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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1916)
Tnpryi7yTr yww t? ,i. mwmimiy$Wty,wv "3 BSD CLOUD, NEBRAIIA, OIIZF r Il K I 8 Pianos and Musical Merchandise 8 UNDERTAKING UKDY RTTENDHNTl Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK ALL TH.C PHONES rlcFARLAKD BUILDING 383 ci i i SS3 T Jti r'ralli'twn t? S sS vVN'vv"vv'VN "vTOU 1 1 FOGEL'S HARNESS STANDS FOR style -AND- QUALITY MANY YEARS or experience devoted exclu- sivcly to the Harness and Horse Furnishing business enables us to produce the best there is in liar- ness. We do not say it as a boast simply as a straight fact and "we deliver the goods. We are doing a splendid business in single and team Harness and would t like you to ask your neighbor how our products suit. Or 0 Trunks and Suit Cases Don't forget that we carry Trunks and Suit Cases. We have a good assortment to choose from and our prices are as low as the lowest. JOE FOGEL JJyJySjg Tivtaxi'i'm I M.miiiw ii ' ' 'i i nenw mi iuiwii vxz r (.can tm una ii wpezzxH ;ra n, z rj .:. . jjmMLTira HENRY COOK, M. D. DKAI.KIt IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES j Jvuriniiir:iiiiiRM: " '.r:i i i . .iii,iU.i;.o3::"'iuj,4a Seasonable Announcement of Vacation Tours To The Pacific Coast, The World's Greatest Rail Journey: Hound trip bummer Tourl-t rate genet al haMs only Silo, dully, eommeno lug May 1st, good to ivtui n to (ictobol ".1st Slightly higher for theelrouit tour, itieluiltng l'Homo Uoast hteatuer voyage or Shasta Route. The Hiir llngton'h through-service Coabt routes via Deliver :iml Scenic. Colorado or tliroticli the Northwest direct or via the Denver-Cusper-llig Horn Husin lino giving the holder of a IlitrlliiKton Coast ticket a combination of routes that include', the scenic, the highly developed regions and the attractive cities of the West. New Arrangement For Yellowstone Park: The Cody, Kust and Scenic entrance to the Park will have e.veollent auto mobile service to the Lako Hotel. Tills is one of the World's icenlo auto tours, via the (Soveriimeut Shoshonl Dam, through the Forest Reserve uud over Sylvan Pass during I'aik scmiii. Pacific Coast passengers may go into tlie Park via Cody, resume their rail journey out via (lardiuer, pay. lug extra only for Mich Park sldetrip aceoiniuodatlonsas they take. If you will inquire you will learn how llurliugton through coast lines otter you IU greatest !uducemeut!. VI t'O 17 08 I'j :. is no lir so an r.ri City Fathers Neet. Tho City Council met in adjourned s.'Silon on Monday evening at the Ciuiicil Chambers with Mayor Darner f II presiding. Membeis prcent Ivooulz, Saladen and Caldwell. Report of H. U. Florance city tren. urer was load and ordoiud placed on Hie. Councilman Knout?. Introduced u resolution leduuing the icsldcnt lliht rate milking it rend 1 to !'() kllownts I ! II v ! 1 J I i nt until ''111 lM' 111)1 Ic' Oy tlie oiincil. Upon motion it was adopted, The Finance Committee's report on set lenient with City Cleik and Ti ens ure! was read and ordered placed on tile The following claims wcio allowed and the Cleik instructed to draw war rants for tho siuie: Guy Helgler SIlUOO W. A. 1'attet 60 00 Harry Ilnil'er 7."i GO Curtis Goer 8 00 O. C. Tool Il ! (Irani Christy ." 00 Miner Uros Ill .70 .1. W Stockman M. A. Albright I 'ope Bros Morhart Uros (iuml Mfg Co American Kngine Klce. Co.... Kansas City Much. Woiks... .Sunderland .Supply Co 1 Oil Ameiiean Hoist and Derrick Co. a M Plait iV Fices HO ! .Milium- Avery Co .Vi Sr Mayor Dumcrull nnsswoiu in as tlie Incoming Mayor by the Clly ('leik uud tho Council adjourned slue die. The new Council lielda special meet, ing I'liosdny morning with Muyor iJntn eroll presiding. 1'hc new member-., Clark Slovi ns from the 1 1 ward and W. (!. Hamil ton fio-n tli( second ward ucro sworn in. Mimbi'i's present. Hamilton, Knout. Sulndi-ii uud Stevens. Muyoi Dameiell made tho tollowing appointment-: President of the coun cil, I!. W. Konutz; Committee on sup 'dies, .Suladeii, Stevens and Hamiltoi.: Committee on llnanee, SteL'ii.s, Hamil ton and Komit.; Committee . n build ing. Kontil, Sala Ion and Stevens Committee on side and cross walks, Hamilton, KooiiU and Saladen; Com mittee on sheets, llr.