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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1917)
s 1 1 I y-' A k Newsnapcr That film The News Fifty-two- Weeks Each Year Far SI.50. VOLUME 45 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER I?, 1JH7. NUMBER 3H Librarian is Chosen The Library Board mot on Tuesday evening pursuant ,to the call of the president, which found the following members present: C. F. Cather, F. G. Turnure, Dora Kaley, Mary McCall, E. J. Overing, Jr., P. M. Whitehead, Roy Sattley and H. S. Foe. Absent: Ella Stonebreaker. The minutes of the meetings from April 9 to July 10 read and approved. A motion was made and seconded by Kaley that President Cather ap pear before the city council and re quest this body to donate light and water to the library; carried. Motion made by Overing and sec onded by Foe to adopt by-laws as read; (page 1 of records) carried. Motion made by Foe and seconded by Kaley that the library be opened to the public between the hours of 1:00 p. m. and 5:30 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. to 9:00 p. m. week days and 2:00 to fi:00 p. m. Sundays; carried. Motion made by Turnure and sec onded by Kaley that librarian be paid a salary of $45 per month; carried. The applications of Pearl Pope, Florence Johnston, Mrs. J. E. Myers and Y.Ola Swartz read, and upon in formal vote the lesult was as follows: Myers 3, Swaitz 4, Pope 1. The formal vote showed the following re sult: Swartz 5, Myers 2, Pope 1, whereupon it was declared that Miss Swartz had received the majontynor votes cast and was declared LibrapMQ at a salary of $45 ner month. The secretary was instructed to inforralier J. ',.. V i uccuruingiy. On motion the board adjourned. Mcssrland Mesdames Geo rJ.. War ren and;CUa, Robinson are home from n vacatlcWspent at Denver and other mountain points. The trip was made via auto. Aged Lady Summoned A Letter from the Editor :i Mrs. J. L. Miner, one of Webster county's oldest and most highly re spected women, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clias. Weisz, in Chicago on last Sunday, death being due to a paralytic stroke. Julia M. Erickson was born in Christiana, Norway, December 25,' 1844, coming to America in 1853. She was united in marriage to James L. Miner at Waukon, Iowa, October 21, 1868. To this union were born eight children, three sons and five daughters, three passing to the great beyond in infancy, and is survived by Carrie Mk Sherwood, C. H. Miner, Mary C. Crcighton, Margaret Gund and Irene Weisz. She, with her husband came to this county in 1878, whore her husband, with his brother, engaged in the mercantile business. Mr. Miner passed to his eternal re ward on May 24, 1905. The funeral services will be conduct ed from the W. A. Sherwood residence, ou Sunday afternoon ot three o'clock Fittber Fitzgerald, assisted by Father McDonald of Hastings, in charge. Escapes From Germans Mrs. Lizzie Groat who resides in the first wara'informs ns that she has re ceived word that her nephew, Jame9 Gilroy was a prisoner of war in Ger- iiioy for sthree"years and recently maue ms esaapeyirom tue ciuioues ot thofiV modern barbarians and' that be fy nolngjSodvWhpn the great struggle oegau mr. uuroy joiqcu th Gordon, Highlanders of Scotland and was transported to the field of ac tion.' This youpg man will be remem bered by rauny in this city as he at tended our publlo schools and during this time made many friends hero. School Time is at Hand Remember we are Headquarters for SCHOOL SUPPLIES Our School Tablets are all the same Large fhick Sixes as lasl: year at the Same Old Prices History Paper, History Covers. Rules, Erasers. Pencil, Composition Rooks, Note Books, Slates, Pencil Sharp eners, Inks, Pencil Boxes, Crayola, Etc., Etc. Try one of our Self Filling Fountain Pens, SI Each The 5c-10c -25c Store "The Store W'htrt You AUcayt Get a Little More for Your Money" E. M. ECE On the Corner WWJWVUVV,AVtVAV.VWVJVAV.V.V.VAV.VV.V.VVWVV5 5 . i I 2 A REAL MAN It is pretty hard to assert your independence and defy the world wherryou have an empty stomach and an empty pocket book. If your bluff is called, (lien what? The prudent man who has saved a little, who has a reserve at the bank to tide him over a month or two. isn't so afraid of sickness, nor such a coward about being out of a job. A bank account is a stimulant to real manhood. The larger the account the firmer the footing. It breeds self-confidence, is proof of efficiency and is an ever-present resource in time of - need. It's not what a man earns in a year that gives Him a surplus at the bank, it's what he saves. Webfter County Bank i Red Cloud, Nebraska Camp Funston, Kas., Sept. 8, '17. Dear Friends: I thought I would write you a few lines and let you know I am among the living. We. left Blue Springs Thursday night at 12:30 o'clock and theie were twelve coaches in our train of Nebraska boys. On account of a heavy rain which began falling when we left Nebraska, the train did not go over twelve miles an hour. We nr-( nveu at Camp runston, Kansas, Fri day morning nt about seven o'clock, after which the officers took us up and we all took a shower bath, after which we had breakfast. We were then taken over and given the physical and Bcrtillion examin ation, after which we were given our hats, shoes, underwear, bed and blan kets. Wc received our dishes to eat out of, which consist of a cup, knife, fork and plate, these arc made of alu minum. At meal time wc all go in our