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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1916)
I I1t(P4-raru -ri-flt-lX! -J.J-,: KID CLOUD, NEBRASKA, ClIEP E I n is rt a Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING IlLTSDY HTTENDHNTl Q Calls Answered Day or Night B ED. AMACK .!. 7HC PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING Glacier National Park This Summer Will Delight Thousands Now is tin time tu p'lin i vacn'iiiii tour Von will want such a complete r!is,ngo of otiviiniimcnt n- will drlio eveij tlnmli of wnrU, an I true your sy.slem from the torpor of innnotony. ttlaelei I'm it will give jnii such deep, lil'h and Willi- ph'tiiiKh of mi lute's uingii.lli-i-tic as to calm your mi n I, worn will petty woriies. Glacier is tin' Ind.'sei ib.ihlc cliui i if the lour of the II ickiis. Ilcio joii pdietrate into Incilitli-s or hi. Id-ii mountain lulo-s and Into the di'pth of 1 ires', joti loach tny-tciioiis smii-coi ol cascades anil tut n-ii's tumbling' frmii mltiitg glitciei.H. -.lg .ig over mountain passes along liuvni-iiiiiciit ttai s Unit yield to the bchob'or such glorious pct.spi'etires of ivelid Inpnginphy in ttMtiltfss 1 1 1 1 s, that won! piloting or any kind of a painting seems cheap ami futile. This 1. too, n delightful vacation land Here are uaoiireci for ovcrj tourist "fiood management and goo I nature" U tin) Law of the PurU. Lot mc send you lilaulur Park publications; they will m.iko to you u strung appeal to renew your cneigies in that laud IV. B. Bush, Ticket Agent, lied Cloud. Nebr. L. W. Waholcy, lieiu-ral Passenger Agent loot Karnum Mreel, Omaha, Nebr IWW Farmers Listen! Stock Raisers Stop! Clean out and clean up do not be dcceived-WORMS DO KILL Farmer's Friend Remedies DOES REMOVE THEM Give us a chance to show you, that's all jve ask: Demonstrations made free. Results GUARANTEED. WK.TKOK. W II TADtip INAVALK, i'iionk to iii jia i nuui Nkiik. He will endeavor to show you that they are all the name implies, FARMER'S FRIEND IF YOU WANT A. PNIWT oft a pupH JWade Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE OVERlflG BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistic .Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska "5T ' i '' i .. "ju'lil'u ...i. i, .'Lit'I r. t'i ' ,i HENRY COOK, M. D. lil.M.r.ll IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES k J t A dfWfVil" V'' i 'T'I J V. II, Mliur lr. S. s. Penrilurl. M. I. f. Manager Veterinary liii'lutrco C. H. Miner Serum Co. -I'lti'iuu.ns-Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense I). S. Veterinary License No. 45 DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' - Nebraska KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies noiA.s nrcvHi.oi'Ki), ioe NAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED WOfpici; Ovku Ai.iiukiiit's Siohk Kansas City Market KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS, juiiu rj, r.uo mine cuttle held prac tically .steady week, hut every thing liclow prime declined in price, common meets helling M to 00 lower for ho week. Hutcher grades got a moilerate cut, cows ami hulls holding up because of scarcity. Stockers and feeders held about steady, as there was a good demand from the country, and the yards were well cleated. The supply today is 10,000 cattle, and the minuet averages fully steady, prime steers and hutcher grades selling stiongot-, and low grades of steers, in cluding (uaiartineH of this class, weak to 10 lower. A car load of pulp fed steers sold at $11.00, a new high fig ute on pulp steers, and highest price paid this year for any steeis. Other pulpen brought $10.00 to 10.75, and the Western delegation also included some short fed steers around $. Cat tle from the summer feeding section of Missouri are starting, some of them bringing S10.SO today. Prime dry lot corn fed cattle are scarce, although numeious lots of steers were good enough to sell at 10.00 to $10.05. A train of Arizona steers weighing 1185 lbs. sold nl S'J.OO, including ii loads of !M(! lb. steers at$S.55. In the quar antine division offerings comprised about 10 cars of fed steers from the Ft. Worth district, nothing extra ihoice included, sales 8.50 to $!Mi0. Some fed Oklahomas at $8.10 to $8.50 and grassers at S0.80 to $7.75. South Texas grassers -sold Thursday up to $8.!)