The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1915, Image 2
nU." RED OLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF 14 t r 5- I' E REST FOR HOLIDAYS CONGRESS TAKES RECESS OF TWO WEEKS. ANOTHER MYSTERY TIDE OF IMMIGRATION IS LOW Paat Fiscal Year Records Lowest Point In Immigration To Protect American MnrkeU. Western Ncwupnpnr Union New Service. Washington. -- Congross adjourned Friday night for tho Ckrlntiuux lioll days nftor thn uomito had adopted tho Joint resolution which passed tho houno, extending tho emergency rcvo duo luw ono year, or until Ducorabor 31. 1910. Tho sonato adopted tho res olution aftor a lively partisan dobato by u vote of 45 to 29, deinourntB sup porting It solidly nud republicans unanimously opposing It. i'lesldont Wilson slgnod tho moasuro. lloth housos will roconveno at noon Tues day, January 4, when tho administra tion loglslatlvo program, Including tho plans for national defense, will be un dertaken In earnest. During tho two wooks of tho bob Ion tho only Important legislation wns tho extension of tho war tax. This was dono to prevent a lapso of tho law December 31, next, with tho un derstanding that tho law will bo takon up for nmendmont In order to Incrouso tlio ravonucfl hh soon nftor tho holl days aB posslblo. To Protect American Markets. Washington. Legislation to protect tho Industrial and commercial mar kets of tho Unltod Slates from a "do stncttvo typo of strugglo nnd unfair competition" nt tho closo of tho Eu ropoan wnr, is rocommonded to con gross by Secretary Itodllcld In his an aual report. Every stratogom of In dustrial war, ho says, will bo used by poworful foreign agencies ngalnst Amorlcnn Industries which may men ace largo mnrkots horctoforo con trolled abroad. To provent "unfair mninntltlnn" tlin nncrotnrv flUCCOBtcd tlint tho machinery of tho dopartmontB ) of justlco and treasury bo used und tliat rougross supplement oxlstlng laws to glvo tho fodoral govornmont adcaunto menns to protect American markets. SIMPLE CEREMONY FEATURE WEDDING BUT FEW QUESTS AND NO ELAB-ORATION. SPEND HONEYMOON IN SOUTH Brlde'a Home a Dower of Floral Beauty No Attendants or Ushers. iCopyrlitliU) STRINGENT PASSPORT RULES NO TIME TO PARLEY AUSTRIA. WITh 3INKINQ OF ANCONA UPHELD AUSTRIA. IN TIDE OF IMMIGRATION IS LOW. Ebbed to Its Greatest Degree During Past Fiscal Year. Washington. Tho tldo of Immigra tion to thn United Stats nbbod to Its lownit point In mnro than twenty Executive Order Issued for Regulation of Departures from American Ports President Gets Mar riage License. Western Newspaper Union Nowh Service Wuslilngtou. The United States will regard Auatrlu-llungary'u reply to tho American noto regarding tho An cona as being entirely unsatisfactory and unacceptable should tho olllclal text, which Is momentarily expected, bo Identical with tho unoillclal vorBlon rocolvod In prosB dlBpatchea from Am sterdam and London. Persistence by AUBtrlu-Hungary In tho courao she has dctorinlnod to pursue would result In tho sovornnco of diplomatic rotations Jiniwppn tho United States and tho Vlonna govornmont. This Btep would not bo taken by tho Unltod States, howovor, It was authoritatively Btated, without ono moro communication be ing dispatched to Austria-Hungary. Gets Marriage License. Washington. President Wilson's marriage llconso was Issued TliurBday at tho municipal bureau. It disclosed Hint tho coremony was performed by a clergyman of Mrs. Galt'a faith, ltov. Herbort Scott Smith, rector of St. Margaret's Enlsconul church. Tho American Crops Are Worth Close to $10,000,000,000 Anglo-French Syn dicate Has Withdrawn Bond Sale. Western Ncmitpnpri t'tilon News Service. Washington Whllo gravity of the nlluutlon existing between tho United States und Auatrla-llungary is em phasized by tho statement of tho Aus trian admlinlty giving unqualified ap proval of tlm action of the subinnrinu eommnuder who 8 utile the Aucoua, of nclals hero said they wero not sur prised to find tho udmiralty supporting Its ottlcer. It was pointed out that the German ndtnlrnlty vigorously defended tho tor