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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1915)
'A PpW . RBD CLOUD, HEBRAtA, CHIEF iruaTniminmiianjin.iii;tiHn;ui:'iiitinnminftiijimnH!iiiii'iinnnuTmtnrii,nnimq ni!nifiEn.iimiJi:im'fmiirEuimTi'iE)!Niiiiriiiinnii;rinfinm,mtuaniinimniiTiniinnEi!:inmniiKi HENRY COOK, M. D. i)i:.M.t:u in IM1UGS, BOOKS, STATIONhKV, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILHT AKTICLhS J i " n m w MIIWI i," I i,i'i1 T'J'I M. '11 messs&sm n s Roll g Your Dollars My Way And They Will Roll Back To You Buy your harness at home and you can always obtain repairs for them at a very small cost. : : : :: If you are a judge of harness I can please you-if you are not a judge leave it to me and you will be better pleased than ever. s s JOE FOGEL ucsssesn I' -S sessscfoi WHITE SALE Every women with lingerie to buy will find tfcir sale mc,of great attractiveness. Exten sive selections are offered of the best das of, dainty. ods at unusual prices: ' ' .M ' 12-yd bolt of Long Cloth, per bolt $1.10 (Sold only by the bolt) Cambric Muslin from 10c per yd to 16c Nainsook Muslin in plain or check at 15c and - - 18c f Plisse and Crepes at 15c per yd and 18c Muslin in as good a grade as you will find anywhere at 9c 10c per yd and 12Jc Embroideries and Laces for trimmings in all grades and width If you can not, come and see these goods yourself, send for samples Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent For y-- Butterick Patterns - Warner Bros. Corsets wounm HHBmres' -m esi f 69SSOMSS MM S9flMi69e9 IF YOU WANT THAT- d t. 1VI-J U-JL IiVAunuiiiciu - marker. - neaasione m FOR -- I 8, ,8 DECORATION DAY I You Should Place Your Order Now UVhHlp bHUb. & GO. I naawflFii w a iwipim mamm a am a mm m a. R;d Cloud, ' Nebraska Are School Taxes Too High? , There nro throe local lntlttitJon) iiiiflioi Ixvd to levy taxes tho county, thoclly, ami tlio school. In thvsu the county lias ulway.H loviwl Hie full limit allowed by law. H hui the city. Tlio school illsti let doc not, iind lins not ilonti ho for suvHiul jniiiH It in tlio only one o the taxing Institutions that has consistently kept below tliu lcgid limit mid Is entitled to credit Instead of iilnist! for doing so Our levy for Hill Is: bond, u mills; general, 27 mills. We me 8 mills be low the limit I have wiltton to n number of other districts of similar Mtiiiilion ami .si.u S line of thorn aio as follows: Supeiior, .'W miles; Alma 27; MeCoolt, at ; Mlndeii at); (Jlmdron, :ir; Cential City, .'11; G -nova, .'I'l; Wymore .'!.. We arc doing as well as other dis tricts and uro getting a better seiiool If wo have a cliancu to go ahead, 1 am n t in favorof cutting down tlio school levy. Wo need It to develop tho schools and ought not to bo crippled at this tiino. L. II. Kt.ACKLKDOE. SOUTH 1NAVALE W. 11 Conlcy and wife visited rela tives In Itiuvalo Sunday. Itood Dickenson visited relatives near Franklin the first of the week. Fay A meson and family were guests at the 11. F. Points homo Sunday. F. I j Stokes and wife wore Sunday visitors at the John Mi tche I homo. Harry Chaplin and wife spoilt Sun day at the (J. X. Itlanhenbaher homo. Mrs. Hose Points niHUllttle sou spent Sunday at the Elinor ltobinbon home. Thorc will be a box social at district No. 70 next Friday night. Everybody invited. (liandpa lilanUenbaher contimus quite III with but littlo hopes of bis recovery. Carroll Noble and wife are th ) proud parents of a littlo daughter bom last Saturday. Mr. and Mis. John IlurdwieU were transacting business In lied Cloud Saturday. Walter Whlteley of Nelson was a guest at tho Whlteley home ii few days last week. Tniues Sutton and family have mov ed to the Oliver Sutton homo whore they will reside the coming year Mrs. E E. ltlankeubaker and Miss Inez. Strickland spent last Friday with their coiibin, Mrs. Herman Dailey. Tlieo. Hawkins accompanied a ship ment of stockjtq.lCttosiiHGjtv.lH8t week and also Visited his friire ills' tik Topekn, rtnnsns. - - " Mm! Oliver Warlheeu is spen'ding a fev days at the Herman Dailey home helping care fortliejr new grunddauglu tor which was bor'ri last Tuesday. Publisher's Statement '"' " Statement' of '.the ownership and management of the Hud Cloud Chief, as per act of congress, August 21, 1012. Editor, managing editor, business manager, publisher and owner, A. B McArthur, Red Cloud, Nebr. Sworn to and subscribed bofore me this tlrst day of April, 10ir. (Seal) S. It. Fi.oiian'ck, Notary l'ahllo. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North o! I. O. 0. F. Hall Graduate Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free . At Office Phone lnd.212 For First Class PAINTING DECORATING PAPER HANGING SIGN PAINTING SEE BBRT CARR tsrPrlcw reaMMble T $7,000.00 TO PENSION INVALIDS If we receive 500 subscriptions to The Ladies Home lournnl, The Saturday Evening Post, 1 he Country Gentleman, $1.50 each, each month till April 30, to EQUAL last year'k business, the original $5,000, earned years ago, becomes the property of Til K INVALIDS PKNSlON ASSN., making $7,000 to pension Inva lids. No salaries. Invalids get all. YOUR OKDKIt or renewal contributes $oc or more towards the support of a score of invalids who have received pension checks each mouth nearly two years. Always address your order to COBDOI, THE MAGAZINE Mil, Dalai, ID. E. S. Gaurber Real Estate, Farm Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud. - Nebraska Midwest Magazine For March Will Manpln bus moved his Midwest Magazine to Omaha, nnd the Mm oh Issue shows a decided tmpinieinciit over previous issue It c.iino with a coloii'd cover, with design by Spencer and contains many article-, of li.tciest anil f'dtii'utlomil v.ilno Tim won ler ful .ScollsblulV couiittv Is ghon do. seived attention and the article Is handsomely Hlnstialed. An e. em ploye or theOiuaua Won. I Herald tin nMit s a cleverly w 1 it ton tn tide about Senatoi liitchcojh, and lelK home in side facts about Nobiiiskii t.ewspiiper history. An old repot tt-r writes of 11 famous Investigation In an old luio legist ittvo hisHiou, ami 11 1 lull of laughs. Will M upin eoniiibuu-s anollier of his Inimitable ".Memory KKciirsicn" Mirl-, nnd t, ,.0 ui, hi lug smiles to the faces of the older citizens who read It. When he talks about the "water witch" ol the old days ho Is talking about something the old folks will remember. Arthur Evuus Wilcox cotitiibutes an article In which ho duplicates continued at tacks upon bucinesa, and John (I Maher cotitiibutes an aitlole on the subject of pronlbltion. The editor also offers 11 western story that has to do with cowboys and tlio open latige and the wild country It has the real western llavor. There are other and timely at tides in the March Nsue of Midwest, and altogether it Is n maga.ino entitled to lank with tho very best of them. TIih Imslncs men of Nobiaska ouglit to be solidly sup- porting Maupin in his, to adver tise Nebraska, ai.d Midwest .Maga.ino should be in eveiy Nebraska home. A dollar and 11 half a yeai; Hi cents a copy. Address, MM west .M,iga.'na 13S0 W (), W Uldg . Omaha. Nebr. FENCE POSTS N"W IS, THE TIME Tennesse Red Cedar Rounds Wisconsin White Cedar Quarters, Halves and Rounds ''Inquire About the 'Bull Dog' Fence Anchor" IISE fff ASNE-AVERY CO. "Let Us Solve Your Fence Post Worries" Order your Genuine lied Hlvor Early Ohio Seed Potatoes from Miner llios. Co. iJ ' .k- Invisible Patches J Ifeatworkmanlike repairing is f' branch of our business which is divjep. especial ' atten tion. " tlirld Your Torn Garment 'TVlia ;j We "will clean press and re pair,, them so that they will give' you much satisfactory wear. You are accustomed to having your shoes and watch repaired. Why not your clothes? H. G. Hassinger Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud a ' a Nebraska DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Veterinary College TWELVE YKAUS KXrKBIKNCE AT BAILEY'S TIE BAKN Red Cloud -:- Nebraska " ' J7.NO-l - - . FIRE THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF" FIRE for the man without Insurance. Every time ho sees the engines racing along his heart comes up In his throat If tho flro is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THAT COST OF" is bo small that It INSURANCE need hardly be considered, The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insuro you to-day. O. C. TEEL, ifd Insurmnc: r1 "IC3 I' Ml 'irm imjmtit t r f n !iil dill 1,, 11 I CS-BETl PAINT UP and CLEAN UP Now is the time to think of Painting and Cleaning, not only outside the house, but inside also. Sewall's Chemically Pure Paint cannot be surpassed for SPREADING and durability. Sewall's Interior Paint for walls is the finest wall paint in the market. CHI NAMEL Varnish and Stain for your finishing work has been used here so long it is a household word. They are all sold by CHAS. L. COTTING The Druggist m9mmmswmsm9msmsmm mmmmimB G M. Spring House Cleaning Will Be on Hand in a Few Days Y OU WILL NEED a new Rug for the parlor or some part of the house. Wehayean exception ally large line to select from in all 1 1 jtO f Also have a nice line of Linoleum just arriving with some of the new patterns. ' af- w tn lyni ' ' .1 'j Call In And See Them THE PRICE IS RIGHT ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. '1 SHBHBHB Ol C7HHHHB'V B OilHHBBf SS (fclifc MHBMCCa J Pianos and Musical Merchandise 5 I UNDERTAKING 'LKDV BTTENDKNT Lalls Answered Day or Night j vmia sxMistvGMcui uay or lytgnt 1 I ED. AMACK I J ALL THE PHONES - McFARLAND BUILDING I VWHBBHIV Cf m iBpBBIBBBL. WARRANTED BY THE GOVERN MENT WHAT?A FARM You have yet n chance to seleot one of the 01 Irrigated faams in the Klg Horn Ilasin whloh were specially npproved by Government Expe.-lo. Since my recent announcement about those 51 choice Government farms a number have been taken. She remainder will go soon. You can take one now and get a crop this year. Why don't you have your son take an 80 acre tract and put it In alfalfa? Only three years' resldeneo required for title ond Ave month's vocation allowed caoh year. iuuuwi , Tbo Government, acting as your banker, charges you only I2.C0 per aero cash down with no Interest payments-no subsequent annual payments for Ive years-and gives you 20 years' time to clean up the deal. Powell, Wyo., Is tho town in a well settled community. It is one of the best towns In the Uovernmeut Irrigated areas. S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent 1004 Far nam St., Omaha, Nebraska Jrify t PCTmmsrsf sr? rfWWt&KWHDgrfttSU, WtmTi'w ' y .