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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1916)
"I imf " 5 t- own ni.OUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Letlhese r Tablets HelpYou When you feel yourself taking cold, l'cruna Tablets are uxeiy 10 cucc and overcome the attack. When your appetite Is fitful, your food ivvXNWV-1 and rcmilate. Wh-n yon are weak after Illness, I'eruna Tablet are - SSied ffi ihSr heallhful Tonic Effect,. When catarrh distress you. Peruna Tablets will help your system to rid Itself of this disease nallnTntit an, nrfrHohiful laxative. StronRcathartlcswcaken.anaarcipiiowca Dy reaction. Manalln Is mild, aently urnlnK. the llveiito actln, and will be loumi as Baie u they are p eassnt. By their use as directed, the hamt or consiipaiion i "v."''x ";"f ' For children and Invalids the treatment Is safe and satisfactory. Any drug store can supply you, Get a bo today. fHE PERUNA COMPANY Columbus, Ohio i . Miii WWi IW''WW ' ' rMM bv Bak " TB 9m r. .IB. M B IB tBv r BBBBVI9VtfWnfBB&flP tiUKliEr BlV i i v-l t 1 bbsi 1 ymsw " m - i . tbw r- bm bv i x. m i vvv.wbbbb i iii m i mimp LJJLxrJlVAfSLJL - -ax. v- .t- v v ttram-isesii )smmmm v- - ? J rKsyt'Hrryi?rfir . . -t . -5T 2:- Wfivr SS k " f 4. )' r Cm, t - - - " -- -t- v j j r . ' r ssje: r i ' . -sftkNu i C KsT , V f" SKKsNYith I IV I 4 ; i i l! I ? ' K ! !i: rW GOD be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon Earth, thy saving health among all nations. Let the people, praise Thee, O God; let all the people praise Thee. Then shall the Earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless .us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of W. L. DOUGLAS "THE SHOE THAT HOLD3 ITS SHAPE" $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 & $5.00 aXSVSHm Save Money by Wearing w. i uougiaa hoes. Foralebyover9000hoodealerft, The Bet Known Shoe In the World. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price a stamped on the bos torn of all shoes at the factory. The value b guaranteed and the wearer protected agaimt high price for inferior shoes. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. The quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed! by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervuion of eiperienced men, all working with an honest determination to maxe uie oest snocs 10 uc : um '""-7 can buy. Ask your shoe dealer for W. I Douglaa shoos. If be can not supply you with th kind you want, take no other make. Write for Interesting booklet explaining how to Set shoes of the highest stnndaru os qoauix lor ins ptiw, y return mall, postage free. m LOOK FOR W. L Douglu name and the retail prlc atampeo oa tarn Doitona. r Ka mM-wmxiy'it t. -fAJUSBBFaHuaKv jl ttaJB tcwABK or wil tjHnHsuMiiiuiuWy T. ! ilnnt W. T- Donsila. Shoa Co Boys' Sao RMtliithaWilrtd $3.00 $2.60 1 $2.00 ,. Brockton, MsSj Those Weddlnj Bells. Abo Did you pjt the opera score? I'nmloru Yenh : they Were tied In the minute of the play. the Earth fear him. From (he 67 lh Psalm. P&AI5E IHH Jor ThisHosi Preciotts The earth under a blanket of snow is usually ten decrees warmer thnu the air above It. One of the worst stings of defeat is the sympathy that goes with lt The New Reading. "When Hiere Is a will there la way." "Yes ; a way to break It" In the up-to-date school, the black boards are cleaned by a vucuutn device. nun worker In ten In tho United I States belongs to a labor union. ($fr 4 Ml -to N AN evenliiK of this week It occurred to u man, slttliiK alone In an upper room, that TlianksKlvliiB tiny was rljiht at liniul. Ho he bestirred his mind to consider those things for which un American might sensibly offer un gratitude to Clod. lie reflected that across the Atlantic millions of liuinun beings were at that very moment en gaged in the dreadful task of killing other human beings with every invention which Ingenuity and skill could bring forth from the laboratories of science and the workshops of industry. In other lands nt that very moment tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of helpless folk feeble, aged men nnd women, mothers with babes cringing convulsively to their breasts, little children sobbing In terror, a vast army of the In nocent and the anguished were enduring the ex tremities or exposure, of hunger, and of despair as they fled from their wasted farmsteads and burning villages, escaping from the pitiless cruelty of savage men only to lie down to suffer and die under the pitiless skies of God In the winter and the bitter storms. At that very moment most dreadful war hid half the world in the blackness of Its darkness and from that horrid cloud rained destruction upon unhappy Europe upon her ancient capltuls, upon her pleasant cities, upon her villages, her fields, her temples, her treasures of nrt, upon all tho accumulations of a thousand years of genius, of learning, of Industry, of skill and of patient