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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1915)
At ?j t u REP ALOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF I 1 f A QigPED IU5T a tale or cml strife u 4fPANDALL PARPISH ft ItLU3TPATION$ &-C.D PHODZ5 1 COPYMGHr I ( ) r.v?rft?xrtj CHAPTER I. On Special Service. It waB already growing dusk when flic Staunton Iiattcry of Horse artil lery returned wearily to camp after hours of hard field drill, the men over ronsclouB that no evolution, however trivial, was being overlooked by "Stonewall" Jackson, sitting astride his sorrel on a llttlo eminence to the left, IiIb stern faco unrelieved by even the semblance of a smllo. The winter quarters of the Staunton artillery were slightly off tho main road and 1 remained for somo tlmo overseeing tho enre of tho horses be fore nppronchlng the hut whoro tho noncommissioned ofllcers hnd mess. Wo wito nil of us still at tho tablo, discussing tho Incidents of tho drill, when n lieutenant appeared suddenly In the doorway "Sergeant Wyntt?" ho Inquired brlrliy. I arose to my feet. "Hero, sir," I answered In somu sur prise. "You aro requested to report to Oonernl Jackson nt once; his head quarters for tonight are at Coulter'B farm, on tho dirt piko You will ride jour own horse." I''lvo minutes Inter I was guiding my own horso down tho dark road, bending low In the saddle, obsessed with a feeling that this mission, whatever It might turn out to be, promised n chango In my fortunes. It was nn ugly path, rutted deep by artillery wheels, and dungcrous for tho horso. I was an hour reaching tho Coulter house, n doublo log cabin, some llfty feet or more back from tho road. It wbb with somo difficulty that I mado my way through the obstruct ing guard to tho steps, where an officer took my name at tho closed door, dis appeared In a sudden blaze of light and I stood thero silently In tho shadows waiting. Ten minutes must have elapsed be fore tho door opened again and I heard my named called. It was a rough appearing, commonplace In terior. A sturdy flro burned in tho fireplace, and three lamps Illumined tho scene, revealing tho presence of five men, among whom I Instantly recognized Kwell, Ashby, together with Jackson, and his chief of staff. Tho fifth occupant of the room sat alono in ono corner, his faco partially concealed, revealing little other than a fringe of gray whiskers. Jackson, seated behind n table littered with papers and mapB, glnnced up at tho announcement of tho orderly, and I came Instantly to nttcntlon, my hnnd lifted In salute. The general's stem blue eyes surveyed mo Intently "Sergeant Wyntt, Staunton artil lery?" "Yes. sir." "How long, may I ask. have you teen In tho service?" "Since May, 'CI, sir." "Ah! indeed. And your ngo?" "Twenty-four, sir." Ho mado somo remark nsldo to the llde, who nodded bnck, and pointed to a map before them. "You are a younger man in appear ance than I had expected to Bee, sor gqant," Jackson said slowly. "Yot I have learned within the last year to havo confidence In young men. War Is a swift developer of manhood Your colonel speaks of you in tho highest terms and Informs mo that you aro a natlvo of Green Driar county." "Our homo was at Lowisburg, sir." "Then you nro doubtless Intimately acquainted with that section?" "Very well, Indeed, general." Jackson sat motionless and In si lenco for what seemed a long while, his grave eyes on my faco, but his mind evldontly elsewhere, ono hand unconsciously crumpling a folded pa per. Ashby moved his chair, causing It to crunch noisily on tho floor, and tho commander aroused at tho un usual sound. i ' "By any possibility are' you related to Judgo Joe) Wyatt?" he questioned ilowly. "Ho was my father, sir. He has been dead two years." "I regret to hear It. Your mother, unless I am mistaken, was a Farqu har, of North Carolina?" "Yes, Hlr she has returned to her old homo." "Tho best of southern blood, gentle men." ho Bald smilingly, glancing to ward the others, but with watchful eyes instantly returning to scan me. "Was sho driven out of Green Driar by tho state of unrest In that sec tion?" "in a measure yes," I replied