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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1918)
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF - J- -! 1 ) ,' hi - i i v, K I ; .1 i n H I I R IO IM 1 I" V o i H ; 1 TO BBIDGETHE SEIS BIXTY-FOUn SHIPS TAKE INITIAL DIP JULY FOURTH THIRTY-NINE ARE OF STEEL Fourteen More Held Dnck by Freshet The Aggregate Tonnage Is 34r,5G4 Philadelphia. Tlio grcnt Fourth of July splash of American Rhlps took plnco na planned by the shipbuilders of tlio United States. From one inln Uto after 12 o'clock at night, when tlio first ship was launched nt Superior, Wis., until lalo In tho day, cargo-carriers and other typo of vessels wore sent overboard In every part of tho country to help build tho ocean bridge for tho allied fighting forces In Europe Tho olllccs of tho emergency licet cor poration were kept open all day and lato Into tho night to rccclvo ollklat report of the launchlngs. Complcto reports gavo tho number of vossels sent overboard as sixty-four, of which thlrty-nino were steel and tho other twonty-flvo wood. Those figures do not Include tho launching of naval vcbbcIb "which aro being built directly under tho super vision of tho navy department. On tho Pacific coast the emergency fleet corporation inado a world's rec ord by launching 47,800 dead weight tons. A second record was broken khcro by building one of tho ships, tho Defiance, a 12,000-ton boat, In thirty eight days. Iuunedlatcy after tho launching six keels were laid, making a third record. At Portland fourteen ships were held hack by an unexpect ed froshet In tho Columbia river. Cardinal Martlnelll Is Dead i Rome Cardinal Sebastian Martin till, prefect of tho sccrcd congrega tion of rites, and former papal dolo Cato to the United States, is dead. Cardinal Martlnelll wob tho second opostollc delegate to tho United States, jBorving from 189C to 1902, when ho ro turned to Homo. Ho was born In San 'Anna, Itnly, on August 20, 1S-J8, and was created and proclaimed cardinal ion April 15, 1901, during his scrvlco :in tho United States. From 1907 to 1909 ho wns chamberlain of tho sacred 'collcgo and was ninth on tho list of cardinal priests in order of precedence. Congratulations from Mexico Mexico City. A Fourth of July mes sage from President Carranza to Presi dent Wilson nnd tho American pooplo was niado public here, as follows: "It is very gratifying for mo to scud your excellency and tho American people on tho glorious nnnlversnry celebrated to 'day, most cordial congratulations from tho Mexican pcoplo and government. 'At tho samo tlmo I am pleased to ex 'press my most Blncero and strong wishes for tho prosperity of the United States, with a wish that pcaco nnd Justice soon will bo reigning forovor on both continents. Executed at Camp Dodgo Camp Dodge. On tho grounds, whore four months ago thoy began their military training, nnd In view of tho entlro 88th division, three Alabama negroes Fred Allen, nobort Johnson and Stanley Trnblo swung from tho gallows, paying tho penalty for attack ing a seventeen-yenr-old white girl on tho cantonment grounds. Nino minutes after nine, three whlto privates on- jcloBed In booths and out of Bight of tho jtroops drawn up in review formation, sprung tho traps that sent tho blacks to their dishonorable death. To Control Wire 8ervlce Washington. President Wilson has sent a special request through congres sional leaders that tho house and sen late pasB before tho recess tho resolu tion empowering him to take over tho telegraph, telephone, radio nnd cablo systems of this country. Tho presi dent's action was expected in adminis tration quarters to result in passage of the measure. If persisted in, opposi tion to tho legislation may hold con (gross from recess indefinitely. Wealthy Mine Owner Murdered Minneapolis. Tho body of Reuben Kuethc, a wealthy mtno owner and oil .oporntor, of this cltl was found In tho Mississippi river hero, badly bruised nnd with a bullet hole in It. Police express tho bollef that ho had been murdered. Negotiable papors on oil property in Kansas nnd Wyoming to taling moro than $28,000 wero found along tho river bank. Second Great Fire at Kiev Moscow. havo been received of tho Becond big flro nt Kiev, whlon destroyed buildings in nn nrca live Tnllnn nnlinrn l?notnrlnn ririnUa mill.. (. .... , .....