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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1917)
I f Hcim Guards Corns to the Court House Tomorrow Nfoht 4 Niiwsp:ipf.r Tljiu tilvr.s ttin News Fifty-two Week Each Year For SI.SO. I PrftROtiV Pph'",,,;' "ir,nrj 31 ' r ' ' ' ' J ' .'fTl. XWUItiVSfv V DKOWMIiMIt 1 :. 1!H7. , ..... vmL.-mJLaamtmttmeiamzMmwasssmssraiaxMS -rm,.i. ..,. ,n, .,. i ...m .... .,. , ,-ntmnmrTnT-,nn,,f,w., VOMtllJJ 10 sannmna The. Nation Depends Upon Its Citi zens i If file Citizens arc prosperous, Gic Nation is prosperous. If Qie Citizens arc frugal and saving (he Nation is firm and substantial, even in its most trying times. Are You Doing Your Share to keep die Nation on a firm financial basis, by putting aside a little each week? Websler County Banl Red Cloud, Nebraska .C The Editor Takes Up $ , Camp Life Again. l As 1 was homo f u Thanksgiving Jv II write a fr..- lir.c3 to tell what wo j! lmi been doing tho past two wcelc3. J Tho flDr regiment han been spending J three ihj-n n week shooting on tho j! range northwest of Ft. Riley. This J range is largo enough for 200 men to !' shoot at one time. There arc three j! ranges from which wc shoot, 100, 200 I and 300 yards. It is seven miles out ! there and wc walk out in an hour and j! forty-five minutes. i J On Thanksgiving day, after eating J a liwell spicad consisting of all tho J. best food that the commisary dopart- mont could supply, the boys attended I the foot ball gamo between Camp jl Funston and the University of Illinois, J which the latter won by a score of 28 :: too. I On last Sunday about 1100 wanmraiMMin S (Mill 14 U Gl New Phones on the Ind. Co.'s Exchange ;VflS38CJWSSmtUra TJie following is a list of phoncB recently added to the Ind. Co.'s cx- chango: 7 243 Harry HulTer, res. 209 Hayes, Wm Dus barn 270 Fcnrn, Fred, res. 7105 Burden, J. A., res. 221 Ego, E. M., store 7214 Gricc, F. J., res. 7101 Smith, W. D., res. 7 0!) Cross, C. R, res. 247 Power house 7173 Foe, Howard S., res. 7 l&l Miksch, Mrs. R., res. 7 48 Griffith, John, res. 13-2U1 Jones, C. S., res. u7 Mackcy, Wm,, res. 7120 Hamilton, W. G., res. 7 2G5 Hewitt, J. M res. 17130 I Hues, Mrs. F. L., res. men rrovs l'-i.,., a it .. ,,. r ii,i , : . . t ii. ' J"" "' " " vi" ,, . ,V, r'"?'" "'" "UI lo M'B, 7-185 Woodworth, C imiiiuu i-mio iyjiuiu uiuy MJCIlt U1C 1vvvv-v.v.lVAv-v.v.Av-v.vJJ,.vvvv Merry TO ALL Xmas I 8 t SPECIALS FOR XM AS At N. A. P LATT'S Grocery lis c have received Our Xmas Candies and Nuts. ur Line is Complete. Give Us a Chance Wo" to Fill Your Wants before Buying Elsewhere. Special Prices and attention given to. School and Church Com mittees buying in large lols. Below Is List Of Guod 'things ) cm Will OR Find ! a in iTA. it " vy T? Cuudicd Pineapple Cimdicd Chcrilco Candied Ginger Citron-,Lcm and Orimge-I'cel PenrH Currants Figs Dntca SHELLED NUTS AS FOLLOWS English Walnuts Almonds Black Walnuts Filberts Pecans Plenty of good Candies nnd Nuts of all kinds at Prices that will sat isfy. Wo have a limited supply of Lnwney's Chocolates, both bulk nnd package, so conic early and pick out what you need. PUnty of iresh Fruita nnd Vegetables to choose from at nil times. You will also find here such Fumous Brands of Canned Goods as FRONTIER, ACROPOLIS, SUN KIST and CALI- FOKNIA BRANDS. Fancy Pickles, Olives, Preserves, Etc. I - ..!... 1.. 1...II. -.. t.j day digging ditches for a sewer system- for a tented city, where in the fu ture the boys who have the .measles will bo kept. On Monday afternoon at 4:30 this company went on gunrd duty for twenty-four hours. On Friday wc wont out to the range and spent part of the day trying to shoot but owing to snow falling and ( the very cold wind blowing we gave it uy iumr urmiung a cup oi coilec anu catinp some Bandwiches and marehcicl back to Camp Funston. Each man who shoots on the range getstosaoot ,tch, times at the target on the. .three "rangest W6 had two kinds, of, firing, slow and rapid, and it takes a very good shooter to qualify on the rapid fire. On Satuidny morning, after having gun inspection, the boys who signed tho pay roll for Inst month Wore paid then we were oir for the bal thc day. It was three below .