promptly. "It was hardly safo for her to remain there alono. Tho county la filled with Union sympathizers, and roamed ovor by bands of guorrlllns, claiming allegiance with both sides, but sparing no ono. At present, I understand, Federal troops have been sent there from Charleston and nro In control," "Your information is partially cor rect; but In order to perfect plnns now contemplated 1 require a still more dellnlte knowltdgo of existing conditions. I need to know accurate ly U) numl'or and distribution of tho Union forces in Green Hrlar, and nlso more complete information regarding thoso irregulars who are In sympathy with us, as well ;ih tho character of their leaders. Judging from tho rec ommendation given you by Colonel Mnltlnnd I felt that you were peculiar ly adapted to render this service. How ovor. Sergeant Wyatt, I propose Btnt Ing plainly that this may provo an exceedingly dangerous detail, and If you decide to accept it, it muBt bo dono as n volunteer," Ho paused questioning!', and 1 drew a quick brenth, realizing suddenly the seriousness of tho situation und tho Importance of my decision. "I nm perfectly ready to go, sir." Kwell broke In impntlently with 'his high-pitched voice "May 1 nsk If It bo generally known In Green Hrlar that you nro enlisted in tho Confederate service?" "To but very few, sir," I nnswered, turning to look across nt my unex pected questioner "To none I nm nt nil likely to encounter. My mother nnd I left the county at tho first outbreak. My father's affiliations were with tho Union element," "Most fortunate. Nothing could bo better, General Jackson. Tho ser geant enn very safely travel b n Fed eral officer In benrch of recruits. Tho matter of papers can, of course, bo easily arranged." Jackson turned toward his nlde. "What Federal troops are now gar risoning Charleston, Swan?" "An Ohio brigade, with a regiment of Pennsylvania cavalry. There Is also a company of heavy artillery outside tho town." Tho commander leaned his head on his hand. "It was not my original plan to send you Into tho lines of tho enemy In a Federal uniform. Howevor, Gen eral Ewell'8 judgment Is probably cor rect. Havo you a late army list there, Colonel Swan?" "Yes, sir, Issuod tho fourteenth." He turned the pages slowly, leaning forward to tho light. "Here Is a Lieu tenant Raymond, Third U. S. cavalry, reported on recruiting detail. Ills regiment is stationed at Fairfax Court House." "Ho will answer as well bb any other. It Is scarcely probable the man would be known In that remote section. What Ib tho full name? and where is ho from?" "Charles II.; appointed from Ver mont." "Colonel Swan will arrange" tho necessary papers and equipment. Or dorly, havo Major Kline step in hero "You Are Requested to Report to General Jackson at Once." at once. Ah, Kline, havo you among your trophk'B of war a Federal lieu tenant's uniform which will probably fit this man?" "I bclievo so, sir," and tho officer addressed ran his eyo appralslngly over my figure. "Any particular regi ment?" "Third United States cavalry. Havo It pressed and sent here at once, se curely wrapped, together with saber and revolvers. Sergeant, do you de sire a better mount?" "No, sir, my horso Is fresh and a good traveler." "Then that will bo all, Klino; ex cept, of course, complcto Federal cav alry equipment for the horse." Tfce officer saluted and disappeared, tho door instantly closing behind him, cutting off tho hum of voices without. Thero was a moment of si lence. "You hnd better retain your present dress until after you leave tho valley," counseled Jackson, slowly. "Swan will furnish you with a pass, which should bo carefully destroyed after passing our pickets at Covington. It will bo of no servlco to you beyond thnt point. My best wishes for your success, Sergeant Wyatt." Ho stood up, and I felt tho firm grasp of his band. Then Ashbv nriri. ped my shoulder. "Wntt." he Raid kindly. "If you per doslro to change otir arm of tho service, you are tho kind of man I want to rldo with me" I smiled In appreciation, but before I could nnswer, tho man who had been sitting silently In tho corner arose, and stood erect In tho light. The