- , uarrncuB, woon aim grain imrgeB, nu well nB n brldgo across tho Dnejpcr river, wero uurneu. Sink Five U-Doats An Atlantic Port. Destruction In European waters of flvo German sub marines by British transports nnd by American nnd British dostroyers con voying them, was described by pnsBon gors who arrived hero on an English liner. Tho transports, ono of which was carrying 7,000 Amdrlcnn soldiers to Europe, accounted for threo of tho U-boats and tho destroyera sank tho other two, according to tho voyagers. lOfllcerB of the liner confirmed their storlos, A MILLION NOW 0VC3 Over Six Hundred Thousand Sailed During Past Month Washington. American troops Bcnl overseas numbered 1,019,135 on July 1. This was made known by President Wilson, who gavo to tho public a lottor from Secretary Baker disclosing n rec ord of achievement which tho presi dent said "must cause universal satis faction" and which will give additional zest to our national celebration of tho Fourth of July." Tho first units non-combatnnt left Aiucrlmir shores on .May 8, 1917. en: oral Pershing followed twelve day's later and at tho end of tho month 1,718. men had started for the battlefields of France. Juno saw this number In creased by 12.2G1, and thereafter khakl-clad "crusntlers" from tho west ern republic Howled overseas In a steady stream until upwards of 300,000 had departed when tho great German thrust began Inst March. President Wilson's determination to meet Germany's supremo effort with tho utmost of America's available man power to assist tho desperately resist ing French nnd British armies is sharply rcllected In the movement of troops during the Inst threo months. Tho March sailings of 83,811 were In creased In April to 117,212. May saw another 244,345 men cmbnrk nnd last month 270,372 were senT away, making a total for tho threo months of 037,929 This put tho troop movement bIx months ahead of the original schcdulo. Many Killed In Explosion Syracuse. Sixteen persona wort killed nnd two hundred injured and the huge plant of the Semet-Solway com pnny at Split Rock, near hero, virtu ally wrecked by two explosions ol trlnltrotuluol. Terrific concussloui from tho explosions of the war powdci rocked lnrgo business buildings In th center of this city, smnshed plate glaBi windows and caused a panic in the residential district. The explosion followed a fire thai had raced beyond control and spread to tho "T. N. T." vats. Aid was sent from Syracuse, but al midnight (ho water system brokt down. Fivo hundred workers wero In the plant when the fire broke put. Itt origin has not been ascertained. Thf workers fought the flumes nnd wher. they ran to safety were caught In thi first explosion. Draft Men May Volunteer Lincoln. Nebraska state hcadquai tcrs is advising locnl boards that until July 17 applications may bdrecelvctt from registered men, Including thq 191S clans, to volunteer for Induction Into tho engineer corps. A registrant desiring to volunteer should communl( cato with his local board. No guar; anty Is given that his application will bo accepted, but on above dato Btato headquarters will wlro to Washington tho number of volunteers In each oc cupation. If less nro ordered accepted thnn aro offered, It is likely that the local boards will accept thoso who ar first to volunteer. Only whlto men qunllfled for general military service may bo accepted. . Iron Crosses Among Yankees Paris. The German emneror has distributed iron crosses galoro among tho American forces. Tho dlstrlbiif tlon wns not direct, but via tho chests of soldiers Germany considers her best, iiuvuig nn iron cross is a ind among- mo Americans. Nearly cvory prisoner; tnken has one, nnd fow rotaln them. Thoso