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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1917)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF wwwBPm Standard r o sensi Corsets E UKi: TO MILL lit SKNSII1LK IN tP)v3 Till-: WARNER DIC FIED TO PRODUCE CORSETS THAT ACTUALLY SERVE A CORSETS PURPOSE. USING COMMON SENSE METHODS AND REAL QUALITY TIIRO'OUT. To In; sure, every Warner consul will not fit every figure This is where our assistance is bene ficial, for we have carefully studied every model in our stock to know exactly which styles should be worn by every type of figureEvery Warner's Rust-proof Corset we sell is GUARANTEED to you not to rust, break or tear, Mrs. Barbara Phares WELCOME For Yellowstone Park Tourists Comnii'tioiiiK this Milliliter nil touiKt transportation within Yellowstone k will In l,v automobile Tin Whltw 10 passu Hirer (uitlnit were hn Herviee e duritiir lli'lO over the t'ody Sci'iiiu KohiI will lie ii-imI tliioiiglhiitt tho park. Park able I'arlc ticket, will cover a complete u iuv lour- m linn mil tno siuiiu giiie way, or in oin giitowny nml out the ntlnr. wlii'tlmr viu Only, (Sunliior or Yel lowstone All 1'rtik tourist1, whether tuitions of tin lintels or the ticnimnetit ,n...,iu lM1 In, (Hi I'rl.wl III llll I llfllf llli lilw 'liillit lltr I llii Vltl Ifllfhtfllli. VViillilllI'llI till L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent H'dl Fnrniun Street, Oiimlm, Nebr. I WOERNER'S I CI ean-lp Sale IIaina sold my ranch 1 will sell at the M. Woerner place miles west and north of Superior. i miles north east of tiostwirk and .'5 miles south of begin ning at 10 o'clock sharp, on TUESDAY, MARCH 20th 440 Head of Stock 240 Head of Young Cattle 100 head of 2 year old steers, all natives; 50 head of young cows, bred, including some good fresh milk cows; 40 head of heifers, bred; 30 head of calves; 50 head of yearling steers. Almoin r.'i mi; li' In ail or tiioie imii.c will ill iw tliem l' or l'J miles 160 Head of Hogs 40 brood sows, all bred to farrow early, extra good stock; 120 head of stock hogs from 60 to 175 pounds; 1 Duroc Jersey male hog. 10 Head of Horses and Mules 1 team brown jaek mules 7 yrs old, wt 3000; 1 learn grey mares 0 yrs old. wt 2200: 1 bay mare 5 yrs old, wt 1500; 1 team dun mares 10 yrs, wt 2100; 1 brown horse 7 yrs old. wt 1200; 1 yearling mule Farm Machinery, Harness, Etc 1 eorn binder, 1 nana plov with sod attachment, 2 good P & O listers, 1 cultivator. 1 3-sectton hairow, 1 hay rake, 1 mowing machine, Threshing machine, Russell Engine and Buffalo-Pitts Separator with steel .tank, all in good running order, 1 field disc, 1 box wagon, 1 man ure spreader. 1 silage cutter. 1 new top buggy, 1 set of heavy work harness, 1 set single harness, a lot of house hold goods including Lakeside organ, good as new. About 200 bushel of fine clean barley seed. Free Lunch at 11:30 TERNS: Nine months time at 8 percent interest ni ur d d ur I m. w oerner-i. d. vv uenier Warners Corsets WAHNKR'S RUST PROOF DESIGN AND SIIAl'K- DESIGNERS ARE SATIS NEWS I 8 and 1 yeaiiina colt. ORDINANCE NO. 49. n Oiillii.nicc to tuiiiliiti tin ronsti tx tl'iti alti'iatloii, anil ii'paliM of fi'VMm ml iiiiiilliK. pinvlilliiK foi Hie Id I'tiilnj,' f . DtlilM !H illlll il.ll!l-l IM I I'M-" till- I i , I I I lip s .11 1' I III lll-l i il . I tnl l"l kill 111 iit,i ill liiilni; tin- iliitli" nf Hi" i v. i I lll-l"ll' I III l iillln i ll'HI till I "M I' ll. 1 . . iililil.' " ll. title fill I'lliltl'fll, llll'l U 1 . limit .til tiiihniiiii i oi uit ni tji ill i, i- . . In i illltli't lle'lcvvilh i i: