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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1917)
J u r, : v X x L X t ?n -TM. tl"1T 'i iiItU. wth. . ' w r?--v-.J. rATTtf-wniw , ii iarLSSiHK l-u . w.s"Mh ( """ """-?.-:"-it. .& " W .5 -ttM ffTKft t3w ;5frS w?f ... f " ilEwsfl r . - m &? w m m m w ms w r mr m . ' i4T -- wt ih Aun-ir 11 rK. i 4J .ii m uai -- iti . - - iv t r . .m."vi A Newspaper That Gives The News Flftj-tno Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 4 3 RED CLOUD, XBBBASKA. MMtCII ,s, 1IM7. NUMBER 10 ;k..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..x..:. Money Talks To be sure Money Talks, es pecialy if is actively employ ed. Money tint is idle is asleep If von could hold all the money iat passes through your hands it would be a fine thing for you, but if every one else followed the same plan where would you get yours? The place for money is in a reliable bank like ours, but subject to your check. Hoard ing money takes it out of circulation and it is constantly liable to be lost. Money on deposit talks and the things it says to you are "security, comfort, satisfaction." We invite you to open an account with us. Local School Board Rural Life Conference j Employ Teachers Meets At Lincoln Mutch ."i. 1917. 1$ mi 1 uii't in lobular .isiou at rosi llollCl of C .F l'lH MltlltllMS piosout Wocnor. 1 1 ()-. I'ope ami I'onti, Coon profiling. At t his oniilei once theio was u stiong ""IllilllOlll 111 flll)l i.f giving nel tin inn mill tiaiuiiig ill tin' liik'h li f il to II KIMllllilti' I'tllllse illtl'i 0ll) mill lli.tllgillg III give the sill. lent tollelli'ls Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAl'ITAIi ami Sl'HPLl'S :jl. ( Motion made and I'liirioil Unit all I" "- ti.;u'l.m in i ntal m-Ii.h.'s An lViiflu-i-,in i ho llk'li S.'lmol, with tho ' -nit only piitils win. u-ally oaio.l ONOoption of Urn pivviit nnirlislituiich- ' ' ,,'iu'11 M0,,,,, ''",,M' 1,l,, i'i-' 'i'! in or, bo ioti.iiio.1 lor tlio onsuiiir yuar lit ' ,,,,l, lo li'vi"j: Ut' olass nuulo up tlioi)if:iiliiiL",olK-.luloof xmilmis. ,"' PipiNi lio w oi o vilallv Inloioslo.l On mot ion Mlsi Stony was olootoil THAT ROOF NEEDS RE-SHINGLING After the winter's snow and storm you had better look at THAT ROOF Patching it up at once saves many a dollar in re-plastering and rc-decorating. Our shingles are the best money can buy. Let us send over a few bundles at once. All kinds of building material here to select from. MALONB-OBLLATLY CO. TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" Don't Forget that if you want a Bargain in a Player Piano, Piano, Violin or any Musical Instrument or Art Pottery, Pictures, Etc., we arc closing out our entire stock at absolute CDST prices. We Shall Positively Close Out March 31 and the goods are moving, so COME EARLY. All GUARANTEED Standard Grade Pianos. i toaolior in too Hili ohool, lior norh I to bo fttiMnuil liy tho limit 1 later. I Motion miulo Hint nil iiulo touuliiMS j I'o lotninoil at tlio osistlnu sohodulo. Miks llatiolt tn roooivo ?"7."i() por ro'ii- lar volioilulo. Cariiod. In tho mat tor of laisin llulgian Uoliof I-'unil-, tho iIolIiIoiI that tho "-ohools woio not tlio proper places to i also Mieh fiiiuls. It was (k'oiiloil not to allow any spline vaeation. Tho request that the teachers bo Ki anted louse of absence, on Mai oh SI) anil .'10, to attend tlio houth Western Toaolioih Assoi'iatinn at lloldtoKo was also advi'isely dfeidod The following bills were road mid allowed: Tho Red Cloud Chiol .... '1 50 Tho Wtoin Contiaetor 11 70 Uoy Sat t ley 10 0') Harry Tophain 7 511 C L. Cotting 0 80 Mid west Constiiietion Co 17 5'J .las. A. Din den 1 0." Webster Co. Argus C Co T (5. ll.irwood to Atkinson Moulzor Co 'M oO i: W. Stevens f CO Thus Charles Co r.l oO 1'opo lliothei.s 11 4 Omaha School Snnplv Co s,s ;,") Board now adjoin ned C. .1. Pope, S'eorotaiy. 