() in the quarantine division here. This is the dull season for stockers and feeders, but is a good grass year, and a certain demand continues, sales of stock steers largely at $7.'J5 to $3.00, feeders $7.75 to $8.50. Hogs began to show mote strength the middle of last week, and closed with part of re cent losses regained, sales today were 10 higher, receipts 12000 head, top .$9.5-1, bulk of sales $!).'J0 to $!).10. Heavy hogs lead in price, because of scarcity, owners preferring to cash their hogs as fast as they get tin around JJOO lbs. or a little more, rath er than hold for big weights, although the feeding operation on hogs of this weight continues immensely profit able. Average weight here last week was !20U lbs. practically the same as it was same week last year. Demands on killers for all kinds of pork will be heavy as long as high beef ami mutton offer no relief. Sheep ami lambs are firm where quality is good, but much common stock is offered to day, and prices on such are weak, re ceipts 12000 head. Native and Arizo na spring lambs sold up to $11.'!5, quality not choice in either case, prime springs worth $11.50 or more. Clipped ewes sell at $725 to $7.50 if good, Texas muttons here today at $(5.75 to $7.15, some common ones at n lower price. J. A. HICKAUT, Market Correspondent. LCGil NOTICE. In The District Court of Webster County. flcuru.sKn I MM-, a Cut-mill (i-ire M. lli'M.'irri, l-mittlll'i. v. William I, ,it:irt. Al- l..uni.l Mary I', Mltiliil, Inlni llttlnl. I-Mlii-I I,. Chi-. I : i ii tn I. Ilir.wiiil. -Mlri- I.UIitfoot. .sainui'. II. 1,1-jlitlonl. Harold II. I'oi'i-. I liiil W. l'on-. iilinn I.. riii'. I'l'iri-iice V. I'n anil Wiiiluil I'hh . "iiKir.llaii ol,! I'arnlil II. I'n- ,-nut Hiiimllaii il W. I'npi-;ui'l titianlititwit Iti'iin I;. I'iijk ami ilunnllan nl I'luri ixi- W. f -. lit finl.ui;. , I In- -ilinsi- name! nun n-ililini ill d nilanlK Wllllain I. Itmi.inl. llu llimanl. Maiy I'., Mlli-hi-I..Ii.liii Mlu-li.-l l-.tliill.. ((-. Iiuiiia I. Iliiuaril. A Hi i'H fiMi' -latum l Ii. I.Ulit- font. Ilamiil II. Iii', rini v. I'lipi iiiiiin I Ii. I'iiir. ainl Wlnln-il l'iin-, iiuarillan nf Milil llarulil II. I'lii-cainl ilu.irillaii it 1'lnj.l W. Inii :iinl liiiarill-in nl i:. I'npu aiul ' 'uanllali nf I'lun-nci- l. l'oif, vvlil inUv iinllci-lliat mi llu-ITih ilay nl l iy ii). tin. alum-naiiit-il ilalntllN lllnl tin Ir )-: 1 1 1- n In llu- ilUtrk-t eiiurt of Wuli-tter i-ntuitj , Ni-brav ka. analmt ynu and tliu ri-ildi tit ! fi-tidant, I'loriiu-fM. I'lipe, linplcadid with joii. llui olijcel and irayt-r nl wlik-li Is tu cniiilrm tho Kliart'siuid Inti ri-Htn( thi M-M-riil pirtlis to Niitd acllnn. In an t In the Inlliiuliitf .t.-er 1 1 - 1 real cHtiito vl lot tlilrttin mid fmtru-cn In lllnck fnuru-cn In smllli and Moure' t Adtll tlnn to l!i-il Cloud, Wi-tMti r enmity. Ni'liruc. ka.aml lnra par;ltlnii mid dlvMnii nf said n :il i-sttiti . iiiiniiiir tin- p irtli s i illtled tin n- tnaccnrdliiK-tn tin- n- pi-i-llvi-sh iri-s nl said parili s, or. If a partition i-animt In- liad llti nut Injury In tin- rllils to tin- part It sin lulu. (Ht. tin ii lnra sale nl unlit pn uilses. and u illusion nl 'Ii prnreuW nl .s.Hd sail iillliilii: tin- parlies ilu-retn intltled. atennlliiK to tlnlr rispectlM-rUhlo. aller pa. nieiit of the cmtsnl thlsactlon. Ynuari idiiilred tnauswer said pi lltlon nn in liefnre the ITtli iliiy nl July. IHIii. or the M-ime will lie taken hh trim and .ludutuent rendered In aieordauce with the prnjer tlieiiof. Hand Mny.-M, nun. Kllslca ( in-and iliorueM. Ilnwaiil. I'laliitltls. Ily I'rank .1. Munday. 1 hi Ir Attorney. u.-jji r. THE HOOSIER ovmi SAVES MILES OF STEPS Patrons Hay (haose SavsManafttr F. H. Cassil Tho object which Malinger, Citbstl of the Orplieiun tlie.itre, bus uhvu.v.s had in mind is to givi bis I arm- i-lientele not only the bust p-o lut-tluii. on the market but the ones which bis putroiis nre in 'St di'sirott. of enj tying With the Motion Picture Industry in -u b h lloiirishing eondition it is only inituni' that thie should lie so m.-iny good fetittiivs mmiifai-tuivil Unit it Is hn possible one theatre to book then all It Is nut iri'iiernlly Lnnvin, but a ma jority of ill" 111 Ml di'ttlbutiiig eomp-in-ies- rt-fn-f tu hIiow cert tin of thnir sub jects to b sh iwa while olio i-s are re j i-lt-l liiiiib-!