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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1915)
M...te'ft3.V HtMVii l ' ar wiw-jic- - m i fnr ,. .VT-je . w RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF G PATRIOTISM WOMAN WAS BRAVE IN FACE OF DEATH MILLION ARMENIANS KILLED Only One-sixth Left of Former Popu lation of 1,200,000 King George Ittuee an Appeal for More Men. Weetern Nownpnprr Union N'wi Hervlrn. London. Tlio Urltlsh foreign olilco ban made public tho report of tbo Rev. H. S. T. (Julian, the Urltlsh chaplain In Brussels, who visited Miss Kdlth Cavell Just before her execution, and n letter from llrand Wbltlock, the American minister to Belgium, to Walter Hlncs Pago, the American nmbaBBador to Ixjndon. Mr. Whltlock, In encloRlng tho letter ho wrote to Ilaron von dor Lackcn, tho German governor at the request of President Faldcr of tho court of appeals, in Brussels, and the president of tho Holglnn school for nurses, asking that Miss Cavell's body bo delivered to tho school for nurses, of which she was dlrectrcsR, says: "I have not received a written reply to my note to Daron Lanckcn on tho aubject, but ho came to boo me and tated that the body had been Interred near tho prison of St. GIIIcb, where the execution took place, and that un der tho regulations governing such cases It was Impossible to oxhumo the body without written permission from the minister of war at Berlin. Appeala for More Men, London. King George has Issued an appeal to bts subjects to como forward voluntarily and aid Great Britain in her fight against the Germanic allien. "More men and yet more," tho mon arch aaya, "aro wanted to keep my armies In the flold and through them to secure victory and an enduring peace.' MILLION ARMENIAN8 KILLED Only 2,000 Left of Former Population J or i,zoo,uoo. Tiflls. Tho estimate 1b made by tho Armenian nowapapor Mshak that of tho 1,200,000 Armenian Inhabitants of Turkey before tho war, thoro remain j)t moro than 200,000. This residue, tlio Mshak says, may disappear before tho end of tho war on account of the Turkish policy of extermination. Tho figures of tho Mshak aro bn?cd on tho estlinnto of the Armenian pa trlarch nt Constantlnoplo that S.O,000 Armenians havo been killed or en slaved by tho Turks. Meylcans Attack American Soldiers. Brownsville, Tox. About seventy flvo Mexicans attacked fifteen Ameri can eoldlerfl nt OJo Del Agua. n small Mexican settlement on tho American side of tho river. Thrco Boldlers were killed and eight wounded and nt least flvo Mexicans killed in tho rorty min utes' battlo which followed. Somo of tho Mexicans fled across tho Rio Grando Into Moxlcan territory when American cavalry reinforcements enmo up. Mexlcnns slain In tho fight had whlto hat bandB bearing tho words "Viva Villa!" Immense Shipment of Gold. New York. The latest shipment of gold from Kngland to tho United States, said to bo largor Chan nny of the prevloun consignments, arrived hero Tuesday nnd wns placed In tho assay ofllcc. Tho gold Ih said to con sist chiefly of gold sovereigns nnd to be worth approximately $25,000,000. To Reotrlct the Exodus. London. Immediate stops will bo taken by tho British authorities, ac cording to tho Evcntng Nowb, to re strict tho sudden rush of able-bodied Britons of military ago to the colonies, to tho lalandB of Joraey nnd Guern sey, and to Ireland, In order to escapo military sorvlco. Nebraska Pure Food Law Upheld. , Washington. Appeals of Nick Ar rlgo and Mlko Indovlnn, popcorn ven dors, convicted at Lincoln, Neb., of violating tho Htato pure food law, wero dismissed by tho supromo court at tho lnstanco of counsel. Tho Nebrnska law designates as adulterated food products packed with premiums, and the appralR wore Intended to tost Its constitutionality. President Proclaims Thanksgiving Day Washington. President Wilson hna issued a proclamation designating Thursday, Novombor 25, as a day of thanksgiving nnd prayer, nnd calling on all good citizens to observe it as such. London. Great Britain has made a formal offer of tho Island of Cyprus, tho third largost Island In tho Modlter rannoan, sixty mllos from tho coast of Asia Minor, to Greece as soon as Greece undertakes to Intorveno in tho war on tho sido of tho allies. Lincoln, Nob. Members of tho Democratic State Editorial associa tion's executive committee gathered here Wednesday and choso a publicity committee