-t waid, Stevens and Koontz; Committee on stieets, second ward, Hamilton and Saladen; Advisory committee, mayor and council Application pf .1. W. Gilbert for a license for 1 billiard ami 5 pool tables with receipt for f."0 attached, present ed and granted. Application of Powell Uros , for a lie enso fori billiard and 5 "pool tables and 1 uowllug alley with chuck for $00 at tached, presented and granted. The oath of Ceo. II. Ovcring read ordered placed ou llle. The bond of S. R. Florance, $10001', as city treasuier and O C. Tt-el, So00, as city del k were read and approved. Council adjourned. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr. L. W. Wakoly, General Passengor Agent 1004 Furntim Street, Ouiiilui, Nebr. 9 T. 11. Miner ManiKir Or S. . Hi unlorf, M. I i.e. Veterinary In I'lmriio C.f H. Miner Serum Co. l'lioDftinis- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Exucnsr. t. $. Volcrlnarv LIcrnso No. 45 Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Gaurber KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies HOM.S DKVIM.OPIH)- 10c MAIL Y0VR OUDEli TO IS Stevens Bros. Home Talent Play. The following Is tho casto of char acters in tho home talent play ' Who's Hat" which will bo given at tho Or phciini theater on Tuesday evening, May tith: Sam Lehvyn, a married man Kuhsel Myers Fred Uullamy, his unwilling tdavu PaulKidd Captain Katskill, of the Kilkenny Ir regular Marian Slawsou Dlbbs, a boy in buttons Robert Taylor Uosco Blithers, Professor of penman ship Wythe Fogel Mrs. I.elwyn, l.elwyn's Ketter-half Heat rice MeKeighan Grace, her daughter Cract Kengle Tillv, a parlor maid ) Mtliel Lottie Hlithers, Fred's tlancee f Doyle 9 FARM LOANS Don't monkey with Loan Companies that are not ready at any and all times to closu your loau without delay. 1 have some private money to loan and au unlimited amount of eastern money. I have tlie lowest rate in the state with your choice of live dlll'erent plans for making loans. I can make any loan that can be made by any Company, and I can inakd loans that no other Company will make. .1 H. llalley. Phone Illuck lol Olllco over Paul Storey's. m Want to buy, sell or trade anything? A little Want Ad in tho Chief will dolt. m-x:X"W:X"::mx OI Interest To Our Patrons. Ills with pleasure that no announce to our many patrons and friends that we have secured the services of allot her ilrst class pi Inter and newspaper man, 'Mr. M. K. Qulgley, of Denver. (' do , who has accepted llio position vucuied by our foinier employee, who Ims loft our ranks in oidur to take upon him self tho title oT editor. We me again in a position totakocateof your wants in priutiinr, and all ordcr tlnood with 11 U , h CSfClltl i Hi jj t. ,is I,, ,, nei,as Mr. fuigley lias had experience on the large city papeisund job Mllees, and he brings with him the very latest ideiii in up-to-date printing. It is our intention, at an early date to iii'd iiioio model a machinery and ami material to ourVqulppmoiil, as we ate going to spate no expense to give our patioiii the very best ui printed matter. When in need of "anything pt intcd," call on us and let us llguie with you ou your work No jobs too largo or too small. We also ask you to bear In mind that a few dollars invested In advertising in columns of the Cllinf will net you good returns Notice of Annual Meeting Notice is hereby given Hint theio will be a meeting of all pel sous inter ested in tlie Pleasant 1111 einetery at the Pleasant Hllli'hoi I Ii-mim-oii day, May Hth, lfllli, ui n p m . tor the put pou of organizing a cemetery hsJ soeiatiou. Cui:i.i: lEui um.h, Pies, of Hoard MOTIVE I. I', licluanls, ilcti liihint will lal.c not lc Hint mi tlie .mth. dn ii( March lull) Martin llariah. ilallillll lllnl Ills pelltl m In tin JMttrli 1 1 (iiirt nf Webster i'onut. . Ni hraska. ai-aliist salililcleiKtant. tlieilki'i an. I prow r lit u hit h l4 tf. tihtflhl hiilt-llit 111 'U'llii't s:lltl di f( iiilaut III tliesuiii ui "IDl.iKi Mini liririMt tlKi'wiuat i'J pi r-1 at li" i in N in In r -n! l:H'i it pi hi a iriialn jnili;iii( i . iimliKil mtiilnst alil .1. 