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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1916)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF W 3 B l ; I. WVWAW.VWAW.V.VVATAVW.VV.V.V.V.V.'.VAW.VAW THE ABOVE IS AT YOUR ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING (LADY ASSISTANT) ALL THE PHONES. mW.WWW.AVV.V.VAV.V.VWMWMrWWWl Jiir- gm mssxm' GBS& rirJ--VsAvl lation of z.r & V neutralizes acid deposits which -7--ItVA cause and is unexcelled for the treat Your ment of Money Back If Not Sciatica, Gout, Uric Acid Diathe sis and affections of a similar nature. Satisfied C. L. COTTING RANGE COMFORT will last a life time. When buying a range, buy the best? Come and see it and let us tell you all about it. It is 0 beautiful range It is an excellent baker It is a great fuel saver Mklim SAIiSFAGIION The Big Value In A Heater that you have been looking for. Economical in the consumption of fuel Handsome in appoarance Strong durable in construction Burns any kind of fuel The SLMOY is one that will give you entire satisfaction. Let us show you all its points of advantage. Come in, now. GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER EQUIPMENT $ SERVICE $ i RED CLOUD, NEB. nmufiw WgQ)C RHEUMATIC REMEDY Don't wait until you suffer tor turesat the first twinge begin treatment with this dependable, efficient SAN-TOX alkaline prep aration which stimulates digestive secretions, prevents the accumu- intestinal toxmes and rheumatic troubles. Its formula has long been, the favorite prescription of many leading physicians Acute Rheumatism, The Druggist That will Last a Lifetime T70R the sake of a few dollars now why buy a range that in a few'years will need repairs and in a few years more will be worn out entirely? Add a few more dollars and buy a TL South Bend Range Mnllcablo ALU-WAYS PREFERABLE The Range that'll give per fect satisfaction in every way and with a little care HEATER THE RED CLOut CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. 'UBLISHKD EVERY THURSDAY Entered in the. l'ostonico at ltcd Cloud, Nob. ns Second Clans Matter A II. MoARTHUR I'UIIMpHKH ClifcJ ONhY DKMOCUATIO l'AI'KK IN WEHSTKK COUNTY PREMIUM LIST (continued from page one) Will Kent, CA TTLE DEPA RTM ENT Itoof Hull 2 years old and under 3 1st C W. Johnston 2nd W. P. Kuehii Dull t year old and under 2 1st J. M. Steward & Sou liull uuiler 1 year 1st J. M. Steward & Sou 2nd C. W. Johnston 3rd .1. M. Steward & Son Cow 3 years old and ovor 1st J M. Steward & Sou 2nd C W Johiibtotl 3rd J. M Stownrd & Son Cow 2ycats old under 3 1st and 2nd J. M. Steward &, Son Cow 1 year old and under Is 1st J. M. Steward & Son 2nd Curtis Steward Cow under 1 year old 1st and 2 ml J. M. Steward & Sou 3d C. V. Johnston Champion bull any ape J. M. Steward s son Kesorvo Champion C. W. Johnston Champion cow any ago J. M. Steward & Son Reserve chnmpion J. M. Stoward vv: Son. Best herd consisting of it ball and 3 cowb orheifers J. M. Steward & Son Educational department; 1. District 9 2 No entries 3. District 3; 42. 