The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 21, 1918, Image 1

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A Ncwspaticr That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
Pr.p;.; Wuska Th rfisfa ! a: l, ,
I -
jl The chief reason for saving your money
is that you will have the MONEY, with
; INTEREST later on when you may need it.
;! It is also a step toward financial independ-
I ence and success.
! It makes you a better citizen. The person
with a bank account is looked upun as one
who is thrifty and dependable.
Now is the time to begin saving. Open v
a bank account here, today.
Deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors
Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
Tuesday, Mar. 2
Iid ft Wi ftVaa
Jbr JTm, JL
For the benefit of ihe users of DE LANAL
Cream Separators we have arranged a
We urge that every DE LAVALuser bring
his complete separator s to our store for a
careful inspection, which will be made free
of charge. Should any part, due to unusual
wear or accident, need to be replaced this
will be done, the only charge being for the
price of the new parts used, service FREE.
A DeLaval representative will be with us to assist with
this important work. Uring in your beparator com
plete (It is not necessary to bring in the base if incon
venient to do so) on the date mentioned and get the
benoflt of ills advice on the euro and operation of your
separator, as well as free service. It is our wish and
that of tho Company Hint every DoLaval Separator
give the best satisfaction nt the least cost, and we urge
you to take advantage of this frco uud useful service,
Remember Tuesday, March 26
Geo.W. Trine
Citizens Caucus Held I High School Debating Team
and Candidates Nominated' Wins Over Shicldey Team
In vesponso to call issued by Chair- 'Uio high school debating team con-J
man Ranncy, the Citizens caucus was slstlnjc of Paul Throne, Anne annoy
held at the'couit-house Monday even- nnd William McDride, with Miss Doris1
ing, the purpose being to nominate Slater as coach, went to Shickloy last
candidates for tho city and school Eiiday and defeated their debating
district offices. team by n unanimous decision of the
The meeting was called to order by Judges in the first debate of tho year. '
It. E. McDride. R. P. Hoxsey was, i'lu question for state debating this'
made chairman and W. D. Edson, sec- ycai" Is: "'"solved, that compulsory
rotary. Moved and seconded that tho military training should bo estnb
temporary organization bo mrido per-pished in the high schools of tho Unit-
mancnt. Carried. p" atatcs. bhicklcy upheld thealnrm-
It was then moved, seconded and,attv T1'c judged were tho supcrin-
carripil that, tliov tiroppnil tn nnmlnnfn' tendont and principiil from Geneva
... . " ' . . .".-. 1 ll. !...!-! J- T, I
a candidate lor mayor, tne nrst ballot "i' ll- nuiierinicnucnt iiom waven
to bo informal; the result of the in- P0'1- Without dispute, they decided
formal ballot being: Damercll 22, unanimously for the negative. I
Maurer 10. Amnck C. Cowdon 1. Tho bhicUlcy's .team consisted of two
result of the formal ballot was: Dam
ercll 34, Amack 14, Maurer 4, Cowden
1. Damoicll'was declared nominated
for the office of mayor.
Moved and seconded that the rules
bo suspended and Tool declared tho
choice for city clerk, and Florence,
ti casurer. Carried.
Moved and seconded that C. J. Pope
and Judge Rannoy be nominated as
members of the school board. Carried.
W. G. Hamilton was nominated as
candidate for alderman ofsccond ward
and G. W. Trine of flrU ward.
It was moved, seconded and carried
that tho resolutions printed below be
Whereas: Prof. P. M. WhitcKead.l
Superintendent oi city scnools, lias so
ably manaired the affairs of tho school
Z ME.1 rr,1 ErflMltuil dbplnr of humor and forceful i'l
.1 ! -m . a. '-.I ltllll- l-2nr at1ta..aa t1. l.J. ..l.MIi... ..
iuawauuii.1, tuuny ins iiuimy un
it talker, "lopped off" the speeches of
rVl tit T ft I4lfltll A Fla fe nl All a-t a ml TihmIa '
TJitliam, and one boy, Emil Hendrick
sbn, all of whom have had several
years of cxpeiionco in debating.
