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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1918)
v'j F s " ,- lM it". A Newspaper That Gives The News FINy-lno Weeks Each Year For $1.50 vtoltjmjj: it ni:v cloud, xb nit ask a. vucust 2J, uns. NUMB EI? 35 I .- FFHT--ti.Lnri1fT.Mf.frf .jw wruH Death Colls Old Citizen :i DO YOU KNOW a single prosperous man who does not carry a bank account? Do you Know lhat money in the bank is a friend in need? Do you know that a bank ac count is the first step to success? If you know all these things and are not a patron of our bank, why not call today and become one? DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska Soi 1 1 Anion the inanv mutes of iiii-n who ' u'e entitW.lto i-t'Ut-iiit credit fin iify.J9n i long mnl ctlioieiit i ilni'l In bi.( i ihe I i ... I , miicii!.1 and spirit u 1 upbuildilur of must ' the communis in uhieh thev h.vo.toi'n . i mveit, i" Unit til IuIiuiiihI I rislii- who i aiisrtoiecl the Ma-tcrV suinuioiis at ji Aiuliny List tiniay, August iMih. i Mr. Filsbie's lift ilium' iilinost 'oils ! I whore he whs born He was of the ''sturdy Xei Lhigluud .stock nnd llrst i saw the licht of diiv nt oulhitigtnn, evor.v 1 1 t'oimetleut, noceinliei Mil, laXI III shoe.-. net biitluluy would Imve competed cheap" With The Colors " t. IMS. of ii lung nt (1 Jeb&ei County Bank Cipilnl and Surplus $5,000 Edward Florance, President Red Clou J, N'tbrak.1. S. R. Florai cc, Cashier l lie eighty-thud .vo.i useful Uhiistian life Miteh has been said and putdish. lie gat ding his eonituetidnlilA net it it - In Inisiiii-hH nml eotn in unity bill uii i.e. imt pet hups no grentT tilbniu em. I ; pnul tlnttl the Sttltilllent that tin. KU middl Ultifc ?. heio in Fiance, Aug tor n.i '. All:--" ii little tu ;o to sp.uo bei .ind will uiite n few lines. Af it two weeks lidmir we finall.v it thin jiliice. 1 cannot .-a Ilia' like Fiance. However, theio natty odd thing.- our mv that intei eating place, after all. j Peop'e drops so diireient. .Men, wonn ,i and children may lie .seen , 1 1 10 wearing large wooden and their clothes aie of the ' material that can lie had. I i latidi I tjxii aic m it is i. pfriim.ijm..iin m..P.-ji.iiiu ... ..... ...,. -- ... - I ?'J'"'"'"""i"''''''rjiaiiuiEU There is a Difference in Lenses Of , wcalti o.vqia ' win t "o. iiiwci ".. .1 all the later ye irs of his life In 1 ' his turn ly e usely together .11 li-itli . ROY SATTLEY Undertaking Licensed Embalmcv in Kansas, ami Nebraska ruivv .r. t Horse Hearse Auto Hearse Complete. Line of Up-to-date Furniture, Rugs, Etc. - r - home nml business nssoPintiohs lie enine to lied Cloud in .tml entired iutu n pa ttier-ldp Willi .lulni .' I'ultet, building iiiul eondueMiig Hie Ke I i;iond iMids located snuth of the i' lv. Intel ho pin chased Him AiiH,V .Mills audopei'Hlcd tlieiiiuiittl Iiio.itli itit liuwgh lor J eats, his giounup 'ii hud the nelive cluiige theieef Mi. Insbie was n li A. It man. Wo bAp. orifB. 1 a fiei, Bmall . A u r.( tlioio aic the nioro M chiRfcii, but you can see that w 1 g poncibly available to help ja ar is In'ing api.Ied to that M Eveicne who popMblv (an, i"CT. Yov soldrfm tee a man of re or a young man e.v'it in of their counliy. 1. girls, boys ard e'd g'a.v d men are rill winking at g. You we thrm harvesting oops or woiking in the fact even saw a woman fiiftnan 01 1' enjfine. 1 ail toad engine line aie (1 veiy odd thaped. 1 beli-e 1 1 lie iut in the coal fmiei 01 a Uni!"il States eng;ne. 