year we can offer some nico prizes that wiEj, cause competition and will arouse tho Students to mnkc thoir best bet ter. This year tho prizes arc not as nice as I wish they wcro but tho hon or is just as great as if it were not the major part of tho reward. , The'bualncss men of this city have dcolded not to hold a Fourth of July celebration this year and tho citizens can now plan to go elsewhere. 'f.- Give Our Jewelry Recount your own treasures that your heart holds dear a Watch, a Pin, a Ring and you will give lasting presents to those of whom you are fond. JEWELRY Is the thing to give Our store is the place to buy it, because you can absolutely depend upon the Quality, Style and price of any piece you buy from us. Your Satisfaction or Your Money Back! EMMewliouse Red Cloud Jeweler and MjTffl HOFSTRA Non-Poisionous Flies and Mosquitoes Ants and Bed Bugs Lice and Fleas Roaches and Mites Cabbage Worms Potato Bugs Insects on Flowers Plants, Trees and All Vegetables Affects Nothing But Insects A Money Back Guarantee The Price 50c per Package Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb. "NOT IN THE COMBINE" tlllMMM KH m IF YOU HA VE A KICK We Want to Know IT! PRANK P Hlir.UPC CLEANING, DYEING JL nnillk ! JLJLsSAA JIAlP Phone Red 88; 193x nr lffils?b NUMBER 24 Optometrist Ncbrska - Insecticide IE I Itfl fe A AND REPAIRING Over, Burden'i Store "r 'H-rpft V il l 7 f "T