it iiitii.M.N'r:i, iy tin ot coiih- i il nf llu MI nf Unil ('Intnl. Nrbmsllft: . ,, ii, .it 1 It Khali tic tiiilnvvful for nnv pi i -mi p imiih, or tnriiiiiiitlnii to nlnce i t'lpi. plpi-n or niiiiipctloti!", or flKluies nr nti Ittiul vvh.itevei, for the .iii c.r iniiiiii'tltiK tin mime with tho Ml il in H'WI'IS Of tllP f "It V nf llf'll ('lilllll, ii i .inn piitpuxi'X in any 1'UlMltig with in llu llinl'M of tile Clt 'f I trl ('Intnl. or In ii. iKi .hi'. iipt'itliiiiM 111, inlilltloim tn or ilii i. il us i i ciiniii rtl'iiis viltli an;, pipes il nil. I I l III Of till" KCHU tnl 111 lf P.lill iitv, in i,int .in pUmililiii; hi dialli in. mi; liiiiiiiss without Hist nlit.ilnlliK ii II- i use fiom tl Ily del I; ami coinplliiK With tin- pliivMiillH of this iiiililitilicc .scii Ion 'i. Application for License. The application foi license shall he picsenteil tu the t'it I'otllll'll Illlll eliilol.seil by the Ki-wei coiuiulsxloner; anil no pei.sou, Hun or coipoiiitlon Mhall receive Htich license who Mi. ill not Hint have futiilHlieil the sewel colilinlsHloner wtitlsfactoiy cvlilence of his or their rcHponMhlllt. ami iti:ilitl c.iilous tn plv their ti.ule In accoiilaiice with the iiiUlicnients of this onllliaiice nml an fuither icKiilatlous piescilhcil b the City Council. Sictlon .'I After favotahlc nctlnn ly Hie l 'It J, Coillicll KiailtlllK license, Illlll hefoie the waine hIiiiII he Issued, the ap plicant or appllcantH Hhall piy to the clt tlcliHIIler the leilUlleil fee of Ten and Hhall tllo iccelpt for the H.unr loKether with an appioved SUIety colll p.iiiv's ImiKt In the mini or l'lfteen Hun ilied Dollai-H, with the city cleili. Tho ImiikI Hhiill he appi oved by the I'lty Coun cil, ami .shall he conditioned upon the piotectlon of the clt of P.etl Cloud iiKaliiHt all loss or ilamaite which may occui on account of mich thioiiKli any ' or ncKllKi'iice In either the eecutloii or piotectlon of his wink, or by le.iHon of any unfaithful or Inade quate wnil; dune by .such pei.son, Illlll or coipoiatlou, or by hl.s or their em ployes, and that said licensee an such will alno cotifcii in tn the conditions and ie iliilieineiilH of the city for his or their KiivciUlllellt, or III default theteof Will Hiibinlt to Hitch penalties .is aie or may be piescilbed by this oidluauce Section I On lllliiK with the city cleik such bond and the tl casta it's lecelpt for the license fee, as above, and ii ceillll ratu fiom the Hewer coinmissiouei' that the pciHou appbltu; Is a and pi.ictlcal pluiuber, and In cw-iy w.g inalllled tn cany on the business of a plumber, the applicant shall be entitled to a license tn the cud of the municipal v cat. Section ." Use of License. No poison, linn or coipniatloii ciiKUKcd in the bust in -s nf sewei coniiectiitK and (ltuin lay Im; m1i ill allow his or their names to be used b any other peison dliectly or Iti .liiMth, either to obtain a penult or to ' an wiuls under his or their llcent-c ir bond. Set Hon r.. Permit. IWoro commencing the coustt uctlou, moillllcatloii or repair r( ,m sewer, dniln or cesspool, the Uialn ei y-Ii. 1 1 1 III si pay a fee of Thiee 8 n i o et cost of inspection, and obtain I I it It'll penult fiom tile HeW'el' comtllls- ii'iu i i lul sin Ii penult shall be upon ii ,ii uinl at all tltius dtniiiK the H'U- m nf ueik and must be shown au olll i ii itithiH II on delilaud. .Mitlmi 7 Application for Permits. ! I 1 1 1 ill. ii I'm' penults tn comiei t. inn- stiii, t i, i ii mills attachments to the pub- s. wiis ,,i t licit appuitcnniifcs sliall i in ule in Ml tint; lo I lie M-Wel cnllimis- ! mi bl.ioKs