The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 12, 1918, Image 7

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Ccme to this Woman after
Talcing Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound to
Restore Her Health
Ellcnsburp, Wash. "After I was
married 1 wna not well for n long timo
nnd n good deal of
tho tlmo wna not
able to go about
Our greatest desiro
was to have a child
in our homo and ono
day my husband
came back from
town with n bottle
of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Ycgotablo
Compound and
wanted me to trv it
It brought relief
from mv troubles.
I improved in health bo I could do my
housework; wc now hnve n little one, ail
of which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound." Mrs. O. S.
Johnson, R. No. a, Ellonsburg, Wash.
Thvre nro women everywhere who
long for children in their homea yet are
denied thi9 happiness on account of
ipmo functional disorder which in most
Men would readily yield to Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound.
- Such women should not rrive tin hone
L. until they have given this wonderful
By medicine n trial, and for special advice
write Lydia Ii Finkham Medicine Co.,
L.ynn, mass, ine resuir 01 w years
,. .experience is at your service.
i ii m. i
OtOA 'ItllZVvL
Ii refill ll.T.. 14
rk'im 'jivjtj
.Sim I11U1HU Ultivwu iv .----
Thereby lYomolinS Difiw
Cheerfulness andResLContuns ,
uu-nnliti MnrnhlflCnoi,
Mineral. NoTAncoTic.
JuxipXax ,
JVmtmunt .
1 ....(.. IDnmnityfor
ana" --
resulting Ihercfrcjnjnjnfancy: ,
tl U"
Jr.-.C, ill' 'A
Tyr. wi.
:zr s: i
NEW Xyiiiii
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
How They Conversed.
An American liaison olllcer who
knew little French and a French artil
lery olllcer who knew little Kugllsh
had Important business together dur
ing the height of the recent lighting.
"Henri," said the commandant to a
young sergeant, "I have seen you talk-
4gg to Americans several times. Can
you speai; liiigusn'
"No, innn commandnnt," answered
Henri simply.
For all that, Henry and the Ameri
can olllcer were soon engaged in vlvn
clous conversation. At Its conclusion
tho commandant turned to Henri.
"But ybu speak English very well,"
ho snld.
"No, mon commandant," Henri still
Insisted. "Wo were talking In Ger
man." Very Odd.
He Those boats look very shabby.
She They oughn't to be. Don't they
have a painter aboard?
A Supposition.
"Why did your doctor think this op
eration was nbsnlulely necessary?"
"I guess he needed tho money."
J f
lief . . w5
For centuries nil over the world
GOLD MKDAL Huarlem Oil has af
forded relief in thousands upon thou
sands of cases of lame back, lumbago,
eclatlca, rheumntlsm, gallstones, grav
el and all other affections of tho kid
Aoys, liver, stomach, bladder nnd al
lied organs. It acts quickly. It docs
tho work. It cleanses your kidneys
and purlfles tho blood. It makes a
new man, n now woman, of you. It
frequently wnrds off attacks of tho
dread and fatal diseases of tho kid
neys. It often completely cures the
distressing diseases of the organs of
tho body allied with tho bladder and
kidneys. Woody or cloudy urine, sed
iment, or "brlckdust" Indicate an un
healthy condition.
Do not delay a minute If your back
ches or you aro sore across the loins
or have difficulty when urinating. Qo
to your druggist at onco and get
Workers Warned of Coming Catao
trophe When the Rodents Lcavo
Tunnel Are Fed by Men.
Investigators of tnliiliif? conditions
and tlu peculiar dangers to which
miners are subjected recently hnvo
taken much Interest In the prar-tlco
of Western gold miners to make pets
of tho rats which commonly Infest
mines. On the mother lode of Cali
fornia It has been found that tho
miners Invariably feed the rats ami
take care of them, believing that tho
rodents are a source of protcrtlnn
against accident, says Our Utiinb Ani
mals. This Is due, the men say, to tho
Instinct of the rats, which warns them
when a tunnel Is unsafe. And when
the rats leave a tunnel It. Is almost Im
possible to get the miners to work
there. This recalls the belief among
sailors that rats will leave a doomed
ship. The miners also have found that
rats are much more susceptible than
humans to the dangerous gases that
so often cause loss of life In the mines.
