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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1919)
f - F.'5 1 w $ -'(h "ft. r ' ' "-'WZ- - , mt Ann wnn w( . 't -"rmrw SEP OLOUD, HEBRAiKA, 0HIE1 iS r v W.l ' U&' L.r' Kib i. :. !L- BE. Bf B& KURALITES HAVE BIG I HEALTH ADVANTAGE JAbundancc of Fresh Air and Sunlight Do Much to Check Ravages of Tuberculosis. ! IANGER IN CLOSED WINDOWS. (National Tuberculosis Association, Which Sponsors the Annual saio of Red Cross Christmas Seals, Reports 150,000 Deaths Each Year From tho Disease. People who live In the snmller towns nml on fnrins have n Rrent health nil- fvnntnpe over the city dwellers In that they hsivo ever tin nhumltmt supply of fresh nlr nnd sunlight. These two gifts of nature, so lavish- lly bestowed, are not always appreciat ed to their fullest extent. They tire two of the stroiiKost weapons against tho menace of tuberculosis, or con sumption, ns It Is sometimes called. But consumption Is not unknown In tho rural districts. Tho death rate Is sometimes as great In these sections as In the more crowded localities, chiefly because of carelessness or Indifference to laws of health. Tew, Indued, nro tho farm houses or the homes in the smnller cities nnd villages that cannot have an outdoor sleeping porch. On tho contrary, wo .Olieii mill mill uiu ttiuuuwa n niiri'if ting rooms In the home tire shut light jln the mistaken belief that night air jls hnrmful. This paves tne way tor disease, espe cially tuberculosis, which generally at- (tacks the lungs. . White Plague Kills 150,000 a Year. '' The white plague claimed l."0,000 (lives Inst year In the United States. (More than 1,000,000 Americans nro suf fering from It today. These figures in re complied from reports of experts (all oveV the country and sent to the National Tuberculosis Association, the lleadlng agency In the country to com bat this disease. This organization Is itponsor for the lied Cross Christmas Seal bale, from which Its linunclul sup pert Is chiefly derived. As medical science has proved con jsumptlon Is both preventable and cura blc, the suffering caused by this dls 'cube Is largely unnecessary. Most tu berculosis victims nrc between the ages of eighteen nnd forty-live. Causes Half Billion Loss Annually. These are the yenrs when people are most active, the years of their greatest production. Tho snuffing out iof these lives Just wlicn they are at (the height of their usefulness menus Jan annual loss to the country of ncur jly half n billion dollars. I Fresh air Is tho cheapest of medi cines. Outdoor sleeping porches nro not only for the sick. They help well Ifolks to keep well, ami the country dweller can have this aid to healthy Ilvh'g at far less Inconvenience than bis city neighbor. You can help directly by seeing that you and your family are living under the most, healthful conditions possible. LO"0K FOR ANOTHER POfvM AfiOUND THE WOULD WITH THE AMEfiK iRED CROSS. In Roumania. XSf;' fl AIT . yff u ii - .: u.i :iim J5?3 I Archeologists Expect to Uncover Treasures of Art Hidden for Some Twenty Centuries. During tho wnr nrcheologleal exca vations were continued at the finikin colony of Syrenalcn on the north Af rican const, nnd now comes the news that what fins been found nlready promNes the uncovering of another ancient city as Important as Pom pell. Once upon a time the spot was n Greek colony, with the civiliza tion of Greece transplanted to the soil of Africa. The work has been car ried on during the war under thu su pervision of Prof, t.uclo MnrlunI, di rector of the nrcheologleal service of the ministry of the colonies, nnd the prediction Is now made that the new ly discovered city will eventually prove actually richer than Pompeii In Its evidence of a past civilization. Here have been found already statues of the (traces, n Hermes, tin Urns, an Alexander tho Great nnd most Impres sive of nil, the Aphrodite of Cyrenc, which Is said by certain connoisseurs to bo a fair rival In beauty to the Venus of Mllo and the Venus of Cnl dus. Tho discoveries have extended over n good ninny years. It may be added, however, as an Illustration of the modified Joys of archeology, nnd the Introduction of a new mystery Into the history of art, that the Aphrodite of Cyreue lacks both head and nrms. The world may wonder what she looked like as well as what she was supposed to be doing. PAYS TO STAY IN SCHOOL Fact Shown In Dollars and Cents by Figures Complied by Bureau of Education. The vnlue of staying at school Is stated in dollars and cents in figures recently compiled by the bureau of education and distributed to boys and girls throughout the country by tho children's bureau. From a study of n large number of actual cases It has been found that nt twenty-live years of age tho boy who remained in school until he wns eighteen had received .