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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1920)
.V I RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF A i l I ! -- MOTHERS, PREPARE Kansas City, Knna.: "When I tnu a girl just coming into womanhood I becoms an run-aown, wcnK ana nervous. I was pals na death; my pcoplf becamo very much alarmed thouukt I was goinR into a do cllnc. My mother took mo to our dnipgist and asked him if ho could recommend some mod icino that ho thought would lo good for my case. Ila told her to try Dr. Ficrco's Favorito Prescription and olio did. I had only taken it a shortitimo when I began to impro'vo and it was not Iohr when I was well in tho Ix'st of health, I havo since taken 'Favorite Prescription' during expectancy and found it a wonderful help, keepinR mo wrll nnd Mronj? tho cntiro time." M't3. BELLE GAMMON, 2018 Iloosovolt Avo. WOMAN'S CRIT- ICAL TIME Omaha! Ncbr.s "I liavo used Dr. Piorco'a Favorito Proscription for many years at certain critical times when such e tonic was necessary and it never failed to strengthen nnd build me up. When I was raising my family I took it and always tho results were most satisfactory; then during middle life it helped mo to como through in a strong nnd healthy condition. I am very enthusiastic concerning Dr. Pierce's reme dies and hove recommended them not only to mombers of my own family but to many others besides nnd havo novcr heard one complaint. Dr. Pierce's book, tho Common Bcnso Medical Adviser, has been in my homo for 35 years and I know it has saved me many a doctor bill, as well as many of my friends whom I have advised through it." MIIS. TUOS. GRAY, 4310 Erskino 8L 1 Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription Is a remedy that any ailing woman can safely take bocauso it is prepared from roots, doe not contain alcohol or narcotics. Its Ingre dient printed on wrapper. Send lOo. for trial packngo of Favorite Prescription tablets to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. BILIOUSNESS Caused by Acid-Stomach K peoplo who r blllou sra treated ac cording to local symptom they sldom set ory much better. Whatever relief la ob talnel la usually temporary. Trace bilious neaa to Its source and remove the cause and the chance are that the patient will re main strong and healthy. Doctors any that more than 79 non organic dlaenaea can be traced to an Acid Ktomach. DSIIouaneea ts one of them. Indi cation, heartburn, belching, aour atomacb, bloat and gas ara other aline of acid stomach. BATONIC, the marvelous modern atomach remedy, brings quick relief from these atomach mlaerles which lead to a long train of ailments that make life miserable If not corrected. BATONIC literally absorbs and carries way the eiceis acid. Makes the stomach atrong, cool and comfortable. Helpa diges tion: Improve! the appetite and you then get full strength from your food. Thousands aay that BATONIC la the most effective atomach remedy In the world. It la the help YOU need. Try It on our money.back-lf-not.satlafled guarantee. At all druggists, Only 50 cents for a big box. E ATONIC I C TOn TOOK AClP-STOMACJft You Want This Farm That baa 100 soil, climate and water. No hot winds. Located In the rain belt nnd moat prosperous part of Colorado. One crop often pars tor the land and Rives a profit besides, l'rlced from $10 to 175 per acre. Liberal terms. We have plenty of them. Ilujr now before the price doubles. Write, SHELTERS -StLANDEB CO., YUMA, CIL0. Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Sets 2Sc, Obtsssat 25 sad 50c, TsJcsjs 25. But the Other Kind. "I don't Ih'Uuvc In thesis spiritualistic veancos. I went to Home, anil I tell you I've got the spirits bottled up." "I wish I hud." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. Constipation Invites other troubles which come speedily unless quickly checked and overcome by Green's August Flower which Is a gentle laxa tive, regulates digestion both In Htomncu nnd intestines, cleans nnd sweetens tho stomach and alimentary caiiul, stimulates tho liver to secrete tho bile and Impurities from the blood. It Is a sovereign remedy used In many tiiousnnds of households all over tho civilized world for more than half a century by thoso who havo suffered with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsln, Hluggl8h liver, coming up of food, pal pltntlon, constipation nnd other In testinal troubles. Sold by druggists nnd dealers everywhere. Try a bottle, take no substitute. Adv. Hvcry man