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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1919)
Tj . tn, rv'v r,r, ' " 1 I n ;!;' ) J 1 tSJWw fc rv ft l? laiitertiasteijftrtss mlFWK.jwjiwi t m. iftfoff. Corns! Doesn't hutt Frcezont (' Wlw your fingers! You enn lift off any t ird cbrn, softf corri,' or' .corn "be-1 twecr the toes, nnd the hnrd sl;ln cal iuses "rom bottom of feet. A lny bottle of i'rqpzgty!"! csts littlest nny drug store ;ODply h few drop?) upon the com or callus. In stantly It stops hurting, then shortly you ilft thnt bothersome' corn of 'callus rigt off, root nnd nil, without one bit of pa n or soreness. Truly V No-huro- bv: I- -Adv X J: i ; cyf- iij hopcjh'HHjlinr IVM'Ffi wys he never inukus mis- koii who takes, e A" TTAJ. It ' oesn't cost hnlf ns nufclffo live ns It does to innke u fnvorablc lm Vrcr.s on oahelneighbors. t ' The. Effects MTAd costs only' a few .cents. P"JhHAT INFANTS aro peculiarly susceptiblo to opium and ita rarious II preparations, all of which aro narcotic, ia well known. Even in the Ml nmnllmfcdofien. if continued, those onintes cause chancres in tha func- tionp and growth of tbo cells which nrti likely to become permanent, causing imbecility, mental penraion, a craving for alcohol or narbjitlca In later Ufo. Nervous aiBeasB,i eucn am iniracuoio nervous ayBpepsia ana iocs o- eisyiug powrs aro a result of dosing with opiates or narcotics to keep children quiet in their inionoy. Tbo ruio among physicians ja mac cnuaren snouiu never reodvo opiates in the1 flhlallctt dose for more than) a' day at a -tlmd,thad' only then (.unavoidable. fTho administration of Anodynes', nthlr ler narcotics to Chliaren by any but' dedricd, and the, druggist should not be need the attention 'of A physician,1 and doa them wnliully with narcotics. j Castoria cohtaitts no narcotics if it' beam 'the sigt turo of Chas. H. Fletcher. o , ( , Get aino Castorfa' always bean thelgnatoit) or At the Right ime. Thi other niglit at a local picture. phowf an egotistical young man wW glvltji a very shy, diffident person M)mu udvice wlUeh lutereiW'd the peo ple n ound iieijf. He tpJit'oRihorately of lij: ownyBccft"- nmPnien ended "Wlf t you have to do now Is to talk n lltt o bit more about yourself and the tl lngs you do. H,i -fallow .doewi't advertise himself whfl wni'l 'wartf'to know r yj .- js i t fc l JuV : thenJii'Slibtitne vas Unshed on the t Teen n'mll're,r no' nfound 'the iwo oung .nien lnughed heartily. It I; "A whnp7ficvpsjts'ino trouble r Ml (1 . till li ? beghsi W wSm" The Troile iVeltjet. Shf was ,iT&unK y)0slife,5? woman. who I ad a crcat deal of scorn for the womi' i of her acquaintance who did not v ork. 8o one day when one'rof them chnnccli tbnsk her .nnout Jflio wearl ig qualttioji of velvet tfor n,-'dcesa, Fhe rt mcmberedtfifid delivered"1 a 'felled rcpri f. "W'll, I like my velvet dress," she returj ed. "mlJt hn9 orn -cll. Vel vet always wnrwelf,ll you urcn'ttoo good i sitter. Then It gets very slick nnd i- ilny." ' L i V r j fn oo mirt. V ijt "Dp you soft.iinytJung.iiinrke.a down it th new department store?" "Yt '. the red) elevator bes,' t I . 'Proqfi .i 1 ti, t , "Tr it baby of ours Is some class, I can tell you." "I know It Is. I've heard its c'nss yell,," - , n i -t- - $ Coffee Cokts1 H 1 . tBisimxKemareBBssiWi't Usually in Instant ".' rn 5 17 1 ),' i Economical No Rkisdiri Price -.a SbUXA,.