glenm of the lamp Instantly revenled his faco, still shadowed by tho wide hat brim, tho tlrm, bearded chin, the grnvcly smiling eyes "General Ashby," ho snld with quiet dignity. "Sorgennt Wyntt, I am sure, performs this Important duty without thought of reward. It is tho South that has need of such men In every branch of her servlco." IIo enmo for ward, and extended his hnnd cordially. "I am General Leo, nnd am very glad to greet, and wish God speed to tho boh of Judge Wyatt. If you return in safety, you will report to mo In person nt Richmond General Jack son will bo nrrango with your battery commander." Tlmy were nil upon their feet, stnndlng In respectful attention. I murmured something, I scnrcely knew what, bowing bb I backed toward tho door. And this wns Lee Robert E. Leo-this man with tho kind, thought ful faco, the gentle voice, tho gravely considerate manner. And ho had greeted mo In words of personal friendship, hnd spoken to mo of my father. 1 know 1 straightened to sol dierly ercctnccB, every pulso thrilling with n now resolve. A moment I stood there, my eyes on the ono faco I saw before me, and then went out Into tho darkness. Tho orderly closed tho door. CHAPTER II. An Unwelcome Companion. It wns in tho chill of a cold, gray morning that 1 rode Into Strnsburg, Jogging along at the rear of n squad ron of Fifth Virginia cavalrymen who chnnccd to bo headed for tho sntno place. TIicho found quarters In tho town, but I proceeded u mllo or more south on tho valley pike, until I reached a single-roomed cabin, heavy wooden Bhuttcrs bnrrlng tho windows tho door closed and securely fnBtened Tho place to all appearances was do Bcrted, and hnd been for a long whtln Although sltuntcd scarcely a hundred feet back from tho valley turnpike, which wns never without its travelers, and along which nrmlcs marched and countermarched, tho surroundings were thoso of a rcmoto wilderness. 1 dismounted, and leading my horso, pressed a difficult passago through tho bushes. To my surprise tho rear door stood slightly ajar, and my eyes per ceived the movement of an 111-deflnod shadow within. "Hollo there!" I called out, yet in stinctively drawing a step backward. "Ib there any room hero for a tired man?" The tall, angular flguro of a moun taineer immediately appeared In the doorway, and a gray, wrinkled face, scraggly bearded, looked forth, tho eyes glinting and tilled with sus picion. "Wal, who bo yo, an whut do ye wnnt yens?" "I am a soldier," I replied, rnthor shortly, not particularly pleased with either the man's nppearanco or mnn ner. "Mysolf and horso nro about worn out. I mistook this for a do sorted cabin." "Whar bo ye bound 7 an' whut may yo bo up to a-travelln' nlono?" I smiled, endeavoring to rctnln my temper. "See, hero, friend," I returned short ly. "I havo ub much reason to ask you such questions ns you havo me. However, 1 am willing enough to an swer. I am on furlough, and am go ing homo across tho mountains to seo my folks. Do you know Raleigh county?" The man, who was now standing up right In tho doorway, ono hand grip ping tho barrel of a musket, tho early morning light on his withered faco. stared unwlnkingly into my eyes. "1 rather reckon I do, young man," ho replied slowly. "Fur I was raised up on tho Green Urlar. What mout be yer name?" "Cowan," I answered promptly, my mind Instantly alert, and aware I had mado a mistako." "Ho! Yo don't say! Ono o' ol' Ned Cowan's boys?" "No. I am a son of Widow Cowan, over on Coal crook." Thoro was not tho faintest glim mer In the cold, bluo eyes, no evidenco of any recollection In tho wrinkled face. Ills JawB roBO and fell on the tobacco which extended his cheek. "I don't reckon I'vo been over that way fer nigh on fifteen year," he said at last reflectively. "An' somehow I don't Just recall no Widow Cowan but I know ol' Ned mighty well. lie's took to the brush with bis whole breed since this fracas started, an' som' cuBsea burned his house, an' sent the ol' woman after 'em. It's plumb hell In Green Urlar. Maybo yer a Cowan, but I'm d d If ye look like ony o' thet outfit ever I see afore. What part o' the army wua yo with?" "Sixty-fifth Virginia