advancement of the happiness and the civilisation of the race of man. So he that considered all this wickedness that was being done under the sun. (his drunken dnnco of death and hell above the fetid corpses and tho multitudinous graves, this awful nightmare of In describable woe nnd wrath, snld In the bitterness of lils heart that no God ruled over such a maniac world and there was no thanksgiving due to the Giver of Olfts that were not good, but everyone altogether evil. And when the man had made an end of his thinking, he went and stood In a window nnd looked out upon the evening, because It was fair to see. He saw In vision at that Instant the vastness of the republic and tho multitude of the good and happy folk who live under tho shelter of Its strength. He reflected how brief a time had thus 'magnified tho workq of our pioneer fathers and our pioneer mothers, thoso bravo and simple men and women whoso names should never be men tioned with anything but profound gratitude. And to this American, glad with a great pride In the deeds of his peoplo and the story of his country, nnd grateful to tho Goodness which has folded and sheltered his fathers and his folk, tilted up his eyes to tho night, to tho quiet stars, to the brooding Immensity above, aud said In his heart: "Thank God that I am an American l" And, citizens, that 1b the ono outstanding, splendid fact for which each ono of us should soberly nnd most grutefully thank God on Thunks giving duy this year. Tho flneBt thing you possess or over can pos css is Just your American citizenship. It Is neither necessary nor becoming, on this day or n any other day, to cheapen this birthright of '"s by brag or spreadengle declamation. Hut It is highly becoming on this Thanksgiving day to feel a deep gratitude and a manly pride lit this heritage. Ami ho we llrmly hi-lleu you do feel. We all hear It repeated that patriotism Is a thing of the past; that our people have become commercialized; that the masses have no deep rooted loyalty to the country; that our rich men put dollars above the obligations of their citizen- ship; that our poor folk care little for the Ideals of free government; that we Amerlrnns are de cadent lu the virtues and valor which marked our fathers. That Is not true. If there be any power lu the world which plots war against us Americans and promises Itself vic tory over us on the assumption of our decadence In loyalty, that power will And how terrible was Its mistake when our country calls her sons to battle In her defense. We have, It Is true, In our capacity as a col lective people, left undone things that should have been done and done things which should have been left undone; and there Is more truth than there should be In much thnt Is Jeerlngly said by those who hate us. We acknowledge that much of our politics of fends common decency. We see, here and there, painful evidence of cor ruption among lawmakers and even among the Judges, who should know only Justice and In tegrity. We see rich men who do betray their country and foul their hands and soil their souls with most Infamous dealings and most shameful protlts. We see Americans who do put the dollar above every consideration of right and duty, above the claims of out' common humanity. Hut while these things are true, It Is true also that the heart and conscience of the American peoplo, take them as a nation, are sound and sane and wholesome. The blood of our fathers still runs In tho veins ili'dl srem tti slumber In the soft bed of long enjoyed pence and security. But let war come against the land and no man need doubt that that spirit will spring up instnntly nwake. We can rightfully be grateful that It has fallen to our happy lot to live In this most wonderful of all ages and to be citizens of this most won derful of all the nations. Let your hearts swell with just pride as you contemplate your country, so august, so splendid, so novvtusl In the earth. Look upon your flag as It streams Its bright folds yonder above your heads with proud and happy eyes. Uemember how honorable Is Its story, and forget not how many thousands of brave and good men died that it might wave yon der, the ensign of a free people. Toll to your children the story of their fore bears, of those men and women who, amid the wilderness and forests thnt stood where now stand mighty cities and stretch cultivated farms, erected, with hardships and endurance nnd most heroic faith and valor, the noble edifice of our republican liberties. Speak to them of Hunker Hill and Valley Forge and Snratoga and Yorktown, and of the great Declaration that most famous Chnrter of nu mnn Freedom. Tell them to thank God for their fathers' nnd mothers' hardihood and cournge, for the wars they fought, for the victories they won. Tell them to salute their flag with high and proud heart.s. Tell them to thank God this Thanksgiving day that they are Americans. And then do you soberly, gratefully, proudly thank God yourself that you are an Amerlcnn. Oh, dear and mighty motherland, whnt better gift or more to be desired could God give than to be born and to die. strong Daughter of Liberty, between thy shining feet ! From the Chicago 1 American. Kidney Disorder SOUTH DAKOTA NEWS (by dr. v. M. pibbob.) L(?nd Dak.