Long before tho miners themselves are
affected by these gases tlio rats be
come sick and show symptoms of dis
tress. So the men keep close watch
of the rats' good health.
On the Stand.
"You say you stood up?"
"I say stood, your honor. If a man
stands he naturally stands up. You
can't stand any other way."
"Is thassoV Ton dollars for
tempt. Stand down," Kansas
City For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Results Count.
Tho American What happened to
The Tommy To tell you the truth,
I ain't quite certain. About ten min
utes ago I was 'avln a tete-a-tctu with
a Germnn sapper. He was a nlce
lookln' boy 'ad a face llko a mur
derer. We was crawlln on our stum
mlcks, when we come face to face. Ho
jays somethln' to mo In German, an
I answers him in Just as .bud language.
"What happened then?"
"Well, I 'ates to brag; but I'm 'ero
an' 'o hain't." Gxchnnge.
Chopping Him Off.
"Sny!"snarled an Impatient cus
tomer In the rnpld-llro restaurant. "Do
I get n little service, or don't I?"
"What d'ye want to have year beams
loaded Into n glass pistol and shot Into
yeh?" sarcastically returned Hclolso,
the waitress. Kansas City Star.
A folding camp stove has been de
signed that can use alcohol, wood or
even paper for fuel.
Only tho simple life Is honorable or
even decent today.
box of Imported GOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Oil Capsules. They aro pleasant i
and easy to take. Each capsule con
tains about ono dose of five drops.
Take them Just llko you would any
pill. Take a small swallow of water
If you want to. They dissolve In tho
stomach, and tho kidneys soak up tho
oil llko a sponge does wnter. They
thoroughly clennso and wnsh out tho
bladder and kidneys nnd throw off tho
inllnmmatlon which is tho cause of
tho trouble. They will quickly relievo
those stiffened Joints, thnt backache,
rheumatism, lumbago, sclntlca, gall
stones, gravel, "brlckdust," etc. They,
are an effective remedy for nil dis
eases of tho bladder, kidney, liver,
stomnch and nllled organs. Your
druggist will cheerfully refund your
money If you aro not sntlsflcd after a
few days' use. Accept only tho pure,
original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsule. None other genuine. Adv.
Cuban Capital Given Long Name,
by Royal Decree.
Has Deen Considerately Shortened to
Habann, but That Was Not Its Ap- ,
oellnflon lit 1634 .Place Mad I
Remarkable Growth.
The full name of the capital of Cuba
is Sun Cristobal de la Ilabaua. In Htlll
a rojul decree conferred upon the city
tho Hounding title, "Have del Nuevo
Mundo y Antemurnl de las Indian Oc
cldentales" which signified "Key of tho
Now World ami Hulwurk of thu West
Indies." In emphasis, the coat of arms
of the municipality bears a symbolic
key ami representations of the for
tresses of Morro, I'unto and Kuerza.
Ilabaua Is one of the sowral towns
fi'undod by the governor, Diego Ve
in -que. He placed It upon the south
const, where the town of I'atiibuuo
now stands. It was shortly removed
to Jts pros, ut po.sltlon ami rapidly It
grow to be thu chief center of tho
Island and one of the most Important
places In the new world. I.a l'uerza,
the oldest fortification In the clt, was
erected near the close of the sixteenth
century. Shortly afterward, Philip
the Second of Spnln oi tiered the con
struction of the I'imtii and .Morro
forts, for the protection of the har
bor, and at about the same time the
olllclal residence of the governor 0f
the Island was transferred from San
thtKo ile Cuba to I labium.