Paul Thioiio was tho first speaker
for the negative, and opened tho eyes
of the audience with the idea that en-'
forced military training in the high
schools of tho United States would!
"Out-Prussian Prussia." v Miss Anno
Irtitinnif cnnlrn nnvf Pi 4 Itr. vn-rri4 iwa'
ar.d showed the people of tho great
expense of military ttaining by tho
impiesslve illustration that if a man
should work eight hours a day Bix
days ir tho week it would take him
over fifty years to shovel all the mon-J&flChdccTliy-
thlft-sysloln "in bYio
Voar. "William McBridc. the last
MiinnlrAi Tiw Hin nntrnftvn t'Wli ttlo ito'
..-t. ., a. v. 1.jM.1I V) 4 4IliJ 141- -
There is a Difference in
Just as llxua is betweoti u piece nf purn gold nnd that
containing alloy. 'J hi lenses used by mo uro the finest
that can bo hud. Thu&o onmo in tho rough and lire
ground until they cxnotly meet tho requirements of your'
particular eye trouble. One cannot be too careful about
tho eyes. The mutter of u dollar or so should not enter
into the calculation. Tills store refuses to ask for your
patronage by prleo alone the euro is tho thing desired
by me or well as yourself. Even so, you will llud tho
eliarKo unusually low, taking into consideration the
highquality. L '
It will lie to the interest of jour ' '-,
eyes to have them examined here
Jeweler and Optometrist
tfC B. & Q. Watch Inspector
I At Home Sunday with the !;
Christian Church . I
the (liirnitv nnd standurd of school
life, and,
Whereas: Prof. Whitehead has be
come an indispensable factor in our
educational and patriotic life and pos
sesses unusual ability to serve in the
interests of the community in this
great war period and is giving so
much valuable service to tho patriotic
activities of the community, and,
Whereas: a change in the supern
tendency of schools would endanger
the highest interests of our school;
Bo It Resolved: That we, tho citi
zens and taxpayers of Red Cloud, most
heartily denounce all elForts made to
prevent tho election of Prof. I M.
Whitehead as superintendent of our
city schools as a most unjust and un
patriotic thing.
We therefore call upon the honor
able board of education to forthwith
elect Prof. P. M. Whitehead as super
intendent of schools for tho coming
Moved and seconded that the meet
ing adjourn. Carried. .
Declamatory Contest
The annual declamatory contest to
decide tho winner to go to the district
contest will be hqld at tho high school
assembly next Wednesday night, Mar.
27. There will bo readings in tho hu
morous, dramatic and oratorical class.
One person will bo picked from each
class, ono of these three to go to tho
district contest which will bo held at
Republican City the following Friday.
Tho winners in tho other two classes
will bo alternates. Music will bo 'fur
nished by tho High School chorus and
quartette. Tho readings in their dif
ferent classes are as follows:
"Trick vs. Trick".... Lydia Chapman
"Tho Machinations of Miss Madi
tho other two and completed probably
the best debating team that our school
ha ever known and ono which do-'
sorves the praise and loyalty of tho '
town. I
Tho Red Cloud team was royally,
entertained by the Shickloy team and
the townspeople and a very pleasant!
time was enjoyed by all, in addition
to havelng won tho debate and having '
made an excellent start for tho state '
War Savings Stamp Meeting
The War Savings Stamp committco
for School District 2 held a meeting
Tuesday evening. A. V. Duckor as
chairman of the local 'committee pre
sided and E. II. Newhouso was mado
After some discussion it was voted
,to hold the district meeting at tho
Orphcum on Friday, March 22 at two
o'clock and to appoint three secre
taries to take subscriptions at the
meeting, each secretary to bo pio-
vided with a list of tho taxpayers and
voters of his district. Secretaries
were appointed as follows: Outside"
city, Ed Piatt; First ward, E. II. New-
houso; Second ward, P. M. Whitehead.
