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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1917)
r wgwuwwwwwwvftNwvwvw Bring It to Steve r That good negative on " your lasT: film, or the one you have laid away will make a good enlargement and a nice Christmas gift STEVEN BROS. Pholot tapheti In Youi Town tw.v, t ME RED CLOUD' CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska tUDLI8HED EVERY THUR fV Entered In the I'oRtofllca at lied Cloud, Neb us Second Clos Matter' V H. MoAKTJJUK M K. QUIOLKY l'UllMSHKH MA.VAor.n :ilB ONIiY I)KMf)CHATIO I'AI'ICH IN WKUHTKll COUNTY .VW,AVV-VAV.V.".V.V.VAVWVJV.VVVJ,AVVVVWV,Aft E W STEVENS L E C T R I C TF you -want your home Sore or garage, wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete. Everything : Electrical Our prices are right, workmanship the best and material guaranteed. We order any special fixtures you want and install them salisfactorilly. Let us figure on your next job. WIRING PUBLIC SALE On account of poor health and having rented my farm, I -will sell at Public Auction on my place 4 miles north and I mile east of Inavale the following, commencing at 1 0 o'clock, sharp, on Tuesday, Dec. 4th 1 1 2 Head of Stock 6 Head of Horses 6 Span of mules, 5 yrs old, wt 2200, well matched; span of yearling mules: black mare, 8 yrs old, wt 1100: gray horse. 11 Head of Cattle 11 5 good milk cows. 2 Durham yearling bulls: yearling heifer; IJ coming yearling heifers and steers. 95 Head of Hogs 95 10 Poland China boars, yearling Poland China boars these are a fine bunch of male hogs, 45 fine Poland China gilts, 39 Shonts weight from 60 to 175. Farm Machinery J row cultlvntorH, '.' Stow wecdors, mow ', liuy muo, a liny .sweeps, uutoniutln llklns htmtltnr. foml iri-lmlnf ' llctic discs, com crushor, truck wagon and liny rack, buggy U roU 1'J Inch work Jinnies, i7 ncres corn foil Jer, 00 bu enne .sued 200 tin oats, a loutlb of wood and other nrtialop, too numerous to mention. Terms 1 0 months at 1 Lunch on Grounds J, H. Ellinger, Auct. G. R. McCrary, Clerk Roy R. Copely Your Call mg Country is Join Navy Paul White With Sailors At San Francisco Calif. The following letter f i om Paul White, to a member of the family, was handed to us with a request for publication. The contents of the some will no doubt prove Interesting to his many friends in this city and'cotnmunlty, Paul hav. Ing been a gradunto of the Red Cloud High School. Sati Francisco, California, Nov. 17,1017' Dear Folks:- I have been awfully busy ever sinco I came down from the hospital. .Am all O K except for a slight cold. How are nil of you? I received a letter from Cnrl Thompson (Kellv) and also from Aunt Ella today. Wc hud drill with a cannon last week, and wo have bayonet drill' nearly everyday. . I have shoro liberty this afternoon untill 0 o'clock tonight, Was hero last Sunday and went to a big ontortalument in Frisco Wednesday night. I have drawn $01.00 worth of clothes. We got 00.00 worth free. Wo will get paid Tuosday. Still have plenty or money. There are only two or three of us in the company who have a "red," and they all try to borrow olt of us. Our company is the most "hard boiled" company hero. That is, they fight more and arc tho '.hardest to handle. The ollicers tako 'points against each company, and the one with the most points against them must sweep the paved roads, tho big parade ground, scrub and dust tho big building or bar- racks, unload boats and etc. Wc had to do that ycstciday. I had to go down on the wharf and wipe olf tho row bouts. Thefruubnssndorb from Japan eumu over to visit the island. The commander and a lot of other ofllcers were there to meet him I stood bnck by the warehouse nud watched thorn 6 by. Then about 100 boy scouts came over from Oakland. There was a good vaudeville show in tho Y. Fri. ilay nignt. They snowed the same plctinc that wo saw In l'ueblo the night we left. There is to be a tug of war between the army and navy today, also a bull game. I slept in a hammock for the Mist time two nights ago. They are about 0 feet from the lloor and hard to get into. Two fellows fell on, and one of them broko an arm At that entertainment Wednesday even lug between 10,000 and in ,000 pdople were present. The ono room of the