In lti.'O, the population of I labium
was hardly more than three thousand,
but In the following two or three dec
ades It doubled, owing to a large. Im
migration of Spaniards fiom Jamaica.
Hurlng this period, the city rose to ho
the commercial center of the Spanish
American possessions, and the npjlncl
pal rendezvous of the ro.uil Meets that
carried on the trade monopoly between
Spain and America. The walls In
closing the elt were commenced In
1071 and llulshed !10 years later.
A map of the city at the beginning
of the nineteenth century strikingly
Illustrates Its rapid growth. Then tho
residences were almost all Intramural,
or wllhlu the walls. I.argo estauclas
and huertas occupied ground which Is
now Intersected by paved stf-ets and
covered with substantial buildings.
The tlrst Impression made upon tho
visitor Is of the massive diameter of
the architecture. This' characteristic
is more pronounced than In any other
Latin-American city. Thu building ma
terial generally u-ed Is a conglomerate
of marine material, which hardens on
exposure to the air. It Is hewn Into
great blocks, and so used In construc
tion. Walls aro usually covered with
stucco or plaster, and colored In u
variety of tints. Hoofs aro either Hat,
or built of tho old Spanish tiles. Tho
effect, which la enhanced by the pres
ence almost everywhere of trees aud
bhruhs, Is pleasing In the extreme.
Tho most Interesting portion of
Hubaua Is that which formerly lay
within the walls, The houses hero
have for the most part been converted
Into business purposes, but a few per
sons still cling to their old homes.
Forbes Lindsay, In "Cuba aud Her
People of Today."
General Townshend's Triumphs.
Like a palm tree in the arid
stretches through which ho fought
stands out the selection of Gen.
Charles V. F. Townyhend to bear to
the agents of tho utiles the Turkish
offer of surrender, observed the New
York Herald recently. Two years and
a half ago, almost to a day, Gcuul
Townshend und 0,000 men, the rem
nant of his urmy of f0,000, ran up the
white Hag In Kut-cl-Amara after a
lege of 11!J days and surrendered to
the Turks, while 40,000 other Urltlsh
soldiers 10 miles uway battled Inef
fectually to break through the Turkish
ring to the beleaguered force.
Now General Townshend has ob
tained his satisfaction. That he, a
prisoner of war, should have been se
lected to carry tills fateful message,
fateful to ull Christendom, as well aa
to what remains of the Turkish em
pire, is u unique tribute to u gallant
soldier from the government ho and
those under his command served so
New Soldier.
Gen. Leonard Wood said at a din
ner In Washington:
"A now soldier Is apt to be nervou.
apt to make mistakes, but this Is no
sign of cowardice. It soon wears off.
"A new soldier was having hlsllrst
experience of night duty. Tho pass
word was 'discount.'
"As the soldier paced back und forth
In the darkness, a black llguro sudden
ly bounced up before him.
"'Halt! Who goes there?' ho chal
lenged. '"A friend,' was tho reply.
" 'Advance friend,' said the new sol
dier. Advance- and clve the discount' "
Spot to Be Avoided.
It happened In Paris. He was black,
a Yank soldier, and from .Vow Or
leans. Ho was heading toward the
Seine, when an on-coming comrade,
same color, halted him, Said the com
rade; "I'd be udvlsln' you, Lcstah,
not to go too nenh that river; they'd
likely to bo looklu' fob a molasses do
tail." A Good Catch.
"You aBk for my daughter? What
are your prospects, young mnn? Do
you own thu house you live In?"
"No, I rent It, but I have Uvo tons
of conl In tho citllar."
"Take nor." Loulsvllla Oourior-JournaL
Your meals hit back 1 Your stomach
Is sotr acid, gassy and you feel bloat
ed after eating or you have heavy
lumps of Indigestion pain or headache,
but never mind. Here Is Instant relief.
Don't stay upset I Kat it tablet of
Pape's Dlapepsln and Immediately the
lndlge.-ion, gases, acidity and all stom
ach distress cuds.