- 1 ntk tu'Vi' pT' i 1i fjti Ji POSTUM CEREAL C i - mi 1 ai . ui ijqt Sola by Grocers and General Stt &n;psi&.B 4.i AnwiiQ HiI JMiwsan QULCKl YOUR HAIR NEEDS "DANDERINE'.' i Check ugly dandruff I . Stop half T coming out ,and double l itsneauiy 1 n . . ! ? v - 4 ... ncs h little "nnndprln'o'l coii)s,I clcatisrsl nnd makes the feverish, Itchy scalp soft and pliable; then this htliiiulntltig Morilo penctriUetf'tti thetfiiyllslicd hair roots, rovlliifllzhigi and' Invigorating every hair 'In" the head, thus stopping the hair falling out, or getting thin, dry-or fading,"! K i t . 'After a few applications of "Dandcr tridVdu eMomflnd ft fallen iuilr'or a particle of dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness', more1 . .colorblind thickness, , ) i K few cents buys n bottle of de lightful VDniidcrltio" nt nny drjig or ftolffuit-AdjV S When the widow censes to weep her wedk soon dry up. it of, Opiates. i Drops. Cordials, Soothing, Syrups , and, a physician cannot do too strongly a party, to it. Children who aro ill 'It its' nothing less1 than a crime to OLD SAYING SLIGHTLY MIXED Famtil$!'jMfr4t$iid Say Jack Robinson" Does Not Convey i" -' the- Right' rdea.'i . ". ' Ijt i J I, . n 'r ..' ) Opinion differs as to the proper du ration of a socinl call. "Anywhere iijpm ten minutes to a half hour," snys l womijhw5i9lisV8)cXnI secretury nnu whose dally Jon is "calling," to tne tune ofjtert andtwnfers.n tAHnfttr 11990,' says, the bourgeoisie,,, who ikes along her knitting' and sits down to coffep nnd cake; ; And,, hen" say some, ','lt "nil depends, upon tllo cnll. 'On soirfe1o6c'nslons'nn'd wlUi different people we stay longer than others." 1 Bnt Jack Robinson's chlls n6er varied. 1 Ho never stayed long enough to wear out his welcome. In fact hard ly had he been announced, hardly hnd the servant .who admitted. hlni fcppkon jiloud his Hnmb1 thdn'ho iis'gone:'' v So, ns,yo,u sce.,"lhef,ore J'PH.cap say Jack Robldson" ' has 10' fefdr6nce4 to the time It takes to say It. "As long as youcun seoack ohnop" jvoujd be more fn order with Its' origin "and significance. ' ' ' ' ' ' 'r " Thinking of the Milliner's BUI. De fjrlm When an bstrlth Is',eiir- prised no hides his liend in the snml. ' De Orqqlif-IwIsh-Jie'id ''everlasting ly hide' hlrf tall fenlhers there- J UK T 11 . I . . k Itashfulncss'nnd 'awkwardness nr' jvlns. ..j 1 v t , , Many a friendless man Is his own rnrsl pnpmv. ?-tV ,ti 3 nti: t -T-asHCx. 1 i J i i ! v ?rj ii j T JJNo ' SA. . VT . iv i. j i 'y i Too Much sarj3 Money U Pbstum lV i, 'iti I I. )i ri il i v :. Ii.i J K Healthful fill 1 kVWiAi. 5oS fey'" ,1J''kl1n ' A t jv w i 'r'ttt II MT i" l' JH ! tore i HJ,J ' U aJ r r it- wa tlomelMi INDUSTRIAL VALUE OF HOME Well Recognized That Ownership 1 ' Makes for Highly 'Desired Stabll . Ity of Character. Man's greatest business In life Is the ' business tif, living And uojlilng con' tributes so much to the success of ..tills 'btilno!s 'im Un4 good1 huusliigi CMIIr.allmi Is built un jm tlibt idea. TM' nlimt itrnrisvifvn mill i.lvlllfcpfffiftt'l ilV",S !H1Y ''HI' '",s '("!m1, I'll ' TiitYay the" liulmtrliil vnlue of immc' ownership is woll)r(gulswd.i Itde- velops a pride, a, a sta bility (if character that- makes thjj 'mine owner th jmyi tjijlie ileslrciL Vl'lieJiiim"uo jtii save and acbtev a real haven hi lioiiie his lniMnc f 'C living has MiiniMhlug that dllTerentl- .lift:? (ilM Willi ini' iiyi 11 lift 1 inline. .!