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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1919)
0 WW II !)' )' f 1 I b "'?'$5!i'.?,S,l VVO 60cJ . ! i . ,W!!?!gys;:yf 3li 55??r!-r!-i sas ., jpsaaj --If - yrssyasr. 4 Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 48 ItED CLOUD, NKHRASKA. OOTOUKK , liU. NUMBER 4 1 WIUIWWHV,IMIMIM anDmiriTira rarrrawiK'n rarmimffioror-a flrTinr-maTO-rsiira-wr.jrw,';' wnnr" ir -. ng We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and 1 Victory Bonds at the market. If you desire to buy or sell, call on us Council Proceedings Prizes for Sliojt Horns tssssasasmaaKoamsssBs Interest paid on Time Deposits m Dennsits Guaranteed hv fiennsitnrs ri , it , Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska 4 Webster County Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $35,000 Red Cloud, Nebraska Mayor I. C. Pope called the Coun cil together, in regular session, at the Council Chambers, n Tuesday even ing, with r.ll members present except Turnure. Minutes of the September 2nd meet ing were read and appiovcd. Petition of C. L. Cotting, et al, also C. J. I'ope, et al, for paving addition al streets were presented. Owing to the lateness of the season and con sidering that the present contract will j extend into the winter, it was decided to let the petition lay, over until next spring. The following claims were allowed: Edward Floiance, President S. R. Floiance, Cashier toict,iii TOMiniiim emitto:1 n c mmv nwir 'minim wm , J' . ' i wmnrr' ' ;"i i loomnraiiWEairsj'hiiii'irjLrjDErffiira r.ii vri, xiMimwr ' " "vtv ''i ' SAVE MONEY! Here is a few money savers selected at random from,, our stock. Many others that space does permit us to quote. Come in and investigate. BLUE RIBBON COFFEE -High grade coffee EC A at a very low price. You should try it. Lb, Www If you have used MRS. ROHRERS COFFEE Cfg you know its quality, if not, try a package Www, BOOTH'S SARDINESBest on the market J(JA In large'roval cans, now priced at, per can Cvv BACON Very best quality. We know you ACg you will like it. Special at, per pound "fvv Fine, solid, smooth CABBAGE per 100 lbs $2.25 Wejust received another big shipment of DISHES. Our stock oj Queen swore is alwajr complete. Let as know your wonts. Come in and see this big line. B P. A. Wullbrandt ' Groceries and Queensware nnirai:n e FOR. FALL WEAR. PORTRAYING THE LATEST STYLES IN Sweaters Slip-on Styles with Sleeves- Slip-on Styles wihhout Sleeves hi Coat Styles with Style Collars and Belts 4 JHrs. Barbara Pbam Agont gor Ladies Home 'Journal Patterns All Sizes in Childrens Half Sox , iXUliJl'i!-l.'mi H!.'1l'il"lini ii 'nil i ii J. A. Ilradford W. A. Patten . ...... A. Clark . . ... .1. S. L. Thomas Lee McArthur Aaron Hedge -- Warren Sutton . S. R. Floiance - 0. C. Tecl . . Mayor Coal Co. ... . Sam Mountford Frank Clauson .... C. R. Lewis . R. 13. Loggct't - Clms Hilton Smith & McKimmey Grice & Grimes Piatt & Frees General Elec. Co. .. Geo. W. Bates Emma J. Hedge C. T. Dickenson Jas. Peterson GranV&-Fulton Watts Const. Co. Ilenk'o & Joyce . 135.00 130.00 115.00 37.80 31.33 3.60 7.30 374.83 36.S3 335.83 150.00 23.S0 G3.C0 COO COO 3.50 4.G0 81.80 790.00 15.00 10.20 1G.75 7.50 1500.00 3000.00 11.52 Natl. Refining Co. 108.80 Omaha Elec. Co 73.58 Midwest Elec. Co 235.G3 Crane & Co. 10.00 SCHOOL HOARD MEETS Red Cloud, Nebr., Oct. G, 1919. Hoard met in regular session with members Hoxsey, Grimes, Bcez'.oy, and Pope present, Hoxsey presiding. The following bills were read and ordered paid. Grice & Grimes . S5.5G M. A. Albright 3.32 Red Cloud Chief 12.25. Joseph Barta 1.00 Argus . . 8.25 Allyn & Bacon . 12.00 Graham Furniture Co. 9.55 Hansen Laundry 4.G0 Boston Music Co. 7.12 E. S. Garber .95 F. G. Turnure 2.50 C. J. Pope 81.83 Ginn & Co. 55.82 University Publishing Co. 11.19 Hnmmand & Stephens Co. 3.71 A. T. Holtzcn u 3.13 American Book Co. 65.04 Hall & McCreary 4.73 The secretary reported the collec tion of 78, being the net amount of fines from Judge Bunion's court, also the collection of $210 from City Cleik Teel for cigarette licenses issued. In the matter of insurance on con tents of Junior High School building, this was laid over until the next reg ular meeting. " No further business and Board ad journed to meet Monday, November 3rd. , C. J. POPE, Secretary. ... .i i i Stockholders Meeting Henry Oilhain, eeiotay of the Farm r Institute hn- u-colwd ;i U'tti r from V W Harding, Secretary 1 1 tin' American bhoi thorn llwders Asso ciation, Chicago, Illinois itnt'iig that this A-ii'lation is iiII.tIiiu uii-s for thu picp'iou of encouraging II ghcr Class Slmrtlioni Mies. Sir. Ilard'nt; tiKo stiil's that the as. soelalinn hiii selected The Red Cloud Funnels Institute lor an appropriation of a ?.' prl.f for tint Champion Mioit. Morn hull over 12 innuili-. A liandsi me S ribbon signifying the nwaul will ulsn b given The (iheulc for tlii amount will bu tuniled diicct from thu AsxnuU. tion to tlit exhibitor of the champion bull upon notlco from the seereturv of the liihtiiiin-. ' Mr. Harding suggests, u 1 l;e nnnutnt I aJiuJ to tins ih b the locil institute, tin same to 1 e i''isi"l hi two pii; Sli for the Keeie Ciiaiupioii tmll over one year old nnd Slo for the Champion cow or heifer of any age Ribbons will ulfobe furnish-' ed to accompany these awards, Vebster County Recognized State Superintendent W. U. Clem mons announces, that a now distribut ion of normal truiulng selmols will be made throughout the state. In thu past, it lb found, that the eastern part of the state has hnd more such schools, in proportion, than the western p.irtof the state, He has called at teiitton to the' terms of the law and warns the schools to come up to the standard aud see ttfrt thof are running nccordlng to law not merely according to rule. The state appropriates 81000 for a period of two yearn for the support of these schools. There are from one to live in each representative district. In tlio list of districts where normal training schools have been designated foi IH1U nnd ltlilO is found that number ID is given to Rod Cloud and ltlue Hill. Married at Council Bluffs, la. MUs .Iconic Miner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U Miuer, and Mr. Robeit Iteihcr, son of Mr aud Mrs. Ed. Reihcr were united in marriage at Council Blulfa, Iowa, last Thursday. The cere niouv toolc place at the homo of Mrs, Ira Graham, a niece of the bride's mother. Both the young people are of highly respected families of this community. They attended the local high school, later graduating from the state uni versity. The bridal couple returned from their honeymoon Monday, and will go to housekeeping on his farm, north of this city. m NOTICE DELPHIANS JEWELS of SOUND in Cabinets of Exquisite Beauty You know, of course, that so far as the reproduction of music is concerned there is but one instrument which RE-CREATES it with proven ability. That instrument is The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" the only invention which has successfully met the tone test, the test of direct comparison with the living artist. To achive this result cost S3.000.000 in experimental work. But do you realize that the superiority of the instrument is now reflected in the superiority of the case which con tains it? With but two exceptions, each New Edison, no matter what its price, is now encased in a period cabinet. Built of thoroughly seasoned and selected genuine Ma hogany or selected quarter sawed White Oak by crafts men whose pride in their work is apparent in its perfect ion, these cabinets, are masterpieces. We ask you to in spect the display of Heppel white, Sheraton, Chippendale, Jacobean, William & Mary and Eighteenth Century Eng lish cabinets now on view in our store. They are replicas' of those exhibited this month at the Hotel Commodore, ' iew iorK vjuy. E. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler s ; The first regular meeting will be held in the Auld Public Library, at 3 o'clock, on Tuesday, October 14th, and will consist of the first lesson of the year's program, subject, "Primi tive Man." An evening session will be held at the same place and date for the accomodation of teachers, business women and others unable to attend in the afternoon. All those having a per manent interest in the evening ses sion are requested to please bo prcs- Stoekholders of the Farmers Inde pendent Telophouo Co , will meet in Annual Session at the Court House nt Red Cloud, Nebraska October 11, 11)19 at 2 o'clock P. M. All Stockholders are requested to at tend. O. C. TERL, Secretury. ent. CARRIE SHERWOOD, President. rrrriy Residence for Sale As we are closing out all our hold ingw In Red Cloud wo will offer for sale the Roy Sattley residence, which wo recently purchased, located on West Fourth avenue This Is a line modern 8 room dwelling, In Urst clajis,. condi tion. Its priced right for a quick deal. For particulars see or phone Deck it Boyer Furniture Store, Red Cloud. Albert Turner of this city nnd Miss Nellie Frcy weie united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs, Emil Fiey, five miles north of Guide Rock, on Wednesday evening. Rev. J. L. Beebe performed the cere mony. About forty guests were pres ent. A bountiful wedding supper was served at the close of the ceremony. They will, for the present, make their homo with tho bride's mother. This morning N, P. Nelson, propri etor of tho Red Cloud Mills, and Miss Josephine Doose were united in mar riage by Judge Ranney. They left for a visit with relatives and friends in Lincoln and Omaha, this morning, and Upon their return to this city will be at home to their many friends In tho Hansen home, in the First Ward, which' Mr, Nelson recently purchased. immfflmm? raOTpM.wnirrai iranmamnii ii Save Money ON FEED Carload Just In Bran $2.20 For 100 pounds Shorts $3.00 For 100 pounds CARLOAD OF CABBAGE will be here in a few days 1 TL The price on track will be JmA J. H Here On Track Carload of Potatoes These are the Red River Ohio. Sorted and sacked. Put in you winter Supply. Guaranteed to keep, j Farmers Union r J. F. Edwards, Nr. Rad Cloud, Neb. "NOT IN THC COMBINC" , ' I ' ' s