3 Couples Take Nuptial Vows Unity Iiiieldes liu' deoided that tho l)iitliva,s id' u lutolirloi aio mil strein 'with insis and on Widiiisihty this pupul u Jiiilllk' fin llli r hied liiiuscll to i tlin ollieo of .Indgf Uuniiey whole he was giaiitod a lleiiisc to wed Mi-s 1 lllitnelio Aubiisliuii. ! Tho ooromuiiy was performed at tin- ''Unitod ehiiich pai'-onnge, Uov. .1. I. Hot ho officiating. They woic attend. I o 1 by Mi f'niil Bncklosiind Misslieno 1 JJiicldes, bi other Hi) (I bi-ter of tlio I griiom The In ult is a diiughtor if Mis i;ii iboih Atiliiishoii ol thw city. Tho giuum ii a sun of Mr. ami Mis. ! .lames buckles it siding uoi th of tow u I The ouiig ouiiplo w ill bojitjinmo to lliiir iiiiny friends on tint timid l.uin, in Uatiii tnwiisliip, whoio tho groom has a home oomp, oily furnished await- 1 ing Ids In idf. The I'hli f, with their many fiiends. etelid well Wishes. LeRov M OV 1V1US1C Red Cloud, Nebraska Co. i niiiio thoroiiuh tr. lining oould bo glv fii Tills wottlil produce a bettor pio p.ired stall" ol ttachois lur Ibo mini, sohonls. The idea pi edominated that tln te.ioliiug stall fr iiiial eommiiiillios should bo trained in londoisbip ami in oiiiiyingoiit a oonstiuotivo educational pinKiaiii for the ooiiimuiiity Tho! gioatosl of omiihasis was plaeod upon, tho nocessit', of the teaeher living in the community if she is to bo u success. Teaching cannot bo nieasuiod by class-room routine but by soivico. teacher must livo in the coiiiinuiiily Saturday and Sunday as well as from Monday to Fiiday in-order to seiio the ical puipose of tho '-uhool. Tho sentiini'iit in favor of coiisolidal-' i d schools has increased enormously! iniioiii,' piogrosslvo rui nl people. Tho tt.uispui tation problem has caused man', people to hcsiiatc on consolida tion, but people who hao tiled trans put tittiou tavor .t. There tiro htiiidieds of consolidated schools over this laud "who do not run tr.inspoiiiitlon wagons, but instead the patents furnish their own tiausportation. This method has boon satisfactory to the communities using it. Another method which has boon used hticcesstiilly is for the dis trict to pay the patents for ti.inspoi ta tion wheio tlio childien Ihe over a certain distance. i;. U Blown, n fanner fiom Davoy, Nebr . g.ivo an addiess i.n Agiicultuie and IMuc tlioii, in which lie emphasized thalchihliou should not only bo taught 'the how' but "tho wlij" in older to pioparo them to 1 irm ellleionlly or In do any other kind ol woik ellicieiitly Jiuiicrlntcmlctils' Knilonul liiliicnllonal Assoi.hitloii at liiinsas till v (ileauim.'s tioiu the ion re polled by Mis) liciltudu L l' on. j Colliuaii iinalv'd 'he supi r . Intoiidont'-. woik ocu'iiti ii'iun, ad-, ininistiatlon, mpoi vision Supervision Is vital to goiik schools ami hastodo chielly with work which gels an iiu pioved quality ol touching". Our best i schools rooo'iii.'