pedoing of tho Lusltanla and that the concessions made by Germnny to the United States in tho mntter of her conduct of submarine warfare wore tho work of tho llerlln foreign of flco in Bplto of naval authorities. Olllciatfl observed that the state ment reveals that the aubmurlnc eom mnuder supplemented his tlrst report of tho destruction of tho Ancona and turned his log, thus apparently dis posing of reports that the Vienna gov ernment wus handicapped In preparing an answer to tho Ameiican note by Inability to commitnicute with tho commander. Western Newtpnpcr Union News Hcrvlc. Washington. President Wilson and Mrs. Edith liolllng-Gult wero married at 8:30 Saturday night uud Isft Im mediately afterward to Bpcnd their honeymoon at Hot Springs, Vu. Tho president and his bride traveled In u private car attached to n special train leaving hero at 11:10 o'clock. At Hot Springs Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilson will llvo at the Homestead hotol until after Now Year's day, unless some de velopment should necessitate the pres ident's earlier return to tho capital. Two of tho White house nutomoblles havo been Bent on ahead, and tho couple expect to spnd their honey moon motoring, golfing and walking over tho mountain trails. Besides tho secret service guard, the party was accompanied by ono stenographer. Tho president will keep In touch with tho White houso over social wires. No Great Crowd Around Home. Because tho hour of tho wedding was known to comparatively few per sons there was not a largo crowd in form of a shell lined with Scotch hoathcr. In tho background and at the center was placed a largo mirror framed with orchids and reflecting tho sceno. Above tho mirror was a spray of orchids across a background of ferns and tho corners of tho canopy wore caught with orchids. American lleauty roses were on both eIiIcb of the canopy, beneath which was a prayer rug on which President Wil son und Mrs. Gait knelt during tho ceremony. JuBt ut tho hour for tho ceremony tho president and his bride appeured at tho head of tho staircase, which was decorated with ferns, asparagus vines nnd American Denuty roses. They descended to tho lower floor, whore tho guests wero grouped about Informally. The Rev. Herbert Scott Smith, rec tor of St. Margaret's Protestant Epis copal church, of which the bride Is n communicant, wns waiting beneath tho canopy to perform tho ceremony, und with htm to assist was the presi dent's pastor, tho Rov. James H. Tay lor of tho Central Presbyterian church. Given Away by Mother. Mrs. William H. Dolling, tho bride's mother, gave her away. Tho presi dent stood at the right of tho clergy men nud the bride stood on their left. At onco Dr. Smith begun tho words of tho Episcopal marriage service, the president making his responses first and thou tho bride making hers. Af ter tho brldo promised to "love, cher ish, nnd obey." the president placed tho wedding ring, a plain baud of gold, upon her linger and then, after n prayer, nnd while tho couplo clasped their right hands together, Dr. Smith dcclnrcd them man and wlfo. Tho brief and simple ceremony was over ASK READJUSTMENT OF GRAIN RATES ROAD8 SUBMIT FIGURES TO RAIL. WAY BOARD NEWS OF THE STATE HOUSE Items of General Interest Gathered From Reliable Sources at State House. years mo .mum -.."- nrl,i, ,t l.lmsnlf is a Presbyterian cording to figures inncio puniic in mo ":.",.," ... ,,., ,,m, ti annual roport of Secretary Wilson, of tho dopnrtmont or lnbor. Tho total number of Immigrant nllens. tho re port shows, fell from 1,218,480 In tho provlous year to 325,700 In tho porlod ending Juno .10 Inst. All admitted ar rivals or aliens, Immigrant and non immigrant, wero only 43 1,244, as com pared with 1,403,801 tho yoar boforo. Greeks Protest Fortifications. PnrlB. A dispatch to tho Tomps from Salonfkt, dated Decombnr 1G, says that tho gonoral commanding tho Fifth Grook army corps, which has lieen occupying Snlonlkl, delivered to General Sarrnll. tho French com- mnndcr-ln-chlof, boforo tho Greek ovne nation of tho city, a written protest against