4. District 3G; 70. 5. District 3; 6). 6. District 48; 17. 7. District 17. 8. District 59; 30. 9. District 3; 60. 10. District 72; 69. 11. District 3; 78. South. 12. District 17. 13. No Entries. 14. District 17; 85. ' 15. District 26; 6. 16. District 72; 70. 17. District 10. 18 District 60; 61. 19. District 3; 17. 20. No entries. 21. District 30; 69. 22. District 26; 85. 23. District 17. 1 ' i ' 24. District 30; 17. 25. District 17. 26. District 17; 18. 27. District 17. 28. No Entries. .. 29 No entries. 30. No entries. 31. District 17. 32. District 17; 69. 33. No entries. 34. No entries. 35. CharlieSchneiber; Annabel Starke 36 Ruchael Buckles ; Alexander Brou- ilette. 37. Sarah Betz; Clara Koch. 38. Marguerite Hadcll; Ralph Brom mer. 39. Leah Heaton; Josephine Johnson. 40. Hildagrade Brommer; Gilbert Lundstedt. 41. Lida Haas; Tillie Strobl. 42. William Jarboe; Edythe Hanfeld. 43. Robert Newhouse; Jennie Beezley 44. Howard FriBbie; Annabel Starke. 45. Fern Cox. 46: No entries. 47. No entries. 48. No entries. 49. Alda Barker; Ella Diesley. 50. Howard Friable. 51. Blanche Sherer. 52 Earl Woodward; Elwin Shipman. 53. Gail Fern; Pupil from District 85. 54. No entries. 55. No entries. 56. No entries. BoyH' Club Exhibit 1. Kenneth and Raymond Crowd!. 2. Ellery Hooper. 3. Ellery Hooper. 4. No entries. 5. No entries 6. Ellery Houpei; Clajton Ailes. 7. ltnymnnd Shipman. Special District C Primary. District 41 D-.htrict 15 Fern Cox. Blanche Sherer. 5th grade Rod Cloud, 50c. Gth grades Red Cloud, 50c. , FARM PRODUCTS Yellow corn 1st, Henry Lambrecht; 2nd, Will Steam. White corn 1st, Henry Lambrecht; 2nd, J. B. Richer. Red corn 1st, Henry Lambrecht; 2nd, E. L. Hu'ikins. Calico corn -1st, E. L. Hnskins; 2nd, S. J. Brown. Any color 1st, II. W. Lambrecht. Collection corn 1st, II. W. Lam brecht; 2nd, E. L. Hnskins. Yellow corn, boy under 10 1st, Rob ert Hnskins; 2nd, Omer Crowell. Whito corn, boy under 10 1st, Rob ert Hnskins; 2nd, Ellery Hooper. Pop corn 1st, Edward Beul; 2nd, Donald Funk. ' .... Wheat 1st, C. L. Crabill; 2nd, uco. HcfTelbowcr. Oats 1st, Geo. Heffolbowcr; 2nd, J. C. Graham. Ryo Mrs. Knrl E. Smith. POTATOES. , , Early Ohio 1st, Alex Bentloy; 2nd, E. L. Hnskins. Anv other 1st, Geo. Hellelbowor; r n -ww ir 1 , E Cnrrots-4st, C. C. Rawls; 2nd, E. B. JJeauchamp. Mangel Beets 1st, Jos. Topham, Sr. 2nd, Jos. Topham, Jr. Citron 1st, John Copley; 2nd, C. W. Putnam. Watermelon 1st, Fred Bright; 2nd, Mrs. G. W. Hummel. Pumpkin 1st, Clarence