( t;ju mm inunnng wane inc uoys wcro . lined up waiting for their pay."- The )(boys whoso iiflc3 were not clean were given kitchen duty in the aftcr t , noon and also Sunday and some had to go to Pawnee Flats to work. Wo wcro to have been relieved from n i ijuutuiiwiiu uu Aiiurbiiuy oui mo un- ; f expecteu happened and two more of i , mo men camo down with tliL ihcun n II ...Ull. .I.LI 1 ... J-, wiiitii inuuiiu uigiuecn nays more un der quarantine. A. li. iUCAUtlUr. S., res. 240 Hassinger, I. G. .shop. 7240 Kellogg, Mrs. Lulu, res 7157 Smith, Mrs. Alice, res. 250 Woodworth, C. Z., Supt's off. 27G Koontz, K. W., res. 27,7 Laundry 7 ll Horrick, C. L. .rcs. 237 Dccbc, Rev. J. L., rcs. 72 Kegcstor, Harry, res. 259 Wordcn, Mrs., Ida, res. 7227 Green, C; G. ,res.v 20,1 Fairmont Creamery Co. 260 .Wilson, Dr. A. O., res. 26?.'Morhart, E. L. ,res. 7 M sWileon, A. K., res. ' . 265 'Wullbrnndt, P. A., res. , 263 Person, John, res. - 3264 Wcidcmnn, Mrs., res. 7 119 Sherman, M. C, res. ' ' 7264 West, Mrs. S., rcs. 7 75 Ovcring, E. J. ,rcs. 3 75 Overing Bros. Marble Works 7223 Caldwell, R G res. 248 Caldwell, R G., office 3 26G Gollntly, H. C, rcs. 267 Mitchell, J. C. ,rcs. 7208 Crabill, L. M., rcs. 173. Tumure, F. G rcs. 26S Turnuro, F. A., res. T Accwidpllsli Good Work You Muift Have Proper Equipment The Parker lUacky Curve Self Filling Fountain Pen is unequalled. Our new slock contains THE PEN YOU NEED at $2.80 to $6.00 Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 if A Red Cross Auclion Iten's Fancy Cookies and Crackers in bulk or package. Agency Lowney's Chocolates. Folger's Coffee's and Teas. Extracts, Spices, etc. FRESH HASTINGS BKEAD V We give you a very cordial invitation to make Our Store Your ncaaquariers. we assure courteous ireaimcni anu prompt ser vice at all times. Keep your eye on our window display. It will help you in deciding what to Rive your friends for Xmas. Highest Prices Paid For Butter and Eggs Do not overlook your Coffee and Tea supply for your Xmas dinner, and order a can or package of the Fumous FOLGEK'S URAND to be obtained only at our store. N. A. Piatt, Your Grocer Tlu Wuater Count Clriptr of tho Amciliiiiu I ted Cross will hold a i nut ion snle in this city the Saturday bufoni New Vuur's dny. Conuuiltoi'S $ havo bi on uppolntod to holioit articles, uniuiHls and inonoy. They will canvas!, Walnut, Lino, OarfloH, Red Cloud, Plousaut Hill, Cntliurtoii itnd IJutlu townships and tho eity of Red Cloud. Meet them with a mdIIo ami a big floimtiou. It is expected thut many calvcx, pigs luitiohiekeus will bo given. Wo want to raise threo thousand dol ars. .j 0. V. Cathor, Chairman . Miss Esther Thornton Dies. Baptist Church Items , Sunday School ut 10 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 7:30. The Ladies Aid wcro cntertairiod by Mrs. W. B. Cramer last Friday with a tea. s By tho way if anyone has gotten the idea that tho Ladies Aid of tho Baptist church havo been asleep, thoy have another guess coming, an thoy have kept the budget paid up and are now paying cash for the new heating ! Make Sun- Your Childs EYES ARE RIGHT and Able to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work We Make EXAM1NA TIONS FREE E. H. NEWHGUSE Jewalcr and Optomotrtst tare. D. & Q. Watch Inspector Ij-V!.?-" ' aw"-' We Serve Only the Best AT OUR CAFE Powell if Pope plaut and still have egg in the bank. a sizeable nest i WSAVVVVVVVUWVAVVBVV.V.V.V-VV.V.V.V.VA,V 'intm'wMWIMMMt United Church Notes Mr. Cummlngrt assisted the pastor i Saturday in souuriiif? mimon for the Homo Guard. Tliu putrntlc mcotitiK huM at tho Orphouni Monday was poorly attended.'1 The matter was poorly announced and in any people knew nothing about this service. Tho men in charge of the patriotic attain) of this eity should wake up or uIho transfer tho leadership tn tmin nf Illicit ni4jti mill lirn.ivlin tvtll t pub hpirit and patriotic iuto this community. If meetings aro to bo held no ono seems to know whoro or wlifn. Too much is at stake today along this way. Mr lieebo proRentud the matter of V. All 86 Hither Tliortuu whs born at SiiriUnKttSprlngi, New York, December li), 1828. .Died Decembe? 