nro probably overlooked during tho excitement of battle and tho hurrj to get tho prisoners to the rear. Mexican Revolt Is Nipped Nognlcs. Twenty nersona hnil heim. apprehended hero and at Sasnbei miy-uvo inues wesi on mo internal tlonnl boundary, as a result of tho activities of American and Mexican government authorities. Tho arrests followed nn investigation of a plot to foment a revolution in Mexico which was revealed in a confession made by, a Mexican arrested recently in No-' gnles, Sonora. Fleet Delivered to Germans Stockholm. Tho drendnnughtB Vio la and Deinokralla nnd six destroyers of the Russian Black Boa licet havo nr rived at SobaBtopol. Their crews wero disarmed by tho Germans nnd forced to loavo tho city Immediately. In tho revolt nt Novo-Rossusk (200 miles oast! of SebaBtopol) tho Russians blew .up' tho dreadnaught Svobodnaya-Rossla' and ten destroyers. Given Wage Increase Now York. Announcement that ex-, press company employes throughout tho country will receive nn incrensn in. wages dating from July 1 was mnda hero by Georgo C. Taylor, president of tho Amorlcnn Railway Express com pany, which on July 1 took over tho express businoss on all tho railroads of tho United StntCB. Ship Production Amazing Washington. Ship production in tho United States in Juno amounted to 280,400 deadweight tons, making tlm, total 1918 production to date l,084,C7(lj tons. Tho Juno production, which It; nt tho rate of 3,304,800 tons a year, is, a new record for tho United Statos and Is tho largest output of ocean-going tonnngo evor completed In any ono month by any nation. It comes within 15,000 tons of tho world's record for shipbuilding made by tho British ship yards In May, but which Included all clnBBos of VOESOlS. S ALLIED ARMIES NOW ABLE TO CHANGE TACTICS NO -LONGER ON DEFENSIVE 'Major Aggressive Operation I m pond. Ing American Air Service Reverses Conditions Washington. Increasing mnn-powei and rapidly extending control of tho nir havo permitted the adoption of a pew policy for General Foch. It is he jliavcd that tho sequence of tho hard Jocnl blows struck recently by nlllcd troops shows a now phase Is develop ing which might expand into a major operation. Reports of tho recent suc cessful strokes nro taken to lndicnto Genernl Foch no longer feels tho no cesHlty of kocplng on the defensive tc coiscrvo his forces. Tho fact that tho Germans hnvo been completely sur prised la believed to bo duo to tho work of tho airmen. American aid has served to change the tide of tho fighting. Tho American nttacks around Chateau Thierry, tho French operations at SoIb sons nnd tho British operntlons on the Somme nnd In Flanders probably wore prompted by tho weakness of tho inomy nt those points. Coinage Records Broken Washington. All coinage records of tho United States mint wero broken during the fiscal year ending Juno 30j both for valuo and number of new, pieces of inonoy. A total number off 714,139,119 now coins wero. made wlthi a value of $43,596,895 against $25,445, 148, coined In 1917. The number of pennies was greatly increased andj tho mint turned out 528,351,479 cent, pieces beforo the public need was snti lsflcd. Tho nickel showed no such in-, crease, tho number coined In 1918,t amounting to $2,723,278, was only' slightly greater than in tho preceding! year. Silver coins also came out of tho mints in greater numbers. Theroi wero 24,105,440 half dollars made) against 9,179,800 during the previous, year, and 45,223,400 quarters in com-t pnrlson with 19,678,000 made in 1917. There woro 116,458,800 now dimo? made as against 87,542,000 in 1917. Sultan of Turkey Dead Amsterdam. Mohammed V, sultan of Turkey, ia dead, says n Constanti nople dispatch received hero by way of 'Vienna. Mohammed V, thirty-fifth sov ereign of Turkey in direct descent of the houso of Ostnan, catuo to tho throno by a coup-d.'etnt on April 27, 1909,'havlng been hold a prisoner by his brother, Sultan Abdul II, in tho royal palace and gardons in Constanti nople for thlrty-soven years. At