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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1915)
tvt . TlA f T " KID CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF w jwjW J((Jijrtf "Si t: r it r THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nabratk PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In tlio I'oiitcifllre nt Hut I loud, Neb. M Hccond ClftM Mutter A B. MtiAllTHUK rUllt.lHIIKU IHB ONIiY DliMOCItATIC PAI'IJll IN WKHSTKH COUNTY In Autumn They'e fionicthln' Ulndo' hi.irty-lllc about the atmosphere "When tlic heiit of summer's over nnd ilio codln1 full Ih here t)f course we miss tho llowors, nnd the blossoms on the trees, -And the mumble of the huniniln'-blrds mid tho buzln' of the bees; "lint tho iilr'H fio nppetlzln; and the lumKcnpo through the luce Of eriap mid sunny morning of thu nlrly nutnmn clays Isnpictur'thut no painter has tho t-oloiiu'to mock When tho frost Won tho pumpkin nnd tho foddoi'H in the shock. U'lio littsUy, itisty tustle ot Die tossuls of tho corn, And the riispln of tho tangled leave", as golden ns tho morn; U'hu btubulc In tho fnrrlos-htiid o' lonesome like, but still A-prciichln' sfimons to uh of t)ie burns they mowed to till; Tho strnwstnclc In tho medder, nnd tho reaper In tho shod; The houses In their Htulls below tho clover overhead Oh, It sets my heait a-clieUln' like the tlekln' of a clock, When tho frost is on tho pumpkin and tho foddei's in tho shock. James Whitcomb Ulley. Just 11 vo mouths before tho April primaries Do your shopping early. Tho visit of tho world's chair pion wrestler seems to have ended all uctivU ties in thnt direction in this city Which shows that tho public is always interested in a sure enough contest while a foregone conclusion attracts but llttlo attention. By defeating Notro Damo Saturday the Nebraska boys thowed the east erners that the west has tho brain and brawn in'abundancc. It was a notable victory in ns much as the eastern team expected an easy victory. The colleges of the cast have always refus ed to play the western teams on the theory that they would havo no opposi tion. The scrimmage just hold how ever shows that tho west knows sonic thing ubout the game. went to (Washington, D. C, Friday, October S3, whero he will appear for the peoplo In the western freight rate cast, Un'dwn as Kate Order No. IS). He will bV assisted by Ed. 1 Smith of Omaha; Tills caso is a descendant of tho C. J. Smyth vs. Alines rnto caso of the Ws. Next in Importance was the Newberry rate bill, which Is now a matter of history and for which the legislature appropriated SlO.t'uO and employed Hon. John L. Webster of Omaha as attorney on behalf of the states Befoio leaving for Washington Attorney General tteed held a confer ence with Attoruey (Jcnernl Fred Furror of Colorado, In reference to tho irrigation case now pending in the United States S.ipremo Court, which has to do with the waters of tho upper I.arlmc In Wyoming. If tho caso Is lost to Nebraska It would result in diverting these waters from the !.:! gallon projects of tho northwest part of the state especially In tho Scotts lit ta f r country. Attorney General Rood's department has had the most, and heaviest litigation which hasevercome before any attorney general in the history of tho state. Adjutant Gelicinl P. L. Hall Is ex bibltiiig some photographs taken by Cnplalii McMilllaii of the nviiitlon corp, while making tilal lllghls last week. Tho photos ueic from a height of several thousand feet mid ono of the state Iioiim) anil grounds is extra good. Tho tiial Mights of Captain McMlltlan established the feasibility of securing photographs of foils or the position of mi enemy in time of war, and the value of mcopliine ser vice In connection with tho National Guard During tho nuinuevers, bombs wero dropped and timed to explode within a short distance of the ground Tills particular bomb was invented by members of the aviation corps, and Is different from tho usual class of ex plosions of the kind, it not being ne cessary to hit something boforo tt ex plodes. The bomb is now being tried out' and if it proves what its makers olalirVfor It, the Invention will bo presented to the national war depart ment. , State Auditor Win, II. Smith has just issued his quarterly statement of the oxpenses of tho state of Nebraska for the ruohths of July, August and Sep tember. It is the most complete statement yet Issued from tho auditor's otllce under the new system adopted by Auditor Smith when he took charge of tho otllce in January. The total ex penditures for the three months were 8!8 1,700.11. Of this amount the uni versity used I889,i94. 4:), normal schools ft)B,(23.8il, normal training aid, 811, 900.00. The sum ot S'J24,48l.l2 was used for the support of the 15 state in stitutions, Jncluding improvements and equipment. Tho amount of money for salaries nald out during the quart er, was 8252, 751. Go ot which 8in,o07 32 was for tho university and K17,59 40 for state normal schools. The grand total of state expenditures include all casli fuud and general fund warrants. General fund warrants issued for the threo months for all purposes amount ed to fT)87,'2G9.