fliiuislicd by the clt : Il ipplu itln ,s In hhnw tile e lit Inl.l- ,,f tin pmpi sed wink and when ie I il. I'm. ml, er nr dniln la.M-t t-hall ii ii pi ii .mil specltlcatlons of the i - I w 'i i iii I lie sewer coniiiiliwion i Iii- appim ..I When ieilllleil appli i 'i t"i ini.iuls. together Willi leu, ill ' liliil Willi the ciiUlllllHHinlii M-l ui lin.iih lefoie their lsliaii il, Supervision. The constiuc iii. I in imti n mi e ot all ew iii I eessp ml, whither tuili- p di oi pilv it,, shall be uoili'l the stini ' ' n nml in) lint of the sewer cntlllllls t,,. sei thin 'i Excavations. KNcnvntions si 1 1,'- i ml iilli',K shall be itiml-j in h in. mi , i ix to lliipi'.le li',ie as lit- iv k -il,l, , and tile cnuiinlsHiiilier i i il, in lulu,- mid limit the time such v 'vat i) i cm. tin open, ami when i ,,)--. nlh il, lu. oil, lie may dlie, t lli.a I ' 1 nl i I nf wiillsiueu he IlicliMM-i' to 1 i ti i Hi Hnil; tn Hlli'll ill I'Mclit IIM he i ' in ''cHsiirx. Med liKlits fur- r I - 1 1' tin- drain layer, shall be main- t illi 'I ni all lllllllllHlicil woils lit lllullt. ink i" sunilHe, and Hiitllelcut bai- t u nies shill h, In place at all tlllleh un l il tn- w, 1 1, i- cutiipleted. i , tinii pi Trenches Six Feet or More In Depth. Ti inches In depths of . I, it i ii., i Hi .ill made oi otheiwise tieaih i i ui, nt neat liiiKc I'l'lck billlillnus, i .Ii in ptniiii linn eil. and the p.uu i iIiik and his biilulHineii shall be ' 'I' I"! all ilalllilKes ailsllip; l n.isnn i in !, i t ill this lespect. - ii. ,ii II Licensed Plumber or D-aln Layer Responsible for Damages. The lic i m.1 plumber or dialn layer who cmi- lie. !. With the public jewel's shall be held i, pm lllle on Ills liollil for any dam n.ik Iii ini i.uise to the seweis, public slieiis, nr allejs. Ho shall icstoie the stmts in alley h to thu satisfnetlou of tlie "wit ii,iiuiil-.sloner. tiliil ntalse Rnuil any si ttli mi nt uf Klouud oi pavcmeiit caused l, the t'(.iatnius nunle by said plumber i,i -ii mi law it under or by iitui) of any p-iinit Is-ued Uliilel' the piolsols nf this ntdiiiatue. In the event of settlim; within niu vear lifter beliiK lelllled, the slliet i niiitnlssloiier sliitll have the llitht and it shall ho his duty to demand and inpilie the u situation , j, the p.uty who made sttili excavation. Section 12. Quality of Connections. Nil coiinei tloiiH with tho sewci.s must bo oi Hist class tiuullty, of vlttlllcd clay pipes of not less than four Inch or initio than six Inch Inside, diameter, without i Minc ers, l.ilil to a uniform (trade, with not less than U-liich fall per lineal foot for four Inch, and not loss than Vs-lnch fall per lineal foot for six Inch, towatil pew er. with Basket JolutH In Poitland ci'iuutit, of nil nppioved biand and In t Rood nud woikinatillke manner. All connections of one lino of dniln with another Hhall be made with "Y" liranchcH and onc-elRhth b mis ChatiKcH In tho illtection of the sewer shall he made by bends, ntttl suit aili flttlnuH Pipes shall not bo cut or ' i ippi d i i i pi li pi iiiils'inii of the I'oiii i i i,nit and Mall be ilmie ninlii bis i, iislin A Miiih sh ill ho ilriwu 'I lii.IKh till pipe as 1,1 lllff plOKIi'S-l'H to 1 iii th, limit tr joints and CM Utile ob Jictlomible lllttti'l f mill 1'lllelliiK the sew er. The ms'iili sliall be removed ri nil the pip" by tho di, iln layer nt Dm inuipeiloii nf the wiitk of SOWl I' colilieetimi. tectlmi 13. Separate Connections. Dm ty UullillliK sh ill be scp.iiatuly and In iii peinlntitly coniiecied with the sewer; pioiled howeei, that when. In the nplnluli of lite cointiiiHKlntior, It