comprising J. w. Cutright, William Maupln, Frank Eager, Doc Tanner, Edgar Howard, William Cramb and ClinrloR W. Bryan, who will make arrangements for tho mnmmotb democratic rally to be hold In this city during tho month of March. The occasion will bo known as "Rally nay" and invitation is to bo extended to.v 'naocrat from ono omi - tim di , .i... ' uer. LITTLE MARY KILL JOY tCupyriKhl.j FAVOR CONTINENTAL ARMY WIRELE88 TALK BETWEEN PARIS AND ARLINGTON. Adirlnlntrailon Plan Will Receive Sup port of Employers Are Still Holding Out Against Carranza. Western Newapaper Union News Service. Now York. Arlington, Va., talked by wireless telephony with Paris, France, Thursday. Honolulu also hoard tbo operator talking from Arlington. Announcement that the human volco bad been successfully projected across the Atlantic was mado on behalf of John J. Cnrty, chief engineer of the Amorlcnn Telephone and Telegraph company, at tho com pany's olilco hero. Later Mr. Carty tolophoned Chicago confirming tho an nouncement. To B. B. Webb, a tolo phono engineer, fell tho honor of be ing the first man to span with his volco tho apace betweon tho old world nnd tho now. Sitting In tho powerful wireless plant of tbo nnvy at Arling ton, Vn., Mr. Webb shortly after mid night Thursday morning asked tho wireless tolcgrnph operator to signal the Eiffel tower in Paris, which wao dono nnd n convocation carried on villi French wlroleDs attachca nnd en gineers. Holding Out Against Carmnzn. Caloxlco, Cal. UocoisnliiJii of Car ranza us do facto head of the govern ment of Mexico bo far Iibb had no ef fect upon tho status of Lower Califor nia, which romnliiH apparently nn in dependent torrltory under Estaban Cantu, n federal nrmy offlcor who 1ms steadfastly refused to recognize either Carranza or Villa. Tho arms embargo ordered by President Wilson also has produced no effect. United Stntcs cus toms authorities hero said they had not yet recolved instructions to pre vont tlio export of arms to Snntu. CONTINENTAL ARMY IN FAVOR. Employers of Labor Ready to Give It Their Support. Washington Endorsement of tho ad ministration's plan to creato n groat continental army for defense aro be ginning to reach Washington from largo employing firms and corpora tions. It hnB boon learned that ap proving letters hnd been received from Bovoral such concerns, and thnt nt least ouo had expressed willingness to grant its men leavo on full pay for scr vlco In tho proposed organization. Enlistment in tho continental army, aa contemplated in Secretary Garri son's program, would bo for Blx years, but tho men actually will bo required In servlco but two months a year for tho first threo years, during which tlmo thoy would undergo Intensive military training In Hold camps. Olll clals realize that tho success of tho scheme depends to a considerable ex tent upon cooperation with the gov ernment by the omployers of tho country'8 young men. Washington. Reports made public show that moro than twlco as many persona visited tho national parks of tho west during tho season Just closed Aan last year. Wants Quit Claim to Poasesslors. Buffalo, N. Y. Tho time ia ripe for tho United States to ask European countries to relinquish -possessions of their colonies in tho weatorn hemis phere, In the opinion of Charles H. Sherrill, former United Stntea min ister to Argentina, who delivered a ro markablo address along this lino be foro tho University of Buffalo. "It 1b very doubtful It ever again tho United States will bo in a bettor condition to aBk favors of Europo than It ia at present," Bald Mr. Sherrill. Eighteen Suspects Are Lined Up. Omahn. Eighteen men, auspocta picked up In connection with tho niur dor of Harry Smith. Woodman cuah ler, Saturday night, wero lined up bo foro Miss Graco Slater, Smith's com panion ou tho night of tho crime, at tho pollco station for possible identifi cation. Nono of thorn wns Idontllled, Lut all woro held for further Investi gation. Sevoral havo moro or loss dubious reputations In polico circles, many of them residents hore, and soma aro unknown to the pollco. f - -Vi- MA SMS. 100 SHOULD COME RlfcHT HOME T FORBIDS EXPORTATION OF ARM8 OVER RIO GRANDE LINE. After Three Years of Civil Strife, Max. Ico Has New Government Takes Gloomy View of War. WBtern Newpntr Union News Service. Washington. Proclamation of an other embargo against exportation of arms und ammunitions from the United