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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1917)
1 tm !! i Rfe A V I Btixto - . vnnrrn?rrT&!Q&&M5Z?T tf3saBsfijr?r-T:-Tr--s- VOLUME 45 "THE TIME HAS COME TO CONQUER OR SUBMIT' "FOR US THERE IS BUT ONE CHOICE. WE HAVE MADE IT' ' PRESIDENT WILSON BUY A BOND , of the 2e! Liberty Loan and Help Win the War A Liberty Bond is a United Stales Government Bond PEOPLES BANK OF RED CLOUD STATE BANK OF RED: CLOUD THE WEBSTER- GOUNTYBANK " wMJMMSSfJWfssfSfJWJVJvjw.ysffiwjsfAWi THeNitri :4.v t j iffv on; Upon Its Citizens If the Citizens arc prosperous, the Nation is prosperous. If the Citizens are frugal and saving the Nation is firm and substantial, even in its morft trying times. Are You Doing Your Share to keep (he Nation on a firm financial basis, by putting aside a little each week? Webster County Bank Red Cloud, Nebraska i vv.v.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.vv.v.AVVVVVJW,.vll,A Inavale Soldier Writes Letter The following loiter was tocolved from one of the Webster County bojs who is now located at the training' camp ut Doming, Now Mexico. Doar Sister: This morning we drilled about one hour and then we fell out and then we felflu again in about ten minutes and made the company a baseball diamond, Even if we are training to go to -war, we also have our Bports. We will have baseball, football and basket ball teams, and we will have free shows in camp after tonight. Thcio are something like l&,OOo head of horses here. They are used by cav alrymen and artillery mon. It is eight miles across camp, east und west.- All this ground Is policed every morning ho you see it is quite a task to cleanup it territory at least eight miles square crery morning, althotiKli it is done In about fifteen mluutos. Hvorythiug Is done with a suap and evorythiug is kept shineing. We got up at 5:20 In tho morning have ten minutes to dresn. On tho lino at G:30 to answer roll call, have ten minutes setting up exercises and fall out at 5:40. Then we havo five minutes to wash and get ready for breakfast. After breakfast we clean up the ground that our tents are on und burn everything that we find on the ground, such as paper, matohes, olgar otubbs and etc. At seven o'clock we full in for drill, drill four hoars nnd arc dismissed for dinner. At dinner we eat, with eight Men in a buuchu Tho Corporal aud l( .f .,,.. i, ftiMy!. Mattel &$ ? V - - lltsiovlcnl Soeli ty PI 114 . -' sevon men that he has in charge. Wo eat just liko wo did at homo. Tho moals are set on tho tablo and ovoty man holps himself. At 1:30 in the afternoon we have military school for one hour. Wo arc then dismissed until 5:30. Then we fall in line with our rifles and stand at nttentlon and present arms, while the band plays for retreat, Tho Star Spangled Banner. After retreat wo have supper, and the tlmo from thon on, until taps, is our own Taps is at 11:00 o'clock when every man must be in bed. Tomorrow night Company K. goes ou guard. Guard Is one of tho most serious things to contend with in army life. Well I luvo told you quite a bit about army life and that Isn't half of It Wo take another examination be foro we leave this country. Quito a few of the hoys were not accepted In this examination, it is so ilirld 1' 1 bet it seems funny around there now without old . loo and Jim We will be back some day, and I will have lots to tell you, about things that 1 have seen because I bee a good many things hoio every day, They have taken great meahures hero In tho protection of tho soldiers. Tho soldiers go to tho Y. M. O. A. at nights and sing, play tho piano and different instruments and have a good time. No clviliaus are permitted to be in camp, except news boys and car drivers that take the boys to town at night. Well I must close now hoping to heartfrom you soon. I remain, us ever your brother. Hubert D. Htrntton, Co. K. 5th Nebr. Inf. Camp Cody, New Mexico Bepelhds I s Buy a Liberty Bond 4 Newspaper That filves The News RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OUTOJ$Elt IM, 17. Mrs. Julia Wcesner (By Rcv7f MTBrulincr) While nil nature was liusv decoratinc herself in the gorgeous robes of autumn lime, while birds were calling to their males to nrenaro for tho loot ioumcv to the southland, while the earth was pulsating in rapture at the wooing of tim sun, amidst the laughter of children on the street, the sounds or toilers nt their tasks, silently, but upon his swiftest wing, the death angel flitted through our beloved city and bore away a neighbor and friend, and yonder, beyond the realms of pain and weak- ness and parting nnd death, the beautiful, motherly, Christian spirit of sister Julia Wcesner hns uonc. but robed in white now, full of exuberant life now, singing with that mighty chorus now, whose sweet strains readied her cars n few days ago, free from pain nnd weariness and ema ciation now, yes. just over vonder. "Awake in his Likeness." Mrs. Wcesner made no pretensions to distinction in the larger affairs of life, but wrought with faithful untiring effort in her sphere to provide for the needs and comfort of those she loved dearest. She claimed not