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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1915)
i J 7I .A i ' I m h i m :v rM Ji' ,. P IV r V . I Hi 1 Ml wmwsH'"'' :tato Ul"r'l Sochly iTj'S'jri-.' i'fJfj!i"SM s... KifrVi m' , - S 'i .. :& BS $ - B- pvi .- 4911 lu !jg?r?.'g!Lv-'',g--- --- igat&gsg-gTgggBtgwia lSfei; Lteiii v-" r. . . 3 uwWTK.r t i to t A?m vvJir.iviiRijmA irz " r r i- i - t-it . i n .r-TTt - jhi bL ab.' hw hi wi w ibi 3 b jtt t-jts ji j!"ittth A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 4.3 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AlMtlL 8, 1JM5. NUM1JEK 15 l - nO MflMTHR lUv Vinrt nlnnnnrl in ,1ni nn nnn EJ OR MONTHS they had planned to get an auto- mobile all of their own. So to town the family went. Car after car was examined. One did not please it was a new car on the market and hadn't been tried out. They didn't know where they could get re pairs. Another had the engine hung so low when the car was loaded, the engine drug on the high places in the road. So they bought an Overland. It had been tried and not found wanting. Jmes Peterson m Red Cloud E 3ME Guide Rock 3 I IE Fu vil i- Tfc $m Wl rmXDB M 1 irr.ti ftMA lb KBa mmmm -i ..A7 .- ..i HeresWLerYour'CxiuUeEnds OUR experience in vision testing enablesv us to correct your eyes with scientific accuracy. Wc specialize in the most modem forms of spectacles and eyeglasses, including the popular Toric and Kryptok Invisible Bifocal Lenses. It will be a pleasure to demonstrate for you the superior merits of these lensei in our patented You will admit that Fits-U's are the most com fortable and best-looking glasses you ever saw. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist muwa i.v. Wl!, mjftm Capable Men Elected At Election Tuesday The spline election held hero Tups lay jmssuil oiT viry quietly. The voto was houvy iiuri the Issues well dullued. There Is no questioning tho present M-initneiit in letriird to the wet iitirt dry eonttoversy, the elty hiivlnjj rouo dry by u liirge ninjority. Mayor Diim eiell was returned to otllee with u very UritteiiuK vote. This vote means Unit tl.e people of the eity were siitisllod with the imuiner ill whluli the public aTuiiH weio handled duriiiK the past year and Mayor Daiuerell feels that it la an endorsement of his policies. There was less of personality evi denced in this election, perhaps, than uny other previously held here. Prin ciple and policy were talked more than ujcu and candidates. The vote of the two wards was as follows: L1CKNSE VOTE 1st wd 2nd wd For License 81 l2 Against License ...v.. 'XI 159 IIOAUL) OF EDUCATION 'lstwd 2ml wd Total C.J.Pope 112 173 Clark Stevens.. 101 153 C.H.Miner 87 100 O.E.Cross 90 189 CITY OFFICERS 1st wd 2nd wd Mayor HobertDaiuercll,... 110 C. II. Patter ,.-, 05 Clerii- O. C Teel...., 103 Treasurer a. It. Florence 1.T8 Uuo.Tiitie 11 City EuBlneer (Jeo. Il.Ovorintf .... 118 Police Judge JumosA liurden.... 113 Councilmen Wade Koontz llfi II NeueiberK GU W. A. May nurd A. 11. Saladeu May Etherton Dies After Short Illness Ethel May Etherton was born Octo ber 13, 1887, at Iicrwyn, Nebraska, and lived there until about 10 years ago, wlieu she and her parents moved to Red Cloud, where they have since re sided. After some months sickness, j she passed nwey to her long resting place, April 2, 1015. " Mlss Etherton was a member of the Congregational church and remained in that faith until death. She leaves three sisters, Mrs. Rose Sutton, Mrs, Myrtle Sanderson of Red Cloud and Mrs. Grace Liggett, of Valley Center, Kansas. Mr. A. Etherton nui Mr. O, Etherton, brothers, reside at this placo, and one brother, Chas. Ether ton of Michigan. Her aged father and mother still survive her. The deceased was a kind hearted and industrious girl who was loved by all those who know her. Tho futieral service was held Sunday, A pi 11 4th, at the resi dence, at 2 p. in., and was conducted by Rev J. L Beebe. Interment was tniuk'iu tho Rod Cloud coinetory. Attorney Halo was down from Frank lin Tuesday. Roy Sattloy went to Lincoln and Omaha this morning on business. A special meeting of the Rebokah Lodge will bo held Wednesday evou; ing, April llth, at which tlino Mrs, Hattle Hoaglaud of North Platto will meet with the lodge as instructor. A good attcudanco of tho members is desired. Two Weddings Were Held Easter Sunday Clarence Logan of Lebanon, Kas., and Miss Jessie Rtckcr of Red Cloud were united In marriage Sunday even ing at 0 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents in Highland township. Rev. nummel performed tho marriage ceremony. This happy young couple will make their home on a farm near Cora, Kansas. On Sunday at high noon occurred tho wedding of Lloyd' Beardsley and Miss Pearl White at tho home of the groom The bride taught school In the Beardsley district and has tho re spoct and esteem of all. The groom is from a well known family In this com munity and is a prosperous young farmer. About one hundred guests were present and after the ceromony they all sat down to a bountiful (Hu ll or. Rev. Hummel pfii formed the marriage ceremony, i'ho Chief along with this young couple's many friends wish them much joy and happiness. 