States to Moxlco und arrange ments for financing the now Carranza government were tho immediate steps boforo thla governmont in establish ing the now regime. Secretary of State Lansing an nounced the president's action. In a letter to Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo, directing tho embargo's en forcement by customs officials, excep tion was suggested in favor of tho Carranza government. Tho procla mation declared: "I havo found that there exists In Mexico conditions of domestic vlo lenco promoted by the use of arma and munitions of war procured from tho United States. I hereby admonish nil citizens of tho United States and every person to abstain from every violation of tho joint resolution cf congress, and I hereby warn them that all violations will bo rigorously prosecuted." Gloomy View of the War. London. "Wo uro In a hole," saya tho military correspondent of the Evening Standard, commenting on the present situation. "Wo havo loBt faith In tho ability of our statesmen nnd In tho strategic conduct of tho wnr and In tho willingness of the people to sup port tho war; threo or four very so rloua questions now oxorclso the minds of politicians and nubile til I Up and threaten to wreck tho governmont; In France tho best known minister hns resigned; in Russia public opin ion Is badly shaken. Four great pow ora aro full of good will for ono an othor. but each Is a law unto Itself. "On tho ctiomy'B sldo wo find unity of purpose, singleness of control and constant willingness to sacrifice every thing nnd tako nil risks." REENTERS FAMILY OF NATIONS Mexico Starts Out Again Under New Government. Washington. Mexico has re-entered tho "family of natlona." After nearly three years of civil warfare and revo lution, a new government wnB given birth, beaded by Vonustlnno Carranza as "n chief executlvo of tho dofacto government" tho tltlo agreed on. Sondlng of a noto by Secretary of State Lansing to Ellsoo Arredondo, Carranza'B representative hero, was tho formal atop. Similar notes wero sent Arredondo, who is Carranza's cousin and slated to bo bis forolgn minister or first United Stntcs ambas sador, by nil Latin-American govern ments of tho pan-Amorlcan confer ence. Tho t!Me of president, provisional or ad interim, will bo either assumed by Carranza himself or conferred by tho Moxlcan congress, which Carranza propoaoa to convene shortly. Grand Encampment Officers. Omaha. After a long and vigorous Bossion held all morning at ths ledge hall, tho grand encampment of tho Ne braska Odd Follows olected tho follow ing oincors for the ensuing yoar: Grand patriarch, L. E. Coy, Paxton. Senior warden, G. E. Tnrklngton, Omahn. High priest, E. J. Farr, Blair. Junior warden, A. P. Hansen, Om nha. Scrlbo, I. P. Gago, Fremont. Treasurer, F. B. Bryant, Omaha. New York. What is said by grain men to bo tho largest movement of Canadian wheat through tho United Statea evor recorded is now going on through this port. Recorda of tho pro duco exchange compiled to nnd In cluding Frldny, October 15, show that 4.2G5.791 biiBhola havo been brought hero from Canada since the early part of August and reloaded on steamships for shipments mainly to England, France and Itnly. This wheat, in order to avoid tho payment of a duty of 10 cents per bushel, comos through in bond. fahA J rv" aamfTX Jv$ AW T w&rrqjiZr jnfiF V HIT THE TIL THIRTEEN THOUSAND AT OMAHA FOLLOW ADVICE OF 8UNDAY. WILL GO OUT OF BUSINESS Bureau for Unemployed In London Claims Object Useless Plot Against Munitions Plants. Western Newspaper Union Newii Heivlce Omaha, Neb. With u "God bless Kou, Mr. Sunday; Christ bo with you," volco by 12,000 persons at tho tuber uaclo Srundny night, there enmo to n closo the greatest religious revival Nebraska has evor experienced. Near ly three-quarters of a million pcoplo heard Mr. Sunday deliver a total of 100 sermons and almost 13,000 per bona, men, women and children, bit tho sawdust trail. As a recompenso for tils services Mr. Sunday will tako with him as a froo will offering a total of $18,425.59. Of this sum but (8,000 was pledged by the business and professional men of tho city. Plot to Destroy Munitions Plants. Now York. In tho arrest of Robert Fay, a lieutenant in the Gorman nrmy, and Waltor Scholz, his brother-in-law, pollco and secret sorvlco agents bo llovo thoy havo detained loaders in a plot to wreck American munitions plants, and ships