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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1916)
I 1 RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t NEW WALL PAPER Wo lmvo ,jtmt rece'ncd sonic new patterns tlmt wc would tnho pleasure in Allowing v". You cun't ultonl to miss seeing our new papers. I'llecs have not iirtvnui'cd CHI-NAM-EL Kvcryono knows Is Hie best iiml clicapost vnrnlsli to bilhti'ii up your furnitiiro and floors, Do your own gmliilnit with It. s 4 hi ii p- '! CHAS. L. COTTINC. the druggist vAvAWA Wr Or 0 It Pays To Trade At The 5 10 and You Can Always You Save Money You Are Pleased Alilliiiory flowers Men's n:ul boys' lllltH Curtain Scrims 10c stmw 15 and 7 no lo and 2.h! Children's suiibonnets li)e Carpet beaters 10c :i-l'ly lliead board 10c Chamois shins 5 and 10c Collates dental cream loo When in Our Store Don't Fountain Phosphates, sodas, pop and all drinks , .5o leu cream sodas 5 10 and 25e Store (The Store That Saves You Money) E. N. EGE 1st Door West Royal Hotel ,,g g'g'g'g'C-' mmmmmummmmmammiim THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska.' PUBLISHED BVKKY THURSDAY Entered In the PoMnMU u nt Hi il l haul, Nth. ixh Hicunit CIiifh Miilter A H. MrAKTllt'U Piiti.Miir. IHK ONLY liUMOt'ltAHC I'Al'KK IN vi.u.sii:itiorM'Y The Modem Woodmen or Ameiien madi) a net j-iowthof HC0 dining t'u month of March This mow th is c pocdirtjjlv KJatifjinK to nu-nibeisot tlmt older and shows that the public in general has contlilencc in the sta billty or the oiKiiniation. Fiateinal fJliisuranco has passed thiM'peilinental htupu mid the Modem Woodmen has had u wonderful rvcivtli. Next Sunday is Kaster, the latest we liave had In many yeais. Wo luuo liiid a late spring and this they say is vine to the fact that Kaster comes lute II owever that has not delayed the up puraucc of the spring bonnet with Us prettinoss and beauty. Kaster is at ways a tlmo of rejoicing Tho new year begins to don her pietty dic-s and the signs of winter pass away. Tho waim weatlierof the past week or so has gieatly stimulated the de nim to plant something, have a irurden nnd floweis. Most of us usually hue extended visions at planting time but when later on the weeds come we find that wo have ovci estimated our ability or our desho to woik so that tho name 'garden" liaidly applies to our patch of ground. This is the best time of the year to look befoio you leap. A little plot oil tended will tetuiumoiu nnd look better than a largo tract f Improperly tended and allowed to run to weeds. Hut then again most of iii -will Hud that out in mid summur. Governor Moreheud has set apart Muyllthtobu obsorved as Motheis' Day. A wliite flower is worn on that day and tho chinches usually have special programs. This day seems to lid well established and to bo pretty generally obtorved thruout the I'nited Ktutes. It was conceived of only a few jears ago but its sentiment promptly appealed to one and all alike so that now wc may look upon It as a settled and permanent day for obwvaui'e, WAN! i:i GO to 80 lbs., thrifty stock liogs. Will pay piemlnm over market jirice. C. 11. Minor Serum ,Co. saAvAnAW' Hi ill to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 25c Store Find What You Want On Your Purchases With What You Get Dc 'orated erepo paper tiapldus, pel d. . . fit; Iljdtogcn l'croxlilo . 