- i(, - iiriiLt, ,1, , illiriu ill,..!,, ntgaiidqd by the vouimiinity, itijl ic is the deslrnhle citizen. .filAst humps -iniiHt lio'bulll on loans. ! As hnnded .In the past, the mortgngo hub been 'l(itur'd''ii Home wrecker, 4i dreaded souiethlng to harass a man's ohj .aiejy 1 "1 ft . a ? r -t 1 , Totirfy thp'"tPiidPiipy'N,fnwhr(lniTlor- tl.iitlon, which Is a gradual paying oft ()t dieprlnclpiil 4so tjt ii lline the home will be free and clear. Amor tlr.ntlrin removes -the) oiily drawbark1 to the ownership of. a Iioiiip. Whereas IU Is, hiiTd jtq save' fl(CKM) ,toj pay )fff, in a lump sum, It Is easy to pny $&' a month for ten years, plus $i!0 Interest charges, which latter decrease!-, every month. How.jmrfnyjofua hlTvc bought things 0115 flic -f-irtlii1'iiyjiient-- plnn, meeting the payments easily, and meanwhile enjoying the Juxury of, pos session' . V ' '(!.-! .lust sjo It Is with n home, And pro vldeillvlr Is located, right, one or two'J rooms can be rented that will cut the montTily p'nyments In 'half. That fen-i ture iilonehns proved, the deciding fnctoV niil'iMnnny who 'desire to be'n real succeis. hi the business of living. Kill tlils 'homcMinuld be built 'to Inst, to bo in as .good ,c,ondlton when the payments arc finished ns when they are started. Thnt means spend ing money where it doesn't show fpr n year or so. It',nJein,sj,go(f plj"mb-, Ing, good heating, good, sound timber fram(Jhv a jrirfldcf worthy tifltrusu' by arinjnfc wjiso hM nay not b,p tlji- lowest, but whose md Is based on the kind of construction thnt" A 111 cause the home to statjd up bravely against the elements. H&'H tosS'-l' business of living. plactjIe and"trees Nowlst he ettiTlme to plan and ...2. .. .L . Wrkn the HnproVement of the IV 'UX, WA.. The tflpVarwce- ptf the linme has muchtbSlo nnb''ltautllity ns well bh its beauty. A home where there are flowers, trees, Inwn, etc., seems more comfprtoibrej tfinnAvhcre these 'things; are alifent. ueh x home I always more satisfying, knnhnt of is a quality of utility. 6 Fall Is a good time to Improve the yurd,lavn and ifegorid nppearince of the Urame. Late, .fallals n favorable time 'tcf,trans"pililntvnSnhy blennhilsand perennials. Roses, "the queen of flow ers," may lift (jt otlier shrubs may be transplanted ji.tblpa),,hullsfif yarlous kinds, sweet peas, etc., mny'bo started jfor; early spring hjopSonis.t ) JL ' A little time given to the yard and rlnvvni now Will be wiorti frnup ,to tie appearance of your home next spring.' Look over the ynml 'aad'Wewlniti Im provements enn be made. Doubtless you will find that much can be done to, make your hoimymoro nttrnctlvc, r .. . '. 4 ,tt. uemana lor tiei rilnanH for RiiTUlr Utr,,via 1 i Tl o Iden of caulflinmeH fur wnir?! I . - jrw s . - ""- corners ns n murbbKof niiblln nollcv -" , , , . ;, -'V' . . . was wiuciy auveriiseu during tne war and gained strong support. Thenhlest rajrcliltecU.-eiiBlneerH-nnd..landKcnnors. eafentffiBTWnnWn' plans,. This haBTiroughtlabnut an In rpasliig natlonul couclousness tluit every family should be provided with u iiyiiiuin.vui iu-iiiik UUW"IIIV lllilll- Vinim (fejulfjitt('iit.s of snlilttftlfciiand tleccncy. T Man J soldle?slvlio 'wero reared In city slums hnvu returned "With more personal dignity and no longer will stand for their former nomes. xneyrepersuntiing tbelr families to renwy'eltistibetter nolchbor- rtis)ttr:,ai; Barometers. Mnnyjf lent baroi 5f?wKA?re i8Ultl toibc ejtcel vVor Instjince, it is whc4l!iihe-,' WajjOjluandellons hnvo WK tWIJnffy, feathery M;Mn4xpj the full. rP'' feapPntpes It shuts ir pi weather it ry. bl.keepb bhut dwbea the IE19Btf??BBWKHfr$ST7 of Inost jjwho 'IVnln that 'i'i. m i'mfus- lng to precrlho medicines for people Viirxi 'thiHv" kfiiJ""'riL'fpf-''r.ii'K ii ii vt " for the medicines are lucffec tlc wllhout rest. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S GAXATIVt Look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, liver and "bowels. Aecppt "Cyallf'irilh'" Syrup' of VvA otily look fur Uie iuiiuu Cullfornla 111 Hie pacUage, then you are sure youi cliild Is having the best mid itiosthnrtiH litMitlve.or physic for the little stomaclr, ner and bowels. C'iilldrei 'love its''dl-llclous fruity taste. Kill directions for child's dose on each bbt tie. ( fllve It without fear. ' Mother! You must say "California.' Adv., , , , ,t 11 REALLY. NOT WAITER'S FAULT 'Mr. Green's Perfect Mastery of ths French Language Evidently Was t ' i" fNTooSMuch for Him. V V u f1 .Mr. iiroun anil Mr. Green weroi faking thylr ljuitalked-of , livllday inj r ranee. ior three mohths Sir. (rernj had been) learning Trench by corre spondencc and thought he had mris4 terqd ,the.lnnguiiKe. ,if, ' ' One afternoon the pair went Intd n cafe to have tea, and Green, who! always Insisted on doing all the talk Ingy gnve Uicvosdoi: to the waiters NYlfenf hpwTfvqr, jtb tea things were hrnnglit, he noticed that something was missing, nnd spoke angrily to tilt waiter alK)ut'lf."'Ili.. ".My dear fellow," objected RrownJ "whatl on' earth, href 5-011 sjiylng?" "Will you kindly refrain from mnk ing your ahsurd criticisms' of my ut of the French huiguage?", retorted ureen. - "Oh, certainly 1" answered Urown "Only It seems rather a waste ol .time Jo ask vthe , waiter to bring ynu n staircase' when what you want Is a teaspoon I" London Tlt-lllts. ., 1 ) 1 1 1 in 1 m I'CARRY ON"! 1 ) fnstrpated, Bilious' K" or Hea&achy, take " ' "aret$' ' 1 1 I I I 1 I il , ,V'. , Feel grand I Be efficient 1 Don't stay sick, bilIous,headachy, constipated. Re move the liver and bowel poison which Is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coaieu, your oreain Dau nnu your stom ach sour. Why not get a small box of Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic vou ever exnerl I'enced.? Cascarets Jnever (gripe, sicken or inconvenience one like salts, oil, CalomeFor harfh'pllJs.JCaBcarets bring sunshine to cloudy mlnds'and half-sick bodies. They work while yon sleep. Adv. Ill V .-ji I I j A Miserable Anyway. 'I am telling you the truth when I say that I was much happier when' 1 wii8 poor thnn 1 am now." 1 "ThenTvlfy iloh't S'oh le'your m)l lions go. and, be rioor nalri?" "Why, betuu'sel'I sliouldbe miser able thinking of the people who got tb,e monoy - .t Kt , ' , 1 At' nverage. mii la ge.nernus to 'a fault, If It doesn't belong to other men. ii T4 1 4' z 1" OIGj wmm&j mTo iiaWRil Mi J 1 times your health ...consideration. These two women ! i i ' .'s " tj , nei now tney jpuna neaicn. ill K f HeUm, PfH.-ruJ Jopk; Lydla E. Plnkham'a Ve&. ctable Compound for female troubles and a dis placement. I felt all run down tnd was very weak. T had hne.n treated bv a nhvsician without results 1 bo decided to give Lydla E. Plnlibam'B Vegetabli (fcrlpound. a trial, and lelt better right away. I am kolpfnfihous4- . since last April anddoing all rny housework, whero before I was unable to do any work. 