may havo his price, but it differs greatly from what his neigh born think ho Is worth. FRECKLES Now I the Time to Get Rid of The, Ugly SpoU. There's no longer tho slightest need ol feellni; ashamed of your truckles, as Othtne double strength la guarantood to romove thena homely spots. Simply got an ounce of Othlne double strength from your ilrugKlet, and apply u little of It night and morning ami you ehould anon sea that even the worat freckle! havo begun to dlnnppear, while the lltihter ones have vanished entirely. It la aotdom that mora than onn ounce la needed to com. pletely clear tha skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. , lla sure to ask for the double strength Othlna, as this ta nolil under gusruntee of money back It It falls to remove frecklei. A womnn Invariably laughs at her husband's silly Jokes Just before sho attempts In inuko a touch. 1 lfiNE Nlfjtit nnd Mornlntf. Havm Strong, Healthy Eye. If they Tire. Itch. fOR GUiSm-lW oman or uuni, u oorc, -TrarC Irritated, Inflamed or TCJuk Lit 3 Granulated, use Murine , Smart or Burn, if Sore, often. Soothes, Hefraaliea, Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. KarlM Eri Kmcir Co., CUcaji .aaaaaaaaaaaaaV B JTCA 'rCisT Laaaaaaaaaaaaa Bl MfLaaW' -BJaaaat .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam bsVJi r aaaaaaataflaaaawWI KvBTtfsTs&wrJsaftBfBBBa ummmmrwnLXramam: jr it -w -.-:kw rjmnnc&r s dr CHAPTER XlV.-JContlnued. 22 "Your country needs you more," she whispered. "It Is better Unit wny. And whut u mail you nru In uniform t I think I seeyousmnshlng heads instead of bottles. Six out of six, Duve ! It's awful, but you must do It. Already we know what has happened In llclglum. You will forget your own wrongs In the greater wrongs of others. . . . And I shall Join tho service us a nurse. My father was a doctor, and I cuu soon pick It up." Sho chatted on, but ho had become middcnly grave. "I don't think that is your course, Irene," he said. "This Is going to he n bigger job than It looked. ,Tho government will get soldiers and Jiurses ; the popular Imagination turns to such things. Hut It will ho neither (soldiers nor nurses that will win the hvnr. I feel sure of that now. Millions vf men will be taken from produetloti nnd turned to purposes of destruction. They will be tnken from ofllces, where they need little food, nnd put In the trenches, where they need much food. Countries will be devastated; urmies will retreat, destroying ull food us they go. Ships will go down with enrgoes of wheat ; incendiary fires will swallow warehouses of food. I believe my place Is In tho trenches; but those less fit for the fight than I must, In some form or other, produco food. That In cludes tho women; It Includes you." "We? But what can I do?" "Slnco I left home I'vo thought a good deal of tho old ranch. I de spised It la those prosperous days thoso days wo thought wero prosperous but the prosperity Is gone nnd the ranch remains. It still lies out there, Just as it did when you and your father motored down that afternoon a dozen years ago. I think you'll have to go back there, Iteenle. I think you'll havo to take tho boy Charlie, and what other help you can get, and go back to tha old ranch and ralso something for tho soldiers to cat. You can do It. Thero nro good men to be had; men who can't very well carry a rllle, but can drive a plow. And believe me, Iteenle, It's tho plow that's going to win. Oo back and put them at It Think of every furrow as another trench In the defenses which shall savo your homo from tho fate of Belgium's homes. It's not as easy as going to tho front; It hasn't got the heroic ring 'to It, nnd I suppose there uro many who will commercialize It Let them. Wo shnll need their profits after tho war to pay our debts. But it's tho thing that must bo done. And you'll do It, won't ybu?" I "I'll do whatever needs to be done, iDnve. I'd rather bo by your side, or as near as may be, but If you suy that ,my duty lies back on the old ranch I shall go back to the old ranch and raise food for my soldier. And when It's all over wo shall ride those old hillsides again. ... Up the cauyon, you remember, Dave? The little niche Un tho wall of tho canyon, and all the silence and the sunlight? . , , For mer. . . ." .