Is deemed adlable lo cntuiect two or mole build 1 1 Hfs or a line of tenements with the same sewer, the main dialn or latoial shall tt'i initiate In II Ulan-hole Hot less tbm tw i mid mi, -half feet In illnnctci it the bottom and IWn fei t nt the lop, the ltierts Hhall be caiefully fm moil Tn the concreti' foundations and top shall hae it tlKlit cast lion cover. , ition 11. House Drains, That por tion of house ill. ilns Inside of walls ami umleiueath the IiiiIIiIIiiks and Iok thiee fei t outside tho (ilea or foundation walls shall In const! noted of what Is known as cast lion soil pipe and heavy llttliik'S. House itiaius shall he securely anchoicd to the walls, not less than the feet apart, or laid In tl cliches of Itlilfoilil Mraile oi suspended fiom iloor timbeis by stioitK lion ImtiKoiH. Dinliis and soil pipes sliall have a unlfoim fall of not less than one quatter Inch to one foot towmds the sewer. Changes In diiection .shall be made by "V" branches and sanitary tees, all diaiiis to lie accessible when piactl- cable Section l.'i. Soli Pipes. Soil pipes le celvlMK disclmiKe fiom one or mole watof closets shiill be cast lion pipes, same as 'poillleil for drains, not less than four Inches in diameter, to continue full size inside of hulldiiiKH to the highest point of loof, and to a height of not less than six Inches above the rlilKe of the tire wall when the toof Is Mat. and at least live feet above or tell feet away fiom any window or opening of an adjolnliii; buildiiif;. All Joints Hhall be packed with picked oakum and tun with molten lead, thoiouKhly calked. Connections of lead pipes with drains shall be made with e tni heavy brass ferrule or combination fotiule. and ptoporly wiped Joints and calked to lion pipe. Section til. Connection Between Iron Pipe and Tile Pipe. The connection be tween lion and tile pipe when lion pipe Is smaller than tllo pipe, shall ho mado with cast Iron sewer cap and cement. In no case will tllo dialn pipe be allowed un der or thiouuh any In Irk or stone wall, or under tho lloor of any hiiltilliiK. Section 17 Grease Traps. All wistes contaliilm; a lame amount of uie.ise. such as 1'iean'eiv wastes ami wastes fmm Islti hens uf lintels and testatiitiiits, must lie illsdiUIKcd IhlotlKh I Klon'-o 1 1 .l nf fot in appioved by the sewer commis sioner Steam Exhaust, Blow-off or Drip Pipes, 'team ishiust.s, blow-oil' or dilp pipes must not be (onuocteil with nouse 'i lins, soil, waste, or vent pipes within " hullilliic. but shall UlschaiBo Into an open tank or condenser fiom which a life syphon connection to the sewer out side of tho hiilldiui; must bo mado. Sand Trap In Darns and Carriage Houses. All stables, bains, caui.iKo bouses or KaraKc.s, h.ivltiK a wash tack mi which w.ikoiis, caitl.iKcs, hacks. IiiikhIom, busses, automobiles or other vehicles aie wiislnil. and connected with the city sow er, shall be pi milled with a sand tiap an Imii syphon outlet. Section Is. Storm Water. Haiti water teadeis shall not be connected with the sanltaty sewiis, nor slitll miv tain or surface watei bo admitted Into the soil pipe iii any pntlnn of the sauitiiiy ilialu- l,'e s stem Section I1'. Cesspools. Ces.spnnls .shall lint be I'olistiuoteil on piopel'tv illillttlim on sanitary seweis, and the use nf old cesspools nhall bo illi ontliiuod, wltliln .ty divs aftoi the enlisliui tlmi of pub lic sewei Whole cc.ssiuiils nie peimlt ted, they sliall not bo local. ,1 within tw only -live feet of aiiv dwelling, nor wltliln one bundled feet nt any well, and sliall nnt bo loss than sis toot siiiaio .111(1 tWilve toot (loop, lined bottom Illlll .sides with clt-ht-lnch hi lei; wall lain ill cement nun tar and plaslcicd all over tho Inside with mie to one I'oitland cement plaster Section "f. Fixtures Having Waste Pipes. Cacll and eveiy IKtuie ImvlliK a waste pipe sliall lie sepaiiltetv and Inde pendently Hipped wltli a water sealliu; trap as neai tho iKture as piaotlcable, anil em h tiap sliall bo pinticted tiom sy plionatte iid ail piossuie b. a special vent plpi Waste f i mil bath tubs am' wash tiays shall bo connected with dtum tiap with tiap sciew not less than totee Inches In diameter, nap to be accerslble. livery whole piaclicable, the wilHte pipes fiom llMllleS Hlltlll eiltel the Hull pipe at ii point licy'(,i(l the lead bend. M'etlnn L't. Sizes and Material of Waste Pipe. Waste 'ilpes fiom all lls Ulles sliall bo nf load or cist lion and of not less than the tnllovvliu;; Hath tubs, sinks, lauiidiy tubs, ami uilnals, ono and one-half laches; slop sinks two Inches, and whole two ni; mure IKtuies aio comucteil to one wasie pipe, stub pipe sliall be i nl'li spondinnlv lucieased 111 sl.o. t Section 22. Waste Pipes from Recepta cle In Which Provisions are Stored, Waste pipes Horn lelilKoialois or other leceptacles 111 which piovlsimis aie Htoied sliall nnt be connected dliectly with the ilialnaK-e system, but shall ho nnaiiKcd to waste into mi open trap or sink in open sight below tho iofiii;oiator. Tills sink oi tiny may bo connected witli the diailiiiKo system whin pinperly Happed with a drum tiap nml a louud way stop-cock bolwoen ilialuau system and tiap, and piopoily vented as per i tllo for other tiaps. Section 23. Vent Pipes, Vent pipes must not tet initiate or lead thiotiKh chim ney Hues, but shall bo can led up Inside of house and suppoited samo as noil pipe. All water closets three 13) foot or more, f i oin stack sliall be back air vented with two-Inch K.ilvnnlzeil pipe. Tho ttaps of all other tlxttues shall e back nlr vented with pipe of satuo slzo as the wasto pipe. Tiap vents fiom two or inoto fixtures Hhall bo connected at loiiHt tin oo feet iibovo the highest tlxture. Vent pipes must bo Increased In slzo nc coidlni; to number of fixtures, nt leant ono-iuarter of nn Inch for each addi tional llxture. In nil hulldlnKs back nlr vents may bo connected to tho soil pipe not lesi than live feet above tho highest opening. Ml vent pipes Hhall inn as dltect as i'"lbl. , il inlii! wintmht limi pipe llh illneil IHtlllL's ins! ,,1 si. I pip ' "i bud J IP' f tut be Usui m i ntll lutnr Seitimi 2) Drains, Soil. Wa3te or Vent Pipes, General Provisions, No out side nr inside li .ilns, soil, waste, oi vent pipes shall bo covet oil ft oin view or enn (oaled until niter the woll hns boon tested, eViltlllH ll, mid IlpproV I'd by the 'I'H'T i oniini (sbuier or his duly autluu y il assistant, and n eutlllrnte slvrn for the sami'. Test. Yin Whole s.vstnn of In.ldt dinlns soil, vvirslo, llllil Vent pipe stia.l be lllled With water lllld leqllltod to uttind at least twelve hours without loss i.f w iter iii, fiewor coininlsslotiei hull lie notlllnl by the plumber wV'h tho Woll: is teadv foi Inspi'i tloli, mid said plumb el shall plepaie tile whole systfin ol plumbing In such building for the si wot commissi, ,ni.. t,, make pioper tests of same. Section L'.'i. Closets In Buildings. I'verv Watei closet oi glolip of Wlltel i beets within a building shall bo Unshed fiom a sepaiate tank or clstein, tho Hush pipe to bo not loss than one and one-(Uaitel (l'i) Inches Section 21',. Outside Water Closets. Outside water closets must bo soptuate ly happed with