Lewis; 2nd, Mrs. Ben Pcgg. Squash 1st, C. II. Kaley; 2nd, India Van Dyke. Cnshaw 1st, Clarence Lewis; 2nd, C. W. Putnam. APPLES. Ben Davis 1st, Geo. HcfTelbowcr; 2nd. Marvin Harris. Delicious 1st, Mrs. C. S. Ludlow; 2nd, Mrs. Ben Pegg. ', Grimes Golden 1st, Mrs. C. S. Lud low; 2nd, Geo. Hcffclbower, ' 2nd, Geo. HcfTelbowcr. Greening 1st, Mrs. C. S. Ludlow; 2nd, Mrs. W. M: Points. Jonathan 1st, Geo. HefTclbowcr; 2nd, Mrs. C. S. Ludlow. Genitan 1st, Geo. HelFelbowcr; 2nd, Mrs. G. W. Hummel. Pippin 1st, Norton Stewart. Wincsap 1st, Geo. HcfTelbowcr; 2nd, S. II. Boyco. Sweet Cream 1st, Goo. HefTolbowor. Rainbow 1st, Geo. Hetrolbower. Transparent 1st, Geo. HefTclbowcr. Willow Twig 1st, Geo. HcfTelbowcr. Rome Beauty 1st, Geo. lietrclbower, Alfalfa lst,vLawrcnce.Pcirco. Tnme Grass 1st, Lawrence Pcirce. Woman's Department. BUTTER. 1st. Mrs. T. II. Hawkins t 2nd, Mrs. Martha Losekc BREAD. Amboy Flour. 1st, Mrs. E. Foe 2nd, Mrs. Fred Meyer Lobanon Flour. 1st. Mrs. Ed Tennnnt 2nd, Mrs. II. C. Lctson Riverton Flour. ' 1st, Miss Bertha McMillan - ,, Peerless Flour. 1st. Mrs. McCrillis 2nd, Mrs. Patten - Sweepstakes on Bread. Miss Bertha McMillan -"' Graham Bread. 1st, Mrs. Lcn Wilmot 2nd, Miss Dora Brinkman Corn Bread. 1st, Mrs. Jas. Gilliam 2nd, Mrs. J. W. Crow Boston Brown Bread. 1st, Mrs. I. H. Holmes Six Raised Biscuints. 1st, Miss Dora Brinkman 2nd, Mrs. S. C. Minter Cinnamon Rolls. 1st, Mrs. H. C. Letson 2nd, Miss Elsie Huffer CAKES. Angel Food. 1st, Mrs. Chas. Woods 2nd, Miss Dora Brinkman Best White Layer Cake. 1st, Eleanora Smith ; 2nd, Mrs. Fred Meyer Best Dark Layer Cake. 1st, Mrs. Chas. Woods 2nd, Mrs. Jos. Tophan Best Nut Loaf. 1st, Mrs. Ben Pegg 2nd, Mrs. Fred Meyer Best Fruit Cake. 1st, Mrs. Jas. Gilham Jelly Roll. 1st, Mrs. Jas. Oil ham Best Six Sugar Cookies. 1st, Miss Julia Funk 2nd, Mrs. Chas. Ludlow Best Six Ginger Cookies. 1st, Miss Minnie Harrington Best Six Fruit Cookies. 1st, Miss Minnie Harrington 2nd, Miss Julia Funk Best Six Oatmeal Cookies. 1st, Miss Minnie Harrington Best Six Doughnuts. 1st, Mrs. I. H. Holmes 2nd, Miss Minnie Hnrington Best Six Cream Puffs, 1st, Mrs. H. C. Letson Best Four Cakes in one Display. 1st, Miss Dora Brinkman Special on Four Cakes. 1st, Miss Bertha McMillan Special on Dark Cake. Mrs. Druliner PIES. Best Fruit Pie. 1st, Mrs. Jns. Gilliam 2nd, Mrs. Henry Griffith Best Pumpkin Pie. 1st, Mrs. Len Wilmot. Best Mince Pie. 1st, Mrs. Len Wilmot 2nd, Mrs. Jns. Gilhnm Best any one Crust Pie. 1st, Mrs. Len Wilmot 2nd, Miss Dora Brinkman CANNED FRUIT. Best Canned Pears. 1st, Mrs. Dcnrdorf 2nd, Miss Clara McMillan Best Canned Peaches. 1st, Mrs. Jack Wisecarvcr . 2nd, Miss Clara McMillan Best Canned Raspberries. 