tho fortMntlon work thnt had boon begun at Snlonlkl. Tho protost, says tho dispatch, Is purely formal, resembling thnt presented In October against tho landing of allied troops. nnd an elder in his liccnBO was issued to Chief Ushor Hoover, of tho Whlto hoimo atnff. who went to tho burcnu, nindo out thn nec essary forms and paid tho regulnr fee. Afterward ho dollvorcd tho doc ument to tho president. In tho appli cation tho president's ago was given as flfty-nino and Mrs. Gnlt's as forty-thrco. PASSPORT RULES STRINGENT. Safe Conduct for Deposed Attaches. Washington. Tho British ombtssy has received from London authoriza tion to Issue safo conduct to Captains noy-od nnd Von Pnpen tho withdrawn Gorman nnval and inilltnry nttachos. Tho officers will not bo required to glvo assurances that they will refrain from pnrticlnntion In tho war after reaching Germany. State Department Plans to Make Them More Strict. Washington. Passport regulations moro stringent than tnoso eltoctlvo nt present will bo enforced by tho Btnto department, under nn cxocutlvo order Issued by President Wilson. Dupll cnto applications and three coplos of tho applicant's photograph, Instead of a Blnglo application ami iwo pnoiu graphs will bo required. Applicants muBt nnmo tho dates they oxpect to sail, ports of departuro, names of stoamors thoy will tnko and must fllo their applications with tho depart ment at loast flvo days prior to Ball ing. Tho ordor provides that state department agonts must Inspect and lndorso all passports Issued and that all persons leaving tho Unltod States for foreign ports must provide thorn solvos with passports. Sale of Bonds Has Ceased. Now Yoik. Tho managers of tho syndlcnlo which underwrote tho Anglo-French $500,000,000 5 per cent external war loan has announced that $280,000,000 of tho Issue had been with drawn for Investment at the Byndl cate's price of 90", and that $10,000. 000 hnd been sold nt public subscrip tion nt US. Tho unsold balance of 51SO.000.000 will bo distributed nmong members of tho syndicate, according to a previous agreement. Tho syndicate also announced that tho mnnngcrs tiro distiibutiug to thoso who did not with draw their bonds for Investment cash amounts to between 10 por cent and 11 per cent of tho amount of their participation. ? "w iTiiiV -4 1 ---m- 1 ? 1 fPntern Newspaper Union Is'rws Service. Farmers nnd fecdora of Nebraska want a readjustment of tho state rail road ratCB on grain. At tho opening: session of tho Nebraska Farmers' Co operative Grain nnd Llvo Stock asso ciation, held nt Omaha, tho shippers agreed to mako everything elso sec ondary to securing tho desired reduc tion of tho present rates to a mora equltnblo basis. An active campaign to secure by legislation tho readjust ment will be launched and carried on to a conclusion ut tho noxt sitting ot tho Nebraska legislature at Lincoln. This, together with tho advocacy of & national cooporntlvo olovntor insur ance organization, feuturod tho intilat session of tho thirteenth annual con vention of the association. Nebraska's Big School Tho University of Nobmskn Is tho greatest slnglo Institution In tho state, not only In point of expenditures in volved, but al bo in numbers employed, and In attendance. Substantially one third of all tho state oxpcndlturca uro for tho Btnto university, most of which tho technical bookkeeper would placu in tho losn column of his balance sheet, because, being expended for Instruc tion, they lcavo no tangible thing; which can bo valued and entered in an inventory. Hut it in sufo to bay that tho 4,589 students in uttcmlunco last year carried away with them newly acquired knowledge and oxporienco potentially worth to tho people of Ne braska and tho world tenfold tho total expenditures for tho porlod, says Georgo Q. DcFiauco, Btnto accountant, who uudltcd tho bonks and accounts of tho stato university, In his report to Governor Morchend. Mr. DcFranco audited tho unlveiBity accounts on tho direction of Stato Auditor Smith, the. audit commencing Juno 1, 1915, and lasting until after November 1. Tho auditor