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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1917)
I If v L ft A Ncwsar That GWes The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Fr S1.50. VOLUME 45 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OCTOBER ll, 1ML7. NUMBER 4'J ifwwwwwwuwwwwwwwuu 5 The Nation Depends Upon Its Citizens If the Citizens arc prosperous, (lie Nation is prosperous. If the Citizens arc frugal and saving (lie Nation is firm and substantial, even in its mosT; trying times. Are You Doing Your Share to keep flic Nation on a- firm financial basis, ' by putting aside a little each week? Web&er County Bank Red Cloud, Nebraska WW. AW, Special Sale Friday and Saturday October 19th and 20 th 20c Large cati Tomatoes, rag J5o, sale price . . . . No. 3 cnu Tomatoes, reg. L'Oc, sale price Extra quality Corn, 20c, sale price rejj. reg. IRC iOc I5c 15c 15c 20c 12 15c I2i 20c 15c 12 Zh 25c 25c 25c 25c Kxtra quality 1'eas, 20c, snle priuc I'ltik Salmon, reg. sale price Pork and Deans, reg sale price Fork and ISeatiH, reg. Hale price Large can f Hncy Pearl hom iny reg. lQo, salo price.. Large can Sweet Potatoes reg 25c, Halo price 'Largo can Pumpkin, reg. 20c, sale price Sardines in oil, reg. 10o sale price Sardines in Tomato sauce, reg. 15c, sale price Large can extra qnal.Plne, apple, reg. 30c, sale prlco Karge can extra quality Pears, reg. 30c, sale price Large can extra quality Pcachos.reg 30c sale price Large can extra quality Apricots,reg30osalo price A nice assortment of ITENS CRACKERS and COOKIES both in bulk and package just received. Also you will find plenty of FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES to choose from. Agency for FOLGERS TEAS. COFFEES. EXTRACTS and BAKING POWDER. Fresh HASTINGS BREAD. Fine LOWNEYS Chocolates, bulk and package. This is your opportunity to IS AVE MONEY come in and LET US SUPPLY YOUR WANTS. Have the promise of a ale lot of CONCORD GRAPES fori SATURDAY Get Oar Prices before buying elsewherej Large jar' flnc Sweet Pick- les, reg 40c, salo price.. Saner Kraut, reg. 20o, sale price Diel Picldes, Inrgo jars, reg. Ho, salo price Asparagus, large can, reg. 20c, salo price Extra fancy Blnobori ios for plea, reg tide, sale prico. . Blackberries, Calif, brand rog. 30c sale price Loganberries, Calif, brand reg. 30c, salo prico Red Raspberries, reg. 25c, salo prico Strawberries, reg 2ro, salo aalo price Keen Klocner, large box for Washington Crisps, reg. 12c, sale price Heinz Chill Sauce, regular 3.ptc, sate prico Heinz India Relish, regular 35c, sale prico, Heinz Ripe Olives, regular 25c, salo price Wheat Tone, just the same us Cream of Wheat Cream of Rico our prico now Kellog'a Bran Food, ready to eat 35c I5c 25c 18c 20c 25c 25c 20c 20c 5c 10c 30c 30c 15c 15c 15c 15c N. A. PLATT YOUR GROCER Corporal HughBaird Sprouting Mustache On Sunday night two of our men Goodwich and Sheets, of Nelson and Superior, tried out in the cornet sec tion for the regiment band and suc ceeded in carrying off the honors for the first chair. On Monday, during the period for athletics, our best foot racers ran races with Co. P and wo succeeded in carrying off the honors. On Tuesday, after taking our morn ing exercises all of tho regiments in our batillion and several other regi ments marched up into the hills where wo heard a very good spech by a Frnch officer. Wc then marched back and had a company drill. In the after noon wo drilled a while and the second hunch of privates were given their second shot in the arm and the first bunch of us practiced drilling with real rifios. Our officers 'inform us that wo will use tho Enfield rifle, which shoots ten times. On Monday afternoon the company had a very enthusiastic athletic meet ing and Captain Fisher and Lieuten ant Baldwin gave very good talks and a great deal of pep will spring forth in the future, which 'will result in having Co. G the best drilled company in army tactics as well as athletics over on the other side. Perhaps I have never told you the size of our barracks. The building is 40x120 feet, has plenty of light and ventilation and will be steam heated this winter. There arc several