'Lydla E. Plnkbam's Arego- ' ' table' Compound is certainly thebcat medicine a woman can 'taknwheninthlscondltloni , thia letter ," Mra.E. RCnmaiNa, R. No. 1, nelutm.Ta.' J jLiUWUiin juicu, --.AiBUudicu zruiu vniuiua uuu uruKKiiiB v'l ., ttown pains, was irregular and had female weakness and v' displacement. X began Wlake Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegt A f, rny health. I should-like to rccommond Lydla E. Pinkham's w, remedies, to all BufferinR women who are troubled in a slml- . .,r ,vHPrNo0BoxwWM:)A - vtiy. Ki l,.t ( ' itOm E. PINKrm ; i Jy. 1 VEGETABLE COMPOUND OH, YES, THEY LOVED MOTHER But One Can't Help Feeling the Jones Family Might Have Shown It In Different Way. Mr. Smith, hearing music and sing ing Rt his neighbor's houe, decided he would drop in mid see how ihey w ere. Mr. Jones welcomed hltn nnd ush ered him Into the parlor where his daughter was playing the piano and and his son singing. , Mr, Smith begged them to uintlnuo. They con sented. The first song they selected was "Mother." They snifg this very feel ingly and then ffillusr Joined hi on the chorus. This was followed by "Mothir MiuhriMj" and others of like sentiment on songs uboiit mother how true they were, how deilr and how they ilmcd to slug them. Then, as Mrs. .Iniics bmlu't appear ed yet. ,Mr. ,Sm)th Inquired about her Mult of lii-tili li. "Oh." Mild Mr. .Tillies ''she's Well enough. Sln In the kitchen doing, the ilMic, but after she has finished and has taken In the wood she'll Join us." Judge. First Choice. Alice Is an eight-year-old youngster from the southern part of the statu and her uncle recently brought her to the capital to see the monument, and other places of interest. The morning after his iirrluil he took her down to the ollice of a friend, and Introduced her arotind. "So ou came to sec In dhinnpolK" remarked one of the men. "I suppose you're anxious to begin. Which do you want most to see the state house or the monument?" Alice looked at, him and then spoke truthfully, '"Oh, I want to see both, of them," she told him, "hut, most of all I want to go to one of thoe stores where jon get an Ice cream sandwich for n nickel." Indianapolis News. To Abolish Tomorrow. A movement to abolish tomorrow' Is now In order. Among all the things that cause trouble to humanity In go'u oral, tomorrow Is probably the worst offender. Nothing happens tomorrow In Just the way we expect, and In most cases dread. The tlino we. spend lu)wbnder ing what tomorrow will do, and In worrying about j It Waatnncc, If ap plied today would fortify us against the iniexpt'cted more' Hunt anything else. Tomorrow Is." the most uncom fortable place there is to lwell In. Yet most of us live In It most of the time. Life. She Needn't Walt- J Mother was putting Mnx to bed "Now iax," sftld mother, "come let me hear your prayers, or you' wou'f? get to go to Heaven with' mother." 'u Mnx, rolling over, answered' sleep ily: "Well mother, you go ahead. I come with pop." Stage jokes nre evidently mndo of kind words, for they never die. Too often there Is'u sting back of honeyed words. , THE MOST DANGEROUS 175 orfans of the human bod are so Important' to health' and long life as the kidneys. 'When they slow up and com mence to lac In their dutlee, look out! Dancer ia. in Bight. 1 . Find out what the trouble Is with out delay. Whenever you feel nervous, week, dizzy, gutter from sleeplessness, or have pains in the back, wake up' at once. Your kldneya need help. These are signs to warn you that your kidneys are not performing tbelr functions properly. They are only half doing tbelr work and are allowing impurities to accumulate . aad be converted Into uric acid and other poleons, which are cawing you distress .and will de stroy you unlesa they art driven iron 1 your system.? Womit 1 1 1 . at :aurmz inese trvuicr .... 