1". Kitwarils aiul in i il tliKpl.ilntlll whlrli JiKliiK-nt was r-iiil n I on tlifj nl. ilay nf Now iu'ii r I i .ii :ui n ihni tin u pi lullim lieliirii W. . i;ti i .liisiui ol the I'uiie lit nutl (or lunwr. i'j iiml ltn wr I'oimtv, Colnrilikilii -wilt Ii Martin liar i ah was iilaliillil ami. J. I, l.luir.N itini ant. 1 hat in ' nun 1 1 Ion with saiil pi tii.un lliul In tin Plslrtet I'ourtol Wi Inter I'oiinM. N lnasl.a. Miistilsn illeil as a part uf tin- r-nmt pireeeillii!! an nllWIaWl fur tin piirp-e ( s ciirliiu' an uttai'liiueiil aaliiit sahl ileli ul nut on tlieurouiiil Unit he Is ,i in n rt-ukul of Webster 'Jniiuty, Nebraska and hai no personal propi rty In Wehiier Coiiulj. Ne braska siibjii't to eiTiitlmi or :iltai'hiii(.ut but has real estate In sahl emiiit) which !h siibjert toi'Meatloii ami attach uient. Yon are leipilreil to answer said petUloii amlaltaelinient prneeeilliiKon or bolore the -'Jiul.ila.vofMHy mill. .MAItTIN II MtllAII lly l-'reil Mnuror. Ills Attorney. NOTICE. TO PAl'l. t PIIAUKH: Von are herein uotllleil that ou the lttli day of November 1!'K Wlllhulmlnn II. I'hares II ltd u petition aualnst . vim In tho district court of Webster county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the Kruiuid that that you liavo willfully abaudoiitd the plnlutlU'wIthoat itood cause, for the term of two years hist past and that you havo wantonly refused to furnish suit able maintenance for tho plnlutlil. You are required to answer said petition ou or before Monday, the loth, day of Slay, tlllfi. WlM.IIM.MIN'l It. I'll lll;s, l'lalntlll. Notice of Final Repot t. In the County Court of Webster county, Nebraska. In the iimtttr of the estate of Mary .1. I'rob.iM'o, deceased. All persons Inttri.stiil In said estate are hereby untitled that the Administrator has Hied a Dual account and report of his admin istration, and a petition for Muni settlement of Ills account and a decree distribution of personalty and assignment of reality, and a dlHcharise from his trust, which have been Ml for hearltiK bcforoKatd court on tho 'JKthday of April, 1 11 1 1, at 10 o'clock A. M., w htn all per nous Interested In the premises may appear and contest the sixme. Dnteil this Tlh day of April, llllll. ska i. A. I. Uan.nkv, County JiuIkc. R.E.CAMP.D.G. Chiropractor Prunes I Independent 2l'J Dell Red UU DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED t3T" Office Ovku Aluuioht's Store Want Ads X Ad- under this head arc Hive y cents per line, for each Issue x:"X:::::x::-m:-mxx5. Wasti.d HO to 8o lbs., thrifty stock hogs. Will pay premium over market price. C. It. Miner Scrum Co. Wastkd to rent dwelling, four to six rooms, about May 10th. Enquire at tltis olllce or address i O. ltox 140, WANTtiU-Oue farmer in each lo callty to act us our agent for the Au burn line, "Fourt," and "Sixes." Write or telephone Bcrck & Jadcn, llastings, Nebr. ip.rJR E q-' THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRE for tho man without Insurance. Kvery time ho sees the engines racing along his heart comes up in his throat If the fire Is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy, THE COST OF is so small that It INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone Is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL. Reliant Insurance. SewE Sealing Jflaebioe JHotors Why work yourscif to death pedaling a Sewing Machine when a Sew-E-Z Motor will do the work for you. They are light, therefore do not bother you in your work. Will fit onto any Sewing Machine with only one clamp. You can sew fast or slow by pressing with your foot. Absolute foot control. Any child can minapulate one. You can run them slow or fast as you like. Come In And See Them Demonstrated The Price Is Right ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer I SSB5ESSiuKS5i225 SUNDAY MORNING AT THE ' CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH SUBJECT "FEELING" EVENING SUBJECT AT THE ORPHEUFI, 7:45 6( HYPOCRISY' '"V'V fl HEAR THE ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA AND THE BUSH'S CHORUS. WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OP YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT&FREES II i it'ZE L"S! ! jjftVjrJyMKM J H. E. GRICE DRUG CO. & .) ffl I i --f- 1 w ' x i JCw ,. r