building seemed its big as the l'ueblo court liotiso. The pipes of the pipe organ are about .'10 feet long. Lat Sunday three of us walked "all over" Frisco. Wo got up into Chinatown whore everything and everyone was Chink. We almost had a figjit with one gang but blutl'ed them out Then wc got down Into the Italian quarter iin (I wo to n show. Fiually wo got into a "bohuuk" quarter and then into the slums. It got too tough for us so we I wcui uiick to Mnricet imaiuj street. Did that Davidson of Superior enlist in the hospital bunch? If he did he is on Qont Islaud somewhere. There are over 100 in the hospital corps from Ne braska there, and I am acquainted with several. I washed clothes yester day afternoon. You can't take clothes on' the line with out permission and you can't get anything from a bngonly at certain hours. .We keep our clothis in a white canvas bng about the size of a mail pouch, witli draw strings on it If you are not with your company when they arc drilling or workiug, a guard takes you nud you unload lum ber or shovel smd with the "dizzy" squad. San Fiaiieisco is about half saloons. One buiMing is empty uud the next is a saloon. Any man in uni form can nd get. booze. There are some line parks and lots of swell buildings. We will soon have to tnako an allotment to some dependant, If we don t, tim government will koop hnft our pay until wo get out and then give ilto us. If I make an allotment to tlraco or any of you, the govern, incut gives half as much freo in ad dition. I could iniiko ono of Sl." per mouth to Grace, they would add S7.!)0 to It. Will try and write moro later, but I want to go to the ball game and tug or war Your brother, l'aul. Wedding Bells On Wednesday afternoon at threo o'clock, at Fullerton, occurred the marriage of Miss Irene McQuireto Mr. Don Fulton, Humor has it that Harvey Ulckerson and Mlsb Louise Schumacher will be united in marriage at Orleans toddy. City Buys Oil Engine At a special meeting of tho City Council hold this morning they placed an order for a Fairbanks-Morse 100 h. p. oil engine, dohvery to be made March 3th, 1018. Tho old ongino will bo repaired and used whon tho load is light, It not bolng of sutliclent horse powor to pull the heavy load. Chamber of Commerce Meets The annual meeting of the Clmmlcr of Commorco was held Monday even ing, December 20th. After the meeting was called to or der tho reports of tho Secretary and Treasurer were rrnd nud accepted Resolution to W. T. Auld wns adopted. The following ofllcers and directors were eleotcd for the ensuing year: O. W. Hutchison, President, Frank Perry Vice President, F. W. Cowden, Secre tary and W. A. Sherwood, Treasurer. Directors: Messrs. Oatmaii, Grimes, (arber, Hamilton, Tcel, (Jollatly, Ege, and Weesncr. A motion was made by Warreu that all members of the Club who go to war or aro at war to remain members in food standing. The report of the treasurer for the year ending Nov. 27, was as follows: RECEIPTS Hal. on, hand last report.... $ 420.51 New members 1 5.00 Membership dues 727.51 DON'T POROBT Total $1,153.02 DISBURSEMENTS Water and lights $ 12.00 Telephones 36.00 Ad. sign ut depot 50.85 Repairs on tables 43.40 State Ass'n dues 10.00 Taxes 3.75 Flag day 5.00 Officers' bond 5.00 Miscellaneous 29.24 Supplies 45.15 Janitor 151.85 Printing 4.00 Doctors' convention 12,50 Annual smoker 23,75 Rent '330.00 Secretary's salary 180.00 Sec. expense Omaha Convcn. 22.22 Postage & supplies 9.73 Cash on hand 178.68 Total $1,153.02 Respectfully submitted, W. A. Sherwood, Treasurer. The following is the secretary's rc- RESOLVED, That in the generous gift of tho Auld Memorial Library our former townsman, W. f. Aula, has contributed to the city of Red Cloud u building of rare beauty of which wc may justly be proud. This cift. representing as it does a forward step in the moral, intellectual, and social uplilt or tho entire com munity, is received in the kindly and liberal spirit in which it is even, nnd should be an ever present object les son and reminder, stimulating the la bors of every citizen of Red Cloud to more strenuous, efforts for the com mon welfare. RESOLVED, That tho Chamber of Commerce of Red Cloud, not only on behalf of its own members but on be half of every citizen of Red