10, 1017 at the lioinii of Oinur Cro well, age 83 years, 11 yours tuul 21 days. She lias lived In Webster County ilriee 1833, with the iiynunt inn nf I lit. liiitf t tita mm t.i u..... in Colorado, linvlnir raturnadJinru two Saving and Louning to the Govern wpuhsinrn whera hIiu Bttentt Imr lsf. fnu, '" al8 " question OI Wimury dayn with Mi. and Ira Colpmbla, the la'ter tielug her nieco. Funeral was held at the Oiuer Crowell home at l:3ff Uocfmtier 13. Interment at tho Martn cemejery, Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist: ALL WORK GUARANTEED y Office Oveu AuiuiauT'o Stobe See Vlofu Poua 'at' th64 '' Saturday Dcpnber,Jir.tli.. ' triiinit'g for the high school, to the Httidf ma of Rod Cloud school Tuesday. The school voted to oudortja thin work The Red Cross work is h'mdred by factlotiH. Only one hundred dollars I have been given to the Auxiliary work I ., , h M'ave ueen given to tue Auxiliary worn OrpllPUm l,D tho Rail rrnco .ImnlnV U7l,n txo. r. ilj u Kiia ii una tiiiuiikuii ww iiuu ikaj i Saturday ne,cmber''ir,Ui., 'In. Lady .Ai.m,.rw nnnvu.mi ti. Mf fnP fn,i R, B. MoBrlde, recently Bonolnted Ilarnaule ti B Darf'ttfotrwoi der' niav -....... i..i- ...-i; n,, .tin... food administrator states In response from Edkar Franklin's Rtdfry;nlio a qfjtioised the auxiliary sovarely. ItU to our Inquiry for data and Informutldn one rijel comedy; 6 feel play In ..all, abqut time that relief work' ceiiBed to concerning bis work that he will kIvcVMUio 2:30l'-fdin, 0 nnd 11 cents, t!Ba ..aoclsty on J' factional affairs, ui an outline of tho natnn and tah UlaUl h6w7!ao:adm: 11 h'nd 17 -Jit j n ..r.iiliL &,. ' :i.t general Information hs the pubUodi-bir Mayor pKintreH.wiU tll you how to thVmlvesJBlp?ji slngU welLlllrVoUd tint. WO niftV nuhltnll it In our nmt nuw ifrii. imoommanl iirlin onmna .. ' . . . . . ?" .. - "'? . . V . rv 0-.......v... ,.... u.u..n "-juor t to aui tue country, xueseworaa are not written wjjth the spirit, fit j; Christian Church Sunday 10.00 a. m. Sunday School, Election of Officers. 1 1 :00 a. m. A Gospel Sermom. 2:30 p. m. Sunday School South Side Mission 3.30 p. m. Sermon by Rev. Duckworth .3:30 p. m. Indian Creek 5 6:30 p. m. Young Peoples Service. " " ' i .' 2 7:30 p. m. Sermon. !? Subject; How every today may get a blessing out of this war, 5 The public are welcome to all services. UVWYWMArtNWWAVVAVWJW weekB Issue. tweeu tebls. malice but tostlmuluto the Intolltouco of tho community to mobilize ull Its offor.ts ond energies for the servloe of the uatlou. Glasses for the study of this war should be organised and plxced under tho (llreotlon of our teachers and every man and' woman should bccomn a student. An effort should he made to llm-t and regulate aU amusements that tfnd to make men Wasteful and c irHlnhc, Hundreds of,' dollars are pqiiaudHid for mere pleasarn, while the Unvoin mehtts. nsiiing (fr money. Io this patrlqtlo.?' ,Iet every Christian nian nnd, womlin in the expenditure of money n-k the following question: 1 Is this for iiecPS-itiesT 2 Will ibis aid suffering humanity? 3 Will this Honor viy Country? 4 ill this help win tho war? 5 Will thin teach tlirlf? 0 Will this please Uncle Sam? 7 Will this lesson vice? 8 Will this promote welbelng? 0 Will this help public education? 1U Will this really Honor God? --- J Miss Hazel Spires was a passenger to 'Hastings thin morning.. . Dr, Lollar left this nornlntr for Superior to uttoud to some business matters. ;,'' w 'A v JXM J ? '' -V r li. - ivor" - '' jit - 1 rsl j jv'1'. i' '!Lifr