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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1917)
IV. I aiHSSJSW-, r T r - I M Jj .m 'YfMWj - flk! 0" -w Mk!BHflHHIBflVtBIHHVB9BrVIH2Hlr.' fcfc . ' f VMhfUttf-hWl r .J ! WiCmftr fJjy rf JE,Z'r j&rBE VOLUME 40 W.VAV.V.V-VJ"JV.V.rfAVV.V.V.".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.V A Merry A Happy !&&$& - Websler County Bank Red Cloud, J CHRISTMAS GIFTS IT'S easy to choose flic rigHgift at this slore particularly if v you shop now. The tilings are in, we have time to give you the service we like to. and you can choose unhurriedly. There's a lot of comfort in choos ing leisurely (here's satisfaction and (here's profit. You can choose (lie right gift for each onc. Thc first to go are the mosl attractive, medium priced ones. Will you choose now? J. C.v -MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN I . ' I 2?&yKffiaSiai 1&SS.V? rf rzz. Wk. 9-fTJ 3W I A Merry and A and Prosperous New Year E. W. Christmas New Year Nebraska AW ?'JZ?lg!Jt&'ir&Zl&jri&'jre7tjr m jrz "-Ttw -?nr-?- ry. ."-? rr-ir-wrrri: Tf M. 9 Wc Christmas 1 Happy Stevens k newspaper That fihea The News HMD OLDUD, N IS IS (I ASIC V. DECEMBER 20, UU7 " Co. G. Quarantined for Spinal Meningitis Sunday two of the1 privates ofCo. (. came down with spinal meningitis and on Monday morning llic doctors gave us the culture test, after which 1m l1ln1n tnnmrmt? i rtr Mini lirwl- ticks out and burned up the hny.!?loH(1 in ,ain onc telephone system Aftn.. .linnn,. nM,.l .... .... Mn- I KIV to tllO JlCOnlC Of this COIU- kcts, toilet articles, mess kit and rifled and marched out' to the detention , camp, three miles west of Camp Funs- ton. The detention camp is on the 1'awnee Flats and is north of the stone structure which was the capital of Kansas during the days of July 1 to 5, 1855. Tin's camp is a tented city. Each tent is 16x10, wnllcjl up with boards for five feet and a stove, which sits in a box of earth, in the middle of the room. To clean the ashes out of the stove we take the)' stove out of doors and then take the ashes out with a wash pan. Koch tent will accom modate six men. On Tuesday test the doctors doped our noses and throats und the dope was a long ways from being good. Monday evening nine carriers of the disease were taken out of the com pany and placed, in another part of the camp for treatment, and among the nine men was onc from lied Cloud, Hoy Garretson. Thursday afternoon wc were given another culture test and on Friday morning the doctors doped our throats three, times und our hoses four times. The cook shack is a block away from where we stay and by the time wc get our meals carried, to our tent to eat the same arc cold. In ordor to cat ouv meals we sit on the floor. Wc use a candle for light at night and in order to keep warm some of the boys sit up and keep the fire burning. Friday night most of the company and the officers marched back to the barracks while four tents of us had to stay here on account of the fact that we had come in contact with the disease. On Saturday afternoon they took a few more carriers out of the tents and moved the rest of us to another tent where wo will be given another culture and if nono of us have symptoms of the disease wc will get to go back to the barracks. The doctors inspected our throats and noses four times a day. If anybody thinks this is an enjoyable place to bo they have our sympathy for wc are not allowed7 to visit any body in the other tents. District Court Proceedings. Stale of Nebraska vs. Walter Thomas, larceny, plead not guilty, case continued to next term of court. State of Nebraska vs. Joseph Perry, larceny, pleads not guilty, caFo con-j The Independent company has or tinued to next term of court. deied and will install as rapidly as Moorman Mfg. Co. vs. C. E. Iierg- possible a thoroughly up-to-date cen field, continued for term. jtral energy system. Fannie Scott Moshor vs. Scottr C. Mo- TI,U Lincoln company has in the sher, divorce for plaintiff and restor ation of maiden name. James Arnold vs. Emory Waller, continued for term. Benjamin F. May vs. Frank Waffle, continued for term. A. C. rhelps vs. Geo. C. Shuck, con tinued. Clyde Kinney vs. Gust Montei, set tled and dismissed. Lafayette Sherman vs. Glen P. Dcatty, judgment for Mrs. Louie Sher-' The phones they recently removed , , .0;.ei My' lt .... ... man for 0.00 per week for 350 weeks, from Red Cloud have all been junked,1 At PBcnt time it Is impossible In the matter of the guardianship of nd about nil they were good for was, f a J; LdjTr Wor r, , i, , ,, , T .. , x . ... , ... . , .. cor, dry goods merchant or under- wood ami the metal they con- taljcr wUhout a mcssengcl. exccpt peal dismissed. tained Were hey the same phones ovcr th(J Indcncndent phon. E. U. Overman vs. Lloyd Carpenter, Mr. Bell used when he first started in, Can you )amo tho buBincsg and judgment on mandate. , uusincss. I professional men for wanting to havo Andrew Hawkins vs. C. B. & Q., The use of one telephone system in one phono system. Two phone- sys judgment for plaintiff for ?1,000. Red Cloud would save this community terns means a double charge for ser- C. P. Pohlenz vs. C. B. &'Q., verdict for defendant. 