-Thls la to certify The most simple methods are ubu- h T , Q D p, . G w ally tho most effective ones when ..,., . T , ... treating any disorder of tho human Medical Discovery and I recommend It system. The mere drinking a cup to nil. I hnd been a sufferer from of hot water each morning, plenty stomach trouble, but after taking ono of pure water all day, nnd a little bottle of the 'Discovery I began to Anurlc before every meal has been f ec better, nnd after taking Ave bottles found the most effective means of j nm ,n d henlUu 1 can rec. S5S"S,TR 3S& 3ffi lh0 XY'i work day nnd night In separating cry' to any one." MR. F. J. JANE, 1 poisons nnd uric acid from the blood. Park Ave., Lead, So Dak. The danger signals are backache, Goi(len Medical Discovery can be ob- STBSiBS' SS, "3!: ; y -y ??; TZ ncss, rheumatic twinges, swollen cither liquid or tnblet form. It has Joints or gout. the guarantee of 40 years behind It, Since It Is such a simple matter to and does not contnln alcohol nor nar step Into your favorite drug store nnd cotiCSf but Its Ingredients are plainly obtain Anurlc, anyone who 1 earnestly prlntcd on the wrapper. Entirely veg- aR'srsjsftsts: ffi - f ,oc,cd ltom -"" K"3 treatment nnd herbs. Adv. Economy. "Have you given up dancing?" "Yes. High cost of leather. Can't afford to wear my shoes out." Rub the windowpnnes well with old newspapers It will let in the sunshine. One-fifth of Pennsylvania factory workers are women nnd girls. Envy. Bugs Shucks, here we have tc freeze while Mr. Caterpillar has a nice fur overcoat. The steel mast of an Atlantic const oil barge Is used as n smokestack from the galley. War has seriously affected the pea nut trade of Madras, Indlu. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate People 200 in Ten Days In Many Instances Persons Have 1 mnko the following test: See how long Suffered Untold Agony for Years you can work or how far you can walk Nervous Weak- wiinout uccoming ureu. iai iu two live-gram tauieis oe oruinary nuv of their sons. The spirit of tho nntlon may In ijugwkAMyyyuwyywwbywMwyyyyyyAywyywywwyu U.S. TROOPS MAY USE CACTUS FOR WATER I In the pursuit of Villa nnd his bandits through the arid regions of northern Mexico the United States troops traversed a region whose only vege tation Is tho barbed and forbidding cactus. To any hut n cowboy or a trained plainsman of the Southwest, Inhabitants themselves of tho "cactus belt," this plant seemingly hns no moro value than tho veriest weed, but It may well be that It may prove of great value to the troops In tho absenco of water, fodder, or even food for human beings. In tho punitive expedition there are many cow punchers of the "cactus belt" serving us scouts, and 'in tho cowboy and tho Indian of tho South west tho lowly cactus has Its greatest admirer, for they know what a game struggle for life this plant has to make against an unlnvcd desert soil. Even their ponies and cattle aud the poor beasts of tho desert know of these uses of the cactus for water aud fodder, says tho New York Herald. There are some thousand varieties of this mon strous vegetable family, not counting tho H00 va rieties of the agave, or century plant Incorrectly Included by many In northern Mexico. The va rieties of the yucca palm and nil other forms of vegetation known to tho arid region have tho same faculty of sucking up from tho soil every drop of tho all too little moisture In It and storing It up In their tough and leathory leaves and roots. Of the many varieties perhaps the most remark able Is that member ofvJhe family known to thoso Behooled In desert craft aB tho "water barrel." This plant Is shaped somewhat Hko a beer keg and Ib about tho same size. Through all tho years of Its growth It has been sopping up what moisture tho famished earth contained nnd retaining It. It Is the solo reliance of desert dwellers lu tlmo of drought, and the troops, fur from water holes and with wa ter scarce, may yet bo obliged to drink from It Tho "water barrel" Is tapped by Bllclng off tho top with a sword or machete and pounding tho pulp until tho water contained In It wells up Into the saucer thus formed. The pulp Itself Is pure aud the water stored In It Is likewise puro and re freshing. Not all the water-bearing cacti are as gracious to famishing man, however, as tho "water barrel," for most of them have protected themselves against tho maraudings of those who would drink and Uvo by Imparting a bitter taste to the water they con tnln. The "peyoto" especially, which abounds In tho plains and deserts of Arizona, has a trick of discouraging depredations