ehaii-otit on trap Soil pipe to have lead iiiiiuoctlon Hanged on Hoot to lecelve hoppei Tiap and soil pipe to ho cast lion and to ex tend at least thiee feet outside of vault Moppets to be Hushed with seat attached to heavy chain or rod. Waste or valve to bo connected with brass nipple and' t lapped when coniiecied to sower outside of closet tiap. Tia and valve for water closet to be placed In vault below tloez ing mid accessible for lepalrs. Vaults to be built of bilcls walls to be not less than eight (S) Inches thick. No hopper pun, or plunger closets shall be placed Inside any building In the city of Kod Cloud, Nehiaska. Section 27. Old or Condemned Plumb IntJ. All reconstiuctlou or tep.ilis of old or condemned plumbing shall be donu In accordance with the piovisions of this ordinance. Section 2S. Same. When plumbing or repairs of plumbing is reiiuhed to bo dunl in old InilldlngH or by reason of complaint from tin health olllcor, board of health or Newer commissioner, or on account of sanitary defects or violation of ordi nances, such plumbing must be carried on tinder the direction of the sower com missioner, and when completed Is to be caiofully Inspected befoie acceptance by him. When sanitary Inspection has shown tho plumbing or dinlnago in any building which Is or may bo occupied, to be In a condition which cmlungcis health, such plumbing or dialnage shall be changed by the owner, agent, m lessee within thlity (30) days after vvtlttfi no tice has boon served upon said ownef agent, or lessee, by the sewer coii'inls slonor. so as to comply in eveiy tospect With the piovisions of tills rti clln.i nut itml altetations of such plumbing must, when Huished. be submitted to tile seuei commissioner for appioval. Section l"i. Non-Syphoning Traps. When It Is nut piaotlcable tn mil tin bick vent of any trap to the open nit, a nnii-sy phoning tiap or positive tiap shall bo used, under the illieetlon of the sewer commissioner or ids duly authoi Izod assistant. Seotioti nil. Openings, All openings that me lelt for luttiio use, such as (Inl ets, -.Inks. etc.. shall be piovidid with a vent to bo connected to after Hmuus aie -et Section ill. Inspection. Then- shall be thiee Inspections as follows: Fiist: The newer when It Is liid and Jointed ami connected up and bef'ie It Is envoi cd over. Soi nnd. Tho soil, waste, and Vint pipes, In accoidauco with Section 22 of this oidluauce. Thllil. The whole system of plumbing when completed and water tinned mi. Section I!. Certificates of Inspection. ll an liltei ts. nwiieis, agents, nr nm ttactot.s will si e that a cottillcale ..f In spection 1 1 olll I III sewer commissliOici Is picsi tiled befoie accepting any plumbing unik nl any dc-cilptlun. Sictlon :;:i. Improper Use. Knti nice Into tlie manholes or opening tho same lor any ptupose whatever except by llu sowii commissioner or other pii..iis duly ntithoileil Is slilotly prohibited. No olio shall tllloW ol depo-lt, o i.ui-e i, penult to be tin own or deposited In any vessel or loccptnhlo connected witli the public sewer, gaibago, hair, nshes, fruit. Vegetables, poolings, leftise, lags, sib Is. indorS or any othei matter m thing Whatevoi, except lilt ma ll oxcieinent, ttiiiie, tlie llecessaiy i losot P'iper, liUid slops, and ilialnagi) of such chmacioi. Section ,'il. General Information. Tin following lecotlllllelidatlollH ate 111 ole lul ailoptiou liy the people of the (it.v oj Ited Cloud; (1) III getieial, no pipes should bo built Into pat til ion walls, when they i.m uot bo gotten at, uiiIhsh lottiovnblo panels tile placed over them, 11') All