cnrrylng muntlons. According to Captain Tunnoy, of tho Now York "anarchist" squad, Fay con fessed that ho camo hore to work out a plan for stopping tho shipment of munitions. Ho said, Tunnoy avers, that ho waB supplied with $2,000 for carrying out his oporatlons. Papers found In his room showed ho was a German secret sorvlco agent. GOES OUT OF BUSINESS. Bureau for Aid of Unemployed Claims Its Object Useless. Iondon. The Central Unomployed Body for London hnB practically gono out of business bocaUBe thero is no work for It to do. Organized primarily to find work for tho unemployed in London It now finds there aro no unem ployed to find work for. The war, so far from increasing unemployment and poverty, as was genorally anticipated when conflict began, hnB had the con trary effect. "After nearly fifteen months of war," Bald DrltiBley Harper, presiding at a meeting of tho organization, "thoro la not only no evidence of distress but there Is abundant evidence of abnor mally plentiful employment nnd excep tionally high wages. Nor do tho ro ports wo havo received Indlcato that tho Increased cost of living has led to an increase of poverty nnd destitution. A partial explanation mny be found in tho fact that owing to tho great de mand for Juvenile labor young wage earners have been able to supplement tho family Income to an unprecedented extent." Carranza Endorses Baseball Los Angeles, Cal. Venustlnno Car ranza, head of tho defacto government In Mexico, Is going to encourage the American gnmo of baseball In the re public as a substitute for bull fights and other diversions along the Dorder according to Adolfo Carlllo., his cou sular agent hero. Cnrranza, Mr Car illo snid, will Bhut down on border in iquities as practiced at Juarez, Mexi can, FiJuana and other border towns and will not recognize race tiucks o: monto carlos or concessions therefcr. May Harness Turbid Missouri. New York. It now rests with seven United States army oiuccrs whether tho Missouri river is allowed to con tinue on its sterile, muddy course or whether it becomes the artery of a gi gantic freight business. Tho army en gineering board has closed Its hearings hero and is now in possession of a mass of facts which middle western shippers and business men bellovo will forco a favornblo report to congress. Diaz Joins Zapata Forces. El Paso, Tex. A message, said here to havo been received In Juarez, quoted authorities as stating thnt Felix Diaz has joined the Zapata forces and la aow at tho head of 40,000 men with whom ho la menacing Moxlco City. Receipt of tho message was reported from two different sources. Cornhuskers Victorious 20 to 19. Lincoln. Tho Nebraska-Notro Dame gamo Saturday, in which tho Corn hUBkers whipped tho Hooslers 20 to 19, will go down in tho big school's his tory as ono of tho greatest ovor played on a Lincoln flold. Between 7,500 and 8,000 people saw Stlohm's pupils for ward pass tho visitors to a beating after Notro Damo had started tho scor ing and given tho impression of groat power. The margin between tho two teams is not much greater than tho ono point difference in tho scores In dicates. Bombarded by Allied Fleet Athens. It is officially announced 1 that a bombardment of tho Bulgarian ! coast from Dedeaghatch to ' Porto Lagos, a distance of thirty-eight miles, has been commenced by tho allied Hoot, but that so far only llttlo dnmago has boon done. To Provide Military Instruction. San Francisco, Cal. California is to provide military instruction as part of tho public high school course, accord ing to an announcement of the state board of education. 1 NEBRASKA HORSES. Claim that America Can Raise Best In the World. Lincoln. Patience Is all that Ne brnska stockmen, particularly horse men, need to rxcrclso In order to raise as good horses here as in Belgium or anywhoro in the former purebred horse markets of Europo. That Is tho Judg ment of Raymond West, tho Wood River horseman and former legislator. Mr. West knows what he la talking about. A famous purebred horse, tc which ho guvo careful attention and raised right, captured prizes at sov oral state fairs In which horses from acro3a the water woro entered. Lay Cornerstone at Kenrnoy Kearney. Tho cornorstono of th now auditorium of the Kearney Normal Bchool was laid In thla city, the euro mony being witnessed by over a thous and citizens of Kearney nnd several hundred visitors. The ceremony