10o Talcum powder . loo Perfume, bottle .Ida Jertfeii's Toilet Soaps the best for the money Ladies' slllc boot hosiery U.'o Glass llower baskets Kle to Fail to Try Our Soda g to to to to to to to to to to lee cream cones -' for 5c Sundaes, all flavors .lo to esse Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar NO ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE Brother Hosmer Sells Commercial Advertiser 111 other Hosmer of tbo (.'ommotcial AdvertUer has sold bis paper to Walter II Smith and W II. MeKlm mey .Mr. Sniuh is a llr-t class all around pi inter, a eiireful. painstaking woiKm.iii and a geneitd good fellow. .Mi. .McKimuu v is well known for his sterling integrity and upi Uhluess of I'har.icter and I-. a genial eonipanioi.. The Chief is pleased li we'i'iunu the new linn and to fV.utxI the gl.ul hand of fellowship. lliother llosmet after a stienunus eampuigu in tho innsp,ip-i business of nearly lltty years, ut lies with a lioi of friends and a ele.iu record, lie in tonpstotako a uhmuIoii among the flowers of sunny California anil wo trust Hint his eveiy moment will be one of happiness and eouteut. He has ooi talnly earned a lest but it would not seem strange to us If he -onii had a strong hanker to got hold of tho "-hootlii stick" once more FAUtt LOANS Don't monkey with Loan Companies that are not ready at any and all times to close, your loan without delay. I hare some piivatc money to loan and an unlimited amount ot eastern money. I have the lowest rate in the state with your choice of tle different plans for making loans. I can make any loan that can be mado by any Company, and I can make loans that no other Company will miilce. J H. llallcy. Phono Illnck P.)l Ortlco over Paul Storey's. Mrs Nancy f ticeu went to Hustings this morning. pOYAf ma AKlK5 POWDER yV nAnoucRmj CLARK v In Gill of the Colden West, Para mount Program, at the Tepee, Mon day, Apill 21, One day only. The Primary Election The primary election held on Tues day passed on" very ciuletly in this city. I'p until the time of going to press we wero unable to obtain any definite figures but on tlio Democrat ticket as far as this county is concerned it is conceded that Neville has won over Drynn for Governor; Mullen over Dalit man for Nntlonnl Committeeman; Shalleubnrgcr ovor Price for Congress man; Thomas, Price, Thompson nnd Piattl being chosen delegates to the national convention; Hitchcock ovor Dunn for Senator; Satnuelson over Monson nnd Spohn for State Senator, Mudacy over Cloud for Representative; !'. D. Perry for County Clerk; Edith U McKoighan over Geo. W. Hutchison for Clerk of District Court; Gertrude I. Coon for County Superintendent; tlulVer over Chi isty for Sheriff; Mun- day for County Attorney; Henry nil, ham for Assessor; Ci until over Mo Ai tlmr for Commissioner. On the He- publican tliikot Howell ovor McGrcw for National Committeeman; Barton over Andiews for Congress; Kennedy over Aldrich for Senator; McKolvle for Governor; Kurd carried county for presidential preference; Dodge, Hald ridge, Epperson, Currio delegates for Natlouul Convention; Hutlcr over Spenco and Heady for State Senator: Hickaid over Hunter for Represent ative; (Jarber for County Clerk; War ren over Sltuvson for Clerk of District Court: Hedge for Sheriff; Foe for Attorney; Hummel over Saladen for Assessor and Thomas over Koontzand Butler for County Commissioner. As soon ns ttie otllcial count is made The Chief will give its readers the e.xnct figures in tabulated form. JYIORE LOGfllt 1TEJWS (ome to H'd Cloud and do your trad ing Mis. Alice Pope depaitcd Wednes day for Chicago. Mr. and Mr-. At (Jooden departed Tuesday for McConlr. Mr and Mrs. H. W. Leggott were II istlngs visitor. Wednesday. Miss Hael Kohinsoii lettuned home from Lincoln, Tuesday evening. W. G, Shannon is homo from Hast ings and is much impioved In health. Mrs. II. V. Anderson who has been on the sick lint is much Improved at this writing. John S. Piol and Miss LennS, Honk er, both of Hladen, weie married by .Judge Rniiney on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Al (Jooden wero in the city the Hi. st of the week isitlng her parents, Mr. and Mis. Will Walters. Perrv Anderson, of Anselmo, Nebras lea, arrived in the cltv, Saturday, to visit his patents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Anderson. Mr. and Mis. H. P. Weesner, Mrs. W. L. Weesner, and the Hattio Christian and 1'ortlm White wero Hastings visltois Wednesday. Nate Piatt i etui noil home Tuesday evening tiotn ltochester, Minnesota, where he had been for tho past Miveral weeks recoiling medical at'ention. The Orphcuin theatie iiianagoiiieiil has secured two high el.tss photo plays for Wednes faj . April 0t li and w 1! hnvo an eii'in1 chat go .' ; irnui itl'i'r 1 oVleo'.c on I his day. The Misses Alfa and Matceline Uoi.