-IIBUm u CHAPTER XV. "Tjpf Any philosophy which accepts the principle that tho great, overshadow ing events of life arc subject to an In telligent controlling Influence must of necessity grunt that the same principle applies to tho most commonplace and everyday experiences. The course of the greatest stream of events may well be deflected by Incidents so com monplace as to qulto escape the notice of tho casual observer. Some such thought as this comforted me or, nt least, would havo comforted me, hnd I thought It when n leaking gasoline tank left me, literally as well as figuratively, high and dry In the foothills. Tho sun of an August after noon blazed Its glory from a cloudless sky; low In a valley to the loft a rib bon of silver-green mountnln water threaded Its way through fringes of spruce and cottonwood, while on tho uplands beyond sleek steers drowsed In the sunshine, and far to the west ward tho Hocklcs slept unconcerned In thelr draperies of afternoon purple. ,A1! these scenes tho eye took In with out enthuslnsm, nlmost without ap proval, and then fell on tho white washed ranch buildings nlmost In tho Bhadow underneath. And In theso duys n ranch nlmost nny ranch meant gasoline. I soon stood at the door. My knock attracted u llttlo chap of two aud a half or threo years; his Btout hnnds shoved the screen back, and I found myself ushered Into his company. Thero evidently was no one else about, so I visited, and wo talked on those things which nro of Importance In tho world of thrco-ycnr-olds. "Muvver's don to tho wlver," ho confided. "Sho turn back pwotty Boon." "And fnther?" I asked. "Whcro Is bo?" Into tho dnrk eyes cumo a deeper ook; Uiey suddenly shono with tho plrltuallty of a llfo only Uirco yenrs amoved from tho Infinite. By whnt Btructlon, I afterward wondered, by bat utmost dlvlno charm had she been able to Instil Into bis vonntr mind tha honor and tho glory and the prldo of UlFortharo was prldo, and something TRe COW PUNCHER By Robert J.C.Stoad Quihoro Kitchener, and other poems Hi slisllisisysrrtiMyw a-'-- more than prldt adoration, perhaps In his words ns he straightened up and Mild In perfect Kngllsh: "My father was a soldier. Ho wus killed at Cour celette." I looked In his little sunburnt face, In his dark, proud eyes, and presently u strange mist enveloped the room. How many little faces, how many pairs of eyes I It was Just fading away when n step sounded on tha walk, and I arose us she reached tho door. "The Man of the House has made me nt home," I managed to any. "I am shipwrecked on tho hill for u little gusollne." "Thero is plenty out In the field, where the trnctor Is," she replied. "You will find It without difficulty. Or If you care to wult here, Charlie may be along presently." Her voice hnd sweet, modulated tones, with Just that touch of pathos which only the Angel of Suffering knows how to add. And her face was fulr, and gentle, and a little sad, aud very sweet. "He hn8 told me," I said. There seemed no reason why I should not say It She had entered into the sis terhood thnt unlversul sisterhood of suffering which tho world has known In theso long, lonely years. . . . And It was between us, for wo wero nil In tho family. There was no occasion to scrapo acquaintance by slow, con ventional thrust and parry. "Yes," she said, sitting down nnd motioning me to a chair. "I wus bitter at first I was dreadfully bitter at first But gradually I got a different view of It Gradually I came to feel and' know that all wo can feel nnd "My Father Was a Soldier He Waa Killed at Courcelette." know hero Is on tho surface on the outside, as you might say, and wo can't know the purpose until we are Inside. It Is as though llfo were a riddle, and tho key is hidden, and the door behind which tho key is hidden Is called Death. And I don't believe It's all for nothing; I wont believe It's all for nothing. "Then thero Is the suffering," she continued, after a pause. I don't know why there should bo suffering, but I know If thero wero no suffering there would be no kindness. It Is not until you nro lilt hard hit that you begin to think of other people. Until then all Is selfishness. But we women we women, of the wnr wo have nothing left to bo selfish for. But we have the whole world to be unselfish for. It's all different, and It can never go back. Wo won't let It go back. We've puld too much to let It go back." It was hard to find a reply. "I think I knew your husband a little," I ven tured. "He was a a man." "Ho was all that," she said. Sho arose and stood for a moment in nn attitude of hesitation ; her fingers went to her lips ns though enjoining caution. Then with quick decision she went Into an Inner room, from which sho re turned In a moment with a letter. "If you