HMliios should bo completely i xposoil to view, and should not lie en ilosed in wnodwoik. SlnkH and wasli bowls, tin examplo. should ho supported on lo ickets or logs, with chin "i' spaces under tlioni. (11) All IIMUICH sliould be ol iltli.iblo, suiiioth, and noii-ahsorhent, such as potcolaln or enameled lion The bast possihle wnodwoik hIkhiIiI bo used. (I) All llstliie.s should bo located ill well-lighted and woll-vontllated places (."') Theio must bo no openings itoin the pluuibliig system Into tho Intel lot of the hiiiiso not thoioiighly piotectod by traps sine to stay full uf liquid. Ml) Tho use of Hour drains Is not lecomtuemli'd, except under condition. Insuring that tiaps will always i tualti full ot llimld. Section 3.V " Penalty. Anyownci, igent. mchitect, drain layer, plumber, supeiln toiident, contitictor, or other poison, fall ing, neglecting, omitting, resisting or io fuslng to comply with any of ivu provis ions, conditions, tonus, lules, loguliitions, or requirements of this oidluanco sliall pon conviction, bo tlnod In a sum not less than five dollars ($!i.00) or nioie than lifty dollais (J30.00) for each offense, nnd each day's falluie, neglect, or tefusal to comply with tho provisions of this oull nnnce shall bo deemed a separate and distinct offense, and shall lelmbutso the City of Hed Cloud for damages, sustained, Tho City Council may, nt any time, re voke tin) license of nny plumber found guilty of violating this oullnanee, nnd muv icftiso to grant such p.uty any li cense at any f unite d ite Section 3(1. It sliall be th" duty of the miuoi under this otdinatu e In appoint a nwei i imiiiis,in wln,e nppoiiiinient shall be lolilllltleit by the (itv Council "aid i oinnilsslon to sine to the end nf the municipal vear unb "n livnked by n majoiltv Vnlo of the Cilv Collticll, Sect Ion 37. All oidltiiuiii'S or purls of oidln iiice.s In cniilllct Willi the piovlsloli.s of this oidluanco nto hoiohy lojinaloil. Section ,'!.s. This ordlimtieo ilmil take fffect nnd ho In fotco fiom nml nflep Its piissuge, npptovnl nml public itloit, de em ding to law. Passed Miui'li Ctli. 1017. Appioved .Mtuch ilth, ifilT, IP HIT.'.l,I Attest: .Mayor. ( C. Ti:i:t (Seal) City Cleik ri(TiC?!'. i ' bib When the Firemen Appear the insuied man'i fittt thought it one of thankfulness that he is so. How abou your thoughts if a fnreman should ap pear at yout home? The Day Before the Fire is the day to insuie. As that day may be to-morrow for all you can know or do, it fellows that prudence would im pell you to stop in our office to day and have us issue you a policy, O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance 7Tn: Wall Paper New Designs ju& received for kitchen, dining room, bed room or parlor. Beautiful Patterns and ex- quisit border designs." Come in and see our line before you do your papering or you may be disappointed. Our prices are the lowest Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist Th Hamilton Cather Clothing Co. Sacc mo ti to Paul Storey Everything a Man or Boy Wears ' Red Cloud Nebraska Kffiyn'ir m nn thi tjltlit I' ( tnttl'lt you FarmLqans I have pliu-L'il S15.uo0.00 in fnrm lonn.s from JnntiHry 1'itli, to Felirtinry 15th Tim reiison is that I am giving tlie low est rates and best turms in the atato also a genuine option without a "joker" attachment Private funds on liand .1. II. Daii.i.v. Farm Loans I can make you a farm loan at low interest and befit terms to be had in tho state. Please, write rue, or call for me at State Hank Red Cloud. 0. P Cather. Wyy nawcrolrio lWL(i,f qrvrr7 t itotillpw'Sr A t V X