'I'he coaches fn r si ti.ii ntnil inln thiio rl!M..rj fPlio having &e veil his co.inlry tin o,,fcrh the :firnt (!a;B coachl,hi uscil bv tho llph OtvllWur. Keenly Intetesied In eh.u eh (( arc &onicwhul simihu. l0 0Ul. work, h generous givor. a kind fntlier, Caf5riomo only not half as large. ii -iiL-eu'siiu uiiMiicas man, nun a uigii ly respected citizen, memory of him and ills deeds, is chutished by u huge chcleof Webster county people. Just as thoio is between 11 piece nf iuip gold nml that eoiitiining alloy. Tliu lenses useil liy me are the finest that can be lutd. TIicm) come In the lough anil are gtound until they esaetly meet the reqniii iiients of jour piiiticultir tiouble. (Jne cannot be too careful about the eyes The mat tor ol a dollar or so should not enter into the calculation. This stnie refuses to ask inr 0111 patronage by juice alone the uuio Is the thi,ng des.reil by me or well as youisolf. liven to, you vill find the chnige itnnstially low, tulcliig into consider itton t'ic highqualiiy. ri'V bt to the interest of) our eyes to ha;; them examined here B. H. NEWHOUSE Jcwalcr and Optometrist ETC U. & Q. Watch Inspector Ilpftldes Iii wlilovv he is survived by tho following ons nn.t daughters: Charles, Finnic, Sylvester, of Ainboj: Lucious of University Place, Neb.; Mrs Harvey Cox,.liniusville, Floiida; aud Mis. George Chase of Washington state; also four stepsons: Dr. Hobeit Mitchell aud J. C Mitchell, of Ked Cloud; t has Mitchell of Orange. Cal.; and W A Mitchell of lleiesford, S U. FuneiHl seivlces were held fiom tho Am boy home Tuesday afternoon, in charge of Rev. F. M. Druliiier, pastor ot the M. C. Church of this city. Music was renJeied bj a helect qtinr tet with a special solo by Mr. iilen Walker The lour sous and two stepsons act ed as pnl I beai els and interment was in Ited Cloud ceinetoiy. A Good Woman Gone Mn.. J. 0. I.indley, mother of Win. Lindlev, who is in the lostauiunt business on lower paed away last THUiinTi I would piefer tiding in an oidinaryj a.h at home to one of these. I am sine it would be moio com foi table. Tin second-chi'S coaches are ory small and cheap looking things. Only foT wheels to a conch. The doors op n on the sides into separate corn pa' intents, of which thcic aie five to eai'i car, each compnrtnicnt holding cigl t people. So you see, foity people make a load, unless they ate ciowded. 'IT cushions aie pietty nice and there tin small lace cuitains on the win-' dm !. Tho thiid-class cats arc just tin amo as bo cais only they have winldws and seats in them. I tell you,1 tin hoys laughed when they first saw a Iionch mil toad tiain. j i!ic people aie so dificicnt fiom oiii- in everything. For example, many of them cannot handle two hoi-es so they hitch one horse in fiont of the other and u man drives or.f and leads tho other. We saw in.ii v teams of oven hauling the var-! in. pieces of machinery thev use In 1 e wheat is lipe and from the car Webster street, w ' ow looks like a dandy crop. I'ait Friday, August of is already cut. It is cut with a i:iul, at the homo of her t.on George si .0, tied in bundles and s-hocked. at Culbcroton, whoie shf was at that,V' idfio, saw a narahor of tho&e hvge ! time lcsiding. wii mills such as we read about and Death was due to the infumities of i ci," aiavated by a severe fall which -he .-.uttered over a year ago. I "Grandma Lindley," as slie was f( '"ictuies of in tho good old V. S. 3teulay, while at the Y. M. C. A. 1 '!penod 1" mn ac-o.-s the two 'I'Vs who went with me i.p fiom Open Day and Night M1 HWW1WI1 IJIMtWy WWHWH1iHWI 1W Will inw maw BitwunmmiwiiiiwniMmMHMM AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope familiarly known, was Angelina, H 'JB3 to enli-t. I recogni7ed them 'lrtrtlrt l.f,n In Irifli.ii.n !., 1 CO? n.,.1 .it i rW 'Cllftl. ii'.n.f iM.vlil rt.l Irt ll.. .uv., .will ill 4IIIIIIIIIII ill JUUI, illlll k -i-. i .i.