discovered that tho business accounts) of this institution for which tho legislature appropriated approxi mately $3,200,000 for tho biennium. ending Murcli 31, 1917, were noted by their completeness and nbseuco ot cnors. President and Mrs. Wilson. FARM CROPS ARE IMMENSE. Britain Buys American Aeroplanes. Now York. It is said In tho finan cial district that tho Curtlss Aero plane Co. has closed a contract with tho British govornmont for $15,000, 000 worth of ncon'nnes. In tho fis cal yenr ended October 31, thn com pany produced moro than $0,000,000 worth ot aeroplanes and motors, most or which went to tho British govornmont. Asks for Reapportionment. Washington. A Joint resolution pro viding for a reapportionment of tho kinds of the abandoned Fort Niobrara military reservation has boon offered by Representative Klnknld. Com plaint haB boen made that thoso lands havo boon appraised too high and that homestoad entrymen and purchasers find thomsolves embarrassed In get ting title. Tho bill provldos that tho Gocretary ot tho Interior shall mako tho reapportionment, which In no ovcut shall bo less than $1.25 por aero. Paris. Tho Greek government of ficially denies that Bulgarians havo entered Greek tcnltory, and it Is con-' sldored in competent quiuters hero that an entrance ot tho Bulgarians into Greek Macedonia la Improbable, says a Ilavas dispatch from Athens. Tho press unnnlmously declnros that tho presence of Uulgarians In Grcok Macedonia would arouso national Indignation. Violent Storms In ths East. Now York Snow, sleet nnd ut tlmcB cold drizzling rain swept over practi cally all of Now England and tho states of Now York, Pennsylvania nnd Now Jersey most of Tuesday Uht In a sovero gonoral storm paralleling that of Docombcr 6, 1914. Value of American Yield Close to Ten Billions. Wnshlngton. Secretary Houston's nnnimU report places an estimate ot $lt.873.000,000 on tho vnluo of Ameri can farm crops and animal products for tho Inst year, a valuation without precedent. This, howovor, probably will bo eclipsed by tho present year's showing. This valuation Is un in crenso of nbout $83,000,000 over tho valuo ot 1913, hitherto the highest over recorded. Tho increase occurred in the faco of a decline in cotton from 12.5 cents a pound for tho 1913 crop to an nverngo of 7.3 cents for 19'4. The total vnluo of tho 1913 erp esti mated at $840 000.000, was $2V 00.000 more thnn tho 1914 crop, although tho latter was 11 per cent greater In quantity. "Ducky" Holmes Will Be Manager. Lincoln, Neb. William (Ducky) Holmes will bo tho 1910 manager ot tho Lincoln baseball club and has launched a campaign for new players. tho vicinity of the bride's homo, al though a largo pollco forco had been provided. All arrangements for tho wedding had been fully completed, tho presi dent urrlvlug at his bride's home soon after 8 o'clock nnd tho remainder of tho wedding party, which numbered leas than thirty, following soon after. Tho ceremony was begun us had been arranged nt 8:30 o'clock, nnd was fol lowed by a buffet luncheon. Mrs. Wilson wns married In tho traveling gown she wore to the train. Tho president dined ns usual at tho Whlto houso at 7 o'clock with his daughtora, and afterwards drove to tho bride's homo, nbout a mllo from tho cxocutlvo mansion. A cold, driv ing rain, which swept tho city all day, cleared oft nt Mtnset. and tho evening was cool and plcasnnt. No Attendants or Ushers. Everything was in readiness for tho ceremony when tho president arrived nnd it proceeded without music. Neither tho president nor Mrs. Gait had any attendants nnd there were no ushers or Hower girla. Neither tho army, tho navy nor tho diplomatic corps was represented nud the occa sion wns essentially what both of tho couplo had wished it to bo a homo wedding. On tho first floor ot tho brido's homo, in two communicating rooms, a wedding bower hnd been arranged with a background of fnrloynnso and maidenhair ferns, which extended from tho floor to tho celling. Overhoad Hundreds of presents wero sent to tho bride's homo despite tho fact that word had been