his accession ho espoused tho cause of tho young Turks, tho party in opposi tion to tho form and ceromony of his brother's reign. Upon tho deposition of Abdul, Mohammed was wolcomed by them as n champion of freedom. Million Dollar Fire In Texas Orange. Officials of tho department of justice, in co-operation with Texas and Louisiana officers, aro conducting a rigid investigation into tho causo of! tho flro which destroyed tho entlroj plant of tho Orango marltimo corpora-, (lion on tho Louisiana sldo of tho Sahlno jiver, valued at $1,000,000 and threo, ihalf-complotcd 2,200-ton schooners ;vnlucd at $225,000 each. Two men aro. Kinder arrest. Their names are with-, S old. Charred bodies of two men, one,1 olioved to bo a contractor of New '-York and that of an old man Overdoing Regulation Now York. A suggestion of tho (council of national defense that, as a ,war measuro, Christmas gifts this year (bo confined toan exchange of cards nnd letters, Is mooting with opposition from merchants in all parts of tho country, according to an announcement jby tho retail dry goods association. TIicbo merchants, it is stated, consider (that sufficient regulation has boon' placed on non-essentials by tho gov ernment at the sourco of production. Warned to Stop Speculation Washington. ReportB of coutlnuodj jpeculation in woolens causod tho in-' dustricfl hoard fb send notice to dealers1 in woolen piece goods that profiteering! iIb detrimental to tho public welfare pud Is contrary to tho. industrial policy ,ns outlined by tho president. In a preJ vIous warning tho bonrd said drastic, 'action would bo taken unless specula tion censed. s Miss Rankin for Senate Washington. Miss Jeanetto Rnnkln, reprosentntlvo from Montana, has an nounced she will ho n candidata foil tthe republican nomination to tho sen Uto to succeed Senator WalBh. The -.nominating primaries will bo August, !27, and Miss Rnnkln said, at present there Is no other republican candldatu Disarming the Populace London. A press dispatch from Dub lin says tho police at BalllnaBloo, coun4y Gnlway, havo raided farm ,1ioubq8, seizing hundreds of guns nnd arms, The ralda extended into tho ad joining counties of Roscommon aud Kinks. Thero was no resistance, ex ,cept in a few instances whero tho pres ence of arms wns denied, brt tho Iweapons woro surrendered. Tho people '.woro "Surprised, not expecting aucb (drastic action in view of tho reccul firoclnmatlon of Viscount French, call ng for recruits. M FFME SHORT STATE NOTES News of Nebraska Told In Condensed Form Ono hundred Hebron homo guards nro helping tho Thayer county fann ers hundlu tho wheat crop. Several school districts ln Giigo county voted to lssuo $50,000 worth of bonds to build u consolidated school house nt Fllley. Refining plants to cost In the neigh borhood of $0,000,000 are In course of construction hi tho potash districts of western Nebraska. A large miiuiiut of grulu was de stroyed Jy flro when lightning struck the Farmers' Grulu Elevator at Scotln. The elevator, which burned to tho giotmd, will bo rebuilt. A summer school to train buys "ul girls lu stenography to replace men In war bus betn organised by the wo man's council of defense of three townships In Gagu county. Fire of an unknown origin partially destroyed thu building occupied by the Custer County Republican nt Broken Bow. Tho plant of the Republican was severely damaged. Speaker Champ Clark of tho lower houso of congress, It Is said, will speak nt the meeting of tho democratic state convention at Hastings, July UO, If J congress Is not In session then. Sugar sales by wholesalers to re tailers hereafter shall be limited to not more titan n two weeks' supply, according to u ruling promulgated by the food administration for Nebraska. The world's record price for heavy beef cattle, selling on the open mar ket, ,was established at tho South Omaha market when Jl!l steers, ship ped by Elmer Graham of Creston, this state, sold for $18.2." per hundred. The lloldrege commercial club has been organized