Y. M. C. A. build ings completed and more going up. Tli buildings arc well constructed and have fire places in them. A good tmany of the boys go to them every night and write their letters and read and listen to lectures. The Y. M. C. A. furnishes foot balls, base ball3 and t suits for those who take part in ath letics. On Wednesday wc didn't work very hard owing to the fact that the second bunch had core arms and some were sick. On Thursday wc received pur leggings, gloves and overcoats and the last named arc certainly swell. In the morning our regiment, which consisted of 2300 men on that day, marched to the hills, where wc list ened to a very forcible address by General Woods, and ho said in part that they were giving us plenty of athletic and physical training as this wasn't a war of machines and could not be won by any genius like Edison but 'was a war of personal combat of -man against man, and also talked on , the subjects of military discipline and courtesy, preparedness, universal and compulsory military training, signifi cance and seriousness of this war and our fortune of being able to get pre pared and the slow realization of the ' general public that we are at war. In the afternoon wo spent the time at drill and tho Captain also talked on Tho Service of Security at tho time given for that subject, after which we practiced for a while at the daily ex ercise of bayonet drill. In the evening the beds were rearranged so as to make room for fifty men who arrived at four o'clock Friday morning from Lincoln county. A fire broke out southwest of us on the drill grounds nnd Cnn Tlnlrfl'n fivo fonm turnnil mifr. with tho hose cart but the firo was extinguished without our company team, and all of tho companies stood out in front of their barracks until tho fire was out. Charley Arnold, Fred Fuller and scvoral more of tho Webster county boys were down to call on us on Fri day evening. TJiey arc in tho supply 16 Year Old Lad Breaks I Into Business Houses I On Friday night the Yost meat market was entered vithout the per mission of the proprietor but nothing of special value was taken. The pad-lock, which was removed from tho front door, was found in the Morhart hardware store, this establishment having also been entered through a back window. An inventory of the, stock showed that several revolvers had been taken by the thief. A box of sai dines and a note book was left behind which furnished a clue for the officers, who at once phoned the var-' ious' surrounding towns to bo on the ' look-out for the juvenile law-breaker. In due time Sheriff Huffcr was noti fied that the person in question, Geo. Murphy, had been taken into custody at Iluidy by the officers of that place. The sheriff immediately went to that city and the prisoner was turned over to him. He was brought to tills city and given a f hearing before Judge Ranncy and sentenced to a term in the reformatory. He wus taken to that place Monday and the sheriff informa us "that he feels relieved now that he haB the ten-cent-novel bandit off his hands. Although a mere boy, he appears to ha'vcjsomc criminal record as he in formed the sheriff that this was the tenth time that he had been under ar rest. During the time he was thc gucstiof Sheriff Iluffor ho made an attempt to break jail, having cut one of thcAitocl bars with a saw, which Jic- had concealed in his shoe at the time he was scotched before being lodged in jail. While in Hardy he had threatened several people with a revolver, going so far in one case as to compcll a man to throw up his hands. It required the marshall and several citizens to capture the lad as he was concealed in a water hole in that locality, and at the time when the marshal sur prised him the lad had the "drop" on his deputy. Only one of the revolvers was re covered, Murphy stating that he had hidden two of them in a prairie dog burrow and had thrown the other into a corn field. Passes to Her Reward On Monday evening at her home in this city occurred tho death of Mrs. V. II. Scrivncr, after an illness' of soma duration. Tho deceased was born in Kentucky in 1850. She vsas united in marriago to V. II. Scrivnor in 1867 