Covington company, Captain Daniels." The older man chewed awhllo In si lonco, evidently impressed with the seeming frankness of tho reply. "Wal, ye mout bo a Cowan, o' course," ho admitted reluctantly. "Enyhow I reckon It don't mako no great difference, for If yo bo goln' ter Green Hrlar we kin rldo awhllo for gather. Two Is better than ono theso days. Hitch yer hoss out thar In tho scrub alongside o' mlno, an' then come In ycro. Wo'll cat a blto fust, an' thou lie down a spell, fer I'vo been a-rldlu' most o' ther night myself." Hla volco was hardly as cordial as his words sounded, but I felt It best to accept tho rather surly Invitation. I led my horso down the dim path In dicated, tllltll I I'lUlll! ID title t other animal n rangy, III grnnmi'u sorrel wns securely hidden I hud blindly stepped Into n trap, but Just what kind I could not us ut deter mine. 1 must win tho man's coutl denre. and loam what I could, Tho fellow, w hoover ho might proo to bo, was evidently In concealment. Whoovor ho might proxo to lie spy, scout, busliwhncker or deserter be yond all question ho possessed iuti mnto knowledge of the country lying lie) ond tho AtleghcnlcH Ho knew tho existing conditions there, and was ac quainted with tho people. Oncu his couudcni'o could bo fully secured, pro viding his sympathies wero with tho ennui of the South, as was most prob able, his Information would bo of the utmost value. Reticent as ho was, MtsplrlouH and cloao-uinuthcd, a silent, typical mountaineer, ho could surely ho Induced to let fall some scrap of Information. 'And somewhere along tho way an opportunity must surely nrlFo whereby 1 might escape from his company, If such u move beenmo really desirable Revolving theso thoughts rapidly In my mind, 1 returned to tho hut, care fully bearing (ho bundle containing tho federal uniform tucked under my nrm The gaunt mountaineer, busily The Figure of Mountaineer Appeared In the Doorway. engaged In preparing brenkfast at tho open fireplace, scarcely favored mo with a glnnco of recognition, but be gan to arrnuga tho scant supply of food on an overturned box. "Just pitch In, an' help yourself, Cowan," ho said, affecting a cordiality of manner not altogether natural. "Thar ain't much of It, but we'll eat whut we've got, an' then rest awhile. If yer a-goln' ter travel along with mo It will bo dono mostly at night till wo git down Covington way." I seated myself without ceremony. "You nro In hiding, then?" I asked carelessly, not oven glancing up at the expressionless faco oppoBlto. "Wal", not exactly. Wo'vo grown pretty skeery back In tho hills no body thar knows their friends frum their enemies theso days. Yer ain't been thar lately, I reckon?" "No; not for ovor a year." (TO nn CONTINUED.) YOU CAN NEVER ASCERTAIN The Beach Is Evidently a Most Be wltderlng Place to Size Up Social Pedigrees. For tho last tlmo they mot on the beach. "I am sorry if what I am compollcd to say palnB you," ho Biild, "but my royal relatives would never consent to my marrying a woman of low blood. Whenever ono of us Do Rltslcs havo mixed beneath us our rich bluo blood turns In our children to a dls agrecablo orango color. Hut, needless to say, I have onjoyed our little nf fair tremendously, and I trust that wo part the best of frlenjls," "Assuredly, your highness," replied tho beautiful thing. "I Hhnll return to my humble Job In tho kitchen happy In tho knowledge thnt ono of your rank has condescended to stoop to my levol. And now go, Henry, If you pleaso, hero comes my employer." "Tho Duko do Swobblts!" exclaimed tho other, and moved off just as the fumous noblcmnn Joined tho beautiful thing. "Well!" ho heard tho duko say fondly, "I hopo my llttlo American wife hasn't boen flirting again!" "Well, I'm another!" muttered Hen ry, and, repairing to the barroom of the Seaside pazaz, he donned hln apron and began work for tho day. Made Him Ache All Over. Tho llttlo cottago is of that capacity whore thoro is always room for ono more. Ono night small Tommy had to bo awakened and his bed mado rendy for a late and unoxpectod guest. Whlla they wore trying to decide whethor to fix his bed In tho morris chair or on tho