knew him you may euro to read this," she said. "It's very per sonal, and yet, some wny, everything Is Impersonal now, In a sense. There has been such n common cause, nnd such a wave of common Buffering, that It seems to flood out over the Individ ual and embrace us nil. ... So this Is really, in a sense, your letter us well as mine." I took It and read : I havo had many totters to wrlto slnco my scrvlco began as a nurso In tho wur, but novor liavo I approached tho task with such mixed emotions. Tho pnln I must bIvo you I would gladly bear myself If I could; but It Is not' all pain; under neath It, running through It In nomu way I cannot explain, Is a noto so much deeper than pain that It must bo joy. You havo already been advised that Da. vld Kldon was among- thoso who fell at Courcolotte. It Is trlto to Buy tliut you liavo tho sympathy of a grateful nation. How grateful tho nation really Is We shall know by Its treatment of tho heroes who survive tho war nnd at tho dependents of thoso who havo crcssod over. Hut noth ing can rob you of tho knowledge that ho played a man's part. Nothing cun debar you from that universal fellowship of sympathy which Is springing up wherover manhood Is valued at Its worth. A new Order has boon born Into the world; tho Order of Suffering. Not that it la now, either; It has been with im slnco the first mother went Into tho shadow for her first child; but always suffering has boon Incidental, a matter of tho Individ ual, a thing to be escaped if possible. But now it Is universal, a thing not to bo escaned. but to be accepted, readily. bravely, even gladly, And all who so ac cept it enter Into the now Order, and wear m m awr aaaaaaaaK ! A ft. f H9FJ5SwJr ta Insignia, which la unselfishness ana sympathy and service And In that Order you shall not be least, moasured by either your sacrifice or the spirit In which you accept It. Hut you nro yearning for his last word; for some volco which will seem to you now nlmost a voice out of tho grave, und I am happy to lio uble to bring you that word. It wns something mora than chanco thnt guided mo that night us It la every night. Wo wero well behind tho lino of nrtual lighting, but I had becotno detached from my party In moving to another station; lost, If you like, yet not lost; never havo 1 gono so directly to so great a destination. While trying to get my location, I becama awaro of n presonro; It will sound strango to you, but I becamo Intensely awaro of your proH'inco. Of course I knew It could not bo you, In the llcnli, but you It seemed to be, nevertheless. I moved as though led by nn Invisible hano, nnd presently I founil n bit of shattered wall. In tho gloom I could Just discern tho form of n man lying In tho shelter of tho wall-It you could call It shelter It roso scarce a foot nbovo thu ground. I knelt bcsldo him nnd turned my torch on his face; It was palo oven through tho brown sldn; tho eyes wero closed; tho hulr waU wet and plastered on tho forehead; thoro wero smears of blood on It nnd on his checks. As my light fell on his lips they framed a smile. "Ilecnlo," ho said. "It was good of you to come. I knew you would come." "I am hero. Dave," I nnswercd, and I think you will forglvo tho Impersonation. "Now let mo find out where you nro hurt nnd we'll fix you up, nnd got you moved presently." Ho opened his eyes and looked at mo with tho strango look of a man whoso thread of consciousness Is half unraveled. "Oh, It's you, Edith." ho said, when ha had taken mo In. "Funny, I thought It was Irene. I must havo been dreaming." I questioned him ngaln ubout Ills wound and began feeling bis hair. "It's not there," ho said. "Oucss I got It all over my hands. They got mo this time. Don't wnsto tlmo on mo. Some other fellow may have a chance." I found, with a llttlo examination, that tho case was as bad as ho supposed. For tunately, tho wound had Induced a local paralysis and ho was not suffering to any great degrco. I placed my hand In his and felt his grip tighten on It. "I'm going to stay till It's over, Dave We'll s'eo It out together." "That's decent," ho answered, and thea was still for qulto a time. "I'vo 6ften wondered what was on the other side," he said, at length. "I shall know presently." "You are not afraid?" I whispered. "No. Only sort of curious. And rcr. crent. I guess lt'a reverent. . . . You know I haven't been much on religion. Never seomed to get the formula. What Is the formula? I mean the key tha thing that gives It all In one word?" "In ono word sacrifice. 