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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1919)
' ywtrr"y: Z J... I i? , tute HWlorlohl BocUH r '2?m &&! i HIEfeS.-.m p J5 ai1!:; - -r- t, Ksyr, i i Jra&-g--F.,3Mca f -ifmm2-USimimiU::- -asttgvajw-v. gsaBfr.., ( - iiy. '11- .-f ' I'll-fe;- i I i uw. -- lf:felM ml I -ittmUJ' isTOBk V,;r,--V:&i,'4? rr - - - Bwiirj.? Vtf-t fca. vf i . . rvra.T u , , . .- j ' r . pjw . or . Wf.jr'Tjrr"l'-r'i.s. ti -r-L mr. . l.1i .n .u- -; -......- . u-- X. I ' f i aimsiwjkmiftiM k& memmanmsmEEmam v- ..&mt!TiKimxaMz.!rpi- vwe-cr v-'rero.w3i'aramwipvfczsjw -,--- r'tnuiL'&rtft?.Y i ii hi mm w i mm i i niwwii'i n i mt i -j j&w . T,i, f Mr nLkrfT- jj - "- -.- .r fur -i i;- -Ilkiibbbma.i 7 "-. k . .! i i j- , jrv .c; rj. , --. . v a u ;- v , .- in - v.n u - j.w. a i htibhh w-r 4ana mtji wi iji b i tf .-giwKiBm bl. . l - 11 i i aB. bt i j iujuma j."w i?-r-T juifc. - n i3iv - u' r-ammB. Ill HUM I i ilBII IIP Jt la. - .. V5X.JKW, 'If r'inaNVJVVJPIU1l!ST'kVryfTVr. '. -V 1 I -MA f y.TTTJ f .r I T .,Tf WJ ? P. yg"T i T"! TT"T- nTflllll'WJM Vf WM iITTIT giTF 7TI nTTl I ?tt"Ar. dTi'Ckl jKXBiMkrmmext , itmi.j a vr.'" vijL-WrajriJjcT-o'j'y ' LrssM irnn n n nnnii it , niirri nil n tt m? vnFt'i'"iu.iri'jirrrrzTW. . -"i kji jpi y.tratt.rp-,.??' . .-SiaiDH r3fHHHI3lKSMk 'fr"rT,,,,aT v rrjt tfh!tiYwfvr-yimMr7r- - -'wisai ,-wmG3mmmm&M&gmL YrM.wimjxr--z.- " -f" 'i""'t fffTiM-ajaTT Tr 'nrfinT mrym , - n i iiiwii wmwMWti-ifrTT-yrwr'TTtf siV ,,53g,',---5aJ''' Frw&iy. kJit sbmk ss &s 4 Newspaper Tliat (lives The Niiwt Fifty-two Weeks Bach Year Fw SI. SO VOLUME 48 uiiiime RED CLOUD, XEB11ASICA, SEPTEMBER 11, 11!. NUAIBER Wl mauuBPaB ' Sattley Sells Furniture Store We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and Victory Bonds at the market. If you desire to buy or sell, call on us HAND CONCERT Friday. Sentembei- 12, at 8 p. m. Messrs Hock and Dover, of Osborne, ( PROGRAM Kansas, lmve puiulmsed the Sattley, j, March "Town Hall Tonight," Furniture Store and ure now in posses Moore, ion. They state tlmt they will cater to, o. Selection "The Dollar Princess" the trado with a complete and m to pai. l Interest paid on Time Deposits Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $35000 Red Cloud, Nebraska Edward Flounce, President date line of furniture mid household furnishings and will also lvo prompt atid careful attention to the undertak ing department. Meeting these gentlemen Impress one with the faut tlmt they possess a goodly amount of business ability as well lis bc-iiiK of an alt'able nature. Mr. Sattley has not divulged his nrosnects for t no luture hswe worn i. Oriental Episode "Tho Bells o Bagdad," Motzan. 4. Waltz "Down By The Meadow brook," Lee. 5. A Flirtation "Roguish Eyes," Gruenwald. 0. Spanish Serenade "La Paloma," Jradier. ' Star Spangled Banner. stating that he will enjoy h two weew Commissioners Proceedings vacation lu the legions of ihtf Rocky , . ilVU UIVUU kJi-lW. k, --. Mountains after which he will return to our city uud lemaln heie until the right business opportunity present-i it-self. S. R. Fiorance, Cashier I.iniriiriaira'u-'Air.i """J j. xv i I "'nti I l "1 l"H iifiamii ii'i&uiL.jL'iiJ'.a.'.'UJLii!!'., iH. m. L"Hl'i","-""ll!'.iJW!'"" I Del Canned Fruits ' Gives Excellent Satisfaction in a large number of Red Cloud homes. WE GUARANTf E THEN The County Board of Commission ers met as per adjournment at 1 p. m. with all members present. 'run iin,i nf W. C. Crarv as Read Salvation Army Seeks Funds overor of Diht. No. 1 u.s appmca oy inu lioaiu. Motion hv Waldo and seconded by Shidkr that E. W. Stevens be given ctntract for installing a furnace th Poor Farm. Price to be ?C00 comn.t Motion carrieu if A (.atewide dilve for funds for tho b.ilvatiou Aimy will he made during ' j tho wvck of September 2L-2T, at which i I time au attempt will be made to iaise1 fc t B .Sol'2,001), for the puipose of providing' We Have Some Very Fine Dried Fruits Have You Tried Mrs. ff fi AAQ Rohrer's and Verebest VU11CC5 THESE ARE MEDIUM PRICED COFFEES that are gaining in popularity. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Our Stock in All Lines is' New and Fresh WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE and know. that or groceries and service WILL PLEASE YOU P. A. Wullbrandt Groceies and Queensware iiii,'iiBi'iinisiit3imuniuiiJiiiiiimimn:iiuiiiiiu:iiiiicaic;iiiiiuiiiii'.iii'JUi'iu mmmu. iiu iiMiii'iiEiiii'Miiiiamiuiiii'iiciiiiiiniiiiiM 1 'niw ctctmi j u Dresses jior Summer No matter how oopular suits or seperate Lskirts may be, the thin dress is the mosl pleasing and comfortable tor the hot weather costume. Figured and striped voiles, flaxons, pongees and organdies are the favorites. ' In white we have plain and fancy figures; '- In colors we have voile, organdy, flaxon bateste and georgette. Ve also have the handsomest line of laces with which to trim them. Come in and let us show them to yon Barbara Phages I 1 Ww Stats tlouii hiitl Maternity Ilos piul- fi,r Women and Children; .New State lleadriuaiteis. Uulldlug, having under oue roof n Young Women's Hoarding Home, Working Men's Club as 11 substitute- for the Saloon, Relief Department for aid at the poor and Mippoit of woik for tlio year. Webster County's quota is S3000, divided as follows: Red Cloud SSOO, Hlue Hill 5100, Hhiden 8400, Guide Rock Sloo, C,dles S'IDO, Inavale .SJOO and Rosemout ?10i). As the campaign will be conducted on as economical a basis as possible those culled upon to assist In the drive aie expected to give their time and ser vice gratis. In order to give the matter as much publicity as possible a committee com posed of Messrs Ueebe, Edson, Mc Aithur and Hurress toured the comity in u car Tuesday morning calling upon the various newspapers and securing loenl chairman lu the towns visited. Those who have volunteered their services in this great work, in order that Webster couuty may meet her quota are follows; J. L Ueebe, Coun ty Chairman; W.B.Smith, Sosretaiy; J. W. Auld, Treasurer; Committee on Speakiim and Publicity, W. D. Edson and A. B. McArthur; Chalrr.'en, Henry Glllmru, Red Cloud; H. Vaughan, Guide Rock; II, G. Keeney, Cowles; Cecil Matthews, Hlue Hill; O. J. Boos, Rose, mont; L E. Spence, Bladen; C. K Waldo and James Sllvey, Iuavale. This is a worthy cause to help and ever) one should contribute willingly. The following claims wetc audited and allowed and county cletk in structed to diaw warrants on the proper funds in payment of the tame. POOR FARM FUND P. A. Wullbrandt . Malone Gcllatly Co. H. Ludlow Frank Starr Co. Treas. Alice Smith ..... - - E. jj2merton , i. H. H. Cr'owell ...- . E. J. Emerton .... Roy fattloy . - . ' James Peterson . . BRIDGE FUND G. W. Trine Nebr. Culveit & Mfg. Co. . W. H. Jarboc . . John Armstrong . C. B. Dalton . -. Wheoler Lumber Co. Adam Alber - '. D. Lindsey John Himmelberg . GENERAL FUND Jas. Hubalka - T F Kniggn Grunt Shidhr . . Webster Co. Fair Assn. Ti.'nk Ellingcr .. .. 1 icily Shepparl A nie B. Soanop-le . Jhn W. Tulloys R. H. Allen Henry R. Fausch -- Co. Mb. Agent gor Ladies Home Journal Patterns All Sizes in Childrens Half Sox Rev. Hammel at Conference Rev, J I). Hamuiel, pastor of the locnl M E. Church, accompanied by h!b wife and sou, left Monday morning for University Place to attend the Methodist Episcopal Conference. We havo beau lufoimod by one of the members of this church that the con gregation aro highly pleased with the work of Rev. Ilammol mid that 11 unani mous request has beeu made for his return. Thoy expect to visit in Omaha and Llucolu for severul day6 before re turning. i - 1 1 i m To the Voters of the County At the solicitation of my friends I have (Hod as candidate- for membership in the State Constitutional Convention. I believe I stand with the progressive element ot tho state when 1 say I am in favor of n hhort and open Constitu tion, and believe thatdlreot legislation should be left to bhnpe Itself us future conditions nmj demand. I stand for a Constitution that shall bt just and fair to all classes of our citizens, not one dominated by upejdtil interests, Do not underestimate- the impoitulice nf tlil. (InliVHiitlilll I IV ulnvliiif iivvnv- from tho Primary, T lesduy, Sept JiVh. II U. KEENEY. Hillyard Chemical J. E. Yost Frank Starr Edith L. McKeighan Geo. H. Overing - - L. C. Peisiger Red Cloud Chief - L. R. Willis & Co. - .. -Board adjourned to Oct B. F. PERRY, Co. Clerk, $ 18.73 G.00 5.00 329.00 10.00 1S.Q3 63.00 45.00 10.75 311.40 30.05 121.0S . 