and to this union woroborr ten children, two of whom proceeded their mother to tho great beyond. She is survived by her husband, four sons, Cash of this city, A. J. of Eck loy, Colo., Oscar of Heaglor, Colo., ,W. J. of of Tulsa, Okla.;four daughters, Miss Valley of Bcnkclman, Neb., Mesdames Chas. Barrett, Sam Mount ford and Sue Mays of this city. Funeral services wore conducted from tho Mt. Hopo church this after noon, Rev. Kennedy of Jewell City, (Kansas, in charge. Interment was 'made in the Mt. Hopo cemetery. depot and have not received as many clothes as we have. s Several of the bovs in our company are growing a mustache and tho school teachers in tho Red Cloud high school, who taught with Hugh Buird last year would not recognize him with his mustache. On Saturday morning we drilled awhile after which we, had inspection and arc off until Monday. A. B. McARTHUR, ' Co. G, 355 Infty. Camp Funston, Kas. Commissioners Proceedings Red Cloud, Ncbr., Oct. '9, 1017. The County Board met as per ad journment at 10 a. m. with all members present. The first matter taken up by the Board was the Egress road asked by the school board of District No. 70, Wulnut Creek Township. Objections to same were filed by E. U. Overman as attorney for Mr. and Mrs. John M. Clark. Mr. J. S. Gilham appeared as attorney for the school district. After some discussion by the attorneys a number of witnesses were examined in regard to this road. The Board then made an order and ass6ssed the damages to the various parties owning land adjacent to this proposed road. The total amount of damages fixed by the Board was I8G3.40. This order to befiled with countv clerk when said School District No. 70 pays this amount to county treasurer. At 2 p. m. the mailer of the Road Petition of Clyde Pitney and others for the location of a new road in Inavalo Township was taken up by Board. A number of parties were present who objected to the proposed road. Mr. J. 5. Gilham appeared as attorney for the objections and a number of wit nesses were examined in regard to the same. A proposition was made by the obiectors that thev raise bv donation all the money they could to assist in repairing and fixing the present road. A motion was made and carried that this matter be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Board. A petition 'was presented asking for the Appointment of J. W. Hamilton as Road Overseer of District No. 2 to fill the unexpired term caused by the resignation of John Frey. Same was approved by Board, The official bond of John W. Hamilton accepted by Board. The following claims were allowed and clerk ordered to draw warrants on the respective funds for same: W, Throckmorton $ 45 00 Win. Miner 12 00 Ed Hngcn 4 00 Morhnit Bros 241 32 M. A. Albright 9 90 Rov Snttley 40 00 I. W.CraryMer. Co... 63 10 J. O. Butler 39 00 Board adjourned to November G, 1917, B. F. Pehry, Clerk. To Accomplish Good Work You MuSt Have Proper Equipment The Parker Lucky Curve . Self Filling Fountain Pen is unequalled. Our new slock contains THE PEN YOU NEED at $2.50 to $6.00 Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Make Sure Your Chi his EYES ARE RIGHT and Able to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work We Make EXAMINATIONS FREE E. H. NEMHOUSE u Jeweler and Optomep-lat C3rC. O. & Q. Watch Inspector 1 fil-nni i f !ZI ls1: I'.v" ' '' v : :i c- Hv New Fall Skirts I N Our Seperate Skirt - Section we feature the newest creations for sport, . utility and dress wear. Our present showing includes a complete as sortment of novelties and plain colors in the most desireable fabrics. Pretty flared models, full pleated styles and fancy pockets, belt and button trimmed. Sizes for women and misses and extra sizes for large women-wlth complete assortment of each. $6.00 to $18.00 F. G. TURNURE & SON HP ill hi ' SI llKftS II V l lj 111 I rJ S Red Cross Auxiliary Benefit The Ladies Auxiliary of the Red Cross will give a Benefit Photo Play, at the Orpheum Theater Thursday, October 18th They have booked a Big Special Thanhouser in 5 acts War and the Woman Admissi mission 25c and 1 5 Be as Red Cross Booster ii w u M m r -h! f " l i m T, Art? "W