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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1918)
2irtMmtvfw vwtmOntftmn'timitsrjt'mm. . war . "trrtlJv-rfJfct, -lyi "" SD OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIBP lvu i u I- I M U 5 M i It ft i 5 ii IT Geo Trine RED CLOUD We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a ii LAVAL .-,., CREAM SEPARATOR Lots of your neighbors arc using Dc Lavals. Have you ever asked any of them how they like their j machines ? S Their judgment and experience ought to interest you. Why not make a few inquiries? t-"w You'll find that in every case the De Laval is giving more cream and better cream; that it is easiest to operate ; very seldom get3 out of order and never seems to wear out. -v --'- . Your neighbors will back up what wc have been telling you about the De Laval. So will any of the 2,125,000 De Laval users. Talk it oyer will) your i neighbor. Ws will tell rou a NEW De Laral on cur term. Come In, examine the machine end talk It over. ROY SATTLEY Undertaking r if Licensed Embalnicr in Kansas and Nebraska t ' -. : '.." . f w i "' MMf aft Horse Hearse i jflHiiif Hearse vafi! -r .V , f &J ft Completed Line of Up-to-date Furniture, Rugs, Etc. rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Hod Cloud. Nebraska. .'UBlilSHBD EVERY THUHSDAY Juttrcxl In tlic l'nti fluent Hid Cloud, Neb as Second CIiish Matter QUIGLEY d. BROWNE, Ediicn rd Pullnncn MIK ONLY nr.MOeilATIU PAl'KK IN Germany pruning for' war, mny soon pray for peace. ' Someone has discovered that it takes GOOO bees to weigh one pound. It's a safe hot that the party never had a bee sit down heavy on the end of liis nose. Nebraska Stands High Recently issued figuie.1 of the De pa1 tment of Agu'cultuie j1iow that .Wbiaskn stood thlid in 1017 in the p oduction of berf cattle and fourth In pioduction of hogs, coin and oats.' n tomtit Omnlm. Jtimprd fioml fomth to thiid place the first hulf of j 1!)1R in leceipts of cattle. Omaha hog uceipts incicascd moio than those of I nny other lurgc maiket. Omaha jumped from sixth to third place in wheat receipts, from sixth to fifth in oat receipts. Omaha maintains its position ns the second corn maiket, with a much larger increase than any other largo market. FOR UMTED STATES SENATE In May 1917 thcic was over $5 be tween the wheat cost and the price of a ban el of flour. This year theie is less than 70 cents between the two. And the kicker who kicked about Hoover and his pi ice contiol is still on the job. K'-ep in mind that the "Star Spang led Banner" is the national anthem. Theie is no other. Many aie unn waie of this and rise to their feet or lcmovo their hat when other patriotic mu&ic is rondeted in public assemblies. Wo have seen this occur luno in Red Cloud. It is not lerniiicd and is a display of more patriotic zeal than knowledge. The distiibution of the entiio sugar output of the countiy has been taken over by the Food Administration and will be diiectcd through the Sugar Equalization Board, which is headed by Hcibcit Hoover, United States Food Administrator. The Board is capitalized for $5,000,000 and is em powered to buy and sell any and all sugar. Through this means the Food Administration hopes to keep the price of sugar down to the consumer. Political Announcements A fee nl $5.00 w III lie clinrticil lor all parties announcing their cnntllrincy (or olllcc In this column, whether republican or democrat. Hint will lie rtm until the l'rlnmry Election 111 UKUSt. Candidate for County Judge I hereby announce myself a n candi date for the olllce of County Judge, tit Hit1 pi imary election to beheld Aug. otli, 1913, subject to the will of the ekefors of Wei'-'ei County A I) Ra.nni For County Treasurer. I licicbv announce myself ns a I'niirtldutb for the olllce of County Tieasuici of Webster County subject to the wishes of Deinuf latic voteis tit the August primaries. At.itEm V Diuu.ii. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myf-clf us a candidate for the olllce of County 1'iensurer of Webster County, subject to the nppioval of the Republican voters at the primnry election in August. Fiunk Starr. American's exports to the allies and neutral nation have reached enormous amounts in the last year. Herbert Hoover, in a summary of the accom plishments to President Wilson, saysV "The shipments of meats and fats to the Allies in 1917 amounted to 2,166, 500,000 pounds; in 1918, 3,011,100,000 pounds, an increase of 844,600,000 pounds. For the same periods the shipments of cereals and cereal pro ducts weie 259,900,000 bushels as against 340,800,000 bushels, a gain of 80,900,00 bushels. "These greatly in cicascd shipments have been made possible through two activities the BTeai conscrvuuon oi xne American people and the increased production by the farmers. A n For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself ns a can didate for the olllcc of County Treas urer of Webster County subject to the wishes of the Democratic voters at the August primaries. O. A. Arnold. 'A tcHS"1 Drop In. at the Schuitz & Schaal f for First class portraiture enlarging, copying, new work, amateur finishing, etc. YOUR PATP.0NACE APPRECIATED FoniviEn covcnNon SOHW H. MOREHEAP New Idea of Primitive Man. A new Idea of primitive man was put forward by an Irish professor re cently, lie slates that the diieet an cestors of primitive man never went on all-fours, had lived in trees, and, by climbing up and down the trunks, cultivated the upright habit of the hu man nice, lie points out that the fore limb was never used only as a sup port for the body. It seems qulto credible, however, that they may have, gone on three legs, using one ns a hand when required, nnd this might account for the general use of tho right hand In man. ' J. L. BEEBE Red Cloud, Nobrraska Democratic Car.dleato lor Representative 40th Dist. Platform of Principles llatlllcntlnu ol the federal Prohibit Hon AiinjiKliiicnt. Iticnll nl public oillclala Mho fait to enforce law or ropiescnt enlightened public sentiment. Maximum cllleltno In the adminis tration or public nilniri. the conserva tion of luihlk 'funds and tho elimina tion of useless governmental expense. Protection of the producer and con Htiuii r ncalnsthc prollKer, nnd the enc'ournucnunt of all legitimate busi ness. AMInt: and r tenillnu rural educa tion and a thorough Indoetrluatluu ol all people In the fundamental princi ples ol American citizenship. Standardizing, Improving and mak Iiik Kood roads. Conservation and development ol Hoclal nnd natural resources. Ample protection of nil patriotic cltlens In life, property, reputation. Loyalty to tho boys In the trenches; protection of their legal, commercial and Industrial rl)its nt home, nnd preferential recognition upon tbrlr re turn, bo Inr as (uallilcatlou will admit, Absoluto loyalty to tho Administra tion In Us etlortR to win tho present war and establish world democracy. For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself ns a can didate for the olllce of County Treas urer of Webster County subject to the wishes of the Democratic voters at the August primaries. C. It. Rakestkaw, Ulnden. For County Clerk I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho office of County Clerk of Webster County subject to the wishes of the Democrat!: voters at the Au gust primaries. 13. F. PKitnv. Electric Wiring F you want your home Sore or garage wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete. Everything : Electrical Our prices are right, workmanship the best and material guaranteed. We order any special fixtures you want and install them satisfactorily. Let us figure on your next job. E. W. STEVENS The Live Wire -The Chief The Passing of Autocracy Piobably there is little in the life of today that comes closer to the heaits and homes of Webster county than news of tho great allied defense and thrusts in the war zone. The sons of our citizens arc in it; the safety of our homes depends on it; the prayers of our people are for it; in our hearts and our souls we are with it. It is a battle striving for peace. It is a war by which wars shall cease. History is being made so lapidly that the lushing daily papers confess inability to give up-to-the-minute re-coids. G(eat, black and red headlines tell us the "Gorman Drive is a Failuio," "Huns Uesist Desperately Hut In Vain;1' "Ameiicans at tho Heels of a Fleeing Foe," "Enemy Routed, Killed and Captuicd by Thousands." And many moie in various degrees and modifications until tho enthusiastic and patriotic render is haully to be blamed for thinking that tho war will be ended in a short time. Details nro of dating achievements; patriotic praise.) ; exploits of Amer ican, Fionch and English soldieiy nil of which inspire confidence and at the same time confuse cool conclu sions. Tho ciux of it all is that the allies have parried a dnnecrous onomv