-( t , iv iiiit vm w iw.- therefor SI ycais of ago. P'-' lakes while I was waiting for In lS.r)7 she was married to J. O.'thi waiver. I was the fn.-t fellow Lindley. Seven childien weie.boin tolwlnm they knew, that they had seen his union. Tho family camo west to du g tho si weeks they had been Kaunas in 1ST!) and thiee years later hen Wo had a dandy visit. came hero and engaged fiist in the I ?!' letter is getting lengthy, so I noticr quit and leave something lite about tomonow. You have i tso to worty, for this is a large Wo have plenty to eat,, a fine i of barracks to sleep in and I Qlhltf fine. ato a long vajs from the fir line but get the news heie tiny at noon. Tho boys heaid .1 today that a ' noted jjennal ve would have the Hun lickrd v'Ould bo home for Chrisfnu . . Hollovo me they vero happ.v. often because there is nothing . letter fiom home. I hotnl and aftei vv:iiil In lostninnnt ha business. Thoy resided in Ked Cloud to up to tho time of Mr. Lindley's death no which occuri eu lour years ago. Since cm that tune Mrs. Lindley lias made lier'b"' home with her sun'ivlng children at am their re.-pective places of residence, j Thej are Charles and Willjam of,lm Ked Cloud, George of Culbei-ton.Mm. cm Wm. Wood of McCook, and Mrs.,!'" Thiers of Culhcrston. These w Jilt the ' f u grandchildren and other relatives an moutn tho departuvo of tho good, din woman whoso life was an unusual Wi exemplification of Chvit.tian kindli- lik ness. I " - 1 ledge ar& at your service. We want to render greater service than the mere selling of electric current. Our experts will plan every detail of wiring, lighting and arrangement of electrical conveniences for tho home, office, store or factory. We ore always glad to advise you how to get the most out of the current you us.e-for example, how you can enjoy 3 times t as much li'to by replacing carbon lamps with Ldison Mazuaa. Our lighting experts will confer wilh you or your architect and help determine the best places, for running wires and tho best positions for lights Thisadvisorv ser vi.c U without cost to you. 'Phono for it rodey. $ W. STEVENS Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical "-- -. .--.r ..,-...!.. mmr..-n1aTn I Schulcr V. Hayes, - .1 i '-r XT t . .! It f II .. runerai services were conducted ty. l. : .nvat Aviauon aiation. i-aniiiac iinti'liot " Vol. n. Xo 1 a unlnuonub kcv. ,1. i4. iicetn; at the v.nnsttan vine ue, r.iance. caie r. w. .n. j. , .. ,,, . tll ,, j chinch in this city Sunday afteinoon, ' and intcrmont was besitlo her hus band in Jowell county, Knnsn We are in reilepr of a copy of "The atehet," Vol. fi, Xo 1, a unlqu lieation issued on the high sons by tho UlacKleg Ilhicldeg is again taking its toll in the county. Some 15 head have been i-.j ,- ii i!,r l i i!n nn.. . later County Fuimert Inatiliite bj8 "ROlnK ovo, - If- ,, nlfiy tluee '' " "'" '"" "'" '"" , , , C.0, m 1,0 OCobo,; 22.23- co, . , , w , ;-' J J ra .Bill ais Pay You r -,;, 2I'L IhiS V" Kl7 U1 f n tha, do "ot ,'tJ"ot,'utlt'- "Vte wnv for the farmer to produce moro j reiMirer C. D R ,....r, nr n a chance to '-.t their ,, lhoilhl ll0lIll.. rillt. l to ,03.C3 tlml ii L '. . ! v v c i l wo inoin' later, A ' v.-ill he , ' ', i , i .. i.:i. i.o. I- Mm. ' ,M,r, tl, ntcst fo, f.. best llj,1. Slock ' 'V flol ' ll "w' ,p" w- jj.hrnsos in tho.e animals which ho rfH . 1 titi m n i i ! I a i m s $ Jud ig team is' tied on h i trip across. ' wqZSM"ig'-B