283 2'j7 203 270 177 70 100 195 203 107 133 Easter Sunday Found Many At Church Raster Sunday was an ideal day, the Hint we have had for some time. The various chinches wore well tilled and many special programs were given. At the United Church tho uioining ser vice was given in honor of the Masonic fialeinity, Rev Heebu pieacliing on tin) Itcsuricctlon. In the evening an Easter cantata was given A great many weie unable to get into the house. Tho piogram was a leal musi cal Heat, and gieatly enjoyed. At the Methodist chinch a farewell reception was given Evangelist Sulli van, who concluded his levlval ser vices at that time with ninety con veils. The Methodists express them selves us highly sattstled with this tevival, and from the standpoint of nuintieis, at least it was a success. Early Mass was obseived at the Sacred Heart church and afterwards the beautiful and impressive Easter ceremonials were celebrated. The at tendance was very large at this service, the singing exceptionally flue and the entire service was one long to be remembered. I -3 Farmer Read This You know that land is wealth, then why not take a run up to lllrd City, Kansas, and look at nice level laud that yields big wheat crops, and can be bought from 810 to $20 per acre. A special bargain in 010 ucies only 5 miles from town, less than 910 per acre, half in crop, rent share to pur chaser. Remember one personal In vestigation is worth a hundred descrip tions Call on or write, J. W. SKEKfEit, Bird City, Kansas. Miss Iva Carter returnod to Univer sity Place, Wednesday morning after spending her vacation here with her parents, M. W. Carter and wife. Our spi iugbtock of shoes have ai i lv ed and they are beauties. Tho Ellis Shoo Store. Last Friday morning Adam Morhart had tho mlsfoituuo to slip on tho walk while getting kindling wood and broke his leg, Chas. Woods spent Easter in this city with his family. Mr. Woods loft Monday for Grand Islaud and from there he goes west to buy horses and mules, Make the most of your figure's natural grace by wearing R'G Rustless Corsets Styles For All Figures SUMMER UNDERWEAR Our stock of summer underwear, both the muslin and the knit is now complete. We have an excellent assortment and the prices are light. Select what you will need and buy now while our stock is com plete. Mens Ladles - Hisses Boys Middy Blouses A special display of Ladies' and Misses' Middy Blouses. Prices SOcto $1.00 Roscoe P. Weesner & Co. McCALL PATTERNS- i If You Wish To See 1 The New Styles In Hats Caps rs Sh oes AND Furnishings We will be very glmd to show them g- .;' v WHave Them All In The "Up-to-Now" Shades 1 I. PAIL STOREY The Clothier -J ft M!l!!:il!l!l!ll!!IW!l!ll!ll1ll!ll!n DENTIST R. V. NICHOLSON ALL WORK DONE WITH LEAST PAIN POSSIBLE PRICES REASONABLE ALL WORK POSTIVELY GUARANTEED zsromem over alikiqht'b mromm l!llitlliillllil!ir.MI!!il,l!M Red Cloud High School Wins Fourth. Place Red Oloud won fourth place in tho interscholustic stock judging contest iu which teams from 11 high schools took part. The team from hero was composed of Frauds Llpplncott, Everett Coon nml Cecil Crowcll. Tho team was accompanied by John lloolir. Cecil Crowell mado tho eighth high, est scoro among the 33 contestants. Tho team from Red Cloud won first in cuttle, eighth in sheop, fifth in hogs, and tenth In hordes. Frauds Llppln cott won foil i tli In cattle mid Everett Coon fifth in hogs. Klmer nud Tom Rogers loft today for Minnesota, whero thoy will malto their future home. Fiod and Charley Harris loft Wed nesJay for Wyoming whero thoy In tend to tuko up homesteads. Miss Delia Ferguson of Guide Roclc spent Easter in this city with her ststcr, Mrs. W. O, Ilamlltou uud family. City Conncil Held Meeting Last Night April 7, 1015. The city council met in regular ses sion with Mayor Damerell presiding. The following Councilmen wero pres entPerry, Storey, Caldwell. Minutes of last mooting wore read aud approved. Report of S, R. Floranco was read find ordorod placed on file. Tho council then canvassed tho city election vote which appoars elsewhere In this Issue. Petition of John Wolfe, et nl., for sidewalk on west side block 1, High, land X WeUch add to Red Cloud was read and ou motion same was laid over for the Incoming council, Councilman Perry introduced Ordin unco No, 15 which is u law competing our citizens to clean tho snow off tho walks within 21 hours after It foil and It was pasiod as read, Moved by Perry and seconded by Storey that Light Superintendent bo instructed to make minimum rate' foe (Continued on page 5) k i ' . ', K iK'