$2,000 more sal ary than the boy who left school nt fourteen, and that the better-educated youth was then receiving more than $000 n year more In pay. "This Is equivalent to nn Investment of $18,000 at 5 per cent," the state ment salil. "Can a boy Increase his capital ns fast In any other way? "From this time on the salary of the better-educated boy will rise still more rapidly, while the earnings of the boy who left school at fourteen will Increase but Utile." Mexico's Wealth of silver The Green Sawyer. Gen. Marlborough Churchill was talking In Washington about the work of the Intelligence department, of which he Is the bead. "It Is delicate work." Gen. Marl borough Churchill said, "work that re quires experience. Tho Inexperlencd Intelligence oflieer nnd we hail a lot of him during (he war Is apt to be about as useful as the young college man In the lumber camp. "This college man wns set to wtlrlc on n cross-saw with an old-stager. He sawed pretty well for an hour or so, and then his strength gave out. Still be kept on. or tried to keep oiu but nil of a sudden the old-stager stopped. "'Son,' he sold, 'I don't mind yer rldln' on the saw, but if It's jest the same to you, I'll ust ye to keep your feet off the ground.' " Soon after tho ontranco of tho United Stntes In tho war the successes! of the Central Powers In Itoumnnliij hud reduced that country to a most, .tragic condition and In the summer. of 1017, tho American Red Cross des-l pntciied Its first Roumanian relief contingent. Two hospitals were nt1 once taken over and operated by tbo lied Cross, a canteen for the starving' refugees established nnd food and clothing distributed over a large nrcn. Transportation wus one of the toughest problems with which the Red, Cross workers In Itoumnnla had to, deal. .Hero Is seen nn soxcnrt used by tho Red Cross to carry Its relief; supplies up Into the mountalus. sr THIRD RED CROSS ROLL CALL November 2 to II, 1919 Time to Re-Join Unfounded Rtport. Tho following advertisement ap peared In the Birmingham press in April, 1800: Thirty guineas reward. Whereas a malicious nnd unfounded report having been Industrially propa gated (tending to Injure the characters of James, John and Thomas Ceilings), stating that eneh have nt times ap peared In disguised Habit (represent ing the devil) with tin Intent to extort monny from the fearful, whoever can illscowr the author of this report shall receive the above named by applying lo James Colllngs, Cottage lane, near the sand pits, Itlrmiugham, April 14, 1800. Marvelous Memories. It Is claimed for Mr. Tlminlns, tho Shakespearean scholar who lias -Just died, that nt the age of twenty-one be recited the whole of "Hamlet" from memory. Among the professional re citers such n fent would not be re garded as very remarkable. Tho Into Samuel Rmndrnm know by heart practically the whole of Shakespeare, and Shakespeare was only one of his many favorites. In his "Nights With the Poets nnd Humorists" Hrnndrnm drew from all sources, rend nothing nml was tuner known to forget a line. London Clin n-Icle. An Endless Chain. "We're very unsettled In our flat," said the worried-looking man nt the club. "What's the trouble?" asked his friend. "Well, onr children keep the next door neighbors awake, so they pass the time by playing the piano; that makes the pet dog next door to them bark, and that keeps tho children next door awake, and there's so much noise through the building that there's no chance at all of our children going to sleep." Usefulness Qona. "I hear there are many poUououH snakes In your part of the country." "Not now. What's the use of them when etery place Is dry?" Aroused Greed of Conquerors and Brought Only Bondage and Misery to the People. Mexico litis produced a steady stream of sliver ever since Us conquest by Cortez In lt'10. Rut while the supply seemed Inexhaustible, It brought more misery than happiness to the nation, In the opinion of the Salt Lake Trib une, because It afforded the Incentive to bring conquerors to Its shores to en slave the people. The Spaniards robbed ami enslaved tho Aztecs to control the silver supply. They blotted out a semi-barbarous civilization that bud built great Irri gation systems, massive temples nnd beautiful cities, and tho once proud nnd happy people were placed under the yoke for four centuries. An almost uncanny gift In ferreting out the big silver deposits wns pos sessed by the Spanish governors. The cost of gunpowder wus so high, though, that only the richest finds wore worked. Only ore that produced over 1Q0 ounces of sliver to the ton was mined. It Is sold that the owner of the Qiilntecn mine, In the Alamos dis trict, a Senor Alumada, on the mar riage of his daughter, lined the bridal chamber of the palnclo with bars of silver ntul paved the way to the church with the metnl. Large profits nro made from demol ishing some of (he old houses In the Chihuahua district, and reducing the material In them for silver. The nn tlves who built them ued (o use (he run of mine sing, In the absence of chenper building material, nnd much valuable ore went Into (he buildings. KEEP KN0CKED-0UT TEETH Dentist Can Replace Then In Mouth So That They Will Soon Give Good Service. AVhen one's front teeth arc knocked out there Is no need (o leave them on (bo floor, for they can be reinserted very well by n good dentist. Dr. II. 7l. Savory (ells In (ho Lancet (London) of two cases In which tho teeth were completely dislocated from their sock ets. In one case the (eeth were placed In salt walor while the denlM carefully washed out I he sockets. Then they were reinserted, n stitch or two placed In the gums nnd the Jaws were ban daged shut so that the teelh bit on a pad of lint. In the other case tho teeth still hung to (he gums, so (ho sockets were cleaned out without do tnchlng the teeth. In