Pnpi's IUupepin tablets are tho sur
est, cp fkest stomach njlevers In the
world. They cost very little at drug
stores. Adv.
Designs Wrought by Ancient Peruvian
Dyers Have Been Given Much
Praise by Experts.
The .indents of Peru, by a curious
colncbl' ace for there could not pos
sibly In vo been any Intercourse with
their lontemporaties In India and
I'gypt- soem to hnvo used much the
saiuo Kind of processes In printing
their il.slgns upon the fabrics they
manufartured. Ilnth Herodotus and
Pliny, among early historians, have
told us about tho cloths of vegetable
liber iiiiidc by the ancients; hut In all
likelihood tho fabrics of the Peruvians
were of even a more remote date. In
some respects the methods of today
bear strong resemblance to the older
practice. The chief difference con
sists la the patterns now being en
graved upon copper rollers and several
colors being printed at ono time. Just
as todm the coloring matter of dyes
Is not dillscd by merely printing It on
the material, but Is secured by menns
of a sui'stance known as mordant, so
did the Peruvians make use of a prop
erty which caused the dye to adhero
and to withstand a test of thousands
of years' wear aud tear. Imports have
declared that In the direction of tech
nical mid artistic value the designs In
question have no equal.
-f - It Didn't Work.
The miscreant stood beforo tho
Judge, charged with cruelty to his
wife. On the hope of obtaining clem
ency ho thought he v.ould pay Ids wlt
a cheap compliment.
"Tell you right now, Judge. They
got mo wrong on this cruelty stuff.
I've got some woman. She suro Ib
hard to beat."
"Well, you seem to have overcome
all obstacles, from her appearance,"
remarked bis honor. And ho hnndcl
him tho limit.
Cntarrh Cannot Be Cured
ennnut reach tho scat of tlia tllseaao.
Cntnrrh Is n local disease, BTeutlv lnllu
encml by constitutional conditions. HALL'S
CATAimH MUDICINIS will cure cntarrh.
It Is taken Internally und acts through
the niood on tho Muc-ouh SurfaceH of the
Is comnoscd of some of tho belt tonics
known, combined with some of tho best
blood purifiers. The perfect combination
of tlm InRredlents In HALL'S CATAniUI
MKDICINE Is what produces such won
dprful resultH In catarrhal conditions.
DruBglsts 76c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney &. Co., Props., Toledo, O.
Sad Case.
"My wife Is prono to worry."
"That's bud."
"She Is Inclined to fret."
"Tho Idea now Is to pack up your
troubles In your old kit bag and smile,
smile, smile."
"Hut any thought of packing mnkes
her worse." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Dandruff and Itching.
To restore dry, falling hulr nnd get rid
of dandruff, rub Cutlcurn Ointment
Into scalp. Next morning shampoo with
Cutlcuru Soap and hot water. For
freo samples address, "Cutlcura, Dcpt.
X, Boston." At druggists nnd by mall.
Soap 2C, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv.
Snapped Him Up.
She You looked so sheepish when
you proposed.
He And you looked so wolfish when
you accepted tne.
When a man goes In politics tho chief
Interest at election Is to see how he
comes out.
cs JNv
You Are Dying By Acid
When you have Heartburn. Gas, Bloat, and that Full
after eating. TAKE ONE
Rids you of (he Excess Acid and Overload and you will fairly fed
the GAS driven out of your body THE BLOAT GOES WITH TT
Bold by drug-Rtata (rmerlly If your drtiRRtst ean't supply yem Wg box of Etonlo for
tOc, send us this adr. with your name and address and we will send It to yoa you can send
us tiie 0o after you get It. Address Eatonlo Remedy Co., 1018 8. Wabash Are., Ohleaf o, IU.
I F ii -v- 8 r. , .
Back Feel Achy After Grip?