floor ho fretfully wished thoy would hurry up. "Why, Tommy," said IiIb mothor,, "you don't wunt to he a selfish llttlo boy, do you?" Stretching out and starting for tho morrla chair, ho said: "Mother, I'm bo unsoltluh now I ache all oor." Queer Contradiction. "I can't understand why my husband don't llko cats." "Nothing queer about a dislike of thnt sort." "Uut he's bo fond of a llttlo kitty thoy have at his club," I The U1& llnSaaM i This Great Roofing Organization It Trained Lihe an A rmy Three enormous mills officered nnd manned by the best trained force rver enlisted in nn industrial army three Iiiikc fnctorics thnt nre run like clockwork. Military exactness in the securing nntl selection of raw mnterial, nnd in every step flout then on until the finished product is distributed nnd sold. Constant rendiness bcintt prepnred every minute for the work to he dono the next Kight there you have your fuiRer on the great, essential reason for the unfailing satisfaction every user finds in Certain-teed I ROOFING This roofing certainly has no su perior. It is the best roofing thnt can possibly be made nnd it is manufac tured in and guaranteed by the largest Roofing nnd Uuilding Paper Mills in the World. I -ply is guaranteed 5 yenrs; 2-ply, 10 yenrs, nnd 3-ply, 15 years, nnd this guarantee means the minimum life of the roofing. Thou sands of Certain-teed Roofs nil over the country nre outliving the period of the guarantee. When the General first entered tho field the cost of roofing wns two or three times more tlmn it is today and the quality was not as high nn Certain-teed is today. Uy reason of his enormous output the General has not only been nble to bring down llin cost nnd selling price of roofing, but he has nlso been nble to rnise tha quality to its maximum. Today every fifth roll of roofing sold bears the Certain-teed label. Certain-teed roofing, thinglet, wal! bearing the lieneral ename, arm told er at very reatonable prices. Don't goodt. Patronize your home dealer. General Roofing Manufacturing Company' HVrM'a lowest tiuiuufcicturtn of lloaAna and lluiUUna lurri New York City Chicago Philadelphia I Detroit bsnl-rsncisro Cincinnati Minneapolis KanaaaLlty Saattla Atlanta Houston London Hamburg Sydney WANTED TO GET IT RIGHT Walter Was Up Against an Order Which Was Decidedly a New One to Him. Once n short llttlo woman and her tull husband wont to a cafu of tho cheaper sort for dlnnor. "Yes," sold tho llttlo woman, an sho tried In vain to touch her feet to tho floor, "and, llonry, I want a hassock." Henry nodded, nnd aa ho handed hln order to tho waltor, said: "Yes, and bring tho lady u hassock." "Ono hassock?" asked tho waltor, with what Henry thought more than ordinary interest, as ho nodded in tho afurmntlvo. Still tho waltor did not go, but brushed tho tablecloth with a towel and rearranged tho articles on It Bovcral times, whilo hla faco got very rod. Then ho camo around to tho hus band's sldo and, speaking In a whis per, said: "Say, mister, I haven't boen hero long, nnd I'm not on to all theso things. Will tho lady havo tho has sock brollod or frlod?" CUTICURA SHAVING la Up-to-Date Shaving for Sensitive Skins. Trial Free. Prepare razor. Dip brush In hot water and rub It on Cutlcura Soap hold In palm of hand. Thon mako lather on faco and rub In for a inomont with fingers. Mako second lathering and ahavo. Rub bit of Cutlcura Oint ment over shaven parts (and on scalp if any dandruff or Itching) and wash all off with Cutlcura Soap and hot water, shampooing samo tlmo. Ono soap for all shaving, shampooing, bathing and toilet. It's velvet for sen sitive skins. No slimy mug. No germs. No waste of tlmo or money. Free samplo each, It you wish. Address postcard, "Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Boa ton." Sold everywhere. Adv. An Involuntary Passenger. "Pa, who was It that first rodo In a BUbmarlno?" "Jonah, my son." Boston Tran script. But a mothor-In-law can lay down the law to a lawyer. 10c Worth of (gOH!) Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land Get rid of the stumps and crow big crops on cleared land. Now is the time to clean ud your farm ire Business Opportunities Do you know tbat one of tbe most profitable linen of Irodn la a miliar Koom and Howling Alley In combination with a Clear Store, Qnlek Lunch Itotim or llarberBUopT Wo bare a large list of good locations. Tbey are youra for the asking;. Write at once! atatlng if here you U Ire to locate. Ask for catalogs of Dllliard Table, Howling Alley and rixtures. We sell on easy payments. I be IraiswIrJcltlmC-CtUMto CMDcpLXn.23 Wabash Ivc, CUcif 1 General Says: Know-why and know-how nrp essential t nny success, lively one of us lm (o at knowledge thnt the iinmn sort of mllitnry piepainlnes that fits nation for its defense is the most cllcctive principle in making nn industry of nny kind erv. icenble nnd profitnblo both to manufacturer ond consumer. 2 Slat Surfaced SHINGLES These shingles nre rnnde of the same fiiah-nradc materials ns nre used in Certain-teed Roofing. This process recognizes the principle thnt roofing materials don t wrnr out they dry out llierelore, Certain-feed HooIiiirms made with n soil center nsmutll nnd ennted with n harder blend ot asphalts, which keeps the soft saturation within the life of the roofing--from diying out quirkly. I his produces n (lexiblo slungle, n true sign ol thorough anttira tion in the slowest drying nsnhiill mix tures thnt enn he made for roofing pur- noses. A thick, still or heavy-bodied nsphnlt shingle is by no means u proof ol durability on the root. We use only genuine crushed slnto in natural green or red colors lor sur facing the Certain-teed Shingle. No painting is ncccsviry. We don't try to use old brick.commontocLor crushed tile from old tile roofs. 1 ha slain nlso increases the firo-resisting qualities, thereby minimizing fire dangers and lowering insurance rates. board; felt; building paper; etc.. by your local lumber or hardware deal tend your money away for thete Si. Louis notion CUrrUnd PtHsbnrgrs PATENTS Vtar sob K. ('Ivnisus I'alnnl Lawyer, VVMliluirtna, j. nuvHKntiiHHiaaira tuu ressouams, iiuueni rcrsrtnom. Ucsls Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Osuxs. Nsknwka EUROPEAN PUUi Booms from 11.00 np lugle, 75 ccnla up doubt, CAFE PK1CC KCAONAaWyj FerstlStovta, Rsnsss, Far ntcss. Cttaa ana Hot WsUf Flask) If your local (UaUr will not snpplr yon, write us dlruct, glvlnaTufa suuua. UNCOLN STOVE REPAIR CO. Bskuia Hock. ttwkMk. FALL PLANTING All kinds of bulbs such aa Tulips, Hyacinths. Narcissus, Chinese Lily, etc, ajno ail faU Brains. Our fall catalog now ready. It ! free to yon. Write today. GRISWOLD SCtB COMPANY, 149 S. lOlh St., Ltacela, Nb FILMS DEVELOPED We bars cms of the best equipped flnlsblnc depart ments In tns country and the obns you stnd us (or flireloplng. prloUns or enlar&inc will be handled by szveits who will est tbe best possible results est you. A trial order will convince you ol til supsilas Quality ot our work. LINCOLN PHOTO SDPPLT CO. (Uatiutu Kodak Ou.) 1217 O ST.. Dept K. Lincoln. Rsbrmaa W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 36-1015. Got Himself Disliked. "Why dooB tho brldo hato talm?" "lie's ono ot tltBo practical Jokora whom everybody hates. Tho bride asked him to como ovor and try aom of her blBcults." , "Didn't ho go?" ( "Ych, and took a hammer and a cold clilsol with him." Considerate. "Thoy say MrH. Brown hasn't paid nor servants In throo months." "Why does sho kcop so muny ofi them, then?" "Sho says sho fools It hor duty to glvo employment to an many as pos Blble in thoso hard tlmos." Anothor odor that Is greatly over estimated Is tho scent of tbe new mown hay. Buck Kllby says heaven will emit him all right If thoy'll lot blm trada his harp for a trombone. STOVf REPAIRS Ik while products bring high prices. Blasting is quickest, cheapest and easiest with Lxw Freez ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold weather. Write for Frtie Handbook of Exploeiot Nt). 69F, and name ofnearett dealer. DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON DELAWARE n4 . r tit,"'. ' ?! -m 4. J .h4 'SI V -V l :wm w i 7 . ' F M :, m ri $ 'i m n ' 1 'U! flri t- X' a i i i fiiit 1 E1 l VI'. ;w tiWWTV'yM'''yf,; WW"'1 'r3CTl gssgaesajBanaW -. L -u. -,,. i5L4 'LZs!l, I WKf Lr, JaWi ' j