(!l. Lincoln Letter Secretary of State I'ool is preparing a complete loster of Nebraska soldiers who served in tho Mexican, Civil mid Spanish Amerlcuu wars, giving name, residence, company, battery, vessel or regiment, mid from what state must ered Into tho service. Tho list has been gatheiod by tho assessois of each county mid should be acciuato. To date only four counties have failed to provldo the secretary with the neees Miry data, but those. counties probably will comply with the law in tho near future. Tho book now under the toiirso of propitiation, the llrst stneo TktT, should prove of Incalculable value to the many oleums now residing in this state, as it will contain the names of several thousand bravo men who offered their lives In defense of thoir country. Attorney General Willis IJ. Kcod FOGEIi'S PRIGE ON STRAP WORK For Farm Harness X inch Ilamc strap 15cts 1 20" V" Pole and Breast strap No. 1 HO " 1;' " Pole and Breast strap No. 1 51.00 l,' inch 20 Ct Team lines 5.50 1 inch 18 ft Team lines 1.50 We are Oiling Harness Now For $1.00. This is the time of year to Oil. mi a n un Bargains At Albright's Friday and Saturday f i i inii Coat: li'lwf H j 'UHl K sir Week jt(JB irr October 30th to Nov. 6th The beautiful new coat fashions have already made their impression in the city. You see them on the street, at church, and everywhere else where women are anxious to appear well dressed. Many of the handsomest coats you see are Wooltex tailored coats with their charming, stylish beauty and clever trimming effects. There's a coat here now that will just suit you in its style, weight, color and price There's a difference between Woltex coats and other coats . x that is a real difference-so real that many women never think of buying anything but Wooltex. There's never any doubt about the quality of the materials in Wooltex coats. They are pure wool and pure silk. There's never any question about the superiority of the tailoring. They are made, every stitch, in the most expert way, and under the supervision of master tailors. And best of all. you can have a Wooltex tailored coat with all its superiority, and pay no more for it than you would for an ordinary garment. THE MINER BROS CO. .-iJi' n vV The Store That Sells Woltex Red Cloud, Nebraska New Goods In All Departments. "A Mighty Sale Place to Trade" ' i . . ;. a 'J Red Cloud People Praise Simple Mixture . Many In lied Cloud pralso the simple mixture of buckthorn bark irlvcorine. etc.. known uh Adlor I kill This remedy Is the most THOHOUC.H tiowel cleanser ever hold being even used Miocessfully In appendicitis ONE SPOONFUL relieves ulmost ANY CASH of constipation, sour or gassy htnmuoli. ONE .MINUTiO after yon Hike It the Kii-es rumble xud nii'-s out Adler-i Uu ciinuot tfrlpo mid the INSTANT nctioi: is surpilsliiK. C. L. CottliiK. Residence Property For Sale I will 'ell my residence piojieriy in Ked Cloud cheap. It consists of t);j lots with n good I! loom house and a burn U'JxUI. Write to A. Kenkol, Iat,'o, i Coloiadn, or iiiquiiv of C. 1 Wallln. P I With every 50c purchase of Embroidery Friday and Saturday you will be given One Bar of Laundry Soap Free Remember these Embroideries arc marked at cost or less and the Soap is FREE. Grocery Bargains 3 10c Packages Sunflower Cornflakes for 25 cents TRY AUCTIONEER... COL. R. C. PETERS SEE HIM NOW FOR SALE DATES He Understands Livestock Values and Has Enjoyed Great Success as an Auction eer That Gets The Money. IMIONU OK Willi: MATES To COL. R. C. PETERS Guide Rock, : Nobratka COL. PETER'S SALC DATES ,1. II. lliu.'llton A- Son. October J't. Saturday, October 30 You Are Most Cordially Invited To Come To Red Cloud And Be Our Guests At Our Free Open Air Band Conceit And At The Tepee Moving Picture Show Get your Tepee Tickets From Any of the Merchants. They Are As Free As The Water That Flows. w BIG AND CONCERT On Main Street AT 1:30 P. M. m EPEi T PICTURES Starts at 3:00 P. 117. uF i RE. m m m HE Dd Sooner or Later You Will Have To Repair That Corn Crib WHY NOT NOW? PL ATT & FREES m a RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA UH mm m r. II. Miner Dr.S.S. IH-nrdorf.M. . i Veterinary In ChnrKu D UG S Cans Rex Pork and Beans 25 cents Hi C. H. Miner Serum Co. -iMtonrc Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud Nebraskn Wire or IMione at Our Expense II, S. Veterinary License No. 45 THE ALARM is it dreadful think'! I OF FIRE for tho nmn without insurance. Every tln.c ho sees the engines rnuiug ulnni; Ins heart comes up in his thront if tins llro Is uny wliero . near his place. What folly, what nils ttiUon economy. THE COST OF i so small that it J INSURANCE need hardly be considered. Tint freedom from worry alone U worth it many times over Have ns Insure you to-day. V. Cm IGtLmimmm Reliable Insurance. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' a Nebraska R. E. CAMP, D. C. Chiropractor Phones Independent 212 Bell Ked 1G1 E. S. Gatrber Heal Estate, Farm Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED i tSrOrrjcu Oven A Minion r's Store 7i I A a 4