given out thnt nothing should bo sent by others than relatives nud intimate friends. Tho houbos of congress, out of dif ference to tho president's wishes, sunt no presents olllcially, but many per sonal remembrances were sent. Tho stato of Virginia, through a delegation, gavo tho couplo a magnifi cent loving cup. Mrs. Gait's costumo was of black silk velvet. Tho skirt of walking length cut in full and elegant lines. The waist was in silken embroidery of wqnderful blues, shading from tho deep tones of royal bluo to delicate pastel and thread ed throughout with silver, made on new and original linos, tho lower part being of the same beautiful embroidery ot finest black not over a band of sil ver in design of lilies whloh extended from under tho arms to tho front. Washington. Woodrow WIlBon is tho third president to bo married dur ing his term of oillce. President Tyler was tho first and President Clovoland was tho other. Mr. Tyler, llko Mr. Wilson, was left n widower during Ills term. Two years tor, in 1S44, In New York city, ho was mar ried to Miss Julia Gardner, who then presided at tho White houso functions during the last year of her husband's term of oillce. Tokio. Cnblo messages of congratu lation to President Wilson wero sent by Emperor Yoshlhlto aud Baron Commends the Project Stato L'nginoor Georgo E. Johnson In a report to the chief engineer ot tho United States reclamation sorvleo at Washington commends tho tri county Irrigation piojoct nnd points out that the subsoil in Pholps und ad joining counties is such that it will constitute a reservoir for tho storing of flood water fro nitho Platto river at soasonu of tho year when water is not needed by other Irrigation pro jects. Ho corrects a formor roport mado by his predecessor which as sumed that tho trl-county project de sired to uso water from tho Platto at seasons when other Irrigation projects would desire water. Ho says tho wator of tho river is appropriated only dur iug tho growing season and tho trl county project, desires water in tha winter or nnytlmo when tho ground. Is not frozen. Ho sayu tho cupneitjr of tho subsoil of (ho threo counties la in excess of 1,000,000 acre foot ot water aud that tho water desired would Incrcaso tho earning capacity of tho laud $10 per aero. thoro was a canopy of grcon in the Ishii, tho foreign minister, Borne, Switzerland. Tho members of tho executive commlttco of tho In ternational congress to study the basis of a doulle peace are still held up along tho Gorman-Swiss trontlor, and no word has been received hero con cerning their whoreabouts or tho prospect ot their airivul here. On this account it may bo nccossary to postpouo tho meeting of tho exocutlvo commlttco as tho congress Itself was postponed. Thus far only ono momber of tho commlttco .baa arrived from an other country. lis Is Don Vcblla of Madrid. Washington. Secretary Lansing's appointment haB been confirmed by tho senate. Tho secretary has been serving under n recess nppolntment glvon whllo congress wn3 In ndjaurn-mont. Increased Coast Defense. Washington. An Increase ot nearly 300 por cent ovor the bum spout Inst yenr for big guns, coaBt formications and ordunnco, Included in tho gonoral preparedness schoino, la asked for In tho fortitlcntlonB bill propnre.l by tho war department. Last yenr $0,000,21G was spent; this yenr $23,305,123 Is a3ked. The bill provides for $2,533, 000 for new coast dofenso workB and Itemizes clghteon now emplacements to bo constructed as against eight built last year. Call for Volunteers Answered. London. That at least 3,000,000 men havo answered Lord Dorby's cnll for volunteers was tho roport In official clrcloa, following tho closo of Eng land's greatest recruiting campaign. Dollnlto figures will not bo obtainable until Lord Derby's roport to Premier Asqulth Is mado public. But it was reported that Lord Derby will toll tho parliamentary commlttco on lnbor that tho campaign was n success and that conscription Is not llkoly In the noar future Tho president completed a record breaking day for him In extending clomency by signing