0.00 G0.2C 2G.2P 8S.r 105.05 . 5.00 75.00 1GJ.40 . lGt 10 23i.2t - 586.50 "2.5o . 11.66 - lOiMIC .. 8.47 .. 20.00 50.00 18.31 82.89 17.35 38.91 , 36.43 , 10.70 , 12.50 1919. JEWELS of SOUND in Cabinets of Exquisite Beauty You know, of course, that so far as the reproduction of music is concerned there is but one instrument which RE-CREATES it with proven ability. That instrument is The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Sou" iho. nnlv invention whinh has successfully met the tone t.fist. thfi test of direct comnarison with the living artist. To achivc this result cost 53.000,000 in experimental work. Rut do vou realize that the superiority of the instrument is now reflected in the superiority of the case which con tains it? With but two exceptions, eoch New Edison, no matter what its price, is now encased in a period cabinet. Built of thoroughly seasoned and selected genuine Ma hogany or selected quarter sawed White Oak by crafts men whose pride in their work is apparent in its perfect inn, these cabinets are masterpieces. We ask you to iri- spect the display of Heppelwhite, Sheraton. Chippendale . Jacobean. William & Mary and Eighteenth Century Eng lish cabinets now on view in our store. They are replicas of those exhibited this month at the Hotel Commodore, New York City. r E. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler 0MAmiAmni3-u3KUzv-z?ts sszi3mix.TsxSxmmmi'RSz HKJBWEKXaBKHanCI -Why worry about baking day or remain in suspense wondering what success you will have with your baking. Every housewife who uses "RED MOON" knows its quality. If you are in doubt try a sack. . Its a pure, high patent Hour made from select hard wheat, by expert millers. A trial will convince you. John Wickstrom Retires It comes us something of a surprise, to learn that John Wloltstrom has dis posed of his mercantile business in Rlverton, which was recently purchas ed by the Zicgler Company. The entire community regrets to loso Mr. Wlokatrom lu his meroautllo ca paolty and the best wishes of a large list of friends and patrons go with him into whatever lino he takes up His successors, tho Ztegler Bros., who were iu business here before the war, are well known and need no introduction, They took possession of the store Tuts d.iv uud arc now ready to receive all old and nuuy new customers Rlver ton Rcvlovv. .10 Tho sign painter for tho Rod Highway Association Golden passed through tho city Tuesday morning, 50-lb.Bag A "Stack" of Cakes made from RED MOON PAN CAKE FLOUR will touch the spot. They are differ ent from just ordinary cakes, in quality and flavor. A carload of Bran and Shorts on the way Going to be Priced Right. Order Now! Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb. "NOT !N THE COM DINS'1 finishing tho nolo markings for this , Highway. Tho insignia of this High way Is G. R., painted iu yellow on u John Harris, who has been 6pond-. black background. ing several months with relatives at Dclevan, Wisconsin, and Gillette, Wyoming, npent tho first of tho week with his son, Harry Harris and fam- ilv. Tin Inffc this morninc to vtnlfc his I son and family at Giltncr. T.fmf. Frhl.iv JihIl'o Ranncy Issued murriago licenses to the following couples: Michael E. Arnoldy, Flem ing, Colorado, and Miss Frances Samek, of Ayr; Frank R. Dean and Miss Ruth Stlnson, both of Rlverton. I nMrmn2mzxsmmm!gmmm i j I. I II II K 1 .: T)