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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1917)
El IrW f? AS TOLD TO US Will Dohrer wont to Ayr Tucsdny. Freexc-Proof? Got It at Cook Kevr J. M. Dates spout Sunday in Si Paul. Mis. T.J Siuitulers spent Friday li Hustings. H. V. Mister went to St. Joe, Tuosda.i morning, Mrs. Hobblns spent tirtj weekend in Guide Uock. See Wurrlck, the Oeeullst, Wedues day Deo. 5. Cba9. Qilhntn went to Cowles, Mod day morning. It. L. Avery of Lincoln was in tbe city Monday. Leslie Graves of Grand Island was in tbe city Sunday. J. W. Scblcsiger went to Omaba Wed nesday morning. t Frank Ellinger made a business trip to Hastings Tuesday. , Forrest Mountford returned to Hast lugs Monday morning. Tom MoMuran spent Sunday with liis parents ut Oxford. L M. Ctabill made a business trip to Hardy, Monday morning. Fred Feurn and Curl MeArthur were In Uuido Rock, Tuesday. Oliver Wriglit made ti business ttip to Hastings, Woduosdny. Wm. H. Thomas was a passenger to Cowles the first of the week. Good meals good service moderat prices Powell & Pope's cafe. Floyd Bungard left tbe last of the week for Winnebago, Nebraska. Mrs. Grant Green and childion went down to Superior, Wednesday morning. Engineer David Lowellyu spcut Sun day with his mother at Akron, Colora do. Mrs. Jas. Hobinson and daughter, Mrs. Reuben Schultz, spent the week end in Guide Hock. Miss Laura Hedge, who Is teachlug school near Inuvale, spent Sunday with her mother here. Jake Ellinger and grandson, .luck, weie passengers to Shell City, Mlssou li, Monday morning. lieu Pegg went to Lincoln Wednes day morning to attend thu Syracuse lluskor football game. Iloyt Hurtmaii left Sutuiday morn ing for bioux City, Iowa, where be en listed in the U S. Army. J.C. Wixon iiriiveU Tuesday morn ing from Jauesville, Wisconsin, to visit his sister, Mrs. Cora Cutter. Mrs. It E. Camp leturned home Fii day evening from Hastings where she had been visiting relatives u fow days Protect the radiator on your ear in tbo coldest weather by using Johnstons Freeze Proof. Sold under gtliiiuntce ut Cook's Drug Store. Miss Itetta McDowell returned Fri day evening from Axtell, whtre she had "been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ernest Davis. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner returnei. to their home at Hustings Moudu) morning after spending the weekeuc with relatives hero. Mrs. Luella Averill returned to liei home in Washington, Tuesday morn Ing after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Iteihcr. Mr. Car Owner, you won't have tt worry about your radiator freezing ii you use Johnston's Freeze Proof. Foi sale at Cook's Drug Store, ( For Salk Six chofco, well grow) Duroc Jersey male pigs sited bv "Ganos Perfection". These pigs wen raised on a balance ration and ure ii good breeding coudition. Farm l'f - miles west and 1 mile north of Itiavale U. L. Hkurick. Mrs. E. S. Onrbor spent Tuesday In Q aide Rock. Atty. E. J Haunor of Lincoln at t mded conrt here Tuesday, Glen Fearu came down from Aurora, Saturday evening. Byo Slieplierdson was down from It vurton, Monday. JudguH)orsey returned to Hastings, Wednesday mohiing. Eyes tested, glasses lilted. J. C Mitchell, thu Jowclor. 