'Ho that loscth his life shall find It,' " I quoted. Ho did not answer, but I could sec his lips smiling again. Ills breath was mora labored. A few drops of rain fell, und some of them spattered on his face. Presently ho chuckled. It was nn eery sensation, out on that broad plain of. death, alone by tho side or this man who was already far Into the shadow to hear him chuckle. "That splash of water you remembar It made mo think of the tlmo wo pulled the old car Into the stream, and tho har ness broko or something, and I bad to carry you. You remember that, Iteenle?" I could only say, "Yes," and press his hand. His mind was back on tho old, old trails. He becamo suddenly sober. "And when Brownie was killed," he went on, "I said It was the Innocent thing that got caught. Perhaps I was right. But perhaps It's best to get caught. Not for the getting caught, but for tho tho compensations. It's tho Innocent men that are getting killed. And perhaps It's best. Perhaps there are com ponsatlons worth while." His voice was weaker, and I had to lean close to catch his words. "I'm golng-out," ho said. "Kiss mo, Iteenle." And then I kissed him for you. Suddenly ho sat up. "Tho mountains! ho exclaimed, and his voice was athrlll with tho prldo of his old hills. "See the moonlight on tho mountains!" Then his strength, which seemed 14 havo gathered Itself for this one laBt vision of tho place of his boyhood, gave) way, and ho fell back, and he did not speak any more. And what can I add? Dear, It Is not defeat. It Is promise. It Is hope. 8omo day we shall know. But until then we shall go on. It is woman's bit to carry on. But not In despondency, not In bitterness, not In anger or despair. Ho didn't go out that way. He was reverent and a little curious, and ho went out with a smile. And we shnll go on, and carry his smile and his confidence through the valley of our sacrifice. What am I doing, speaking of our sacrifice? I salute you. sister In the Order of Suf feringand of hope. EDITH DUNCAN. I handed the letter back to her, nnd for a time I had no words. "Won't you let me tell the story?" I said, nt length. "The world Is full of sorrow, nnd It needs voices to give thnt sorrow words, and perhaps turn It Into hope ns this letter does." Sho hesitated, and I renllzed then how much I had asked. "It Is the storj of my life my soul," sho eald. "Yeti If It would help" "Without nnmps," I hastened to ex plain. "Without real names of places or people." And so, in that little whitewashed homo, whore tho brown hills rise around and tho placid mountains look down from the distance, nnd n tonguo of spruce trees beyond the stream stands sentinel against the open prulrle, she Is carrying on, not In despondency nnd bitterness, but In service and In hope. And so her sisters, all this world over, must carry on, until their sweet ness nnd their sncrlllce shnll fill up nnd Hood over ull the valleys of hate. And If you should chance that way, and If you should win the con fidence of young Three-year-old, ho may stand for you and say, with his volco filled with tho honor und tho glory and the pride of It: "My father was a soldier. Ho was killed at Courcelette." T11K KND. Believed to Bar Mosquitoes. Many plants uro popularly bolleved to keep away mosquitoes, among them being several species of eucalyptus, tho castor-oil plant, tho chluubcrry tree, etc. Scientific observations havo not confirmed tho popular Idea on this subject. Important Date In History. On tho tenth of October In 1815, tho United States Naval academy at Annapolis was opened. Gcorgo Ban croft, tho historian, who was then sec- retary of tho navy, was largely Instra- J mental In establishing tha academy. WANTED A PEEP; GOT AN EYEFUL High School Girl Gives Youth Lesson He Will Never Forget. Detroit, Mich. Curious young men who lurked about the exterior of Southeastern high school on Falrvlew and (.Joethe avenues, to get a peek nt Ihe girls In their "imik" Milts have discontinued this nightly practice with nmuxliig abrupt nevs. I'or several weeks these young men enjoyed a blurry view through frosted windows, of the Southeastern swim ming pool on "Indies' nights." The meet on Monday aud Wednes day eveiilngs and are composed most ly of portly married women who are taking swimming to reduce. Unable to restrain their eagerness of visage, the boys agreed to carefully remove one section of the frosted win- Gave Him a Thorough Trouncing. dnw pnne which had the nudnclty to open on the dressing rooms. The broken window