- rtitiiU they demand that tin' ! ,nr I.idU the pnor wili. tlil'Mtmi lie org.ill'.iiiL' of Yitugrnpli Lilblii S lig-K-sntiii-. I lie, hnwever it litis benii piissl-Ii- i i- n theatre mini tiger to s.'imi, t. at nf 'heir Htg Foiu l-'euliiri'- iiili-li I i sires. In fact this iiietlinil nf li.indlii g feat ures Iihh proven vi suiWfuetory not only to t beat n-nn n Inn tu tue public at larro Ih it Mr Cassil pivil ets tha' before long every l-'n-'i V,w inge will be forced to adopt the same methods-. Any tlino the pitions of tliHHli-i are desirous of seeing u certain fentu e on the Itig Four 1'nigrnm lie assures us he will be more than gliol to .secure It A few of tin; most notable ones are: "The Uuitle Ciy of Peace", "The Ko.s-iu-", (iiid s Country and the Women", 'Sherlock lloltnos", "The Island ot ltegetH'i-Htlou", 'The Ne'er Do Well" and "Mv Lady's Slipper". Notice of Final Report. in ine iiiiiniy I'niiri ol Wt-hster cuuntv NehrasUi. lathe matter of the estateof John lliixtl, ill i-i-nseil. All luTMiiiH luteresli-d In said estate, are In reliy uotliled that the Km eutor lias tiled a tlnal account and report (it his administra tion, and a petition for tlnal settlement of his account mid decrio of distribution of personalty mid a illsrhnruo froiu his trust, wlill-li have lui-nset forhiarlu,' lic-foresald court on the 1st day nf .1 ul j . lillil. tit in o'clock A. M, whin all persons Interi-stid In the prumlsL-s uriy appear mid contest the same. Hated this I'.'th day nf June, UUh. liK.W.1 A. I. ItNNK. County Judite. vqk: U LJ TAJ -haiw OUt Roll Dnnr 4 Hoosicr Beauty" Come in and let us demonstrate them to you For Sale by ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer -:- Furniture IW.W I a v K al IF Notice to Creditors In the County Court of Webster County, Nebraska lathe mutter of the estate of Alfred II Kln. Iici-eased. ' Creditors of mild estate will take notice. Hint tjie time limited for presentation nml IIIIiik of claliiisaitalust s.ild i-stnto Is January Kith, l'J17, and for the payment of debts Is Iune2d,.l!li7. that I will git at the county court room la said county on the lith day of Inly. A. I). HUH, to examine, hear and allow all claims duly llled which are a llrst or second ilea upon said i-itatu, and nn the lijtli day of limitary, IHI7, to examine, hinr. allow and adjust all cl ilins and objections of gener al credltorM duly Hied. Dated this liStli day ot June. A. It., siir. peali A. 1 1. IUnsk. ( 'Hinlv Judi;i Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gaurber Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory CONM'Ll-VTIOX XI) lOxVMIXVTIOX Flll.i: 'Osteopdtliy tho Seionce of Healing by Adjustment." Given to the World by A. T. Still, A. I). 1S71. OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STORE Hoi ii IMio.s-ES HBI) Cl.01'1), XKUR. THE ALARM is a dreacirul thinn OF FIRE for the man without insurance. Kvery time he mos the engines racing along his heart comes up in his throat If the fire Is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST Of ik an KinuM It INSURANCE need hardlv be considered. The freedum from worn- alone Is worth it many times over Have ns insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. R. E. CANPp D. C. Chiropractor Phones i liiiit m Hell Red till Everybody Followed Your Example What Would Happen to the Church? Preaching Sunday, June 18th- 11a. m., at the Christian Church 8 p. m., at the Orpheum Orchestra and Chorus Will Charm You With Music Don't Loaf On Sunday ' j ww- FARM GATES "CANT-SAG" FARM GATES We believe there is no better fate at any price than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gate that can be bought for less money. Como in and let us convince you that, in this instance, the lest is the cheapest. Please pay particular attention to this word CANT It spells the best. PLATT & FREES i" COL. J. H. ELLINGER : $ AUCTIONEER l 'I U mar reaily tu pltur your Kile ilatts. I" J Ahk any tine in. tu my iuiillitriitinns J ,J lor U'lioia I IniMH-rkil Biili-s. Indeie s ileal imoneriiiii III. W rite i In ureal ! J Rkd Cloud, Nkiik. U aw.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. Farms For Sale Three Rood farms in Harlan county adjoining the town of Huntley. A II. C.t(iENTEii, Agent When in need of anything in the line of printing como to th Ciiikk. Have Started to Handle BREAD FRESH DAILY IN THE SANITARY WRAPPERS FROM HASTINGS oaves DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME WALTER W. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY, IN RED CLOUD New Kate tn Farm .Loans I can now malie you a lower rate on Farm Loas than was ever made in this county before. Debt option given and money always ready. I aloo have private monoy to loan on reasonable terms Please write me or call for me at State Hank, Hed Cloud. C. V, Cath-er. i " ( i