papers Just bo foro he left the cxocutlvo offices for dinnor, releasing two men from Jail. Ho commuted to expire at once tho three months' sentence of J. E. Tur ner, convicted In tho northern Geor gia fodoral court on the churgo of distilling liquor Illegally and remitted tho unpaid lino for which Zhuck-Quo-Ah, an Indian, convicted In Kansas of Introducing liquor into tho Pottawnt tamlo Indian reservation. Ask for National Prohibition. Washington. Congress will bo urged at its present session to Sub mit tho question of a national consti tutional prohibition amendment to tho states for ratification. This was de cided upon nt a mass meeting hero when resolutions wero adopted, favor ing such an uraendment. Tho meot Ing, hold under tho auspices ot tho National Woman's Temporanco union, wua uttondod by promlnont tempor anco advocates from throughout the country. Villa a "Quitter." El Paso, Tox. Under pressure of his generals, tho weight of his defeat In Souora, and tho council of his wlto, Gen. Francisco Villa Is on his way to tho border and tho United States, his title ot commander-in-chief renounced and hla determination to continue fighting tho do facto government of Carrnnza unto death broken once and for all. Tolegrams In code from tho capital stated that "poaco had been declnrod here. There will be no moro fighting." Extraordinary precautions had been taken to protect tho president For six blocks in either direction from the rcsldenco policemen were stationed at all corners. Chief Pullman himself was In chargo. Chief Flynn of tho fed eral secret service, commanded an augmented squad of operatives In ad dition to tho plain clothes contingent of tho White house. A solid phalanx of brawny plain clothesinon barred the ontrnnco to tho porto cochoro, closely Inspecting even the wedding guestn. Anonymous lottcrs, purporting to glvo Information about alleged viola tions ot law tn different parts of th stato havo been coming to tho at torney general's ofllco with somo fre quency of lato. Attorney Genoral Rood welcomes any communication that may bo sent him when tho nnmo la. signed, but ho does not fool that ho has any baslB for action when ho docs not know who makes tho complaint. Iteed is willing to trcnt nuch letters conlldcntlally, if pcoplo will sign their nnmes. When instancca of lawbreak Ing nro cited, ho mlghl wnnt to wrlto aud ask for moro facts, or for Informa tion as to how thoy might bo socurcd. Anonymous lottcrs mako this impossible. Prohibition In Mexico City. Galveston, Tox. Tho salo of alco holic liquors In Mexico City has been forbidden for ninety dnys by a decree issued by tho governor of tho federal district, according to advices reaching tho Mexican conLiilato hero. Tho do croo was a measure taken to provent tho spread ot typhus In tho capital. It Is also reported that Governor Alva redo of tho stato of Yucatan has Is sued a decree pormaneutly forbidding the sale ot liquor in that state. Another big distribution of stato school funds tho first to bo mado un der tho now law will tako place In, January, when an amount ranging: from $450,000 to $500,000 will bo ap portioned by tho stato superintendent and paid out by tho stato treasurer to tho various counties nnd school districts ot Nebraska. Tho sum ap portioned will bo much larger than usual at this time of tho year, be cause, under tho old law, tho stato treasurer was required to report funds on hand avallablo for tho apportion ment on tho first Monday ot Docoraber whllo a largo part ot tho temporary school fund revenua is not received by tho former olllclal until January 1, when semiannual interest on bonds Is duo and soml-nnnual rontnls of stato school binds must bo paid. In chnnglng the law, tho legislature pro vided that hereafter tho semi-annual apportionments shall be based on re ports mado by tho stato treasurer for tho third Monday ot January nnd July. Coming at thoso timos, thoy will Include tho large income from bond interest nnd school land rentals In a very short tlmo, after thoy ar paid In. A t i k - H WSVW&tf-- giwwwwr" -A.M-ifjaafcE