aroused the suspicions of Joseph H. Corns, principal of the school, and on the following "Indies' night" he lay In waiting for tho cul prits. One young man was captured nnd turned over to the girls for punish ment. The fair swimmers lined up In their "tank" suits nnd told the young man to take nn "eyeful" but he only stood abashed and chagrined. It wns then decided by the Jovial swimmers to give the young nuin a ducking nnd a splashing that he wouldn't forget. They rushed at him the way they would attack a pushball on the college campus, nnd the stranger went overboard with hat, overcoat, shoes and all. After giving him a thorough trouncing he wadset free. The young man Is reported to havo run home like a streak of light ning, nnd the girls are enjoying their swimming nights unmolested. STEALS, BUT RETURNS LOOT Mysterious Stunts of Thief at Paris, Ky., Baffles the Local Police. Tarls, Ky. A thief who steals dia mond rings only to return them Is bnflllng police here. Several weeks ago two diamond rings, valued at ?800, were stolen from the homo of Mrs. Katie Wilson. Ten days ago they were returned to her mysteriously. Miss Carolyn Itosoberry, daughter of John Hoseherry, wealthy citizen, lost n .fil.000 platinum cluster ring. She offered a reward and ngreed not to usk any (juestlons. Later she found it tin bov tied to the front doorknob. It contained tho ring. A week ago n S700 ring disappeared from tire home of William Karris, res tnuriint man. Later It was found hanging by a string to n window al the Karris home. I'ollci' believe tho thefts to bo th work of some one who has access to the homes. Human Arsenal Is Chased by Police New York. Dropping thirteen blackjacks, ton revolvers, two pairs of handcuffs, eight deputy sheriff badges and six private detective shields, a mnn whose Identity Is unknown, ran away when approached at nrondway and Heade street by I'ntrnlmnn Oiietann Christiana of the Heuch street station. Patrolman Christiana fired one shot at the man, but slipped when ho Marled to chase him. Oilier policemen, called by tho shot, found a llre-escapo ladder at Heade and Church slreets swung to tho street, nnd follow ing footprints In the snow on tho roofs discovered nt 00 Chnmbers street William Rnnkcn, seven teen, of .181 Rnco street, Philadelphia. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, liver and bowels. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only-look for the name California on the package, then you uro sure your child Is having the best and most harm less laxative or physic for the llttlo stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its delicious fruity tuste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot tle. Give It without fear. Mother I You must say "California." Adv. Revenge is a gun thnt kicks muck harder than It shoots. EASIER FOR HER TO DYE THAN TO BUY "Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded, Shabby Apparel Into New. Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fndeless color to any fabric, whether It he wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dressen, blouses, stockings, skirts, children' coats, feathers everything I Direction Rook In pneknge tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adr. Microbes have sense enough to pass up tobacco nnd whisky. Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot wafer , Sure Relief RE LL-ANS fcFOR INDIGESTION RtfUs.Pit.oir. PETROLEUM JELLY For sores, broken blisters.burns, cuts and all skin irri tations. ? Also innumerable toilet uses. REFUSE SUBSTIfUlES JHEwaowB mto. ca Stat Street Vew York SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises and used In the Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed in tho treatment of RHEUMATISM Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases. Moderate charges. Address DR. O.W.EVERETT. Mqr. 1 4th and M Sl. Lincoln, Nak. IN OMAHA T3Ze Henshavv Hotel KCIIOI'KAN VULU J. H. Keenan, M(tr. 11.60 WITHOUT llATO I1C0 Dl WITII HATU 15th nd Farntm Su Omika BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present tlmo for youiiff women over nlnoteen years of oko who have had nt leant on year In high school to talio Nurses' Train ing In Kcnornl hospital. Our graduate are In groat demand. Address Rapt, of Norpi. Lincoln Sanitarium, Lincoln. Nebr. Ml &seline I jli Hill I t; 3 i ; .Y '1 i . r W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 11-1920, - xac-'.'-' Tr-iraq;iiaygafrrrTJ ' $&?".t: x,' yW&'&C H-ifitlfc'&i'Wi ' " "' ' ' -