perfection, but recognized and lived for a higher goal as the years swtipt on. She carried no hatred in her heart, and malice was not born for her in the hearts of o'thers: Her greeting was cheerful, nerwisnes lor all was well. She was faithful to her duties, devoicd to. her family and' home, and recognized her creator m ner lire. She had virtues that others mitrht well covet, and habits worthy! of, emulation, We shall miss ner as we walk the streets, and assemble in llie house of worship, but we have cood around to hone and believe that her life has passed into a broader and more iovous realm, nnd that she is looking out upon tho sun rise of a blissful eternity. Julia White was born in Green County, Tennesec, on April 18th., 1863, passed fi om this earth at Red Cloud, Nebraska, October 12th.. 1917. at the age of 54 years, 5 months and 24 days. un January 7th., 1883, she was united in mnrrinrrn tn Willlnm t. IVnncnn. after living about a year near her old iiomein tennesec incymovea to Jewell County, Kansas, where they made their home For 22 vnnrs? frnm tlinrn thnu came to Red Cloud, Nebraska, where they have remained these last twelve years; four children came to bless tho lives and cheer tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Wcesner, John, the eldest, n prosperous farmer living just over tho line in Kansas, Roscoe, one of the substantial merchants of Red Cloud; twin daughters, Lora, wire of the present County Clerk of Webster, und Cora, wife of a promising young electrical engineer. Mrs. Wcesner had n strongly developed mother impulse, nnd when a little nine months old ln fan t. some years ago, needed motherly nursing and a home, she was received and caced for and raised as tenderly as were her own children. Mrs. Weesnor was converted and united with the Methodist elmroh when tiveuloMii jeuia of age, tiaiisfHrrinu her membership to tho Methodist church in Red Cloud upon moving hore mm lemnujiiig a laiintiii member un til her deth There aro two Items that are of par? ticular luterest to the immediate rela tives; viz., the birth of twin daughters ojcuring on the anniversary of her wedding dav; and tho death of Sister Weesner occuring on tho anuiversary of tho wedding of her dntiKhter, Corn. Tho funeral services were held from ftm M nliMltcf- nlmwnli l f.wl nt...t . ...u .u...uu,nu UIIUIUII 111 lkV.ll UIUIKI, 'conducted by her pastor, Rev. P. M. I Druliner, assisted by Rev. lieebe of I tho United Christian church, the in i torment being mude in tho Red Cloud cemetery. Mrs. Weesnor was tho oldest of a family or 13 children, eiuht girls und five boy, all of whom survive her ex oopc one. Her aged mother is still liv ing at the old homo in rutmessue, Relatives present at the funeral are: John V White, n half bi other from Leotl, Kansas Miss Hoithn White, a sister fiom Lacrosse, Kansas Miss Htllo White, h sister from Kuoxvllle, Tennessee; Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Drown, the latter u sister, from I'aradlse, Kan saw: Bruce White, a brother from Smith Center, Kansas: William Whlto a brother from Esbon, Kansas. A. J White, a brother residing hore whs ab sent ou a visit to Tennessee Tho fob lowing relatives wore unable to bo preseut for the fuueral: Mrs Mollle Drown, Weolsor, Idaho; Mrs. Debbiu Lloyd, James White, Mrs. Jennie Dav(s, (Mrs. Fannie Simpson and tho aged mother, Mis. Radiol White, ail of Oaileyton, Tennessee. Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For 11.50. B. C. Boys Were too Rough On Filday afternoon tho Denver City high school football team defeated tho local Ii1h school team In a fist game, by thcM'uru of U7 to 11. Doth team-, weic on tho Held prompt ly ut il'.llu aud ns before a coin was leas ed for tho decision of the klckoir. Tho hickoIY fell to Denver City, who kicked to the fouity yaid lino, their oppon ents carrying tho ball Imok to the twenty yard line. Tlio home boys ti led line suiiihlios aud mudo good galus and thou tiyiug forwaid passes lost the ball to Dearer City on an incompleted pass. Deaver City made very llttlo or no gains on Hue smashes aud also tiled a pass which was caught by Pope ami he went over the Hue for tho first touchdown in just 10 minutes of play. Paul Newhouhe kicked goal. Deaver City then, ou a Hue end iuu also made a touchdown and kicked goal. At llu end of the Hist quaiter the people felt Confident that they would see a good game of football the score being 7 to 7. The second quaiter started out with lleavor City aualn having tho klckoif aud our boys went right into tho game liko veterans anil ou a good forward pass Pope' went across the lino for another touchdown, al6o kicked goal Deaver City being seven points behind, thought it time I time for them to start but in their great hurry on of their men was 'off aide" und referee Banalized tbeUi 10 yards. This seemed to put additional 'pop" itito their players aud on a flue' end run secured auothcr touchdown, this time they failed to kick goal. Thescore being 15 to 14 at tho close of tho first half, in favor of Red Cloud. But tho home boys were doomed to dissuppolntment. Owing to an injury to the ankle of Pope he was taken out and Ullbei