into squads nnd Is help, lug In the harvest fields In the com munity. Lnbor Is very scarce In Phelps courty nnd neither the stnto nor the government has been nble to meet the demnnd for harvest help. A circular has been sent to local au thorities by the State Council of De: fense ndvlHing them not to permit or ganizations that promulgate nlleged disloyal or unpatriotic literature and propaganda to hold meetings. It Is presumably alined at the Nonpartisan league, which the council recently nskcil to leave tho state. NebraskVs campaign for Wnr Sav ings societies hnd u whirlwind finish Inst Friday. Rallies ami meetings were held nil over tho state In com munity centers nnd business houses. High hopes nro held out by lenders of tho movement thnt the 10,000 Wnr Savings Societies Nebraska was called upon to form havo been perfected. Acordlng to an announcement of tho stato food administration, Nebras ka had In Its elevators throughout the stato on .Tune 22, 8,401,815 bushels of corcnls of all kinds. The totals do not lncludo Omaha or South Omahn. Corn was tho greatest in total with 1,308, 274 bushels in storage; oats enmo next, 1,808,894 bushels; wheat was third on tho list, 140,274 bushels; bar ley fourth, 118.0S7 bushels, and rye. fifth, 23,007 bushels. New sugar regulations, which be cahTo effective July 1, nro the most drastic yet promulntcd by tho food administration. They provide thnt all retail grocers must keep u check on their customers nnd sell sugar only to tho amount of threo pounds per month for each member of tho family. Ev ery grocer is expected to know tho number of individuals in the families who buy from him. Under the na tional rules each consumer will be permitted to use three pounds of su gar per month, but the Nebraska food administration has made an appeal to pcoplo of this state to uso only two pounds per month per Individual. This docs not npply to sugur to be used for canning nnd preserving. Four new 'classifications aro ndded under the- rules, nnd Include tho essentials nnd less cssentlnl manufacturers, mak ing six classifications in nil. The new classes nre wholesnlersrretallers, pub lic cntlng places nnd bakers. Every distributor and user of sugar, with tho solo exception of the consumer, can buy sugar only upon presentation of n certificate Issued by the federal food administration for Nebraska. With a few exceptions, these certificates must bo secured from the Omahn office of tho administration. The stnte council of defense' Is send ing letters to nil county superintend ents advising them to examine nil Eng lish languago text books to seo they nro thoroughly American in their teachings. Women are driving Ford cars, used to null binders in tho harvest fields of Ougo county. Tho plan Is proving suc cessful. Tho army casualty list of Juno 27 reported Corporal Joseph E. Palmer of Broken Bowus hnvlng died of wounds In France. Second Lleutennnt Robert II. Flans burg of Lincoln, member of ono of Nc brnska's best known families, was killed In action In France on Juno lft. Lieutenant O. P. Gather of Bidden, la another Nebraska officer to bo re ported killed In action, tho dato of his death being given ns May 28. Tho Omaha Chamber of Comtnerco sent a messngo to Governor Nevlllo approving tho stand of tho governor opposing tho petition of tho Nonparti san Longuo nsklng for tho removal of R. L. Motculfo of Omaha from tho Stato Council of Dofense. Asks Aid In Compiling List. Governor Neville la seeking the aid of Nebraskans In tho work of compiling a list of soldiers and aallora from thin stato who have entered any branch of the service In order that they may bo per mitted to vote under tho new No braska franchise law. The gov ernor also plans to keep a record of the achievements of Nebraska lads In the fight for Justice and freedom. This Is an Important scrvlco which every Nebraskan can render the boys. In forwarding the Information, as Indicated below, addreso It to "Governor Keith Ne ville, Nebraska Soldiers Bureau, State