.o this fact mid furnish enough teachers so that the superin tendent gives his time to supervision and construction. In the large cities many of tho ward do no teaching but use their time In super vision. "Supt M. C Potior pleaded for moio emphasis upon oral composition in elementary grades and for written composition motivated from life " Piesident Kiik, Missouri, insists that tho Not mill Schools should pioparo Al noon, Sunday, at the home of tho biules father was .solemnized tin linn'o o Mi. Chas M. lJicL'ins ami ' i,i.i. .i.i i..,i,.i,.,.u ii..c.,.. UMnn, Mlssllortha M. Metealf, Ituv. i. V ooursos are olVoied students will enioll lliiininelollieo.iiug. They woio attend i thoso; tlmt there tho trim od by Miss Maud.) MoCuno and Mr. spi,it 0t c idetnic fieodom and teach til Melealt. About forty guests eu- ing nro to bo lonnd; that the guide in at tendance. teacher needs college training as much , Ihe biido is the youngest daughter ' as ,()l.s Ule UkU miu teacher and ol Mr Kl Mot-Hlf, sr.,and has many tmt the normals do not think it more Iriends to wish her unlimited hnppi-j ,uKified In tialn high school teachers ness duriiiK her ni.tiried life. tfllU) elemontary teachers; that public I The groom is a son of Mr. ami Mrs. hC10ol teachers of all grades should bo s Biggins, who icsldes near Bladen. ' trained in the normals". They will make their homo on tho Metcall farm. Fred L Keolcr gave in the ouler of their importance tlio following sot of WJ3AVILL APPKKCIAT.E A SJI A RE OF YOUR COBL ORDERS PLAIT & FREES j On Wednesday evening, Mutch 7, at s imlards for school house construe sl. o'clock, at tho home of tho bride's I tlon: utility, health, safety, beauty and j parents, He v. niuliner pronounced the economy. j woids which united in matrimony Miss (olm D nubcrtsoii supports military Brum Hawkins and Mr. Gilbert 11. training in the schools as the host Ueed. Tho bride is the daughtor of luIls of establishing hygienic habits. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Hawkins, one of ue Hald it sliould begin in the kinder our highly lo.pectod families residing Kait si. mid continue thrminh the high OHIO 0- isa We repair things Right H '"ffSj tMaTvJv MTtSv&BfS9lX?7m' SW WHEN WC DO YOUR REPAIRING WE WILL DO IT TO LAST. IF WHAT YOU BRING US TO FIX IS NOT WORTH FIXING WE WILL TELL YOU SO. WE DO GOOD WORK, BUT WE CHARGE ONLY A MODERATE PRICE FOR OUR REPAIR WORK. TRY US. WHEN YOUR EYES TROUBLE YOU, COME IN AND LET US TEST THEM. WE WILL FIT YOU WITH THE CORRECT GLASSES. E. H. NEMHOUSE Jeweler and Optomotrlst tSTC U. &. Q. Watch Inspoctor Spring Dress Fabrics The spirit of the looms is ,the spirit of spring, of youthfullness and of beauty LaPorte Dress Fabrics arc the interpretation of this spirit and are beautiful LaPorte Wash Goods, Silks and Wool Dress Goods happily represent the Spirit of Our Store BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENTS NOW ON DISPLAY R. P. Weesner & Co. RED CLOUD MINER DLDG. NEBRASKA northeast of this city. Tho room is bc100i fm. uoUl Uoys ,,, ris, tho son or Mr. Uon Heod another of j Mrs. Hlla Mooic bays that the lion Webster Count;. 'i, esteomed citizens, ls u ecossiiry pari of any health u.ov residing west of town. This young couple have a lurge elide of friends and acquaintances who extend congratulations, meat. Adelaide llaylor in discussing man- ( unl work in tho school lib relited to the mental growth of tho child stated that l.r por cent of tho ohild'ri timo in grades 1 to C should bo given to man mil I raining, '20 por cent of tlio child's time in grades 7 and 8 should bo devot ed to luminal training and fit) per cent of the high school pupil's timo should bo used In manual training. Manual training is not used In its limited inefiuliig woodwork but applies to all work given thai trains the hand. Manual training helps with tlio study of language, nature study, ote. mid leads to all of our subjects. I Henrietta Calvin states that wo should train childien to take friend I ship from tho natiiio wot Id around us, that lonlinesb is a state of mum result ing from a lack of such training. Contiuued on page 3