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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1919)
if it nisiovioui W.8 VOLUME 48 v wriaacMiffliiMmcM We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and Victory Bonds at the market. If you desire to buy or sell, call on us Interest paid on Time Deposits Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors' Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $35,000 Red Cloud, Nebraska I Edward Floiance, Pridcr.l .:A!!iniin tiaiaBiiirananiiniiriaia!;, !1!ll!'",:!: ;: udwk s hi: ; iia' Tti;:; 25 Canned Fruits Gives Excellent Satisfaction in a large number of Red Cloud homes. WE GUARANTEE THEM We Have Some Very Have You Tried Mrs, fgS Jaa Rohrer's and Verebest vOl 1CCS THESE ARE MEDIUM PRICED COFFEES that are gaining in popularity. Fresh Fruits Our Stock in All Lines is New and Fresh WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE and know that or groceries and service WILL PLEASE YOU P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and aiaaipffliiiiiiiM IKEiMlllMKlltia ft Dresses for Summer No matter how popular suits- or seperate shirts may be, the thin dress is the mo& pleasing and comfortable for the hot weather coftume. , Figured and striped voiles, flaxons, pongees and organdies are, the favorites. In white we have plain and faicy figures; In colors we have voile, prgandy, flaxon bateste and georgette. We also have the handsomest line of laces with which to trim them. Come in and let us show them to you lifts. Barbara Phages Agent gor Ladies Home Journal Patterns All Sizes in Childrens Half Sox svdoty I S. R. Florance, Cashier MKiiunairr::' - - - ' .rx vcr;:w.2 tw ,i.: Fine Dried , Fruits and Vegetables Queensware mm i A IfcwsMKr That fllvu The R RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 4, 11!. city Schools Onened Mondav The 1919-20 term of school begun on last Monday, with Prof. A T. Holtzen an city superintendent. TI10 opening was begun with "tbe singing of "America" by each of the grades, and every pupil pledged nlleg iance to the nation antl gave the llajf saluto. Following is the enrolltrcu to date: Primary department ' '4 1st grade . . 27 2nd grade 2( 3rd grade 30 4th grade 35 5 til grade 3S Cth grade 31 Junior High 123 Senior High !H) Total 402 Several pupils who are out of the city on vacation tour- were not pre-ent but it is c.vpHctcd that n complete en rollment will lie secured next week. The organization of the clashes is now complete and every thing running smoothly. A strong eorp of teachers have been secured to pivslde over th various grades and classes Prof. Iloltzcn Mates that ho is well please i wl'h r he school uud the pupils and lie is lining t do all in his power to make this one of the best school yeais that Red Cloud has ever had. Council Proceedings Mayor P. C. Pope called the City Council together at the Council Chambers last evening, with all mem bers present except Hamilton. After the minutes of the August meetings had been read and approved the re port of S. R. Florance was read and ordered placed on file. Besides discussing the claim of the McGraw Co. for $328.50 for trans formers furnished the Peterson Ice Plant, which has been paid for by Mr. Peterson and authorizing the city clerk to return the certified check to the Watts Construction Co., who hold the paving contract, upon the approval, by the engineers, of the bond furnished by them, no fur ther business was transacted except the allowing of the following claims: J. A. Bradford $135.b0 W. A. Patten 130.00 115.00 57.23 37.65 150.00 58.20 iq:o9 790:00 24.45 5.80 6.30 10.64 8.84 197.22 18.25 34.00 53.11 7.13 4.20 6.30 61.36 7.95 7.15 A. Clark S. R. Florance .. O. C. Teel 'Sam Mountford .. C. R. Lewis R. C. Auto Co. . General Elec. Co. A'.1B. McArthur Smith & McKimmey . Turnure & Son -.'. 1 B R Elec. Co Crane Co. . rairbanks Morse Co. Johns Manville Ce. idcGraw Co . Midwest Elec. Co. Natl Carbon Co Leo McArthur J. S. L. Thomas Rivcrton Inavale Co. , E. W. Stevens G. W. Trine A. T. Walker and Chas. Kaley left this morning,, for Detroit wh,ere they will secure two new f Dodge' cars for the Red Cloud Auto Co., and will drive the cars back to thjs city. Sister Estella, of the order of St. Domime, of Minneapolis, and her companion, Sister Edith, arrived in the city Monday from Denver, to vis it the former's sister, Mrs. M. K. Quigley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunt moved to their new residence in the north part of town Monday. As Will is in the live stock business, he will now bo nearer his stock ranch where he can give more nttention to his hogs. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Warren have purchased the Howard property just south of the Baptist church and they moved into the same Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cummings have moved into the residence vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harris and son, Marvin returned home Sunday even ing via automobile, from a five weeks outing spent at Boulder, Oak Creek, Greeley and Denver, Colorado. Their nieco, Miss Josephine Miller, accompanied them home and she will attend school hero. i -V FITtytUr Weeks Each Year Far 11.5 A New Furniture Store On Saturday of last week a new busi. ness .house opeued Its doors to the public. The new ttrm Is located In the McFarland building on west Fourth avenue and will cater to the public with a new and complete line of up