upon It, for Its plump and Juicy pulp secretes a bitter and poisonous Juice. In the last dozen years scientists have Interested themselves In tho study of the cactus for Its possi bilities as food, fodder ami economic by-products. Dr. Leon E. Lnndone, foremost In the study of this desert plant, several years ago conducted extensive experiments In Los Angeles to ascertain tho value of the thornless cactus as an article of food for human beings. In an effort to prove his conten tion that It contains food properties sufllclcnt to enable a man to work 18 hours n day, ho and hlB two secretaries for two week lived on a dully diet of the leaves and fruit of the cactus, the former being served green or fried und the latter cither raw or cooked. While tho "cactus squad" sur vived tho experience und professor to have en Joyed their novel diet, It is a fact that tho cactus never hns attained the popularity of a fllot mlgnon. In the whole vegetable kingdom probably there is not another plant family having so many dif ferentiations of form as tho cacti. For It Is pos sible to find among them species thnt crawl and creep like vines, other than stand erect In a slnglo unbending stalk, like it green living 'monument of the desert; still others that are rooted to tho spot, with their highest growth close to the ground nnd bearing almost no resemblance to usual forms of vegetation, and others, aguln, that branch out In thick unbloomlng brunches. Doctoring for nes8, Stomach, Liver or Kid ney Disease or Some Other Ailment When Their Real Trouble Was Lack of Iron In the Blood How to Tell. NEW YORK, N. Y. In a recent dis course Dr. E. Saucr, Specialist, of tills city said : If you were to make an ac tual blood test on all peoplo who are HI you would probably bo greatly as tonished nt tho exceedingly largo num ber who lack Iron and who are III for no other reason thnn the lack of Iron. The moment iron Is supplied all their multitude of dangerous symptoms dis appear. Without Iron the blood ut once loses tho power to change food Into liv ing tissue and thereforo nothing you eat does you any good; you don't get tho strength out of It. Your food merely pnsses through your system llko corn through n mill with tho rollers so wide apart that tho mllj can't grind. As n result of this continuous blood nnd nervo starvation, people be como generally weakened, nervous nnd all run down nnd frequently dovelop nil nnrtR of conditions. Ono is too thin: another is burdened with un healthy fnt; somo are so weak they can hardly walk; somo think they have dyspepsia, kidney or liver trouble; somo can't sleep at night, others nro sleepy nnd tired all dny; somo fussy nnd Irritable; somo SKinny una dioou less, but all lack physical power and endurance. In such cases, it Is worse than foolishness to take stimulating medicines or narcotic drugs, which only whip up your fagging vital powers for tho moment, maybo at tho expense of your llfo later on. No matter what anyone tells you, If you nro not strong nted Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again nnd see for yourself how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down peo ple who were ailing all the time double, and even triple their strength and en durance nnd entirely get rid of their symptoms of dyspepsln, liver and other troubles In from ten to rourtecu u tlmo simply by taking Iron In the proper form, and this, after they had In somo cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. You can talk as you please about all tho wonders wrought by new remedies, but when you como down to hard facts thero is nothing like good old Iron to put color In your cheeks and good sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It ia niKo n great nervo and stomach strcngthener nnd tho best blood builder in tho world. Tho only trouble was thnt tho old forms of inorganic Iron like tlncturo of Iron, Iron acetate, etc., often ruined people's teeth, upset their stomachs and were not assimilated and for these reasons they frequently did moro harm than good. But with the discovery of tho newer forms of or ganic Iron all this hns been overcome. Nuxated Iron, for example, Is pleasant to take, does not Injure tho teeth and is almost Immediately bcneuclaL ..,.- jwu, . "-"""- """ store TlB without a supply, ud well you owe It to yourself toJwt u for you.-AdT. NOTE! The manufacturers of Nuxatet Iron have such unbounded confilonce ll Its potency that they authorize tho an. nonnccmont that they will forfeit flOO.Of to any Charitable Institution It ther can not take any man or woman undiir slxtr who lacks Iron and tncroaso their uttength 200 per cent or over In four weeks' time, provided they have no eorloua oTronlo trouble. Also they will refund your monoy In any caso In which Nuxated Iran docs not at least double your strength In ton days' time, it is dispensed by most druggists. If your druggist or gensraj asx uieut 11 fr Y H! t J