4 Sophia Racnds vs. Chas. Bostock, continued. C. II. Miner vs. City of Red Cloud, CSlIiweBiirnn v. wm Pnvr,0 ,u voJccopEiff!' Wm' BarnCS' dN C. E. Higinbotham vs. J. D. Crans, CO days to.answer. wi An adjourned term of court will probably be held in January. Fifty - two Week Each Year Fr l.5fl. Some Light on the Telephone Situation By Dr. It. S. Mitchell. It has been suggested that an ex planation of the position of the busi ness and professional "men of Red I mtinity and their position and reason bo told so that no one would mis unclei'stand them, and wo will at tempt in a brief way to give you the reasons. First: The Farmers' Independent Telephone Company is made up all of local men and is managed by men who live among us. The first Independent companies were only local phones be tween the different farm houses until they finally extended their lines to the city limits and at that time they had considerable trouble getting a central into lied Cloud. Since that time the Independent .company" has grown until it has 37(5 phone;! in the country and over 300 phones in the city, making a total of nearly , 700 phones which" you can reach directly through the Ited Cloud central. , They have direct commercial wires connecting with the Independent phones at Inavalo, Bladen, Blue Hill, Cowles and to Guide Rock via Cowlcs. Every town in the county except Red Cloud has Independent telephone for their local service and most of thcin- have direct connections with each other. Besides their connection with the county Independent com panies they have a direct loll line to Lebanon, Kas. They are now trying to get a di rect wire to connect with the Guide Rock Telephone company, an inde pendent phono system, which has a great many of the phones south of Guide Hock, and some lines north. It is to bo hoped that they can get this connection as it would be of benefit to both towns. It ir. the desire- of practically all the residents of Ited Cloud to have one telephone system, that system to be controlled locally. In other words, encourage homo industry and encour age a good comfany to do better. The idea that wc cannot get men locally to run a thoroughly up-to-date telephone system is all wrong, and if the com munity will give them a chance, they will sliow it. The profits from a local company will all be spent here as shown by the building of a telephone central ofTicc which is n credit to the town and it has all been built by, the earnings of the company as not one assessment has been levied on the stockholders to ' 1)av for u past been requested to improve its lo cal service, and the reply has always been that it did not mukc enough out of the local company to justify the expense, and only in the past sixty days have they made any apparent effort to improve their service. We ask in all fairness, has .the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company ever spent one dollar in Red Cloud that thev have not boon comiinllod to spend. around two thousand dollars yearly, and not only that, but would add greatly to tho convenience of every- body's phone service. A word in regard to the cost of the )honC8' 0n0 merchant who has been, compoUed to have both phones ' "'" lT "l "H, " , '"8 , i(joncc Bjvcs t,0 following figures: ho aa "ccn in business in Red Cloud thir- teen years. In that time, outside of ??W ' ' " To Accomplish Good Work You Musi Have Proper Equipment The Parker Lucky Curve Self Filling Fountain Pen is unequalled. Our new slock contains THE PEN YOU NEED at $2.50 to $6.00 Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 A fake Sure Your Chi Ms EYES ARE RfGIIT ami Able to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work We Afalv JiXAAfJNATfONS FREE E3. H. NEWyQUSE Jowclor ana OptBnttr$ tare. B. &. Q. Watch lnapoctor We Serve Only the Best BINE AT OUR CAFE Powell toll service, ho has paid the Bell and Lincoln companies over 050. Dur ing the same period ho paid the Far mers' Independent company about ?275. On being asked what phone he got most of his business over, he stated that from 75 to 85 came over the Independent phone. We could probably get the Bamo figures from u number of different men, yet the Lincoln company could not afford to improve. There is a good reason why the above merchant could got 75 to 5 of his business over the Independent phone when one realizes that the In- dependent company has 37G farm phones on its lines and over 300 in tho town- IIas tho Lincoln company ever had over 300 phones on its local j board? At present wc doubt if it vico and only getting half service, a word in regard to tho long dis- tanco service. In 1910 the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company, then a competitor of the Nebraska Tclephono company, ran a long dls- tance wire into Red Cioud, and.Ling no local exchange, was Klad to run no ,0 m cxcimnBc waa Siau 10 run l0ir wiro inio mo country central, which at that tirno had about 450 NUMBER G2 KmnBMBMBan & Pope phones on its lodal board. They con tracted with tho Independent com pany to furnish long distance service for twenty-five years.' This contract has seventeen years yet to run. When the Nebraska Telephone company and the Lincoln company consolidated, they ran their wire through the Lin coln company central to the Independ ent company. On September 0, 1917, a movement was put on foot by the business and professional men to have one system and on October 1, 1917, the Lincoln company cut this wire. Thoy cut this wire In face of a con tiact that had seventeen years to run. Also against an order from the State Railway Commission and a state law requiring physical connections be tween competing companies. The Lincoln company now declares that if tho State Railway Commission lilies against them they will carry it to tho supremo court. Wo havo heard a great deal of com munity spirit and now is tho timo to start. The merchants and profess ional men are staying by tho farmor and the farmor by tho merchant and it is the propoi' timo for everybody to get in me unnu wagon. in war phraseology it is up to everyone to "do hfa bit" and have ono tolcphono system in Red Cloud, Nebr., U. S. A. Home GunrH Meeting Thfro will bo u iituKiliig of tho Homo Gunrdq at the Court House, to oom pluto orunlzailon on Friday evening December 81, at 7:30 p. in. F J. Aluuduy, Chairman. i - ofcl ''$ -A U . . ; VV?JV iH-A. , r ,.?:.j!