It was decided to havo tho senior'
nnd junior classes act as a sort of
"vigilance committee," members of
this committco to call at every homo'
in the city and ascertain whether tho '
home is represented nt the Orphcum
meeting, and if not, why. This com
mittee was placed in charge of Supt.
' 1
Come Across or
The Kaiser Will
Take your choice! Help Uncle Sam now or pay the kaiser lutor.
Wc haven't won this war yet, and if we lose it, you can imagine what
will happen. If it takes every single bpnre cent of our'nioncy. now to
win, it's tenfold cheaper than it will be if we lose.
Hut, investing your money in War Savings Stamps isn't giving
it's only Icndng your money to Uncle Sam lending it now when the
need is desperate nhen the money will hit kultiir the hardest.
Buy War Savings Stamps now for every .dollar Uncle Sam can
get now is worth ten next year.
You don't want our boys to face Germans with their bare fists
like the Russians did.
Money puts guns into our boys' hands bullets in their rifles
money saves lives, and stamp savers are surely life savers;
Remember, you're giving Uncle Sam only the use of your money
for a while. That's letting you off mignty cheap. Others arc giving
their lives.
This Space Donated by
W-VWWUVWV.V-VW-W! ifoimed when he will leave for France
10:00 a. m. Sunday School t
.11:00 a. m. Preaching ,
2:30 p. m. Services at the Mission and Indian Creek
6:30 p. m. Young Peoples Service
7:30 p, m. Sermon
Tt". vug Incfilnl in nnld n nnlrlnlin
Neiiio Fi-v' - .;;,, ::;.,.. ' . . ..I :
"The Story of th6 Bad Little Boy" f an .'SZnfiTS threTbo !
onATnmr at r nPPoitcd to arrange a program. Also , 1
"PreshW 1J w A, at lhIs acting reports will bo re-1 J
dres" TT AtV-,. ccived from tht5 varJoua toWcts in"!
- ' ' DnAMATir I the county as t0 thc rosult3 achIovcd . !
"Thn nnntl, nw it it ' in tho,r afternoon meetings. Rev. J. L.l;
4!; as o iI":.irM"i"t' sk? Dru"nor r,s?
I. juuiuty . . P M -whitehead wcro appointed as i
..''" N" Jano Van Dykonmmlffn tn nwn iM . h
"T in Niirlif. TTiin nf flio n.lnn.1 vv"" " . " in. i;i.,.K.
.'..,.. Elsio Turner
"Hand Car 412" Ellery- Hooper
"Patsy" Anno Ranney
"The Sign of, tho Cross".. Rose Cecil
The edltoror the Chlof, who Is now
stationed at Camp FunMou, wos in tho
city Sunday between tho hours of A a
in and 7 p in. He and two of the of Honor"-
Library Notes
1 You Should Have A Silo
.. a mauFte yourself ofchea p feed next winter
The American Hollow Tile Silo is made from hard vitrified hollow
tile, reinforced with half inch steel bars. Thc dead air chamber re
suiting from the hollow tile make the only logical wall for a silo.
Ensilage will not freeze. It needs no painting or insurance, will not
crack, blow down, buckle, burn or rot. It will pay you to investigate
this silo for it costs less than any other good silo made.
We arc agents for Tho American Hollow Tile Silo.
Over eight hundred volumes have
been uccosatoneil and placed on tho
bhejvefi for the use of tho public.
Late war books at tho Library am:
"Kltchner'a Mob" Hall; "My Four
Years In Germany" Oetnrdj "Carry
un uiHvaoi), "iuy imtno ui tiio Field
Uiiunl; "How to rdvo at
Franklin hoys made tho trip by auto. lM,e Front" -Mucqimrrlo; "Sonl of a
"MC" saya that ho enjoy soldleV life (iS'tJ&lS,'. 88.i? 'for
in the camp and as yot'lms not been in- I'eaco" VanDvUo; "Mr. Urltling Sees
i& rrti .. t n n, .
it inropgu wens unu uiuoro.
. ...... T,... w- ..a.w. Mw..MM.. j.
Chief Ads Pay You
. !
" i
A. ('