1st. Miss Clara McMillan 2nd, Mrs. Jas. Gilham Best Canned Gosebcrries, 1st, Mrs. LeRoy Gohle 2nd, Mrs. Henry Zalman' Best Canned Blackberries. 1st, Mrs. Lcn Wilmot 2nd, Mrs. Jas. Gilham Best Canned Plums. 1st, Miss Clara McMillan Best Canned Blue Plums. 1st, Mrs. Lcn Wilmot 2nd, Mrs. Jns. Gilham Best Canned Beans. 1st. Miss Clara McMillan 2nd, Mrs. Ada Arnold Best Cnnncd Tomatoes. 1st, Miss Clara McMillan 2nd, Mrs. Derudorf Best Canned Apples. 1st. Miss Clara McMillan 2nd, Miss Elsie Huffer Best Canned Grapes. 1st. Mrs. Len Wilmot 2nd, Mrs. Stockman Best Canned Cherries. 1st. Mrs. Henry Kalmnn 2nd, Mrs. Jack Wisecarvcr PICKLES. Best Cucumber Pickles. 1st, Mrs. Ada Arnold 2nd. Mr. Jack Wisecarvcr Best Pickled Cherries. 1st. Miss Clara McMillan ' 2nd. Mrs. Floyd Turnuro Best Boot Pickles. 1st. Mrs. Henry Znlmnn 2nd, Mrs. Jack Wisecarvcr JELLY. Best Grapo Jolly. 1st, Mrs. Jas. Gilham 2nd, Mrs. Jack Wisecarvcr Best Apple Jelly. 1st. Mrs. Henry Zalman 2nd, Miss Clnra McMillan (ConlintK'd"on page 5) Worth Careful Thought Do you read the label to know whether your baking powder is made from cream of tcrtar or, on the other hand, from alum or phosphate? Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and adds to the food only wholesome qualities. Other baking powders contain alum or phosphate, both of mineral origin, and used as substitutes for cream of tartar because of their cheapness. Never sacrifice quality and healthful- hess for low price. " ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. s New York V Best Plum Jelly. 1st, Mrs. Len Wilmot 2nd, Mrs. LeRoy Goble Best Cranberry Jelly. 1st, Mrs. Jack Wisecarvcr 2nd, Mrs. Jas. Gilham Best Gooseberry Jelly. 1st, Mrs. LeKoy Goble JJp.d, Mrs. Henry Griffith Best Jam. 1st and 2nd. Mrs. Jim Gilham NEEDLEWORK. Best Piece Eylet Embroidery. 1st, Mrs. Lucena White 2nd, May Cramer Best Piece French Embroidery. 1st, Mrs. Lucena Whito ...Zjl 2nd, Mrs. Kate Rikards Best Piece Cross Stitch. 1st, Mrs. Seaton 2nd, Miss Clara McMillan Best Piece Hardanger. 1st, Mrs. Lottie Morhart Best Piece Colored Embroidery. 1st, Mae Cramer 2nd, Mrs. Lucena White Best Piece Battenberg. 1nt H.f T?Att-n T!Ml.Mv. , Mrs. John Tietzen Best Embroidered Towel. 1st, Mae Cramer 2nd, Miss Fay Teel Best Embroidered Pillow Case. 1st, Mrs. Wm. Lain Best Tatting. 1st, Miss Grace McCrillis 2nd, Miss Hazel Saladen Best Set Fancy Sheet and Pillow Cases. 1st, Mrs. Barta 2nd, Mrs. E. Foe" KNITTING. Best Cotton or Linen Knit Lace. 1st, Miss Minnie Harrington CROCHETING. Best Silk Crocheted Article. 1st, Mrs. Stonebreaker 2nd, Mrs. Stonebreaker Best Woolen Crocheted Article. 1st, Mrs. Frank Richardson 2nd, Mrs. Wm. Rosencrans Best Cotton Crocheted Article. 1st, Mrs. Joe Crow 2nd, Mrs. A. C. Slaby Best Cotton Crocheted Lace. 1st, Mrs. Frank Ellinger 2nd, Mrs. Al Spiers Best Crocheted Bed Spread. 