House, Lincoln, Neb," Nebraska Soldiers and Sailors Data. County of Soldier's name ! Home address Date of birth Date of enlistment Nearest relative Address Organization and rank Prcf-nt address Tho German State bank of Deshlcr has asked the stjito banking bonrd to chnnge Its name to the Deshlcr State bank. Over 100 'threshmen mot nt Falls City recently nnd perfected an organ ization for the purpose of co-opernt-Ing with thu farmers to save every grain of wheat. " Verne Kennedy, probably the first farmer In Gage county to thresh his winter wheat, reported u yield of 22 nnd 33 bushels to tho aero from two fields on his farm. The grain tested 01 pounds nnd is of good quality. After facing an Ice famine for a week with no relief In sight from the Ice man, tho Oxford vlllnge hoard took mntters In Its own hands, ordered n car of leu nnd sold It to consumers nt cost. It Is planned to continue the venturo through the balance of the senson. York county wheat fields aro yield ing from 10 to 20 bushels to the ucre. Oats nre almost a complete fnlluro In tho county. Corn never wns na fnr nil. vnnced us nt this time of year und with favorable weather thero will bo tho largest crop ever known In York county. According to reports filed nt stnte Red Cross headquarters nt Omahn, Nebraska Is one of thu bet organized states In tho union for Junior Red Cross. Nebraska has twice us ninny Junior uuxllltirles us Michigan or Wis consin, und only six less than Illinois, u state with eight times the population of Nebraska. Virtually nil "wheat In tho southeast ern part of tho stato Is lu shock. The ncreago Is ubout one-fifth moro than usual und tho yield nnd quality promise to be above the average. La bor is scarce nnd It Is no uncommon sight to seo girls following thehar vesters shocking tho grain. According to Governor Neville's proclumntlon calling '-for primary election August 20, candidates will bo nominated for stato executive ofilcto, a Uilted States senator und congress men, senutor.s nnd representatives, of tho stnte legislature on nil party tickets. The nonpartisan slate will nnino six supreme court judges, four regents of state university, two super-' lntcndeuts of public instruction, four candidates for district Judge In Third nnd two In the Tenth Judlclnl districts. Tho executlvo coramltteo of thu Nebraska Nonpartisan league, through X D. Ream, Broken Bow, chnlrman, has asked the Lancuster county dis trict court for nn injunction to pre vent the state- council of defenso In terfering with leaguo meetings. Governor Nevlllo stated upon his re tunr from Washington a few days ngo that soldjcrs In Franco will not be nblo to vote in tho Nebrnskn primary in August for the reason that tho War department will not be nblo to gather tho nnmes of tho men from this stato in time. - The state railway commission re fused to comply with n request from Director Genernl McAdoo that express rates In Nebrasjni be increnscd some 37 per cent without n hearing to substantiate the raise. Mr. -McAdoo, In his request, snld ho desires uniform rates to prevail over tho entlro coun try, nnd while he might file rntcs him self, ho would prefer thnt tho commis sion do so. Tlio rntes In Nebrnskn aro 25 per cent lower thnn In most states. All but five stnto commissions hnvo nrcepted tho Interstnto commis sion rntes, 25 per cent higher thnn Nebraska. To this tho director gen ernl proposes nddlng 10 per cent more. Tho Interstnto commerce commis sion has ordered that all points on the lino of tho Burlington railroad west of Curtis, to nnd Including Sterling, Colo., bo Included In the standard mountain tlmo zone hereafter. Gurdtm W. Wattles, Nebraska food administrator, wns mnrrlcd tho other day ivt Estos Park, Colo., to Miss Julia Vnnco of Lincoln. Mujor L. E. Hold of Albion, who Is with tho American forces In France, wns cited for bravery by tho French government. Abandonment of tho Nebrnskn an mini state fair and utilization of tho fair grounds nt Lincoln us u pernm-rit-nt concentration camp to houso trom 4,000 to 0,000 soldiers during tho period of tho war Is under considera tion by stnto nnd government authori ties. A schemo Is being worked out by Omulm business jnen whereby regular automobile truck lines nro to bo es tablished within a territory of 100 miles of tho city for tho purpose of transporting live stock, to tho South Omaha market. "BEST MEDICINE FOR WOMEN" What Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. Portsmouth, Ohio. " I suffered from Irregularities, pains in my Bide and was so v.