Cloud extend to Mr. Auld our heartfelt ap preciation for this mairnificent build ing, and nil that it stands for, and more especially for the kindly and thoughtful spirit which prompted the gift. Geo. W. Hutchison Fred Man re r Committee. Federal Food Administration for Xeb G. W. Wattles, Food Administrator Sales of foodstuffs in combination arc forever prohibited, according to rules just laid down in Washington by the U. S. Food Administration. Tho regulation is immediately effective and will stop a practice which has been in vogue since the beginning of commercialism. The ruling says: "Washington, D. C. Nov. 17, 1917. On and after this date all combination sales of food commodities are for bidden with exception herein stated. Sale of one or more food commodities upon condition that purchaser shall buy one or more other food commodi ties from seller is regarded as a com bination sale within meaning of this ruling. Combination sales frequently result in the sale of more foodstuff than purchaser would ordinarily buy and are, therefore, determined to be wasteful practices within the meaning di Section 4 of Food Administration Act. "Exception, Pending furthernotice as a wheat conservation measure. dealer may sell sugar in combination with comment at ratio of one pound sugar with two of cornmeal. No other combination will be permitted nor any other ratio. Dealer is not required to make combination sale but if he does, he shall not sell either sugar or cornmeal at price yielding him profit greater than he lias enjoyed normally upon this particular commodity. Act ive steps should be taken at once to enforce this decision." Hoarders of Foodstuffs Will Have to Pay Penalty Hoarding will bo severely dealtwith by the Food Administration. Buying any supply of any foodstuff greater than for 60 days' use will be con sidered sufficient evidence of hoard ing and in the matter of sugar, be cause of tho scarcity, supplies for more than, two weeks will be con strued as hoarding. Sales of sugar in 100 pound lots is directly contrary to tho spirit and letter of tho ruling and will bo dealt with severely. Tho Department of Justice has, ruled that individual who buys in unlawful quantities shall bo prosecuted and the seller shall bo jointly liable. Steps aro now being taken to prosecute tho mail order houses who aro shipping into tho state in vloIationTof the orders nnd tho buy ers ns well. "These rulings will bo strictly en forced", says Food Administrator Wattles, "and violators must be pre pared to take thc'consequence". M. A. ALBRIGHT HANDLES A COMPLETE LINE or the BEST GROCERIES Try Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods PEERLESS FLOUR Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts COME AND LOOK at our line ot Staple Dry Goods Setsnug Underwear Cotton Bats Iron Clad Hosiery ' Outings Henderson Corsets Ginghams Skating Sets and Caps - Percales tp l r CI. i h mina tayior uresses oiiiruugs I Fancy Towel Sets Notions H ::: I ROCKING A I CHAIRS f 9 V V 9 ? V V V V V V V X Have just received a large assortment of ROCKING CHAIRS in all sizes WE have some exceptional good values in Leather Upholstered Rockers with Automobile Cushions in Quartered Oak also some good patterns in Ayood Seat Cbairs in Quartered Oak a good assortment of Childrens Rockers ROY SATTLEY X Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer i M8HjHfHj.j..;M,5..;..jH;..j, Sleepy Hollow Go whs 1 7 H Wll V r i mmr wsm Garments of Unusual Merit Here are garments that will keep you snug and warm on the coldest winter nights. They are made of selected flannels, noted for warmth. But "Sleepy Hollow" Gbwns give you more than warmth they give you solid comfort. There is an abundance of material in the sleeves ample room in the armholes plenty cf room across the bus!; and through the shoulders and just the right length in the skirt of the gown. You will never know how different these garments , are until you make comparison then you will see the superiority of "Sleepy Hollow" gowns at a glance. Ask to see them the next time you drop into the slore. 1 to 2 per garment Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns &. A "U t A, : v x Ss X - - 4l 3 - : &. ui;. - - w -m ' , MriH.faA w4v wtfjL.wAJT-J''riWM'uAJiw