1C -- ." ihOUId bcbUr nrt 1 1 i.i . Teivo vou ner mission to mbllRh 1 wot Try ittawsuwjssfflMESfniSffl u ASPIRIN FOR' COLDS Namo "Bayer" is on Genuins Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Hnyrr Tablets of Aspirin" in a "Ilayer package," containing prop er directions for Colds, Tain, Hend ache, Neuralgia', Lumbago, and ltheil mutism. Name "llnyur" moans genulno Aspirin proscribed by physicians for nineteen yenrst. Handy tin boxes of '12 tablets cost few rt tits. Aspirin lstrado murk of , Hnyor Manufacture of Mono aceticiiclde.sler or Hallcylicncld. Adv. 10110316." Th word "llfghguto'' Is derived front n gate' erect ell 'over !()) years ago to loeclvp tolls' for the bishop of London. At one tlmo all travelers whn tarried at lllghgatu ititverns wero required t,o take mi oath never to vnt lirow.u bread hllu they .cquld ,gut whle. , ... $l6o Reward, $100 Catnrrh Is a local dlscnso Rrcatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore icqulres conntltuttonnl treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDIC1NM Is taken Internally and, act through th Illood on the Mucous Surfaces of the fly tem. HALL'S CATARRH MBDICINH dettroya the foundation of the dlieaae. Rives the patient strength by improving the general health and assists nature In doing its work, 1100 00 for any ensn of Catarrh that' lHALt.'S' CATARRH MEDICINE) falls to cure. k 1 Druggists 7Cc. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, 1 Ohio 1 Very Rough. , ., , 1 narher halj go. jfver your fact twice?', . . Victim Yes, If there's nny lftl, And the green grocer is in 11 osltlon to acquire i lot cf rlpo" experience. ' BITRO-PHOSPHATE IS GOOD FOR THIN; NERVOUS PEOPLE ! A French scientist has discovered an organic phosphate which should be a very effective remedy for wak nerves, sleeplessness, thinness and lack of strength, energy and vigor. ' Its substance Is described., by special ists as Identical In composition with J'rLaln. vllal elements naturally found in brain and. nerve cells and, ono which' when taken Into the Human system1 tm quickly converted into heaHhy , llvlaj; ssue, Thin nhnanhnta la 'already 'widely ar tils known among druggists in countrv tas Bltro-PhosDhate and and sonie chy- oicmns cinim mat inrougn, its us auciiKiu, ciicrc)-. vigor ana nerve rorc are .frequently increased In two weeks' time. 'Dr. Frederick Kolle, Editor' of New York Physicians' "Who's Vho,", says It should bo prescribed by every doctor iV"J. J"? . ,n every hospital ' in tha United States. Ab there pre a great, variety of so-called phbsphates, those' whp wish to test this substance ehouH S?. B, t0 t the genuine Bltro tjhosphate. t r 1 OF ALL DISEASES 4 I 'I Get some GOLD MEDAL1 HaaVlea ' Oil Capsules at once. They are an old,' . tried preparation used all .over ta 'world for centuries. They contain only old-fashioned, soothing oils comblneaV with strength-giving and syetemrcleana- ing herbs, well known and, used by phy sicians in their daily practice.' . GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are im iported direct from the laboratories tia Holland. They are convenient tq tak 'and will either give prompt relief or, your money will be refunded. Ask for them at any drug store,' but. be1 sur to get the original imported . GOLD MSDAL brand. Accept no,substHutesvc Ia, sealed packages. Three sizes. ( . r i t CJ - tt J ILJ LLLL-L. p&VUDsj f$?