-cbk at umes j. could hardly got around to do my work, and as I had four in my family and three boarders itmade it very hard for mo. Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a Vege table Compound waa recommended to mo. I took it and it has restored my health. It is rnrtntnlu ihi Vino medicine for woman's ailments I ever saw." Mrs. Sara Shaw, R. No. 1, Portsmouth, Ohio. " Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this medicine nnd wrote this letter in order thnt other suffering women may find relief as eho did. v Women who are suffering as she was should not drag along from day to day witliout giving this famous root and herb remedy, LydiaE. Plnkham's Vege table Compound, a trial. For special advice in regard to such ailments write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn, Mobs. Tho result of its forty yeart experience ia at your service. Cuticura Promotes fo;. TAl4k Alldraagliti; Soap Ointment 2S 410. T!ettm BS. Stroplt ch fi-M or "Oatlnia, Dpi. C, Ihui." SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Surgical Department Entirely new and isolated from other departments. Obslofrical Department Furnishing un unexcelled 6ervico for tho euro of mother and child. SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located-on our premises and used in tho Natural Mineral Wafer Baths DR. O.W.EVERETT, Mqr. 1 41 h and M Sis, Lincoln, Nab. Kill All Flies! w OT" Placed anywhero, Daisy Fly Klllor attract and kills "" CICornniuaitconTcnlent and diea p. Luta all Mason. Had tip ovari will do I aoll or tU ffacuva. Aakior Daisy Flv Klllor wmi hj ufinrii cr v na bv iimmi. inrjaiJ. fl.OO. J ... -..-I A . HAROLD 80MERS, ISO DC KALO AVE., BROOKLYN, K. Va W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 28-1918. INSTANT ACTION CALLED FOR -Wrannell, Alaska, Said to Be With out a Resjdent Physician, and That Won't Do. Members of the medical profession, nlert to Its Interests, should ro out of their wny to seo that tho doctorless town of Wrnngell, AInskn, Is supplied with n physician forthwith, thnt Is, if tho void has not been tilled within re cent days. Wrongd! bus been without n doctor for some time, and is announc ing thnt a horsv doctor will do IJ the regular kind ennnot be supplied. Every day that Wrnngell enjoys ro bust health without a physician In its midst Is a potential mennco to the business of nil tho brethren of the pro fession Somo mnn with a nose for news is, likely to tore Into compara tive death rates any day. How would the brethren like to rend n calm state ment to the effect that Wrangell's denth rate has decreased 8 per cent in the Inst four months? And it might easily happen, Alaska being so bloom ing healthful, nnywny. How Is anybody In Wrnngell to know that he has appendicitis, or gnllstoned, or Impossible tonsils, or ndenolds, or arteriosclerosis, unless n resident pill sharp Is there to tell hlin? There nre a lot of people who will fret nnd lose flesh If they nro not qulto sure what they hnvo to worry about Tho reported void nt Wrnngell should be filled, nnd forthwith. Senttlo Post Intelllgencer. In jealousy there Is moro selMovo than love. La Rochofoucault. Besides SavinAWheat Ma Says I'm Savinrf Cooking When I Eat POST TOASTIES BEST CORN FLAKES EVER fn it JbrfiiiiiS. ' i jmvzF??m JK'-lSUKZKSiZ&MSWt r,t r..ii i i wj-r-wr fMB2222a3alBW i 1 ""v. Wi 8, Nil T t BWH,i, mitthtri jr!- - tum U"eilWtjJ. r-isf ' -iMuiiauMfcltaKtUiMrili wairtiiwtwflwfaBiwawc jP i' ' ?. -. jA r ttw5t3s,'7?5:ij wa l. .. mm r atmi- .,