1. O O V. Monday Deo. .'1, regular aieotiug, Some thing doing. Paul McDowell went to Axtol), Mon day, whore ho will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alfa Sherman wore passengers to Uladen, Monday morn ing. The regular morning and orcnlng services will be held at the Baptist church uext Sunday. Chas. Swart, returned home Tuos day morning from Burlington, Iowa, where he had been visiting relatives. Misses Josophluc and llernlco Shercr wont to Blue Hill, Wednesday morn ing to spend Thanksgiving with their sister. Clarcnco returned homo the last of tho wek from an oxtonded trip through different parts of the United States. Zero weather has no terror for the uutoist, if he uses Johnston's Freeze Proof. Sold under guarantee by Cook' Drug Store. Annual Benefit Danco will be given at the Masouiu Hall on Thanksgiving evening. Ptoceeds to be given to the War Belief Club, for Red Cross Work. Win. Wcesncr mid daughter, Opal, weut to Lincoln, Wednesday morning to spond Thanksgiving with his daugh ter, Mrs, Guy Zcigler. Ernest Newhouse, who has been at tending college at York, arrived home Monday morning to spend the Thanks giving vacation with his parents. Dr. Warrick the specialist, will moot eye, ear, nose and throat patients .and those needing glasses fitted at Dr Damerell's Wednesday, Dec. n Hours 2 to (1. BLADEN R. P. Esseit sports a new Doit. Cy Jennings was in Blue Hill Sat urday. Miss Cora Ross visited in Blue Hill Monday. Will Berry of Upland was in town Saturday. Mrs. O. Iverson was a Bluo Hill visitor Piiday. Garrett Hasebrook was down from Holstein Saturday. Earl Anderson of Imperial visited relatives Sunday. Jas. Lidgard returned Monday even ing 'from Morril. Miss Mnysel Meade was over from Campbell Saturday. J. P. Kroop was a passenger to St. Joe Monday evening. Cy Jennings returned Friday even ing from Stromsburg. Jas. Hubatka was in Yukon, Okla.. on a business trip this week. P. E. Crawford and A. W. Cox visited in Red Cloud Monday. Mrs. B. B. Cass of North Platte visited at the L. Wolf home this week. H. P. Welch and family were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morey. Miss Nova Thomas was down from Nelson visiting friends Saturday and Sunday. Miss Vida Coulter of Hastings was the guest of Mrs. Herman Lindgrcn aver Sunday. E. H. Hampton of Red Cloud came jp Monday evening, and will enter the employ of V. M. Bottom in the Palace Barber shop. Sacred Band Concert Prof. Fred Miller, director of tlioRed Cloud Municipal llnud, wishes to ail nouncu that the band will glvonsaorcd concert at thu Orpheum Theater on Sunday, December 12nd, at 2:30 p. tr. Several patiiotlc numbers will bo in eluded and no Charge will bo made for admission If you are a lover of music attend tliis concert as you will nut only bo well entertained but your prosetiio will demonstrate to the Professor and thu boys that you aro Interested In the efforts that they are making to provldo Red Cloud with a baud that will bo Rucoud to none in this section of the state. Como and bring your friends. 1. Sacrod March "The Genius".. Laurondcau 2. Overture "King Mydas"Eilcnbcrg 3. Fantasia "Columbia" .. Rollinson Solo for Cornet, Mr. M. A. Mercer A. "Simple Confession" Thorno 5. Aria "Cu jus Animam" ..Rossini Solo for Trombone, Hobcrt Blacklcdgo 6. Descriptive Pnraphrasc-"Rocketl in the Cradle of tho Deep".. Lovcnberg 7. Romance from L'Eclnir "Bright Star of Hope" lialcry Duet for two Clarinets, Messrs. Sherwood and Foo 8. American National Melodies "Songs of the Nation". ...Lampc Cornets Marion Mercer William McBrido Mcryln Boner Geo. Davis William Loy Piccolo Millard Ailes Clarinets Phil Sherwood Howaid Foe Ellcry Hooper Bernard Burden Morrison McConkcy Saxophones Roy Hassinger Albeit Keaglo Kenneth Keaglo Francis Lippencott Altos Lcland Caldwell Howard Kaley Ernest Barrett Dean Dickson Trombones Hobcit Blacklcdgo Earl McKimmey Baritones Clayton Holmes Paul Newhouse Basses Ralph Newhouse Clarence Baker Drums Paul Polnicky Oral Bailey J. A. Bradfoid hf Donation to the fatf M Red Cross ?b J Realizing the amount of good that this organization is accomplishing among our boys across the water and in the training camps and desiring to assist them in their work I have decided on the following plan: The regular price of the SOUTH BEND RANGE is $85. Until December 15 I will sell this range for $80, and for each one sold I will give $5 of this amount to the Red Cross. Here is an opportunity to get the best range money willbuy,at a reduced price and help a worthy organization. Geo. W. Trine INAVALE W. Caipenter is carrying mail with a Ford now. Chas. Hunter was in Red Cloud, Tuesday. Miss Blanch Batkcr spent Sunday in Red Cloud witli hoi' parents. A large crowd attended the services at tho M. E. Church, Sunday evening. John Xesbitt is here visiting his daughters, Mis. Nelle Huutoraud Miss Xesbllt Dr. Nail of Rivertou was called bore Monday to attend the illness of Mao Fulton. Miss Beit ha Sullivan of Rivertou was sewing at Mrs. R. E. Hunters last week. Mrs. Clarence Burgess gave a party in honor of her son's twelfth birthday, last week. Mif. Guy Haricot- and daughters, and Mrs. Roy Palmer were in Red Cloud, Saturday. Mr. und Mis. Tim Topharn and "fam ily spent Sunday with Will Topham and family. A. R. Strong lind wife ami C. E. Joyce and family were in Red Cloud, Monday night. Will Topham aud fumily ami Mrs. S. E. Holdrcdge were in Red Cloud, Monday on business. Mrs. Steve Kennedy and mother, Mis. Dolsley and daughter, Ella, weie in Red Cloud, Sntuiday. E. Starke of Red Cloud has boon in stalling conl oil burners for a number of people here this week. Mis. Graco Topham of Rod Cloud spoilt several days hero last week with her patents, Mr. and Mrs llert Leon aid. Dress Upfor Thanksgiving Both Suit and Overcoat for $35 to $50 ft How Can They Give You Both at $30 to $50 The wonder grows each time you wear the coat. It's hard to see how you could have got both the suit and the coat for what you've sometimes paid for one alone. If there's the slightest streak of thrift in yourmake up jou'll see what we can show you in Clothcraf t and Kuppenheimer Clothes at $15 to $27.50. Good-looking, long-wearing garments at these . prices seem almost like a miracle in value-giving. Come in and see. The Cowden -Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE THE CLOTHCRAFT STORE IN THIS TOWN FarmersJMeet in Omaha To Consider Soft Corn To consider tho question of soft corn In tho bfto, a meeting of funnels hits been called in Omaha on November 30, Arthur Schultz of Scribuer is taking tho initiative in calling the. meeting Repoits from the various parts of tlie btate are that much corn Is soH; that much of it is boitig nibbed tio boon, aud a consequent loss to tho slate is being manifested. What to do with the coin is thotnu'n question to bo discussed and action will follow by this voluntary body of men. - l'lelimlnary advices have been to see that the corn is not oribbod before It is thoroughly ciiicil; nnd in tho event it lias been cribbed to immediately be gin feeding it. Such advice is being given by tho Agiicultiual Extension Department of tlie University and by statu farmois' organisations,- Tho meeting will bo held at the Hotel Rome. ir 2 j yiwit-UJ Shall We Let l-Boais Sink Our Troop Ships Because OUR NAVY NEEDS 7000 Firemen See your Postmaster. Extra Pay. A Great Opportunity to to become an Expert -Engineman. ' Our Substations are at Lincoln, Nebr., Sioux City, la., Sioux Falls, So. Dak., Aberdeen, S. Dak., Grand Island, Neb.,. Lead, S. Dak., Norfolk, Neb., or go to Navy Recruiting Office, Sixteenth and Farnum, Omaha, Neb. ENLIST in the Navy TODAY V TUIH IW.U'K IIO.VATM) 11Y THE ClllKt' ! )' i M I- . r t!L&4ilHSl.Al I "" rfw- '1$J