--urn spent TiiesiLiy night in tho eiiy with friends. They had been visiting their hi other Wan in l.migipit aid family at Hastings and wero euioiito to Alma. Peail White's wardrobe foi horiole In "Iron Claw" includes thirty -tour gowns, tliiiteen suits, elevon cloaks and coats, iniiumerablohats and other aceessniies costing the Puttie Company about V'i.iXX) Many of those costumes are worn only In one scene. At the Topee, Pii'lay. One lady frco witli each paid admission. 5J--- ------ ---."-- -----.'Ut This Is a Good Town LET'S ALL PULL TOGETHER ft-M-''i'M-H't-tt'M'l--'.t. Live Here and Work Here, Buy Here and Sell Here, That's the Way to Make the Town Bigger, Better and Brighter EASTER SUNDAY The day above all others when refined, becoming clothes are most appreciated. The spring-day of Fashion, when we doff the somber colors of winter. The day that marks a change in our thoughts as well as a change in our clothes. There is charm and becoming beauty about our new spring Tailored Coats and Suits that make them so desirable for Easter Sunday, as well as for every other day of the spring and summer season. Materials of Quality Tailoring of Character and the correct styles are to be found in garments sold by us. Fix For Easter At Our Store You need not be told everything you want for Easter. You only need to be reminded where to buy your wants. PTHV I ' ' 771 Jr&- .1090 A Queen Quality Shoes NATIONAL SLOGAN SUG GESTED BY PROMINENT mtmrnii unuuuisi Would Romind tho Public to Prevent Sickness by Romoving the Cause T. D. DALLARD a iiromliii'iit (tiuu'Nt ot Mcmiiliis sujs: "Mui'li hldviies could and would liu preNoutcd If tlio imlilic would only to iauud)ii' tlmt constipation Is one of tlu llrst caiiM's. As a reminder, I would HUKKOst tlie Mok:iii, "'Itoxall Otderlles, tho IumiIIvc tab let with the pli'Usiiut taste.' "I HUKL'st Ke.all Olderlles as 1 know their formula and liellee they nro the host remedy for relieving constipation. Tliey can be used by men, women or children." H. E. GRICE DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE. Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Lnbaratory Consultation and Ksvminahon Kkkh 'Osteopathy the Suienco of Healing by AdjustmiMtt." (ilven to the World by A. T. Still, A. 11. ISTt. OFFICE OYER SMITH SHOE STORE Horn I'liONT.s WWW CI.OL'O. NBBR. ,flll IKB ' FIX FOR j M EASTER KlM AT QUR STORE I In our store you will find materials proper in style, shade, quality and price. New Goods in All Departments Come in-we will be pleased to show you ?5he Miner Bros Co General Merchants Red Cloud, Nebraska Mighty Safe Place To Trade and Low Shoes have just Ff Are You Wasting The Price Of a Titan Engine? pITAN engines run on kerosene. Average cost of gasoline so far this year, 16.9 cents per gallon. Average cost of kerosene 7. 7 cents per gallon. Gasoline costs over 100 per cent more than kero sene. Gasoline is going up steadily. Kerosene is not. At present fuel prises Titan engines, using kero sene, save their owners about 1. 1 cents per horse power per hour. Are you runninp n Rasoline engine ? What horse power is it? lMKuro what you'd be saving if you had a Titan kerosene engine. Rather surprising, isn't it? How long would it take that saving to pay for a Titan engine of the same size ? International Harvester Company of America (IntorporiteJ) Titan kerosene J. H. Morris, 5Ti The Chief Has No Equal ao70 arrived engines are sold by Riverton, Neb. ? 'J V'l ""- y f. ,1 As An Advertising Medium! " v. t A '. J i