to date furniture. Messrs U. O. Graham, proprietor of the Hastings Furniture Store and Isadore Johnson for several years connected with this store, arc tbe proprietors. The interior of the building has been remodolod and sev eral cars of merchandise have been re ceived. The date of their grand open ing will be Saturday, September 0th. The following item is taken from the Adams County Democrat, published at Hastings: s "II. O. Graham, proprietor of the Hast ings Furniture store and his partner assistant, Isadore Johnson, have open ed a new furniture st'jre in Red Cloud Mr. .Johnson will manage the store. II will be opened with a Hue new stock ' at n good location in the Webster county eapitol. Red Cloud is a line business town. The people of Red Clom! will llud Messrs. Graham ana Johlison live wires aud their furniture store always stocked with the best of .... ... .i i i.. ....... .....i..... l uf'iiiuii; uiiiiuii; in iiiriuiiii v ii u iiiik Ion". ! I I I I I Farmers Union County Picnic The" Farmers Union of this county held their annual picnic at Covrles ' last Saturday It was attended by! members of the various .locals through ourirevounty, as well as the members of their families and many ot their' f i lends. Henry Keener, chairman of the organization presided. An unus ually line program was rendered During the morning an. able address was delivered by Rev. Ira Wagoner. This was followed by an ellegant pic nic dinner which was thoroughly en joyed by all present Several refresh ment stands were on the grounds which were liberally patronized. The afternoon program included sev. cral soul's, duets, solos and addresses Bach local of the Uuiou provided one or more to take part iti the program of speaking or singing. One of the principal speakers of the day was Mr. Watts pf Omaha, manager of the State Exchange. Bis address touched briefly on primary and prin cipal objects of the organization; the work that had been accomplished in tbe state by the various unions He stated that the amount of business trausaoted proved that the Exchange at Omaha had been profitable, and that Kansas City and St. Joe, operating only a short time, showed a bauk account of ItO.OoO profit. He called attention to tbe fact that the State Exchange, at Omaha, was doing the largest busi ness of any single firm in the state and that it was attracting the attent ion of other states. He also stated that If the Union Commission House could seoure one naif of the fat stock of the members of the organization it would do a business that would greatly surprise the members. The next speaker to take the stand was Prof. Hlbberd of- the Economic De partment of the Wisconsin University, who selected as a topic for discussion, "Farm Organization". After several interesting stories be turned bis at tention to tbe history of tbe Grange and Farmers Alliance. He" cautioned the Union about too fast an expansion in business. One part of his address appeared to disappoint his audience his remarks concerning the packers and the problems of the high cost of living, fie endeavored to leave the impression that tbe Five Big Packers had committed uo serious offense and that the high cost of living was not of as serious a nature as is thought by many. The appearance of Rev. Beebc on the speaker's stand caused a burst of ap plause, as his reputation as a deep thinkor and forceful speaker has be come known throughout this common Ity. The manner in which ho handled "The High Cost of Living" attracted aud held the attention of his audience. After the speaking program had boen brought to u close the attention of all was brought to thB program of races and sports, which was enjoyed by both young nnd old. The Plaliivicw band rendered a very interesting nnd appropriate musical program. Miss Lena Rathjen returned home the last of the week from Minneapo lis where she had been visiting her brother, Will Rathjen. -y. -av ar .--rirrj.l"3r3ga'w ,.-- - . "The Cabinet Sold My Wife The Music Then Sold Me" A NEW EDISON OWNER WAS SPEAKING "You sec, Aljce is a furniture 'fan', is interested in in terior decoration knows all the periods and the careers of the famous designers,. "What a beautiful Sheraton piece, she exclaimed, as we passed the store window. Note the rich tints of the ma hogany; the perfect proportions. "We entered. "She raved about the classic purity of the period models. Then we listened to the instrument. That got me. "I don't doubt the s1lo-.tnans claim about the tone test that no one can tell the artist from the instrument when they're pitted against each other. He said itcost 61,000,000 to perfect the. New Edlsou Any how thats the story of how we happened to b'nyAtii I'm certainly a booster." " ' ' If you enjoy beatlful furniture you'll want to see the New Edison period cabinets we're now dUplaylug. E. H; Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler BROOMS Here's the Very Latest News in Broom Bargains two values that you can not afford to let pass A Spt:5Cash purchase of a large consignment We are going to give you the benefit of the buy Better come in now as these prices are for 1 Week Only This is an Exceptionally Good Value for This Price $1.00 Value JB This Week O O C Here is the Best Value $1.35 Value This Week Don't Fail to Get One of at Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Ngr. Red Cloud, Neb. BROOMS I NUMBER ;G ever offered in Red Cloud 85c These Geod Quality Brooms the -w , K