t put in his place. Although very good gains were made by Druliner Dlajkledge and 1'. Newhouso and the playing of Provost was nothing short of maiveloii!), they could make no moio touchdowns. The heaver City boys made two more touchdowns, one each quarter, but It was the opinion of the onlookers that the last ono was not fair. TIo ball was .mined by the. visitors on a fumble on the pnrt of one of our players and our boys thinking tint opponent with tho ball was down, lot him up and he made a tush for a touchdown, and owing to tho fuet that the leferoe's whistle had not blown it whs allowed. Will Hold Regular Services On Sunday, Rev. W. S. Hampton, ono of the Hoard of Directors of tho Nebraska Congrcgationul Conference, was in the city and held morning and evening Kervicc? at the Congregational chuich.'MrI'nmpton has been iden tified with Congregational work in Nebraska for forty years nnd has had an acquaintance with practically all of the pastors of tho Red Cloud church. His sermons were most in teresting and inspiring. 'At a business mcetincr of the church it was decided to hold regular services each Sunday morning and evening and prayer meetings each Wednesday evening at eight o'clock. Pulpit to bo filled for the present by Rev. G. W. Mitchell, Principal of tho Franklin Academy, and wife, both of whom are ordained ministers. The public is cordially invited to attend tlieso ser vices. Will Move to the CoasT Joe Fogcl, who for several years past has conducted a harness and leather store in tills city, returned fiom a trip through California and Washington, Mrs. Fogcl having re mained In the west. Mr. Fogel informs us that he will closo out his business in this city, having purchased a ranch near Ta coma, and that his son, Wycth, and wife will leave for the west on Mon day of next week. We regret very much to sec these people leave our midst, but wo are also anxious to seo our citizens pros per and bo content, and as thoy are of tho opinion that Washington has a brighter future in store for them than has Nebraska, we wish them success and happiness in their ncm home. m While working at his farm on Mon day, Chas. Ouruey Sr , had tho tnistor tuuo to havo his team run nway with him, throwing him off tho vehicle on which he was riding, breaking one of his ribs and otherwise lnjuriug him. f- ., f , - To Accomplish Good Work You Muft Have Proper Equipment The Parker Lucky Curve Self Filling Fountain Pen is uneq ual led . Our new slock contains THE PEN YOU NEED at $2.50 to $6.00 Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at $1.259 $1.50 and $2.00 Make Sure Your Child s EYES ARE RIGHT and Able to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work We Make EXAMINATIONS FREE E. H. NEWHOUSE : vr ajmwmlmr mn HTC. B. Ct Q. Wateh Inspector c it - , A New Fall Skirts 1 JL . ' " "" "" ill lllm J V fancy pockets, belt and button trimmed. Sizes for women and misses and extra sizes for large women-with complete assortment of each. . $6.00 to $18.00 F. C. TURNURE & SON Potsdam Leads The following are the official returnt horn the regiitration of Ihe women of Webtter County, fjomSept. 29, to Oct. 71, 1917. Precinct Chtirmtn No. Rrg Poudam'' Mm. J.B.Lane 226 Red Cloud ( Mn. Paul Pope 198 ( Mn. Edgar Cowden Guide Rock Mist Jeue McCalum 125 Glenwood Mn. G. H.Phelpi 111 Inavale Mm. W. H. Tabor 65 Cowlet Mn. las. Saunders 61 Oak Creek Mn. Robt. Williams 46 Pleasant Hill Miss Grace Frisble 29 Elm Creek Mrs. Ed Paul 27 Deaver Creek Miss Bell Hamilton 26 Caifield Mrs. Chas. Ailes 22 Walnut Creek Mrs. John Sutton 21 Catherton Mrs. Geo. J. Baker 15 Stillwater Mrs. J. H. Greenhalgh 12 Line Mrs John Aubushon 3 Batin Mm. Webb Reynolds 3 Total ... 990 Fifty-three women have signified their willing ness to go anywhere and sixty-nine will go any where in the United Stales. Mm. Frank Smith, Co. Chm. Women's Com. Mis Annie Belle Spanogle, Co. Chm. Reg. County Council of Defense, Webster County, NUMBER 4? Optmmtrlt , r , - wji.. v 'I ' . .v- j222SS3,. - - - . fc If I N Our Seperate Skirt Section we feature the newest creations for sport, utility and dress wear. Our present showing includes a complete as sortment of novelties and plain colors in the most desireable fabrics. Pretty flared models, full pleated styles and ATTENTION PATRIOTS The week of October 21 will bo food pledge week for tho schools. Ar rangements have been made whereby speakers will bo stationed in each of the towns of the county on Saturday, October 20. On this day each speaker will endeavor to explain to tho people just what is tho object of tho food pledge cauls which will bedistributedforcach adult to sign. There is no money considerations of any kind attaches to.this card, as is thought by some of our citizens. Everyone is requested to bo present and hear tho addresses. This schodule gives approximately tho tlmo for addresses and speakers at the different towns on Saturday. Bladen 3:30 Rev. Druliner Blue Hill, 7:30 Rev, Druliner Lawrence 3:30 Supt. Wright Cowles 2:00 Rev, Beebe Rosemont 3:30 Rev. Beebe Campbell 2:30 Rev. Fitzgerald Inavale 2:00 E. G. Caldwell Red Cloud 2:00 F. A. Good ' Guide Rock 3:30 F. A. Good 1 1 u f drf