drive; have at last gained tho upper hand; havo assumed the offensive, and nro pei haps fighting the greatest battle of the world. It does not follow that the end is in sight. It docs not follow that tho road to Berlin is open. Tho Cential Powers will fiuht los- perately until utterly crushed. And until tins is accomplished there must bo no relaxing. Keep tho Hun on tho run I Reverses mny occur, aro almost cer tain to occur. Hear in mind, however, tho set-backs of the Allies aro tem porary; the German losses are irre parable. Ameiica has fresh man-power and almost unlimited supplies to diaw on; four years drain on German resources has them well-nicht exhausted. Thov cannot keep up with tho present rate of los3. Which means thnt tho doom of Germany is scaled. This general break, cannot bo cx pected immediately. Rut it is coming, coming rapidly. ' On to Berlin! w ' "T For County Clerk t hereby announce myself as a candi date.for tho ofllce of County Clerk of Webster County subject to the wishes of the Republican voters nt the Au gust primaries. H. A. Roats. tfWnVVVA".VAV-SV".V.V.V.V.V.V.VJ,.V."-VV-V.VVVSA f Talk Olith Us flboat IiUffiBER j For County Assessor I hereby announce myself ns a can didate for the ofllce of County Assessor of Webster county subject to the ap proval of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held in August. C. A. Heiiiiick. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself B9 a can didate for re-election to the ofliee of SherifF of Webster County, subject to the approval of the Democratic voter? nt the August primaries. FltAXK IIl'FFr.It. Jlalone-GellatlyGo.f vyvvvr-VJV-v.v.vvAV.v.vAr.VJvvvuvvviv iftvvViVJVAJV.v-AvAV..vv.v.v-v.JfcAvv Hearse s H orse For Sheriff L-hereby announce uivself as a can didate for the olllce of Sheriff of Web ster County subject to the wishes of the Democratic voters at the August primaries GRANT CHRISTY. For County Superintendent I hereby announce that I tarn a can didate for nomination as County Su perintendent on the non-partisan tick et at tho primary election August 20. I will appreciate your support ESTELLE DUCKER i Auto Hearse - ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING (LADY ASSISTANT) Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. AFMNWJVJVWtMVWWWWJWAFMMNWMm!l For County Superintendent I herebyatinonncc myself as h enn didate fortbo nlllco of County Super intendent at tho ptluinry election to be held Auuust auth, 19l8, 6u'njcct to the will of the volets of WebstT count. Ji:-sn: Ki:i.i.O(i(i. For State Representative 46th District I hereby announce myself as a candi date for ro-eleotion to tho ofllce of State Representative, 10th District, NebrnsUa, subject to the wishes of tho Republican voters nt the August pri maries. M. P. RICKARD For State Representative 46th District 1 hereby announce tnysolf as a can didate for election to tho olllco of Stuto Representative, 4(ith Dlstriot, NebrnsUa, subject to tho wishes of the Uomocratiu voters at tho August pri- lunrlos . L. HKKIin. For State Representative Thu libt of candidates shows but lit tle reprcbcntntion in the eastern part Uif tho county which would nppreclttto Bfbnsideratton. unviug iueci ior inu oiiicc oi ouuu Represuntutivo for Webster County (District 10) I beg tho Democrat Voters to carefully consider, First the ability Second the location and final ly vote fot tho welfare of our county aud state and we will cheerfully abide by your decision. ' Dn 1. A. Pace, Guide Rock, Nebr. We solicit a share of your patronage during 1918 PL ATT & FREES Another Good Chance For an Irrigated Farm Write me soon about your chances of gottlng hold of a Government-lrri. g.itod farm thlb Autumn in the new J10,00()-acro irrigated tract near Deavor, Wyo , along the Burlington's main line through the Big Horn Basin. Tho whole tract is riht next, to tho prosperous (lovernmont-irrlgatcd locality at I'owell, Wyo. All a caudldato neods to do is to look at thy Powoll locality with Its $200-por aero farms to get an Idea of the values ahead of him If ho is successful in securing one of those, new Oovcruincnt farms. Theso lands when opened will bo taken at once, but I consider it my duty to get this early word to the earnest candidate for an irrlgatod falm. S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry 1001 Farnutn St. Omaha, Nobr. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. i A 1. X jiy,, WSsl? ''iyx!,, --,SS?r gWfcMSWS