1st, Mrs. Druliner Best Crocheted Bag. 1st, Miss Clara McMillan Best Crocheted Cotton Yoke. 1st, Mrs. Harry Letson 2nd, Mrs. Seaton Best Centerpiece. 1st, Mrs. Lottie Morhart 2nd, Mrs. Seaton SOFA PILLOWS. Best Hardanger. 1st, Mae Cramer 2nd, Mrs. Morton Smith Embroidered Sofa Pillow. 1st, Mrs. May Bentley 2nd, Mrs. Wm. Lain Best Novelty. 1st, Miss Rose Routs 2nd, May Cramer Hamilton -Gather Clothing Co. Wants to Sell You Your SUITS OVERCOATS HATS UNDERWEAR AND ALL OTHER FUSNISH INGS FOR MEN AND BOYS yOU NEED GpOD, WARM CLOTHES I because winter is here. CJ We can sell them be cause we have them. Come .in and see for yourself. We also want you to sec our Complete Line of Sweaters and Mackinaws they are just the thing for this kind of weather. Buy early before prices advance, Hamilton -Gather Glothing Go. Specials in Needlework Department. Silk Tatting, Mrs. Chris Zeiss Tatted Yoke, Miss Helen Bright Crocheted Lace, Mrs. Walter Cox Crocheted Lace, Mrs. Kate Rickard Nightgown Yoke, Mrs. O. C. Teel Table Cloth, Mrs. Barta Handmade Baby Dresses, Mrs. Martha. Loseko Pieced Quilt. Mrs. Oliver McNutt Articles made by ladies over sixty years of ago: Best Display of Tatting, 1st, Mrs. Ella Markam 2nd, Mrs. Ella Markam Best Display of Crocheting,. 1st, Mrs. Groat Best Display Embroidery,. 1st, Mrs. P. Conover 2nd, Mrs. P. Conover Best Tatting, 1st, Mrs. Ella Markam 2nd, Mrs. V. Harwood Best Crocheted Article, 1st, Mrs. J. H. Bailey 2nd, Mrs. M. E. Davis Best Knit Article, 1st, Mrs. Groat Best Knit Mittens, 1st, Mrs. Wm. Points 2nd, Mrs. Stonebreaker Best Knit Stockings or Leggings, 1st, Mrs. Stonebreaker Best French Embroidery, 1st, Airs. if. uonover Best Crocheted Slippers, 1st, Mrs. Stonebreaker Best Knit Slippers, 1st. Mrs. S. J. Tabon 2nd, Mrs. S.'J. Tabon ' Best Set Fancy Sheot and Pillow 1st, Mrs. 3r. H. 'Bailey 2nd, Mrs. Stonebreaker Best Colored Embroidery, 1st, Mrs. J. H. Bailey 2nd, Mrs. Newbury Best hadnmada Towel, 1st, Mrs. J. H. Bailey 2nd, Mrs. Stonebreaker Best Fancy Sofa Pillow, 1st, Mrs. J- H. Bailey Best Cotton Piece Quilt, 1st, Mrs. J. H. Bailey Best Kensington Bag, 1st. Mrs. Stonebreaker 2nd, Mrs. Ella Markam Best handmade article by lady over eighty years of age, 1st, Grandma Fox Girl's Department. Butter. 1st, Marie Pegg Light Cake. 1st, Viola Deardorf 2nd, Rose Cecil Best Cake by Girl under twelve. Violet Holverson Best One Crust Pie, Goldic Frey Best Bread, 1st, Lois Constance Wecsner 2nd, Lucile Scrivner Best Canned Cherries, 1st, Viola Deardorf Best Currant Jelly, 1st, Lucile Scrivner SHOES , 1 ' ' Y J 7) o nil. u. 11. ivnioy. Beets 1st, J. B. Stanser. w fr. Jl v. i.wiuii 11 iwimmi.iinww """T" ""' '''""" w !' ""V" nmtmmmmtrjmillilitaiMMMUinmttCM rwi'rxKtwa iWfatWMtoiBm4vr'''f'