was In charge of tho Masonic order; the Hon. Samuel S. Whiting, grand master of Masons of Nebraska, the presiding official. "Uncle" Bob French, grand custodian, acted In tho catmcltv of master of ceremony. A large uumbcr oi speakers took part. Celebrated 100th Birthday Axtoll. Mrs. Swan Nelson, known all ovor Kearney county as "Grandma" Nelson, celebrated her one hundreth birthday anniversary at her home three miles east of this city Sunday, October 10. Thero wero over 100 rel atives and friends present, MrB. Nel son is the head of five generations. Booming Hall for Postmaster Omaha. FrlendB of William Hall are booming him for tho Omaha post mastership, demanding a recognition of that portion of tho city onco known as South Omaha. Tho new candidate is a brother of Dr. P. L. Hall of Liu coin. Many Children In Parade. Hastings. Two thousand flvo hun dred school children, each carrying an American flag, marched in doublo file, forming a parade extending more than a mile in length, featured as the crowning event of the South Platto exposition. Hastings. Attempting to board the freight elevator which his own hand had started, Kay Mackay, hotel em ploye, was almost instantly crushed to death at tho Clark hotel. Tho accident was witnessed by Felix Paul, Matt Frohnen and Frank Harrington, who wero unable to rescue him, though they stopped tho elevator boforo tho body was badly mutilated by being crowded against tho second floor. Mackay had placed a basket on tho elevator and started it going. Ho Jumped off to get a package and in jumping on again fell with his body across tho iilatforra and his feet dangled outside below. Ten Hours of Rain Falrbury. Ten hours of continuous rainfall with a precipitation of two and ono-fourth inches is the record of this section of Nebrnska putting the ground in prlnio condition for winter wheat. Sheriff's Baby Wins Hastings. Ardls Ordcll, two-year-old son of Sheriff and Mrs. W. A. Colo, was tho winner of first prize out of 200 entries from nil over tho stato in the baby show here. Ho scored 98.8 per cent. Hastings. Govornor Morohead dur ing tho baby show hero met and con gratulated "Grandma" Brlloy, ono of Nebraska's oldest citizens, now aged ono hundred and fifteen. FROM ALL OVER NEBRASKA The Gago county tax list is the shortest over known. Tho new potash beds at Antloch are furnishing work for a forco of sixty men. Lincoln Is to have a ladies' bowling league, under tho ausplccB of tho Y. M. C. A. The Ponca Advocato claims that thero is not a vacant house for rent In that place. Damage to tho extent of $10,000 was dono to tho Hnyward school at Lin coln, by a flro of unknown origin. Mrs. J. W. Finch was found dead on a cot at her homo in University Placo, tho result of heart failure. Charles Hubboll of Bradshaw, har vosted a parsnip over llvo feet long, including tho top, tho root itself meas uring thlrty-olght inches. The contract for tho material and erection of tho electric transmission lino between Pawnee City and DuBols has been lot by the village board of DuBols to a Lincoln concern. Claude Walker had his arm badly burned, when it camo in contact with tho switchboard of tho electric light plant at the Paddock theatro at Beatrice. Henry F. Swanback, who was 100 years old March 9, and is tho oldest living Odd Follow in tho United States, and perhaps in tho world, at tonded the sessions of that ordor at its recent meeting at Omaha. Notjh Bend Is now lighted by elec tricity furnished by tho municipal plant at Fremont. An Omaba woman has Just rocelvod a postal card mailed to hor twenty two years seo from Dcs Moines, Ia. Havelock will erect a now $25,000 school houso. Ed. S. Otto hns been appointed chief of tho tiro dopartment at Beatrice Evangollst Royburn of Iowa will hold a scries of mootings at Fremont in January. Fail wheat sowing is Jato in Rich ardson county, and many farmers will fall to got in tho usual acreage STATE'S JPBSB EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WILL OBEY NEW LAW. NEWS OF THE STATE HOUSE Items of General Interest Gathered From Reliable Sources at State House. Western Newspaper Union News tjervlc. July, August and September expen ditures of stato departments, tho stato Institutions nnd tho university and nor mal schools totaled $9S1,700, accord ing to n report issued in circular form by Auditor Smith. Tho figures havo been gathered under a changed sys tem in the