companies to the mess hall, where we single file up to the cooks, who dish out our food. Then wc go and sit down on long benches before tables without any table cloths and proceed to eat. We each have to wash our own dishes after mqal time. The boys rom Webster, Harlan, Nuckolls and Clay counties are in Co. G, 355 Infantry. Our officers are a fine bunch of men and they are from Colorado. On Friday afternoon we were vacci nated in both arms, the right one -for typhoid feverrand.the left for small pox. This morning we listened to lec tures by .Colpnel Taylor and several other officers and this afternoon yij are njoying ourselves. There are more barrack buildings here thato I can count in one afternoon. The balance of 'the young men from Webster county, who are to come up here soon, will have no regret for coming to this place. All of the Ne braska boys' will be in the 335 in fantry. On Sunday we don't have anything to do. There is twenty-two thousand acres of land on which Ft. Riley and Camp Funston arc located. A. B. McARTHUR. I .1,1, H IWWViAMAVV.V.V.VVAV.".V.V.V.VJVVJ'AVAiV Takes Honors at Fair Mr. Chris Starke, the popular stock man who lesides east of town, entered several head of stock at the state fair and was successful in securing a goodly shaie of the honors. At this time wc have not fcecn able to secure all details relative to the matter, but will publish a list of the prize winners in our next edition. Norton and Curtis Steward also entered several animals at the fair and secured fourth prize on a yearling Shorthorn bull and third prize on a junior Shorthorn bull calf. These gentlemen r are directing their attention toward the better grades of live Btock and judg ing from the leports of their success at the fair they are making good. m p Recital Nets Neat Sum The two piano recital by Mesdames Georgia Grecnhalgh and Ida Squires, assisted by Mrs. H. C. Gellatly, at the Orpheum on Monday evening was well attended and many arc the words of praise that were heard for these ladies, who devoted themselves to this worthy cause. As will be remem borcd this recital was for the benefit of the Women's Red Cross Auxiliary of Red Cloud, the net proceeds of the entertainment amounting to $3(3.75. i i m Will Entertain Soldiers At a meeting of the citizens of tho city, held Tuesday evening at tho court-house, the subject of showing some courtesy to tho men of tho draft, who are to leave Sept. 19th, was dis cussed. It was decided to give a sup per to the publicTuesday, Sept. 18th, at which the merTof the draft and the Red Cloud Band will bo the guests; proceeds to go to tho band. The fol lowing committees wero appointed: Soliciting Committee Mrs. Clara Johnston, Mrs. Ed. Garber, Mrs. Fink enbinder Mrs, Cutter, Mm. C.D. Robinson ORPHEUM THEATER TWO NIGHTS ONLY SEPT. 17th-18th M SEL-IG PRODUCTION WWHHU li'o aaaaaWaaiawfJFaaaaaacSaaaaarUaaaaaaaaaaam KEmJaaaaTZB&x'Z&Waam l aamaaaaaaawF$aaamamam T-i LaaaaaaaaYaWSIKaaaaaaaaaawL C aaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ' m KATHELYN WILLIAMS THE NE'ER-DO-WELL By RE BEACH This Passion Throbin Film of Panama, is the Successor to Rex lleach's Other Great Success, 'The Spellers It is even greater than "The Spoilers." Its flights of sweet romauce are higher, Its action and its risks aud dangers more overwhelming. Enacted by the famous Spoilers Cast In the Panama Cnnal Zone. SPECIAL ORCHESTRA MUSIC Show Starts Promptly at 8:15 Each Evening ADMISSION V Jf-Si k 1 0c and 20c BSKmGS3SH95BQ2SSa Manacinc Committee Mrs. A. Mc- later ,Mrs. V. Cowden Call, Mrs. Fiank Smith and Mrs. II. E. Giico. Publicity Committee E. G. Cald well, J. L. Bcebe and F. E. Maui or. Registration of the women of Web ster county was also discussed. Or-i gnnization is to proceed at oncof and registration for Webster county will be hold at some date before October 10th, which date will be published House of Knowledge Opens School oponed on Monday with fol lowing teachers in charge and pupils enrolled: Kindergarten Fay Warner as sisted bv Marie Pulsipher 47 1st Grade Louise Schumacher. . . 46 2nd Grade Edna Weekly substi tuting for Alice Coombs 38 3rd Grade Kathryn Buike 32 4th Grade Irene McGulre 47 Cth Grade Christine Patmor. ... 32 Gth Grade Ruth Eshclman sub stituting for Edna Weekly.... 40 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Grades 7, 8 & 9 Minnie Christian, prin., Math. Esther Perkins, Gcog. and Hist. Eucilo Frazier, English Marie Hollister, Home Economics SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Grades 10, 11 & 12 Mattel Pope, prin., Foreign Lang's Vernon Storey, History Stella Ducker, Science Fay Tccl, Mathematics John Drake, Commercial J. II. Kellogg, Agriculture Doris Slater, English. To Accomplish Good Work You Musi (Have Proper Equipment The Parker Lucky urve Self Filling Fountain Pen is unequalled. Our new slock contains THE PEN YOU NEED at $2.50. to $6.00 Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Make Sure Your CMUh EYES ARE RIGHT ami Able to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work We Make EXAMINATIONS FREE E. H. NEWHOUSE i Jeweler and Optometrist ' HTC B. & Q. Watch Inspector Registration is not yet complete in either Junior or Senior high school. Tho attendance will probably bo about normal in all except tho ninth grade, grade class last year in tho county, There was an unusually small eighth and Dist. No. 14 has opened a high school and taken about 15 who would otherwise have been in tho Red Cloud high school. Mfc