COLDS nnd influenza lenvc thousands with wenk kidncyn
nnd aching backs. The kidneys hnvc to do most of the
work of fijhtinc off n cold or n contagious disease. They
weaken slow up. Then you feel dull nnd draggy, irritable
or nervous, and hnve hendnches, dizzy spells, lame back,
backache, sore joints nnd irregular kidney action. Give the
kidneys quick help nnd avoid serious kidney troubles. Doan's
Kidney Pills are always in unusual demand after grip epidemics
as so many people have learned their reliability. Doaris are
used the world over. They arc recommended by your own
friends and neighbors.
Personal Reports of Real Cases
Mrs. J. C. Slroh, 000 Ella St.,
Ilcntricc, Neb., says: "I gladly
recommend Doan's lvidney Pills
ns they proved very satisfactory
to mc and others in my family.
Whenever I toko cold tho trouble
settles on my kidneys. I havo
weakness and a dull ache across
my back and m' kidneys act ir
regularly. Doan's Kidney Pills
soon relievo the trouble and put
my kidneys in good order."
60c o Boxot All Stores. FoJtcpMilburn Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Mfg. Chcm.
Carter's little Liver Pills
You Cannot be .JU A Remedy That
and Happy'
Small Dote
JgGmmn hpius.
w ' '
many colorless faces but will (rrcatly help most pale-faced people
Tho Juvenile Mind.
"The Itomana built well-paved roads
leading from Homo to all Important
polntH of the empire," father was say
liiK, In illustrating a point he was mak
ing concerning ancient blMtory, which
tho elder daughter was studying.
"Those roads wero about 15 feet wide
"Mercy mo" Interjected the seven-ycnr-old
daughter, "If they wero only
15 feet wide automobiles could not
pass each other unless they barely
crept along 1"
"Tho knlser cannot exclaim with the
famous French king: "All Is lost but
"Why not?"
"Becauso his Huns never had any
honor to lose."
"They tell mo old Clnscflst has
money to burn!" wild Jinx. "Yes,"
said Wlnx, "and never a match In the
A Chicago servant girl recently stay
ed at one place six months. Then sho
was discharged from tho hospital.
! "EwryPkhtt
George V. Sexton, 721 Fifteenth
Ft., Aurora, Neb., says: "I have
been subject to attacks of kidney
complaint off nml on for the past
ten years. I always notice I feel'
worso after damp, rainy weather.
I get a ca'tch in my back whea
stooping or shoveling. At times
my kidneys arc too frequent in ac
tion and I am annoyed by having
to pass tho Kidney accretions too
often. Whenever I feel any of
these symptoms coming on I mo
Doan's Kidney Pills. They soon
relievo mc."
... j
rvi .
You can prevent this loathsotno disease from runntnff
tliroiiKh your utnblo nnd euro nil tho colts BUftcrlmr wltij
It when you bcKln tho treatment. No matter how younff.
M'OIIN'N is safe to ubo on any colt. It i.s wonderful how
It nrovont.i nil distempers, no mutter how colts or tiorsoa
at any iiro aro "exposed." Alt Rood" driiprKlnts and turf
Kooda houses nnd manufacturer! sell HfOHN'S at GO cent
and J1.15 n bottle. $5X0 and $11.00 a dnxen.
Hl'OUN MEDICAL CO., Goahcn, InL, V. 8. A.
Makes Life
Worth Living
Genuine besrs signature
Wears Pleasant Smile. '
"Is this picture llko your husbnndF
"It's llko him only when ho has hit
picture taken."
Success Is nothing more than duty,
well done.
Always proud to show white clothes.
Red Crow Hall Blue does make them
white. All grocers. Adv.
Too many men attempt to pasa
through this world on tho reputatloa
of their ancestors.
To keep clean and healthy tako Doctor
Plorco'n Pleasant relicts. Thoy regulat
liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
Food saving was at first a fad ; then
a pntrlotlc service; now u habit
A bright man usually looks on tha
bright sldo of life.
wm low H y VAI 1 1 S I r4