auditor's olilco. They have never been available In this shapo be fore, hence their value to tho taxpay ers nt large Is greater than tho tables submitted at tho end of either years or biennial periodB In different shape than this. The auditor's table shows that tho amount, $252,751, went for salaries for everybody from the chancellor of tho university with his $6,000 a year to the lowliest nlghtwatcu at tho small est state institution. State monoy to tho amount of $6,118 was spent for postage, $11,680 for traveling expenses, $154,000 for per manent Improvements at various Insti tutions, and at tho university, while the normal school total, outside the salaries, was $68,623. State printing cost $23,319 d-irlng the three months; telephone nnd tele graph, $2,385; and furnituro and re pairs, a total of $11,832. During tho quarter, $10,273 went to tho use of tho national guards, not Including $3,146, armory rentals. ' Will Obey New Law. A majority of tho employment agen cies are willing to obev tho now tnw licensing and regulating employment agencies, but Labor Commissioner Coffey will prosecute at least throe pro prietors of agencies in Omaha which arc charging a registration fco regard less of whether employment is ob tained for thoso who register. Several bonding and refcrenco agencies la Omnha retain a foo and make no prom ise to obtain employment and also ro qtilro tho applicant to pay 25 per cent of his llrat month's wages, if tho pay is Icsb than $00 u month. Tho county attorney of Douglas county hns prom ised to lllo complaints for tho labor commission. It ia understood this is ngreeablo to some of the agencies con cerned who hope by this prosecution to test tho validity of tho stato law. Twenty agencies In Omaha havo ap plied for licenses. Labor Commissioner Coffey has Issued licenses to six who havo paid the feo of $60 each and filed a 12,000 bond, it Is llko'.y that Alliance ITnBtlnga, Grand Island and Fremont will each havo ono licensed agency and Lincoln will havo threo or four. Food Commlsloner's Report. State Food Commissioner C. E. Har man has reported tho receipt of $10, 871.60 In fees from his various de partments for Inspections made in September. His departments made 1,289 Inspections, issued 23 sanitary orders, mado 61 chemical analyses, conducted seven prosecutions and. filed 16 complaints. Until a diaputo with tho stato trcaBuror is settled, Mr. Harman will retain enough fees to pay salaries and expenses. Tho fees for September wero as follows: Fees received for oil and gasollno In spections, $9,893.5S; fees received for pormlts Issued, $382.65; tax tags, $152.10; weights and measures fee received, $389.55; miscellaneous col lections, $53.72; total, $10,871.60. Dined with "Trusty" Boys. Governor Morehead and Warden Fenton of tho penitentiary dined with tho members of tho "Morohoad honor enmp No. 1" last week. Tho chloC executive Informed the trusties that he wns well pleased with tho work the men woro doing and tho progress which had been mado. He said the work was as good as any men on the outside could do. In ordor to get the base completed In shorter time, that brick laying might bo started, tho gov ernor asked for a voto on how many wero willing to work an hour longer to help tho cause Tho proposition carried, every member voting to put In an additional hour each day. State Will Get More Revenue County clerks aro now reporting to the stato auditor the amount of stato taxes to bo collected in their respec tive counties for this year, and in near ly every caso thoy report a larger total than that swn by tho assessment figures reported to tho stato board of equalization by county assessors. Tho differenco is not great, but it will mean several thousand dollars at additional rovonuo in tho aggregate It is sup posed to bo due to tho fact that addl tlons havo been mado to tho assess ment In most counties. Test Case on Mlsbranded Goods Tho stnto won tho first-round in its attempt to prohibit tho uso of tho word "euro" on labels on patont modi cities, in a tost caso against the Meier Drug Company of Lincoln for offering such Inbollcd gooda for aalo Justice Stovcns adjudged the defend ant guilty of violating tho stato law relating to tho misbranding of drugs and Imposed a fino of ?50. The caso will bo appoaled and will eventually reach tho supromo court. Food Com missioner Harman instituted tho prosecution. V, S.