both cases the teeth became sol idly fixed nnd tho pntlents could uso them for normal biting a few months after the accident. Dr. C. Do Witt Henry of New York replaced not long ngo the teelh of a truck driver that had been knocked out In n collision. The man bud pick ed his teeth from the gutter nnd run up to the dentist's ofllce carrying them In his hand. World's Largest Vaults. In (he underground vaults of the new United States assay olllce, the cornerstone of which wns laid reconlly In New York, enn be stored more (ban $20,000,000,000 In gold. They nrc said (o be the largest and finest In the world, according to Popular Mechanics magazine. Five of tho eight stories of tbo building will be located beneath tho surface of the earth. Sealed In the cornerstone of the structure are copies of several newspapers; a med al on which there Is a portrait of the president, and a bag containing a set of United States coins ranging in value from one cent to $20, besides other urtlcles of Interest and value. The building will cost over $S00.000. Reduced Mis Conceit. He was eaten up with a mistaken consciousness of his own Importance, and when he was making his speech In the Muddlecnmbe mock parliament he noted that one of the local newspaper men appeared to be sketching him. When the house adjourned he button holed the artist. "I believe aw you were aw sketching me; Isn't that so?" be In quired. "That is so," replied the artist. "Well aw would you tell me what newspaper you aw represent?" "I represent no newspaper," un swered tho artist. "I design comic postcards." Loudon Tlt-Illts. Tree Hid Loot 30 Years. A gilt clock and other articles wore stolen thirty-nine years ago from a mansion netir Wokingham, Kng-., whero tho marquis nnd marchioness of Down shire resided then. Recently n man saw a spike protruding from the side of n stump of a (reo that hud been felled. Thinking this unusual, be looked Into (he stump and found the long-lost clock, rusty but Intact, and some photograph frames In filigree worlc tho thief's hoard. A local watebmnker Identified the clock and Is now cleaning nnd restoring It. Second Hand. "What a lovely Dutch landscape!" oxclalmcd thu admiring visitor. "You'vo been to Holland,-of courso?" "Why, no," answered the artist, mod estly. "Then how were you ever nblo to paint such a realistic picture?" "To tell tho truth, I copied It of a beer mug." Birmingham AgoHei aid. Playing No Favorites. Tho Caller Is Miss Penchblow In? The Maid No, sir; she's Just goi out. But she left word If any gent I man should call for me to nay si wanted him especially to call again. NOTICE Beginning with Aug. 1st wo will develop any size film or film pack free of cliargo when prints nro ordered. When no prints arc ordered, the price is Gc for films or iuc for film packs. Quick service: bring in your films or packs today REDCLOUD and get your prints tomorrow. The r . . . ., -. .; ? price of prints remains na hereto- ttf 1i T L D i' fore. THE RED CLOUD STUDIO VUdlliy JUU I Hilling Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVER STATU HANK NLBRASKA Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Olllce Over Albright's Slum Red Cloud Nebraska Pay Your Subscription I MPora I NOTICE TO OUR TRADE EFFECTIVE MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th OX AND AFTER MONDAY OCTOBER 13TH OUlt PRESENT PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRESENT IIIfiH LEVEL IN SHOE TRICES COMBINED WITH UNSTEADY MARKET CONDITIONS PROHIBITS ACCUMULATING A STOCK LARGE ENOUGH TO MAINTAIN STEADY RETAIL PRICES. WE DO KEEL PROUD, EVEN IN THE FACE OF OUR PRESENT ANNOUNCEMENT, OP THE PRICES WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO OFFER OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS UP TO THIS TIME AND ADVISE THOSE WHO IIAVN'T BOUGHT OR WHO EXPECT TO BUY IN THE NEAR FUTURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR STOCK BETWEEN NOW AND OCTOBER 13TIL THIS NOTICE IS PUBLISHED THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE TERRITORY SO THAT EVERYONE DEPENDING UPON US FOR FOOTWEAR MAY HAVE AMPLE TIME TO SUPPLY THEIR WANTS AT PRESENT PRICES WHICH ARE ?1.00 TO $5.00 PER PAIR CHEAPER. TO ANYONE UNABLE TO CALL AT THE STORE DURING THIS INTERVENING PERIOD WE WILL PROTECT UPON THE PRICE PROVIDING THEY ADVISE US BY WIRE, PHONE OR LETTER. KERNAN SHOE COMPANY HASTINGS, .... NEBRASKA rfh rs if .? if .- ' v What's all this talk about "SATISFY"? ATISF Y" What does it mean ? not in tiio ordinary sense,, of course, but in the smoke-sense? Know what a drink of cold water does for your thirst? Sure ! " It touches the spot" Well, that's, what Chesterfield cigarettes do for your smoke-hunger. They touch your "smoke spot" They let you know youre smoking. They satisfy. And satisfy is something that no other cigarette can give you regardless of price. Because the Chesterfield blend fine Turkish and Domestic tobaccos is the manufacturer's private formula. Unitize a patent, it cannot be copied or even closely imitated, Light up a Chesterfield, sometime today, and see how quickly your smoke -sense will put the O.K. on "satisfy," y . Chesterfield " CIGARETTES of Turkish, and Domestic tobaccos - blended. Packed Aral In paper; thea In tin foil nd then finally enotomed In molehm proof paper envelope mad eeuled. t-and the blend cmn't be copied tA m